Monday, August 29, 2011

Part II Pro Se Plaintiff vs. (UPS) “Maureen Blackburn Jennings” (Attorney at Law), Motion in opposition dismiss U.S. No.00240

Defendant (The United States of America) “Agents” Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”,
United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker”
Clear back during the exact time frame from the Broadcast and posting by: “Cmdr. Bluefin” said described defendants agents
Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Already were well in place by the numerous established “Patriot Acts production” of mutable wire surveillance placements upon the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein,
To include but not limited to factual circumstance, events completely now showing Defendant (The United States of America) herein having imposed special hidden provisions with (All) of their
Government surveillances agencies having “absolute access”, “admission”, “entrée”, “retrieve”, fully being undisclosed to or “without any of” the “Customer complete conscious Knowledge”
Rightful of log on due, just privileges access into (all) the Confederate Co-Defendant CVS/Caremark Corporation herein high tech
 “Photographic” “computerized” “reproduction”, “duplicate”, “photocopy”, “replicate copy”, “printed of every disc”, “publication”, picture, movie” item”, version
Fully obtain upon and or provided on the Computer rise touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk”
Defendant (The United States of America) herein having unfetter, set free, unshackle, release, open access to scrutinize, examine, search,
Examination, read quickly glance at, skim through, check, make a copy, duplication,
 Reproduction of (any and all) just completely scan of any and (all) walk-in customers within the “United States of America”
Future entire “privacy” “photographs”, “pictures”, “DVD”, “Home Movies”, “motion pictures”, “film”, and “private shows”
In (All) of the Computerized touch screen for “KODAK Picture Kiosk”, computer system(s), at (all) CVS/Caremark Corporation et al stores, within the entire United States of America.
With the complete “without any written, oral, or formal notice” the Defendant (The United States of America) herein having complete legal standing salvage, recoup, pick up  
Abduction, kidnap, seizure, confiscation, capture, removal, “commandeering rights” of any(s) “U.S. Customers” configuration in the commercial Business operation within
Any CVS/Caremark Corporation et al stores “Nationwide” providing their customer own
“Personal privacy” “photographs”, “pictures”, “DVD”, “Home Movies”, “motion pictures”, “film”,
And “private shows” for whatever any customers copy(s) or duplications purchase reasoning maybe.

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