Saturday, August 6, 2011


Admit (11) that you Andy Vickery Attorney at Law received from the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II legal documents in regard to this previously stated legal “Civil Matter”.
And if so admitted
1. Described each of the legal documentations, and provide what discovery you found in if any of the “legal documentations” in regards to the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) and the civil action in regards with Harry C. Arthur Esq. “Christ Church Cathedral et al” and the forwarding of such discovery information by Plaintiff (Hamilton II).
2. How did your received the legal documentations.
Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) respectful Motion (Andy Esq.) for Production of a full and complete copies of all said mention legal Documentations and materials within the custody, possession and control of “Andy Vickery” Attorney at Law as described above in request for admission (11) and connection to the Pro Se Plaintiff
Interrogatories Question (2)
Did you at any at any time have phone conversation with the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II), in regards to (Harry C. Arthur Esq. Marine Building L.L.C. et al) Christ Church Cathedral et al (Beacon Project) and if so please state in detail, to the best of your recollection?
Interrogatories Question (3)
“What if any…? Exactly is the “legal depreciation commercial value” in “Human Body Waste” A/k/a “Human Shit” being left on the “Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas for over a period of 3 years?
Interrogatories Question (4)
“What if any…? Exactly is the “Legal Tax Credit Value” or IRS credit claims in “Human Body Waste” A/k/a Human Shit” being left on the “Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas for over a period of 3 years?
Interrogatories Question (5)
“What if any…? Exactly is the “legal needed amount of commercial precise square footage space required for:
1.  A Legal tort claim for loss in “depreciation commercial value” for “Human Waste Leftovers”. A/k/a “Human Shit”.
2.  Legal Tax Credit Value” for depreciation of commercial value for “Human Waste Leftovers”. A/k/a “Human Shit”.
Interrogatories Question (6)
Does the Marine Building L.L.C. et al “Commercial Property Depreciation Value “legally” can gain monetary value in a depreciation claims “tort” in “Human Body Waste” being left on the “Marine Building L.L.C. in Houston Texas for over a period of 3 years claims?
 And if so…? Is there any such legal case on the official public records in regards to this legal subject.
What is the actual monetary value amount range in a depreciation claims “tort” in a civil suit in common law in regards to  “Human Body Waste” being left on any structure or building…?

 Request for Admit (12) that you “Andy Vickery” Attorney at Law stated to the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein that the deposition you (Vickery Esq.) conducted against Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law in the matters against
 “Christ Church Cathedral was “Very Damaging” in legal content against (Harry C. Arthur Esq.) and respectfully changes the subject matter there afterwards making that precise point with the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II Herein.
Request for Admit (13) Just because Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law filed a Non-Suit Motion in the Civil Matter with “Christ Church Cathedral et al” in Harris County Courthouse records
Legally nothing stopping one “Harry C. Arthur Esq.” a Houston Texas  “Attorney at Law” can just refilled and institute the same exact “Civil Tort” and exact same claims against on all of the “homeless citizens” in Houston Texas all over again against Christ Church Cathedral et al”. and the same Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein.
Request for Admit (14)
That you Andy Vickery Attorney at Law are one of them “Big Top Gun Cut Throat” Legal Professional Killer Attorney Sharks waiting for another “Stupid Greedy Sucker” Like Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq.
And “The Hole in the Wall Gang” to step outside the Dam idiot box again and attack “Christ Church Cathedral”… So you (Andy Vickery Esq.) can slit his Motherfucking “Legal Throat” too….. J
And finally Request for Admit (15)
That you Andy Vickery Professional Attorney at Law in and for the State of Texas having “Holy” left the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein
 A little “Legal Christmas Gift” special and quite legally surprise still waiting in the Deposition you (Andy Vickery) conducted upon Harry C. Arthur Esq.
Submitted by Louis Charles Hamilton II
                     Pro Se Plaintiff
Certified Mail:7011-0470-0003-7857-4691

Certificate of Mailing Services
          Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, Appearing in this Cause No. hereby certify and state against penalty of perjury that the following documents:
Plaintiff “Third Party” Request for Admission, Interrogatories, and Production of Documents was mail to the Defendant
(The United States of America et al) Attorney of Record

(United States Assistant Attorney)

Andrea L. Parker
350 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 150
Beaumont, Texas 77701-2237
As address is indicated on file with the U.S. Clerk of Court Office in Washington D.C. in regards to Civil No. 4:10-CV-2709
Plaintiff further states regular first class mail having been received at the correct address
Indicated for the third party:
“Andy Vickery”
A Very Professional Attorney at Law”
 One River, Suite 1150, Houston Texas 77056

 Dated the _______ day of __________, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II
Pro Se Plaintiff
P.O. Box 20126
Houston Texas 77225

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