Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Part V Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Summation Précis    
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein respectfully instantaneously directs the “Honorable Justice” swift concentration to Plaintiff exhibit (A) solid sounding proof:
a. I am the complaining customer in a missing “Video tape”
b.  United Parcel Services (UPS) claim # 34840164
c. United Parcel Services (UPS) tracking No. 1ZW881789044632784
d. Dated March 11, 2011
e. United Parcel Services (UPS) looking for tape on 11th day of March 2011 will fax finding to the store (CVS/Caremark).
f.   My (Plaintiff) name on the document and own cell phone No.
Before the “Honorable Justice” Plaintiff respectfully assert “strong legal condemnation” of enduring “wrongful abduction & direct destruction of personal property namely
A 1994 Utah Home Movie Video of Plaintiff 2 Dead Daughters for cover up, mask, obscure, insurance, protection and crooked jacket
 In favor of the Defendant (The United States of America) acting agents (The United States Attorney Office et al)
As described in the Amend Complaint of the tomb robbery creepy sinister criminal (RICO) acts and actions involving (among other things)
 In High Tech “Wire” espionage concert, recital, gig and performance with Confederate Corporation Crooked Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein
And Confederate Corporation Crooked Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation et al
In Violations of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
Corruption at the highest level of Business and government to steal, plunder,
Supply real obstruction of Justice of a Federal Civil Proceeding before the (already) undersign
 “Honorable Magistrate Justice” herein in U.S. Docket No CV-00808 Hamilton vs. President Andrew Johnson and President Rutherford B. Hayes,
With in tow the “out of the ordinary extra peculiar” hostile numerous “Mail abductions” of (among other things)
 The Defendant (The United States of America) “Summons and Civil Complaint # 00808 thereof in “Washington D.C. at the United States Department of Justice Office”
Mail C/o United State Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”
As described against all (Crooked Corrupted Parties) fully in the Amend Complaint to this abnormal weird events, and circumstances
Involved for a “time frame” of (5) long extra (Dead months) going on (6) months having now almost elapse as of this undersign date
“With No” Crooked Confederate Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein (actual) finding of Pro Se Plaintiff (Property Fully Abduction) having been forth coming, made conclusive, brought to light,
Beyond any question of “irrefutable evidence”, all “material facts”, “events”, and, “crooked high tech robbing circumstances”,
In a sounding report of some sort, Presented to the Co-Defendant store, (CVS/Caremark Corporation et al), herein, in Houston Texas.

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