Saturday, August 6, 2011

Conclusion Part II All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Motion oppostion to "Stay Discovery request Docket No. 00808

(Negro) Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein declare, “Honestly screaming very piss off” and just straight out direct the “Honorable Justice” attention at this pointed time frame into the Defendant
(The United States of America) agents United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and especially
Acting (USA) “Live” Assistant U.S. Attorney agent Andrea L. Parker abundant possession, misusage,
And criminal administering a massive “Abuse of U.S. Attorney Power” attack in collusion with the Defendant (The United States of America) and their now crooked “Entire U.S. Mailing System”  
Directed namely against the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Legal Mail, Peace, Will, Civil Rights, and plane old “Dignity”
By” moreover the paper trail of “bread crumbs”  leads to primarily “The USA Assistant Crooked Little Bitch” and her’ simple special ed. Slow mind in usage of device in execution major sleazy corruption in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud

 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
“Directly (RICO) assaulting”, “molestation”, “plundering”, “hindering” and “Attacking” The Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II,
All United States Federal Court Cases “Official U.S. Mail” to continue being in position of attacking Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) all Future Legal Standing in Said “Many” Federal Court Cases
Via- the Defendant (The United States of America) United States Mail Services causing, massive bottle up wrongful “court filing delays”
And hostile confusion for the Plaintiff understanding as to why all of the “straight out theft of official U.S. Mail Namely:
1.  “Theft of personal property namely (1) 1994 Utah Home Video Movie of Plaintiff (Hamilton II) 2 Dead missing daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” *Connection 1994 video theft from (UPS) being also evidence in the above entitled Federal Civil suit Docket No. Cv-00808.” (Andrea L. Parker) acting U.S. Assistant Attorney
2.  “Theft of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) United States Mail contains “Report –n-Recommendation” of the United States Magistrate Judge Honorable Earl H. Hines 1:2011-CV-00005 almost cost Plaintiff delay in filing (Appeal) when one was not needed, Plaintiff had evidence to avoid (Appeal) “However” Plaintiff said legal evidence documents are safe now on file with the U.S. “Clerk of Court” office in this case to prove Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Hurricane Katrina Trial “Major” and corruption against the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Civil Rights in suit in common law.
3.  “Theft of Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) United States Mail contains United States Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby scheduling orders for Docket No. 2:2009-CV-07029 causing Plaintiff (Hamilton II) serious “undue stress” with the already “Hostile (New Orleans Federal Court)”, more legal delays, interruptions, combine for a civil conspirer in Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Federal court cases being “Major bottle up and “back log” on other mutable legal Federal ongoing Court Cases.
4.  “Theft of Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) United States Mail contains a “filing scheduling orders” for the (“Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals) *See Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) exhibit (D) attached herein “Complete Dismissal” by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for failure to simply “Timely File” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Appeal through the Defendant (The United States of America) Corrupted Crooked Mailing System *Connection Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. United States of America et al, State of Texas et al, Harris County et al, Federal Docket No. 1:2011-CV-00122 (Andrea L. Parker) acting U.S. Assistant Attorney
5.   Further Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein direct the “Honorable Court Attention this Federal civil case Cv-00122 is intertwined with the “Complete Dismissal” of (Hamilton II vs. Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law et al) by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals for failure to simply “Timely File” by supposable now fucking “stupid” retarded green booger eating water head Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) who can’t seem to now simply find the fucking U.S. Mail office and “Timely File” anything.

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