Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) "Descendants 30M-60M Mortality Rate Death Toll" by Defendant (United States of America)

                           Wrongful Death”
Argument III
          (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein assert, declare and make clear before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United State of America) cause “Wrongful Death” for education reasoning as follows by defendant (The United States of America) State (among others) namely as described below:
North Carolina
          “Any free person, who shall teach, or attempt to teach, any slave to or write, the use of figures excepted, or shall give or sell to such slave any book or pamphlet, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, if a white man or women, shall be fine not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned, and if a free person of colour, shall be fined, imprisoned, or whipped not exceeding thirty-nine nor less than twenty lashes.
"If any person shall willfully bring into the State, with an intent to circulate, or shall aid or abet the bringing into, or the circulation or publication, the State, any written or printed in or out of the State,
The evident tendency whereof is to cause slaves to become discontented with the bondage in which they are held by their masters and the laws regulating the same, and free negroes to be dissatisfied with their social condition and the denial to them of political privileges,
And thereby to excite among the said slaves and free negroes a disposition to make conspiracies, insurrections, or resistance against the peace and quiet of the public, such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall, for the first offence, be imprisoned not less than one year,
And be put in the pillory and whipped, at the discretion of the court, and for the second offence shall suffer death.
Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff assert honestly before the “Honorable Justice”  millions of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were captured over a “three to four” hundred year period” by the Defendant (The United States of America) and then transported under the most horrible conditions, so many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American as much as a third died in transit.
 Then tortured and beaten for the smallest reasons, many died when they got here just from such “Killer Abuse”.
 The (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American slave’s descendants were considered property by the Defendant (The United States of America) like cattle,
Many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were worked to death.
 Lived under very poor conditions and many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants were beaten to death by the Defendant (The United States of America) for trying to escape.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert furtherance’s before the “Honorable Justice” to take “Judicial Notice” all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendants were also considered 3/5 of a human being,
So it is hard to count how many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans there were doing this time frame of 1619-1865 being captured and “just simply” Killed off as described throughout “Slavery of the (Negro) race.
And I Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) don't think you the “Honorable Justice” can put a number on exact how many wrongful death occurred during this time frame.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American herein assert that the Defendant (The United States of America) and their paramilitary organization Ku Klux Klan
Reconstruction 1st Klan (1865-1877)
Nathan Bedford Forrest, leader of the first Klan committed this atrocity Fort Pillow Massacre 1864 277 blacks,
1500 estimated by the Tuskegee Institute
1200 blacks 300 whites
100-200 killed in South Carolina
150 Florida
The rest mostly killed during (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American black voting in Louisiana in the 1868 the Defendant (The United States of America) US Presidential Election by Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson and the Ku Klux Klan
The Klan was also partially involved in the Colfax Massacre

(1873) Colfax riot occurred, more than 100 African American men killed;
Nadir 2nd Klan ( 1915 - 1944)
Klan was frequently involved in lynching’s, killed mostly blacks in this era
Murdered Blacks returning from WW1
Killed Leo Frank (Jewish White)
Killed 6 blacks attempting to vote in Orange County Florida

Civil Rights 3rd Klan (1954-1968)
In states such of the Defendant (The United States of America) as Alabama and Mississippi, Klan members forged alliances with governors' administrations.
In Birmingham and elsewhere, the KKK groups bombed the houses of (Negro) civil rights activists.
In some cases they used physical violence, intimidation and assassination directly against (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black Africans Americans individuals.
 Many murders against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein went unreported and were not prosecuted by the Defendant (The United States of America) local and state “White” authorities.
These murders are well known and include, but are not limited to
1963 murder Medgar Evers
1963 16th street Baptist church bombing
1964 Mississippi Burning
1965 Viola Luizo Shooting
1966 Vernon Dahmer Killing


David Duke 4th Klan
1979 Greensboro Massacre 5 killed
5th Klan
1981 Lynching Michael Donald

6th Klan  (2010)
 Dec 15, 2010 ... 26 year old African American “Frederick Jermaine Carter was found hanging in the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely Mississippi tree in a white suburb on Friday, December 3, 2010
(Rule suicide)
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans herein, “NAACP” and especially Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) “fully do not agree at all”.
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein, assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” the following figures in a direction to allow estimation before the Honorable Justice in gage of the possible numerous (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants “Wrongful Death Toll”

African American Slavery

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.
In Slavery A World History, Milton Meltzer estimates that 10 million slaves arrived in the Americas. This would be the residue after 12.5% of those shipped out from Africa died on the ocean, 4-5% died while waiting in harbor, and 33% died during the first year of seasoning.
In "The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust" (Is the Holocaust Unique, A. Greebaum, ed., 1996), Seymour Drescher estimates that 21M were enslaved, 1700-1850, of which 7M remained in slavery inside Africa. 4M died "as a direct result of enslavement". Of the 12M shipped to America, 15%, or 2M more, died in the Middle Passage and seasoning year.
Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the Caribbean (1994): "[A]s many as eight million Africans may have died in order to bring four million slaves to the Caribbean islands."
In The Slave Trade, Hugh Thomas estimates that 13M left African ports, and 11,328,000 arrived. Here are a few other numbers from Thomas:
  • No year-by-year stats, but by piecing together scattered decade stats, I figure that 5M slaves were shipped in the 18th Century.
  • Shipboard mortality among slaves:
    • Mercado in 1569 estimated an average shipboard mortality of 20%
    • Brazilian historians: 15-20% in 16th C; 10% in 19th C.
    • English trade:
      • 1680s: 24%
      • early 18th C: 10%
      • 1780s: 5.65%
    • Hugh Thomas: 9% reasonable est. for 18th C.
    • 19th C
      • Cliffe: 35%
      • House of Commons: 9.1%
      • Thomson: 9%
      • Hotham: 5%
In the chapter on African population in the Atlas of World Population History (1978), Colin McEvedy estimates that 9.5 million African slaves were imported into the Americas between 1500 and 1880. He also suggests a 15% mortality rate on the ocean.
Rummel estimates a total death toll of 17,267,000 African slaves (1451-1870)*****
  • Among slaves going to Orient: 2,400,000 dead
  • Among slaves staying in Africa: 1,200,000 dead
  • Among slaves going to New World: 13,667,000 dead
Fredric Wertham claims that 150,000,000 Africans died of the slave trade.

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein state before the “Honorable Justice” Looking at all the scholarship on the subject, it looks like, at the very least, 35% of those enslaved in Africa died before they were ever put to work in America.
On the other hand, at least 20% of them survived. Between these extreme possibilities (35-80%), the most likely mortality rate is 62%.
In terms of absolute numbers, the lowest possible (and only barely possible at that) death toll we can put on the trans-Atlantic slave trade is 6 million. If the Honorable Justice assume the absolute worst, a death toll as high as 60 million is at the very edge of possibility;
 However, the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American herein assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” likeliest number of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants deaths toll would fall somewhere from 15 to 20 million.

Death Rates
Ocean Crossing
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans state before the “Honorable Justice” If 5 million (Negro) slaves were shipped in the 18th Century to the Defendant (The United States of America) (the busiest century, see Hugh Thomas, above),
Then the 18th Century death toll of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American descendants could be around 8.1 million. (=5/11*17.8)
“Keeping in mind before the “Honorable Justice” that these numbers only count the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans herein descendants “dead” among the first generation of (Negro) slaves brought from Africa to the Defendant (The United States of America).
 Subsequent generations of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants would contribute additional “premature or unnatural” deaths by the direct cause by the Defendant (The United States of America).

To: Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker

To: Assistant United States Attorney
Andrea L. Parker
To: “Crooked Mormon”

“Jesus Christ” has been waiting for this very “Special Day”……to say (Hello)…….
He did not want to crash your “Easter”
I do not know why he wanted me”…..(Crazy) ……and he has been getting really XXX bad on working on “my dam nerves” with this Mission too……but his orders is orders……..
Here is his………………….. “Hello”……
“Now I got that out of the way”………

Question (1).
To: Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker”
I read your motion to dismiss very clever somewhat….
But you forgot a few problems…I send them all soon
Along with replies to the other United States Attorneys documents you work with …..From “Washington” D. C. …….
Since you (United States of America) put a ban on being liable for “Slavery”……..(As You Think)…….your working around our Freedom now……..we are official 2nd Class Niggers”.
And many other tried”….Well Not me….” And you (United States of America) still hurting “Niggers” in 2011………….Da”
Question (1)
Why United States of America committed (among other things) (RICO) criminal slavery activates in 2011 like example (A) bombing attempt of the MLK Parade in 2011….this is old KKK from the slavery past…..?
And especially enforcement now of “Black Codes” throughout the United States of America …in 2011
With The First (Nice) Obama Family of the United States of America being (Negro)…….and in the “White House”.
News Flash……. “2011 “Da Vinci Black Codes” have been deciphered, disentangle and solved”.
1.”You do not know anything about the special “robber” of UPS on “Easter Good Friday”…”theft of my daughters Video (Only) at (UPS) custody….
Seems everyone out there making sure they go…Poof”…up in the Air”…(MIA)…(They also apart of this civil action too…..)…..you forgot…to reply on that issue…any way…..just have to put that question out their…especially since 100% high tech criminal activates being committed in 2011 involving the old “Slavery issue”….with me at the Helm…….and everyone making sure the “Nigger” under the I-10 is crucified and his evidence of his daughters is eliminated…for this Civil Action…..…
2. Did you know there are tons of pictures of my daughter …one is on the “internet” as you read this”…..so I guess somebody going to need a really “big bad ass internet crowbar.” To rob the “Internet”….Da”

Plus all of the other photos with them and their (Negro) Family”   that was just my 2 Babies movie….
3. Did you know (Backpage.com World)……My mom, father, big brother, little brother, sister, and a whole lot of other family in Port Arthur Texas actually know my daughters being alive and hold them in their arms too,
With a lot of friends all over the USA and even a Few “Government Police” know my daughters being with me the dad
…..So whoever is trying to “Kill”…them off”……well that is Evil…..as it has been in the past 15 years….and you got a lot of others to work evil on……..Da”
4. Did you know “Jesus Christ” just had about enough of the issue of 2011 “Slavery”……against his people…..
Did you know the “Jesus Christ” had about just enough of the issue of the “Curse of Cain” in 2011 with the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint” against his people…….and you (United States of America) do nothing…..
Did you Know “Mormon Kill” in the past Many White Folks too……….not just “Niggers”…
Anybody who comes close to their World….
Now .in 2011 we do not matter again as the past…….which 100% fucking does not include “Niggers”……
Kill our Children let their blood spill on the ground…..
We are the Official Devil...In their eyes…from the past…into the future…..while you (United States of America)….. Continue to play…..fucking blind that we are not…yep…classy…take ya Lazy Ass to Utah…or actually read your own FBI report of the Mormon State of Utah….
5. Did you know them Hungry “Niggers” place on the bottom of everything outside your Government window are not blind…especially any more….?
 Niggers Bastards Getting very tired too……..
6. Did you know the American Prison is full of “Niggers”…...in 2011 like there is no tomorrow but “Prison or Death”…just eliminated them…and never pay for Slavery………? Thanks for all of the hard free work”…..
7. Did you know the “Niggers” taxes do not represent their interest at all in 2011 only in “Poverty” and “Prison” for over 98% of American (Negros)…
Since some sort of Freedom in the past at that moment taxes were being taking
no actual benefits from enforcement of slavery it too the benefits was rob from the “Niggers”…and then you put a ban on paying for slavery……but (United States of America) benefit 10 folds…..
8. You have been abusing “Niggers” well in 2011…..”Well throughout” from the pass…….From the very first “illegal boat load” to this “New World Country”.
9. Did you not also notice The Civil action speaks for the past, present, and our “Niggers Future”…which you were very clever in not replying to these Issues.”….
10. I just watch in 2011 your United States Federal and State Judges commit criminal acts here in Houston Texas within a Claimed “Honorable Court of Law”…and told me to run along “Nigger Boy”……
.I Knew at that exact moment is still under “Black Codes”…(This is really impossible)……
I filed a Mountain of Gods perfect Evidences to the exact Hair off a camel back…..100% official being legal and  proper under the Laws of your crooked country….(The United States of America)….against a Crooked White Man who tried to rob a Church
Better run along “Nigger Boy”…….in 2011……
Well it’s not even one bit being over….!
 See ya soon in U.S. Court”….and all the way to The United Supreme Court of this not for “Niggers Land”…..
To: “The Crooked Mormon”………Not just my children are being destroyed without know Christianity through their natural father, “many others”….the United States Federal Records speaks Loud……….too many Women died in Utah for no simple reason…..but wanting to Live…free…
.If your “Mormon Church” speaks for all gods people including (Negro) ……
Why not your official Church Doctrines in 2011….and why other religions may be resting in Peace and safe in your Utah….
I live there for years with no single day of human (Negro) Peace and my family was killed there and I Know everything…………….

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hamilton II vs United States of America, Texas, & Harris County, "Request for Admission" on Harry C. Arthur Esq. et al

In The United States District Court

For the Eastern District of Texas

Beaumont Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)

Pro Se Plaintiff Case No. 1-11-CV-122


United States of America et al,



State of Texas et al,


Harris County Texas et al,

TO: The United States of America, et al,
State of Texas et al,
Harris County Texas et al,

Plaintiffs, pursuant to Rules 33, 34, 36, and 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, hereby propounds the following:
 Interrogatories, Requests for Admissions and Request for Production to Defendant which are to be read and interpreted in accordance with the instructions and definitions set forth below. The answers to these Interrogatories must be signed and verified by the Defendant and a copy of the answers to Interrogatories and Responses to Admissions and Production must be served on the undersigned within thirty-five days after service of these Interrogatories and Requests.
            1.  If any information called for by these Interrogatories or Requests is withheld on the ground that the information is privileged, constitutes attorney work-product or trial preparation materials by or for any other reason is exempt from discover, set forth the grounds or grounds for withholding the information, explain what type of information is being withheld, and furnish such other information as may be required to enable the court to adjudicate the propriety of the refusal to furnish the information.
       2.  These Interrogatories, Requests for Admissions and Requests for Production are intended to be continuing and you are requested to supplement or amend your answers if you obtain additional information responsive to any of the requests.
       3.  The singular includes the plural number, and vice versa.  The masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders. Past tense includes the present tense unless the clear meaning is distorted by change of tense.

       1.  The term “document” shall mean all writings and means of communication of any kind, including the original and non-identical copies (whether different from the originals by reason of notations made on such copies or otherwise) of any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, including but not limited to the following:  Letters, correspondence, memoranda, notes, diaries, statistics, telegrams, payments, and certificates for payment, statements/invoices, medical records and police reports, notices, confirmations, telegrams,receipts, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers; notations of any sort of conversation, telephone call, meeting or other communication; bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, checks (front and back), check stubs, transcripts, diaries, summaries, financial statements, expert opinions, studies and investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing as well as any attachments or appendices thereto); and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recordings, and motions pictures); and electronic, mechanical and electric records or representations of any kind (including without limitation tapes, cassettes, disks and recordings); and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded matter of any kind or nature, whoever produced or reproduced, and whether preserved in writing, phone or record, film, tape, disk, or videotape.
       2.  The term “document” includes all documents by whomever prepared withing the care, custody, or control of the Plaintiff as well as documents that they have a legal right to obtain, documents that they have a right to copy or have access to, documents that they have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party including any attorney.
3.  The term “identify” when used with respect to documents means: (a) for those documents introduced as deposition exhibits, give the number of the exhibit; (b) for those documents produced by parties to this litigation, a stamp with a document identification number, give that number; (c) for other documents, give sufficient information including date, subject matter, author, addressee or in the alternative produce the document.
4.  The term “identify” when used with respect to a person means to state his or her full name and present and last known business or residential address and phone number.  When referring to a public or private corporation, partnership, association or other organization or to a governmental agency means to state its full name and present and last known pertinent business address and and phone number.
5.  The term “identify” when referring to a statement means to identify who made it, who took or recorded it, and all persons, if any, present during the making thereof; to state when, where and how it was taken or recorded, and identify who has present or last known possession, custody or control thereof.
6.  The terms “and” and “or” shall be construed either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of  these interrogatories any information which might otherwise be construed to be outside their scope.
Admit (1)
That defendant herein (The United States of America) State of Texas (Co-Defendant), Harris County 215 District Judge “Steven Kirkland” stated and accused in “open court records”
The Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) being the “Direct Cause of Action” (Harry C. Arthur et al) dismiss civil actions against “Christ Church Cathedral” in Houston Texas  while “Christ Church Cathedral” during said  time frame
  Being under full representation by: Attorney Andy Vickery a partner in Vickery, Waldner & Mallia.
Admit (2)
Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) filed in The United States "Bob Casey Federal Court in Houston Texas “exhibit records” and “Physical Proof” of
(Harry C. Arthur Esq.) building Rent Receipts showing to wit: During the month of November 2009 when (Arthur et al) file suit against (Christ Church Cathedral et al)
(Arthur et al) had possession in excess of $166,500.00 per 1 month = in building L.L.C and Harry C. Arthur Law firm  “Account receivable” with a grand total $330,001.00 for (2) months in the Month of November 2009 and the month of December 2009.
(Admit 3)
Canon 1, DR 1-102(A),(4) which states that "[a] lawyer shall not: (4) engage in conduct involving dishonesty", fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation."
Canon 7, DR 7-101(A),(2) provides that `a lawyer shall not intentionally fail to carry out a contract of employment entered into with a client for professional services, . . .'

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Amend Complaint 00808 United States of America President Rutherford B. Hayes Co-Defendant

In The United States District Court
For the Eastern District of Texas
Beaumont Division

Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)
And All other African (Negroes)
Americans in and for
The United States of America
United States of America,
President Andrew Johnson,
President Rutherford B. Hayes
                                    Complaint and Jury Demand
            Comes now the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, appearing Pro Se
            The above name male, a descendant from a past legacy of forced “Slavery and Servitude” wrongfully committed against the Plaintiffs family descendants,
             Primarily because of being a member of a race that being of (Negro) origin, (now considered politically correct within this time frame) a “Black African American male” within the United States of America
            And all other (Negroes) Black African Americans in and for the “Entire United States of America,”
            To include but not limited to “all other fleeing” (Negroes) Black African  Americans Plaintiff(s) to other countries abroad, namely “Canada” whom also may be entitled to the same cause(s) now being filed and complained of before the above entitled Honorable Court;
            With other said (Negroes) Blacks African Americans Plaintiff(s) having  “legal proof” in providing for said compensatory support made in all provisions claims made herein for a “suffered Heritage being that of “Negroes African American” fleeing from the “United States of America” whom also may being justly entitled to the provisions respectfully sought herein.
            For each described said Plaintiff(s) “rightful full relief” for all of the ungodly, wrongful, extreme and outrageous, conducts committed by all described Defendants collectively herein,
            Being both the “direct and indirect” causes for all of the described above-mention Plaintiff(s) causes for having to wrongfully suffered, endured in the casualty of
            “Plaintiffs major Losses” of “past family descendants due to “wrongful deaths” in a manner involving violence’s of murder, hanging(s),
            With further cruel actions involving hostile intimidations, threats, beatings & whippings, and other forms of direct and indirect cause of wrongful force at the hands of the said Defendant(s) described herein to force Plaintiffs family descendants into the wrongful usage for monetary gain through “slavery and servitude”.
            To include but not limited to other causes of direct wrongful “physical and mental” factors from enslavements, being that primarily Plaintiffs was a slave with a result in losses in a normal life,
            Losses in peaceful freedom in everyday choice, losses in dignity in the pursuit of equal liberty as a Negro American within the United States of America.
            All of which said peaceful rights in choice, peace, and freedom having already been established for all other first class citizens within the United States of America under the Constitution instituted for all first class citizens.
            Denied living with dignity, respect, and freedom as other national origins of classes enjoyed and continue to enjoy within the United States of America as present”,
            With Defendant(s) The United States of America “systematic” continual as of this undersign date exercise continual wrongful conduct of “pattern(s) and practices” in the rightful returning of the Plaintiff peaceful “Heritage that of (Negroes) to a rightful official standing place as that of a first class citizens within the United States of America
            And all of the Plaintiff's entire Family descendants both past and present with all other Negroes similarly the same promptly obtain just monetary compensation being finally, fully and completely render to all of the Plaintiff(s) for all of the causes thereof both past and present.
And for cause the Plaintiff will show the following:
Factual background

            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that Slavery in some form or another existed in America. 
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintain and will show the Honorable Court that the English Colonies did establish two forms of slavery that were legal: Indentured Servitude (where an individual was put in bondage to pay a debt such as the cost of transport to the new world and at the end of the agreed term the individual was freed from bondage). 
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) aver that Indentured Servants were treated as badly as chattel slaves while in the period of bondage per their contract.
            Indentured Servants system of bondage was not based on race and it appears originally among the lower classes that Indentured Servants belonged to all racial groups were represented and shared in common bondage together.
            It also was apparent that with the growth of Mulattoes (bi-racial off spring) that the races mixed with no animosity.  
            Indentured Servants were oftentimes recruited much the same way for both black and white through a series of kidnappings. 
            White Indentured Servants were often kidnapped off the streets of London by Sea Captains who took them to the colonies where they were sold for indentured services.
            Blacks were kidnapped from their villages and sold at first as indentured servants in the English Colonies.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) respectfully assert to the Honorable Court that during the early 1700's due to economic considerations a transition concerning Indentured and Chattel Slavery took place. 
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintain that with the growth of Plantations, a form of commercial farming that required labor intensive work, the plantation owners required cheap labor and through political pressure defined and established “Chattel Slavery.”
            Furthermore the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) respectfully assert that some of the laws were enacted were due to slave rebellions (with both black and white indentured servants participating) which caused the colonies to write a more definitive series of law defining slavery and removing of rights previously held.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that laws were enacted that made interracial marriage illegal for the dubious purpose of driving a wedge between the races who previously worked together in harmony and to establish a racial bias setting among poor whites.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) aver that the laws established that “Negroes” a/k/a Black African Americans were fully identified as slaves and property herein referred to as “Chattel”.
            Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) respectfully asserts that the Slave codes were put into force creating the brutal conditions of “Chattel Slavery”.
            With the growth of “Chattel Slavery” came the introduction of “race based slavery” and the development a racist caste system which were promoted primarily by the aristocratic elements of society.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that for the Aristocrat (White) class the introduction of a racial components to the slavery provided the advantage that (Negroes) A/K/A Black Africans could be readily identified and could not escape and blend into the surrounding populations as easily as white who could escape and blend into white communities and Indian indentured servants who could escape and blend into tribes nearby.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintain that (Negroes) Blacks had nowhere to escape, no authority to appeal to (especially after the laws were changed), and what little rights they had eroded.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that with the evolution of “Chattel Slavery” (Negroes) Black Africans went from a system that had some rights and legal recourse to a system that virtually stripped them of all rights.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert and will show the Honorable Court that Economics was the driving force for the change from Indentured Servants to Chattel Slavery. 
            Furthermore, Economics also played a role in the change of laws dealing with slavery between Northern Colonies and later the Northern States.
            Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the crops grown in the North and industrialization did not require large labor gangs that the plantations required in the South.
            Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that slavery was abolished in the Northern Colonies/States between the years of 1774 through 1804(Vermont 1777, Pennsylvania 1780, Massachusetts 1780, New Hampshire 1783, Connecticut 1784, Rhodes Island 1784, New York 1799 and New Jersey 1804).
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that the development of differing forms of economies between the north and the south was to set the stage for interregional strife even from the very birth of the nation.
            The Declaration of Independence and Constitution had problems with Slavery.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Assert and will show the Honorable Court that the Declaration of Independence as written by Thomas Jefferson was changed by the Continental Congress removing the last grievance which condemned the King for allowing slavery and Slave trade to continue and offering freedom for slaves who would fight for the crown.

            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintains and will show the Honorable Court that the above mentioned grievance was removed to avoid a lengthy debate on slavery and to assure that the Defendants (The United States of America) Southern Colonies/States join in the War for Independence efforts.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the compromises with Southern Colonies and later Defendants (States)  that permitted slavery to continue did perpetuate and allowed the Killing, abuse, beatings, and rape of the Plaintiff and Plaintiffs (Negroes) Black African Americans past descendants by Rich White Southern Plantation owners.

            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintain the that the language of the Declaration of Independence “that all men were created equal” meant just that and was perverted by White Southern Politicians with the removal of the last grievance.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that when the Articles of Confederation were deemed ineffective and a new Constitution was considered that the Southern Politicians did everything in their power to maintain their vile and “Peculiar System”.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that the Founding Fathers in 1789 again compromised with the Southern White Plantation Owners by adding the 3/5 Section that deals with the counting of slaves as 3/5 of a person for tax and Representative allocations to the House of Representatives.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) aver that the Founding Fathers did not use the term slave when writing the Constitution and did consider the (Negroes) Black African-Americans to be persons and not property.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) further assert that the founding fathers (specifically the delegates to the Constitutional Convention also known as the Framers of the Constitution) purposely did not use the term slave in the clause dealing with Fugitive Slaves but again referring to slaves as Persons.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the compromises made with the Rich White Southern Plantation Owners granted Southern Defendants more political power to maintain and perpetuate the chattel slave system along with the murder, beatings, rapes, and non consensual medical experimentations.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) avers that the Defendants (the United States of America) did from its very conception conspire to enslave a whole race namely the Plaintiff and Plaintiffs (Negroes) Black African-Americans by making  compromises with the Rich Southern White Plantation owner.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the Defendant (The United States of America) by passing the Fugitive Slave Laws of 1793 which provided for a method of returning escaped slaves and even more vehemently in the Fugitive Law of 1850 which made “good citizens” a/k/a Defendants herein criminals when assisting “escaped slaves” thus supporting the vile institution of chattel slavery and it's abuses.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the 1850 Fugitive Law made it possible for Freemen (Negroes) Black African-Americans to be kidnapped and taken to the South to be sold into slavery.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 even encouraged the kidnapping of Free (Negroes)Black African-Americans by Paying Commissioners Judges more for the return of escaped slaves than the releasing them, and it made it illegal for Northern States to use a jury to determine the status of the Plaintiff and Plaintiffs (Negro) Black African-American.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that in response to the reign of terror in the North by Federal Marshals seeking to enforce the dubious law it is estimated that Between 100,000 and 200,000 (Negro) Black African-Americans fled the United States of America to Canada for freedom that the “Land of the Free” would not afford them.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) aver that the Southern politician were more concerned about maintaining slavery that they were willing to use the Federal Government against other states to protect the Chattel Slavery even at the expense of “States Rights.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) maintain that the Fugitive Act of 1850 made slavery a nationally sanctioned institution;
             Forcing many law abiding (Defendants) to resist the Fugitive Save Law of 1850 making many Northerners willing to participate in the Underground Railroad assisting (Negro) Black African-American to escape to Canada and Mexico with the majority going to Canada.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that the Underground Railroad was a justifiable response against the compromises made to appease the South.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) furthermore assert and will show the Honorable Court that the Defendant (The United States of America) did endorse, promote, and participate in preserving “Chattel Slavery” by enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and by using tax payer monies to pay Commissioners and Marshals to return to the South runaway slaves (some who were never slaves).
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the Southern Slave Holders were more interested in preserving chattel slavery than the Union.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) avow that the Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 threatened the “Slaveocracy” or the political power and control exerted on the Defendant (The United States of America) by the Southern White Slave Owners.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the political compromises made for the benefit of the Southern White Slave Holder to maintain the Defendant (The United States of America) together resulted in a costly war and loss of life.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert and will show the Honorable Court that while the excessive greed and demand for cheap labor (Chattel Slavery) in the South benefited the Defendant (The United States of America) by production of raw materials for export and domestic use the Northern States where manufacturing existed profited from the production of cheaper raw materials from the South because of Chattel Slavery.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the Defendants (The United States of America) specifically the North began to abolish slavery when the Lucrative Slave Trade and Triangle was made illegal by the Constitution of the United States of America and the act of Congress ending the slave trade as specified by the time limit set by the Constitution of the United States for slave trade. 
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that the election of 1860 with the political division of the Defendants (the United States of America) the    electorate elected Abraham Lincoln President not by popular vote but by the Electoral College.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) will show the Honorable Court that the electorate was split on what to do with “Chattel Slavery” with successes in populous anti-slavery North Eastern states whom had more electoral votes assured that Abraham Lincoln won.

            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) aver that Rich White Pro Slave politicians took advantage the heated political environment of the 1860 election and inflamed their Southern constituencies to break up the Union which resulted in a bloody war.
            The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) assert that one of the solutions for ending “Chattel Slavery” was to reimburse the Slave Holders to free their slaves which was absurd paying the perpetrators of slavery instead of the victims of a hideous, repulsive, and horrific abuse of human beings namely Plaintiff and Plaintiff descendants (Negro) African-Americans.