Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lt. Moore fire @ UPS and CVS/Caremark......Tomahawk"........

“Lt. Moore”. ……”Have All Hands “Clear the Forward Double Missile Launcher”………
“Lt. Moore”……..Set condition at GQ”…………
“Lt. Moore”………loads the forward double missile launcher with (2) Quantum torpedoes Missile ………
And “……”Fire” at 33° 44' 56" N / 84° 23' 17" W…………….
“Lt. Moore”……gets me “Space Shuttle Dezeron II” on the “squawk Box” ……….
“Dezeron II”….. This is “Cmdr. Bluefin” …..”copy over”……..
“Fire”…….(2) Transphasic torpedoes …….
Latitude: 42.00306 Longitudes: -71.48611”, ……………
All hands set conditions @ “General Quarters “………………

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