Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Conclusion Part II Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Motion in oppostion "U.S. Attorney" "to dismiss Civil Complaint No. 00808

Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein respectfully “stagnant at a continue (17) years in “moody mourning” at this precise undersigned moment
“Distastefully grim” having to direct the “Honorable Justice” special probing attention to Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
“Direct Straight Alleged horrific depressing death events, circumstances, and grisly “religious prosecution”, and “shocking intertwined events” with the Defendant
(The United States of America) their acting agent (The United States Attorney office et al) “Hostile”, “Quite Extremely (RICO) Crooked”, Criminal hostile cover up actions and actions in association with “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints” Mormon LDS “Utah” Nation
Corrupted criminal combine concentration in gloomy, sinister, perverse morbid withholding (among other things) from The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II
Humane civil funeral rights to legally bury the Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) 1 Dead Wife “Rachel Ann Hamilton and 2 Dead Daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton
All missing, fully dead, and illegally committed bury in “hidden graves” under a fictitious last names with the Defendant (The United States of America) Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Saints, “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation.
*Note* Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) complain of already “Killed Unborn child” by Defendant (The United States of America) Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Saints, “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation, criminal actions said “unborn child” having been “laid to RIP” in Salt Lake City Utah. (LDS Hospital).
To Wit: UPS (United Parcel Services et al) hereafter (UPS et al) with there
 Main Headquarters is 55 Glenlake Parkway NE Atlanta, GA 30328 and
CVS/Caremark Corporation et al hereafter (CVS/Caremark et al)
Headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island,
And the Defendant (The United States of America) Acting Agents herein ) The United States Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker”
Defendant (The United States of America) “Government employee” abuse “government power” for a “civil obstruction” of a “United States Federal Civil Suit in Common Law proceedings, namely
 The United States Attorney “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker” illegal purpose
Conspire, plot, connive, act together, collaborate the usage of Defendant (The United States of America) “Government (Spy) services and systems”
Combine collusion and supervise with (UPS) and (CVS/Caremark Corporation et al) their (2) Commercial Public Computer “wire” package & photo product tracking systems
Within a join force series of combine committed criminal (RICO) scheme of things in violation of the USA PATRIOT Act (H. R. 3162)
And further combine criminal (RICO) scheme of things in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services Fraud
 (The Federal Mail Fraud and Wire Statue) Title 18, United States Code, Section 1014,
And violations collectively in concert of Title 18 U.S.C. § 1341, 1343 and 1349 “Mail and Wire” fraud
“As a hostile team acted very “wicked”, “delinquent”, “villain” “scandalous”, ”scheming”, “senseless” “excessive”, “illicit”, and “outlandish” with “criminal immoral conduct” all fully intent, directed against the Pr Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
Peace, liberty, rights, dignity, will, personal private property, and “civil rights” in suit in “common law” for (among other things) dealing with the enclosed subject matter regarding Utah LDS Mormon Nation (among other things) “criminal” religious prosecution against the (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein peace, will, civil rights and dignity
 (UPS et al) and (CVS/Pharmacy et al) collectively for the full “illegal” behalf of Defendant (The United States of America) acting agents (The United States Attorney office et al) Inclusion “desire”, “craving”, “aspiration”, “yearn for” and “request” to be a part of the “massive”
“Obscure”, “disguise”, “shield”, “defend”, “shelter”, “protect”, “hide”, “camouflage” and  “cover” Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) “past disgraceful” History and lost life in “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation
Defendant (The United States of America) pool resources against the Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein to camouflage the extreme wrongful physical and mental suffering under the “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation “Curse of Cain” being
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein is the Devil) from doctrine teaching of “The Church of Jesus Christ” of “Ladder Day Saints”
With the “LDS Mormon Nation State of Utah” “full condolences”
To include but not limited to all “hostile position” in a large scheming partnership “past and present” against (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein peace, civil rights, will, dignity
 And “natural human rights” being physically the “Natural Father” to the (2) missing daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” as described in the “Amend Complaint” in this particular civil matter described
United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division Louis Charles Hamilton II Plaintiff Complaint Jury Demand vs. United States of America et al U.S. Docket No. CV-00808
Defendants herein agents (The United States Attorney Office et al) “Government employee” abuse “government power” Serious premeditated Plotting, scheming, maneuvering against the entire Plaintiff (Hamilton II) entire civil movements in suit in common law.
With Co-Defendants (UPS et al) and CVS/Pharmacy et al) “Fully Intent” and “actions directed against” the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) in (among other things) suit “in common civil law” for the scheming in the insurance of “total destruction” of both “personal property” and “physical evidence”
For a “Federal Civil Court of Law Trial” prosecuted by the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II”
With Defendants agents (The United States Attorney Office et al, (UPS et al) and (CVS/Caremark et al)
Collective, direct, criminal/civil, shield, provision, defend, safeguard, buffer, screen, protection, armor, tranquil in the collusion heist,
 “High Tech (Spy)-n-Theft and total destruction of Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff  (Hamilton II) “personal property” namely (2) Daughters “Chandra and Natasha Hamilton” 1994 Home Utah Video Movie
Defendants agents (The United States Attorney Office et al, for proposed criminal preserved safety measure for Defendants (The United States of America) legal safe standing from serious (among other things) monetary damages in a suit in common law

And “Moreover” forever sealing in favor of the Defendant (The United States of America) and their “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints serious vulnerable insecure civil damages in the (among other things)
“Special Imagery release” of the Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) “most beautiful daughters” (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton) pretty baby physical Identities’
The Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, further declare before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United State of America) acting agents (The United States of America) Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker”
Further supply complete criminal (RICO) mail abduction of Certified Mail Delivery in Washington D.C., at 10: am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530 Delivery conformation No. #70110110000109060227
 Namely (1) Federal Amend Complaint & Civil Summons in the Matter Docket No.1:10-CV-00808
All (Negros) Black African Americans and their descendants in and for the Entire United States of America vs. The United States of America et al, President Andrew Johnson, and President Rutherford B. Hayes,
 Charging Defendant (The United States of America) collectively with (Among other mutable serious charges)
“Mass Murder”, “Genocide”, “Mutable Civil Rights Violations”, all being crimes against the (Negro) Humanity, to include, ”Theft of Taxes” among others complaints,
 To further include the complete Charging Defendant (The United States of America) “Utah” LDS Mormon Nation Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints collectively with (Among other mutable serious charges)
“Criminal and Civil “Death & Destruction” of the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein very on “entire family” namely “Rachel Ann Hamilton”, “Chandra D. Hamilton”, “Natasha C. Hamilton” & unborn Child Hamilton
In the Defendant “Utah” Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints LDS Nation

To include but not limited to Defendant agents Namely, United States Attorney, “Eric H. Holder Jr.”, United States Attorney, “John M. Bales”, and Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea Parker” further scam-n-supply to the complete (RICO) criminal abduction “High jacking” acts and actions against
(2) Additional First class fully already made Mail Delivery in Washington D.C. at 10: am on May 9th 2011 @ 4:37 am 2011 (Zip) 20530 and @ 10:55am on May 9th 2011 (Zip) 20530
Identify Delivery conformation numbers:
Namely several further United States Federal Court Mail docket No. 1:10-CV-00808 from the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, herein behalf and
Also Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein appearing for the full behalf and complete legal civil interest in suit in common law for all of the United States of America Entire Black African Americans races and their Negro (Blood heritage descendants) ,
Being all past, present, and future vs. The United States of America et al, as fully described in said civil filed complaint,
Defendant (Agents) “U.S. Attorney office et al” mobile in destruction of other U.S. official court mail being made complained of herein being “heist and destroyed” to cause the Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II)
Extreme financial monetary losses, unwanted-delays, and wrongful Civil Dismissal in Favor on the Defendant (The United States of America) acting agents
U.S. Attorney office et al purposed “legal salvage defense”, with illegal committed provisions in clear open corrupted surreal hostile civil spit to furtherance’s wrongfully apply applications
In damage control, deal with, direct unrest, crooked handle, illegal supervise and “fully” attempting to syndicate (RICO) civilly “train wreck”,
And “fully mismanage” of the Pro Se (Negro) Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II and All (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans herein “legal interest” in (among other things) this particular “civil suit” docket No. CV-00808 in common law within the Defendant
(The United States of America) above –entitled “Honorable U.S. District Federal Honorable Courthouse with all being criminal intent in doing so for the full significance, important, relevance, behalf, and interest of the Defendant (The United States of America et al).

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