Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Conclusion Part VI Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Motion in oppostion "U.S. Attorney" "to dismiss Civil Complaint No. 00808

All Negro Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans, and their (Negro) “Blood Heritage” Descendants,
To include but not limited to The (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein and his very own Entire Family, and our Entire (Negro) “Blood Heritage” Descendants herein
Appearing before the entitled “Honorable Justice” first and foremost (among things) seeks “Civil Justice” for the Defendant (The United States of America)
Collusion, direction, devices, conspire, and sponsor crimes against humanity of the (Negro) “Blood Heritage”
As described in the Amend Compliant, for (among other things) Mass Murder, Genocide, and oppressive design application laws to completely collusion with the Defendant (The United States of America)
“White Supremacy ruling class” obliteration of the Negro “Freedom, Destiny, Happiness, Civil Peace, and Liberty of the Defendant (The United States of America guaranteed constitutional civil rights) for simple put”
Defendant (The United States of America), and its agents, officers, employees, and “White Supremacy Ruling Class” confederates continue maintain wrongful greedy possession,
In hording of massive monetary gains through Defendant (USA) sponsor imposed, repression, oppression, tyrannies, domination
 And self inflicted “Negro Race Genocide Statehood” thus being a criminal product from the Defendant (USA) deceitful, dishonest, deceiving, cheating, cunning, untrustworthy past acts and actions of 1619-1865 “Slavery”,
 Furtherance’s imposed “Force Cheap Negro Labor” thereafter through Defendant United States of America) Corruption of (Among other things) 1865-1968 “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow Laws”.
The Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein having identified completely “causes for actions” among other things in the Amend Complaint
Namely the described  Defendant(s) herein and their agents, officers, confederates, committed collusion, direction, devices,
Conspire, and sponsor crimes against humanity against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) “Blood Heritage”
By cause of action for: “Mass Murder”, Hanging/lynching, Fire Squads, Premeditated Arson, Drowning, Murder, Battery, Mutilation, Intimidation, Threat, Terrorizing, Robbery, Harassment,
Manslaughter, and or “Voluntary Manslaughter”
To include but not limited to “Libel”, Slander, & Defamation of “All of The Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Character.
With furtherance’s cause of action for Defendant (The United States of America) “Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints” Full LDS
“Inclusive Mormon Nation Statehood” of “Utah” sponsoring “Libel”, Slander, & “Defamation” and “Malicious Religious Prosecution”,
LDS imposed “Genocide Statehood against all of the entire (Negro) Blood Heritage” via- mechanic, devices and methods through “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints”
“Inclusive Mormon Nation Statehood”, “Anti-Negro Blood Heritage” “LDS Religious Church Teaching” as described in paragraph 240-251.

 To include but not limited to before the “Honorable Justice”
“Direct Cause of action” for the Defendant (United States of America) misrepresentation to the (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein
And all of (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American herein “Blood Heritage” that “Utah State” belongs to the Defendant (The United State of America) as described herein above paragraph 125-142
Furtherance’s Defendant (The United States of America)  “Negro Blood Heritage” and their (Negro) “off springs” children of the (Negro Blood Heritage) races is “out of harm way”,
“Protected”, “safe and sound”, “not in danger”, “secured”, “safe”, in physical life, peace, liberty and happiness from  LDS imposed “Genocide Statehood against all of the entire (Negro) Blood Heritage”
Via- religious mechanic, devices, doctrines, and methods through “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints” “Inclusive Mormon Nation Statehood” “Anti-Negro “LDS Religious Church Teaching” as described in paragraph 240-251 above
And as described in the “Amend Complaint” of such religious prosecution mechanic, devices, doctrines, and methods through
“The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints” “Inclusive Mormon Nation Statehood” “Anti-Negro “LDS Religious Church Teaching”  
Direct, extremely, very exclusively at the (Negro) Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II himself and his “Lost Family”.
“However” before the “Honorable Justice” (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American and their descendants

“Trustworthy, Dependable, Careful, Reliable, Prudent and Sound honest stating, declare, admitting before the “Honorable Justice” this general waiver of “Sovereign immunity” of the Defendant (The United States of America).

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