Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Part VI Pro Se Plaintiff "Sherlock Holmes Case of: "The Crooked Mormon" “Maureen Blackburn Jennings Esq.”U.S. No.00240

Before the “Honorable Justice” Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) respectfully assert, state, declare, Respectfully with supporting exhibit
 (B) and (C) herein photographs exhibits” of Kodak Picture Kiosk Computer high tech enhancement center CVS/Caremark Corporation machine. (Port Pass 6843)
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” (Port Pass 6843) as described on Plaintiff exhibit (D)
 a copy of a receipt for the 917 Main street Houston Texas store #6834
      Clearly showing a tracking No. and order ID Number for said Kodak Picture Kiosk Port6843 Commercial transaction.
Plaintiff shall make this as plan as possible, if your “Honorable Justice” was to take (his) “Naughty Kink super naked sexy video of the “Wife”
Doing OMG “what”…
Or worst Dude with Sick Kiddy Child Minor Porn
Or even worst a
 And home grown bombing creep having all of components for the high tech making for a nuclear “dirt bomb” and have it ready for a
Photographic computerized” purchase from the Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) for a  “reproduction”, “duplicate”, “photocopy”, “replicate copy”, to do whatever crazy with.
Now you sign your (Actual) name Nidal Malik Hasan on the receipt with your mail address, phone number and credit card information
if you did so make the purchase without cash for the reproduction video of the components for the high tech making for a nuclear “dirt bomb”.
Or you sign your (Actual) name (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”) on the receipt with your mail address, phone number
And credit card information if you did so make the purchase without cash for the Kiddy Porn reproduction
Or you sign your (Actual) name “Honorable Magistrate Justice” who just took (his) “Naughty Kink Super Naked Sexy video of the
“Sexy Wife” doing OMG “what in the Hell is that” in that extra naked goodies flesh leaking out all over everywhere… J
(1). Well Nidal Malik Hasan going to have a (Army) of G-Men Tactical Team hit his house/apartment
So hard and extra so scary fast, he will be wondering how in the Hell they got to me so fast…
Answer Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) told on his Dirty bombing Sorry Ass.
(2). Well (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”) wondering why his door bell ring at 3:45 am while he “Kiddy Porn on the Internet”
And the voice on the other side talking: “Pizza delivery” (yet) he (Creep Who Loves 8 year old “Kiddy Porn”)
Don’t remember ordering a dam pizza, (open the door to cuss the dumb pizza man out to find a FBI gun stuck in your face kiddy porn having ass “Get on the Ground”
(3). And finally “Honorable Magistrate Justice” who just got home from CVS/Caremark Corporation store with (his) surprise of “Naughty Kink super naked extra copy (Video) of
Sexy Holy Hell look at the wife go on doing OMG in that extra Naked goodies flesh leaking out all over everywhere…
Well my special G-men friends in their secrete subterranean location substation underneath “Diamond Head” be hitting me up on the back channels
Say Hey “Cmdr. Bluefin” are you (really) appearing before the Honorable Federal Magistrate Justice in Beaumont Texas,
Dude look at this “naughty video showing what exactly what his “wife” is really working with, WOW J
Want some “pop corn and a beer”   J
……You (your) Honorable Federal Justice Magistrate never even Know we spent hours (laughing) and J
Mean while “Kiddy 8 year old Porn dude looking at 25 years,
plus with the (obtain) now search warrant and the stock pile seizure of Kiddy Porn down load of the “Internet”
Kiddy Creep he has no legal standing (Thinking to himself who can he Rat out) J
G-Men (all) eating donuts standing around (looking cool) “easy work”
 Idiot Dummy Kiddy Porn dude scratching hard in hand cuff trying to figure out how in the hell they (G-men) got me so clean and quick”
 (Simple Answer) Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) told on his “Sheep Roach Scank Nuts fixing to get 25 to life “Special Prison for The Kiddy Creep Porn Dude Sorry Trick Ass.
Now the Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) making copy of 2 Dead Daughters Video very pissed off at the
Bloody United States of America for a long boat load of LDS Ladder Day Crooked Killer Saints Death-n-Destruction
Simply enter Naval Code Name: “Cmdr. Bluefin” on (Simple Answer) Kodak Picture Kiosk (Port pass 6843) with the menacing extra code name (Mr. Mom) title
And the next thing “Crooked” CVS/Caremark (Port pass 6843) done extra rat and told on old Pro Se Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein
Having very damaging 2 Dead Daughters Utah video evidence against the Defendant (The United States of America) herein
Already “Cmdr. Bluefin” since 1980 code name (alone) is enough to make (any) wire in the “Entire World
Start speaking with loud “Buzz”. (What is “Cmdr. Bluefin” up to now)  J

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