Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) "Descendants 30M-60M Mortality Rate Death Toll" by Defendant (United States of America)

                           Wrongful Death”
Argument III
          (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein assert, declare and make clear before the “Honorable Justice” Defendant (The United State of America) cause “Wrongful Death” for education reasoning as follows by defendant (The United States of America) State (among others) namely as described below:
North Carolina
          “Any free person, who shall teach, or attempt to teach, any slave to or write, the use of figures excepted, or shall give or sell to such slave any book or pamphlet, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, if a white man or women, shall be fine not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned, and if a free person of colour, shall be fined, imprisoned, or whipped not exceeding thirty-nine nor less than twenty lashes.
"If any person shall willfully bring into the State, with an intent to circulate, or shall aid or abet the bringing into, or the circulation or publication, the State, any written or printed in or out of the State,
The evident tendency whereof is to cause slaves to become discontented with the bondage in which they are held by their masters and the laws regulating the same, and free negroes to be dissatisfied with their social condition and the denial to them of political privileges,
And thereby to excite among the said slaves and free negroes a disposition to make conspiracies, insurrections, or resistance against the peace and quiet of the public, such person so offending shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof shall, for the first offence, be imprisoned not less than one year,
And be put in the pillory and whipped, at the discretion of the court, and for the second offence shall suffer death.
Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff assert honestly before the “Honorable Justice”  millions of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were captured over a “three to four” hundred year period” by the Defendant (The United States of America) and then transported under the most horrible conditions, so many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American as much as a third died in transit.
 Then tortured and beaten for the smallest reasons, many died when they got here just from such “Killer Abuse”.
 The (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American slave’s descendants were considered property by the Defendant (The United States of America) like cattle,
Many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were worked to death.
 Lived under very poor conditions and many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants were beaten to death by the Defendant (The United States of America) for trying to escape.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert furtherance’s before the “Honorable Justice” to take “Judicial Notice” all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans descendants were also considered 3/5 of a human being,
So it is hard to count how many (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans there were doing this time frame of 1619-1865 being captured and “just simply” Killed off as described throughout “Slavery of the (Negro) race.
And I Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) don't think you the “Honorable Justice” can put a number on exact how many wrongful death occurred during this time frame.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American herein assert that the Defendant (The United States of America) and their paramilitary organization Ku Klux Klan
Reconstruction 1st Klan (1865-1877)
Nathan Bedford Forrest, leader of the first Klan committed this atrocity Fort Pillow Massacre 1864 277 blacks,
1500 estimated by the Tuskegee Institute
1200 blacks 300 whites
100-200 killed in South Carolina
150 Florida
The rest mostly killed during (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American black voting in Louisiana in the 1868 the Defendant (The United States of America) US Presidential Election by Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson and the Ku Klux Klan
The Klan was also partially involved in the Colfax Massacre

(1873) Colfax riot occurred, more than 100 African American men killed;
Nadir 2nd Klan ( 1915 - 1944)
Klan was frequently involved in lynching’s, killed mostly blacks in this era
Murdered Blacks returning from WW1
Killed Leo Frank (Jewish White)
Killed 6 blacks attempting to vote in Orange County Florida

Civil Rights 3rd Klan (1954-1968)
In states such of the Defendant (The United States of America) as Alabama and Mississippi, Klan members forged alliances with governors' administrations.
In Birmingham and elsewhere, the KKK groups bombed the houses of (Negro) civil rights activists.
In some cases they used physical violence, intimidation and assassination directly against (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black Africans Americans individuals.
 Many murders against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein went unreported and were not prosecuted by the Defendant (The United States of America) local and state “White” authorities.
These murders are well known and include, but are not limited to
1963 murder Medgar Evers
1963 16th street Baptist church bombing
1964 Mississippi Burning
1965 Viola Luizo Shooting
1966 Vernon Dahmer Killing


David Duke 4th Klan
1979 Greensboro Massacre 5 killed
5th Klan
1981 Lynching Michael Donald

6th Klan  (2010)
 Dec 15, 2010 ... 26 year old African American “Frederick Jermaine Carter was found hanging in the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely Mississippi tree in a white suburb on Friday, December 3, 2010
(Rule suicide)
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans herein, “NAACP” and especially Pro Se Plaintiff (Hamilton II) “fully do not agree at all”.
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein, assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” the following figures in a direction to allow estimation before the Honorable Justice in gage of the possible numerous (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants “Wrongful Death Toll”

African American Slavery

In American Holocaust (1992), David Stannard estimates that some 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved. He claims a 50% mortality rate among new slaves while being gathered and stored in Africa, a10% mortality among the survivors while crossing the ocean, and another 50% mortality rate in the first "seasoning" phase of slave labor. Overall, he estimates a 75-80% mortality rate in transit.
In Slavery A World History, Milton Meltzer estimates that 10 million slaves arrived in the Americas. This would be the residue after 12.5% of those shipped out from Africa died on the ocean, 4-5% died while waiting in harbor, and 33% died during the first year of seasoning.
In "The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Holocaust" (Is the Holocaust Unique, A. Greebaum, ed., 1996), Seymour Drescher estimates that 21M were enslaved, 1700-1850, of which 7M remained in slavery inside Africa. 4M died "as a direct result of enslavement". Of the 12M shipped to America, 15%, or 2M more, died in the Middle Passage and seasoning year.
Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the Caribbean (1994): "[A]s many as eight million Africans may have died in order to bring four million slaves to the Caribbean islands."
In The Slave Trade, Hugh Thomas estimates that 13M left African ports, and 11,328,000 arrived. Here are a few other numbers from Thomas:
  • No year-by-year stats, but by piecing together scattered decade stats, I figure that 5M slaves were shipped in the 18th Century.
  • Shipboard mortality among slaves:
    • Mercado in 1569 estimated an average shipboard mortality of 20%
    • Brazilian historians: 15-20% in 16th C; 10% in 19th C.
    • English trade:
      • 1680s: 24%
      • early 18th C: 10%
      • 1780s: 5.65%
    • Hugh Thomas: 9% reasonable est. for 18th C.
    • 19th C
      • Cliffe: 35%
      • House of Commons: 9.1%
      • Thomson: 9%
      • Hotham: 5%
In the chapter on African population in the Atlas of World Population History (1978), Colin McEvedy estimates that 9.5 million African slaves were imported into the Americas between 1500 and 1880. He also suggests a 15% mortality rate on the ocean.
Rummel estimates a total death toll of 17,267,000 African slaves (1451-1870)*****
  • Among slaves going to Orient: 2,400,000 dead
  • Among slaves staying in Africa: 1,200,000 dead
  • Among slaves going to New World: 13,667,000 dead
Fredric Wertham claims that 150,000,000 Africans died of the slave trade.

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein state before the “Honorable Justice” Looking at all the scholarship on the subject, it looks like, at the very least, 35% of those enslaved in Africa died before they were ever put to work in America.
On the other hand, at least 20% of them survived. Between these extreme possibilities (35-80%), the most likely mortality rate is 62%.
In terms of absolute numbers, the lowest possible (and only barely possible at that) death toll we can put on the trans-Atlantic slave trade is 6 million. If the Honorable Justice assume the absolute worst, a death toll as high as 60 million is at the very edge of possibility;
 However, the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American herein assert respectful before the “Honorable Justice” likeliest number of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants deaths toll would fall somewhere from 15 to 20 million.

Death Rates
Ocean Crossing
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans state before the “Honorable Justice” If 5 million (Negro) slaves were shipped in the 18th Century to the Defendant (The United States of America) (the busiest century, see Hugh Thomas, above),
Then the 18th Century death toll of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African American descendants could be around 8.1 million. (=5/11*17.8)
“Keeping in mind before the “Honorable Justice” that these numbers only count the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans herein descendants “dead” among the first generation of (Negro) slaves brought from Africa to the Defendant (The United States of America).
 Subsequent generations of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans descendants would contribute additional “premature or unnatural” deaths by the direct cause by the Defendant (The United States of America).

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