Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Part VII Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein assert “honest and very” respectful before the
“Honorable Justice” Plaintiff personal property 1994 Utah Home Movie Video
 “However” required (actual) film production studio technology giving the main fact the 1994 Home Movie Video was not a DVD being copy off of
This was a very particular (older) VH1 Movie Picture Video being transferred to a small DVD upload device.
Therefore the Defendant (The United States of America U.S. Attorney Office et al) “quickly surmise”
Before they could not obtain a simple study copy of The Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Cmdr. Bluefin (Mr. Mom) movie
From the Confederate Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation et al “Kodak Picture Kiosk” (Port pass 6843)
 Like their U.S. Government surveillance spying net worth having access to (among others)
 “Wire” (Port pass # 6843) with plenty of making themselves at “easy home producing” whatever hard copies off any “DVD and or photographic material
giving special factors Defendant (The United States of America) herein needs maybe on whatever terrorist subject.
And a “copy” would only be a “copy” “However” (Plaintiff) assert now “crooked is as crooked” will surly do in having thievery of the whole
“Cmdr. Bluefin” (Mr. Mom) “Master” copy home “Utah” 1994 movie within the possession of the Defendant
(The United States of America) custody, control, supervision, safekeeping for 1000% “demolition” and complete “destruction” thus
Fully eliminate for the U.S. Attorney office et al “Civil Damaging control favor,
And providing Judicial obstruction control in any damaging 2 Dead Daughters Utah 1994 Home move by Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
As a major physical exhibit(s) being filed in particular U.S. Civil Federal Action Docket No. 00808 in regards of the Plaintiff herein (Natural) 2 Dead missing Daughters
“Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” herein and their Dead beautiful “imagery”, “physical live moving descriptions”, special pretty similes, their combine soft voices,  
On a 1994 Home Utah movie forever criminally annihilation from Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) here prize “treasury possession” and from the existences of Plaintiff own (Family)
Obstruction of personal property from forever being upload on Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Cmdr. Bluefin Youtube.Com account
Or anyone on earth ever having complete knowledge in seeing the 2 daughters complain of movie actually existences,
 Or a “Jury or “Honorable Judge” having the missing 2 dead daughters imagery appear before their own eyes to behold.
Confederate Crooked Corporation Co-Defendant United Parcel Services (UPS) herein having the exact tracking information,
Provided by Confederate Crooked Corporation Co-Defendant (CVS/Caremark et al)
Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) physical ID on the (UPS) package and the complete delivery route.

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