Friday, August 5, 2011

Part II All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Motion oppostion to "Stay Discovery request Docket No. 00808

Before the undersigned “United State Federal Magistrate”, “Honorable Justice”
“You’re Honor”
The attack against “Pearl Harbor” was chief in architect plan’s designs by
Commander “Minoru Genda”
Here is his report for 2011 to “Admiral Isoroku” on the bridge:
 “Sir”……“The American United States” is listed so badly that it is turned “45 degrees “upside down broke”; it is taking on “massive water”, “sinking” and seriously “smoking heavy” black flumes of “dark clouds”,
The (Americans) (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans having continue “bombarded” a surprise “Class Action Civil Complaint” attack with an impressive  “counter measure”
Lock Fix on “Main Target” run on the (USA) with “281” high explosive mid air “carpet bombing” device of precise combat “Request for Admission”,” Production of Documents”, and” Interrogatories questions” for a secondary exploding “destruction phase sequence” .
The (Americans) “Top Brass Defense Team” counter with a “behind enemy lines” hostile espionage cloak “Thievery” sneak attack and “land assault” of the (Negro) Black Plaintiff “right flank”,
By collaboration with confederates (United Parcel Services) UPS, and CVS/Caremark Corporation et al to steal Special Hidden Movie video filming evidence of missing Pro Se Plaintiff 2 daughters,
Evidence Operation Code Name: “Cmdr. Bluefin” (Mr. Mom)
 Amazing clever the (Americans) “Legal Top Brass Team”, having also taking similar survival  surprise wide range land assaults & “mid dawn raid” counter cloaked mutable “sneak attacks”
Upon the “Right Flank” of the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans via “The United States Mail Services” with a strong “eradicate series” of precise “U.S. Court mailing thefts”  (among other) missing (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans mailing services in this controversy “Legal Scuffle”
Appearing (MIA) in the hot heated skirmish is the (VIP) following:
(1) United States Federal Civil Summons and Complaint Docket No. CV-00808 “address oddly” to the campaign side of the (Americans)……….
BBC “World News” reporting extreme fierce “heavy legal fighting”, from battling both sides,
No “verified casualties reports, or local hospital collateral damages report from this quarrel confrontation between encountering sides,
 “Air Raid” screaming eerie warning alarms sounds of “Live legal artillery shells flying lose about the “legal Air”
No signs of a “cease firing” appear to be eliminating soon from the melee “conflicting Parties”.
The (Americans) after a very impressive covert “Sneak Counter attack of (Negro) Plaintiff Black African Americans “Right Flank” in trying to keep the up’s on the campaign in securing by theft
The actual physical 2 daughters home “Utah” movie video and provide a complete covert abduction of mutable sealed official U.S. Mail
The (Americans) camp “Seeking now at this time” some sort “Geneva Convention” agreement for “Judicial Political Asylum”, “Cowards Refugee retreat,
And or exile by filing a counter measure to “Stay of Discovery” request of all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American camp requested inquiry discovery procedure……
The (America) camp hostilities third leading legal agent……seeking “Stay of Discovery” filed by: Andrea L. Parker United States of America Assistant United States Attorney
BBC World News continue reports that a
“No Flight Zone” has been imposed during this confrontation, and both parties seems intent on keeping ferocious quarreling with small strong hold gains.
Turbulent “aggressive clashing” in this competition is fully predicted in Las Vegas casino VIP betting circuit until opening of an “Official Judicial Court” proceeding.
U.S. and “World Stock Markets” watching the brutal grim feud for any future indication of a possible global “Stock crash”………………
BBC World News committed to keeping you up dated every news day at 10:00 pm

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