Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All 2011 Negro Plaintiff(s) (Black American) refugee "Conclusion" Part IVX vs. The United States of America Docket No.00808

(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice” Bacon's Rebellion was an uprising in 1676 in the Virginia Colony in North America, led by a 29-year-old planter Nathaniel Bacon.
About a thousand Virginians rose because they resented Virginia Governor William Berkeley's friendly policies towards the Native Americans.
When Berkeley refused to retaliate for a series of Indian attacks on frontier settlements, others took matters into their own hands, attacking Indians, chasing Berkeley from Jamestown, Virginia, and torching the capitol.
(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice” It was the first rebellion in the Defendant (The United States of America) “ American colonies” in which discontented frontiersmen took part;
a similar uprising in Defendant (The United States of America) state namely “ Maryland” occurred later that year.
 A protest against raids on the frontier; some historians also consider it a power play by Bacon against Berkeley, and his policies of favoring his own court.
Their alliance disturbed the “white Supremacy ruling class, who responded by hardening the racial caste of slavery against all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American “Conquered and Capture Refugees” descendants
And all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) Black African American “Conquered” and “Capture Refugees” descendants herein.
(All) Negros Plaintiff Black African American and Plaintiff(s) Black African American refugees herein, state, declare, and affirm respectful before the “Honorable Justice”
Indentured servants both (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees and “White” honest (men) joined the frontier rebellion.
“However the Defendant (The United States of America) seeing them Indentured servants both (Negro) Plaintiff And Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees and “White” honest (men)

United in a cause alarmed the “White Supremacy ruling class.
 The rebellion hastened the hardening of racial lines associated with slavery,

And designed, trickery effectively provide, paved a corrupted way for the White Hostile southern ruling class planters and the “White Supremacy corruption, control, domination, oppression running from within the Defendant (Americans) colony,
To cunning control some of the “poor subjects” by the establishment of “Sovereign Immunity Laws” to impose racial divide, domination, oppression

And control over all (Negro) Plaintiff Black African American refugees and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Refugees and “White” honest (men).

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