Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maggie Cmdr. Bluefin "Lead Attorney......:)

To: The Defendant(s) (The United States of America et al)
To: Future Backwards law students at Tulane Law School University New Orleans L.A.
To: Shit Skid Mark #3 “Crooked Hurricane Katrina (RICO) theft Specialist Willie Dick Beater Zanders Attorney at Law………..

1.  “First”……”Motherfucker” Crooked Dumb Ass Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law….is you not tired of lying before the “Honorable Federal Court Judge”……in New Orleans LA……….
2.  Yesterday on the “fucking Phone” you “hear me told her Honorable Magistrate Judge “crystal fucking clear” you have manipulated her Court…!!!
3.  Did you not understand the hostile conversation at that time in regards to your fucking “crooked shit” you been working your crooked spin magic..!
4.  I hold my words for nobody…..and to get it straight (yep)….you trick the “Honorable Court” …and long before your “crooked ass” even walk in the front door…& nothing the Honorable Court can do but go for the ride…..and “yes” her Honorable Honor Judge’ is making 100% effort to the 10th power extra effort ….to surly be clear extra far apart of any of your fucked up shit…did you not hear between The lines.” And under any circumstance will this Trial date be put off………as the Court stated great concern…!!!! Me too…..having the same…feelings……….xoxoxo!
5.  And yes the “Hatfield’s vs. the McCoy’s” will be in the fucking “Court House “………..only”……………it’s “Cmdr. Bluefin” Ninja Navy …………….vs. my foot in “Hurricane Katrina” bitch ass…… again…………….
6.  Coming after all three of your “crooked asses”……..better watch the loaded exploding set up “sand traps”…..
7.  “Perjury is a crime”……………and I coming for me some……….xoxoxox…..tell your clients this is not “baseball neither”….fuck them “three strikes”….!!!!
8.  Bet you “farted on yourself”… when I respectfully stated to the Honorable Court … Please take “Judicial Notice” that you have been filed a civil complaint under (RICO) “Mail & Wire fraud…&….”Money Laundry” Federal Charges……ha, ha,… heard the Honorable Court…….Smooooooooooch……she don’t want know part of that”……..gotcha ..!!!......
9.  You should have done your crooked home work more better…..   (Dumb Bitch)  be stupid enough to let them take the witness stand…and all criminal (RICO) action(s) go into Play………..and I shall give you my nice “Ninja Navy” patent “Cajun Smile”……..
    “Involuntary Manipulated an “Honorable Court” is what you done “Ass Hole”…(This Court under force just been made a part of your foolish paper trail fucked up tricks”…..just like fucked up Green-n-lime yellow fucked up suite Attorney Antoine L. Freeman….you bastards tell the “Court with your Law Degrees”…..I gave up the evidence…(Your Honor)….and they believe the dumb shit….!!!!!
    Even Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. in Houston Texas and all of them crooked other (12) Attorneys are not that “fucking stupid”………Da”……they only having the 2 deadly sins greed and very full on Vanity….plus XXX Crooked..but very stupid is not on their fucking list…..!!!
    Well Motherfucker I have only (14) days to wash my tired ass & do my “XXX home work…..leave (Texas)…….and be ready for fucking Trial…in New Orleans L.A.……….While You “lying fucking bastard” still holding on to the sorry “Hurricane Katrina evidence and I get 1/16 of the trash up mixed up garbage…too..With a bunch of hidden lost witness too…..and in (10) days before fucking “Hurricane Katrina Trial….Too…..

You like all of the “Lovely Legal Advantages” ………..(Smoooooch)…….K…

…I told your stupid “Fucking Dumb Sorry Ass” if I had to hear her “Honorable Honor Voice” one more fucking (Time)….what I was going to do to crooked Ass fucked Law degree with you watching it burn up in flaaaaames before the “Honorable Court”…………..

    Well Smart Tricky “Dick fuck”…….in Honor of my (On…Job…Training)….“Law Professor”…..The U.S. Federal Honorable Magistrate…..(Karen K. Klein )…..Fargo ND.
Whom I (Trust for her 100% Honesty “win, lose or draw...!)…. & quickly learn from to go straight for the fucking “legal throats”….with proper “XXX Legal proper “Court English”
……I shall having your crooked ass law degree rolled up…fried, smoked up and XXX smoldering burnt, …
….all done in under (8) minutes of the “opening court act”……when “Hurricane Katrina” takes the witness stand and sworn in……………….”Pooooooooooof.

…..You get to meet the “Whole Court Room Wrecking Crew, “Ben Matlock”, “Perry Mason”, and “Mr. Monk”  live in “open court” ….
April 11th 9:30 am 4th floor Court rm. B-431 New Orleans L.A. Federal Courthouse..!!!

Tell your clients the “Full Bird Colonel” is coming to the “Cajun XXX Cook Out…!!!...............ha, ha,
  And you get to see em so XXX “scared” …ha, ha, sending you down to Hell”….ha, ha,     (Smooooooch)

Then “Mr. Willie Wacker Zanders Esq.” super soon slick (DOA) “Attorney at Law”…….You get to ask yourself deep in your empty crooked mind during the first (8) minutes of the “opening federal court act”…with your “Hurricane Katrina Crooked Witnesses” all sworn in to tell the “XXX Truth”….Sitting extra pretty…with their nice Sunday go to meeting clothing on….

And XXX special scared on the witness stand…a/k/a “The Electric Chair”…………
..”Eyes all wide open”……in the “head lights”……..

…You’re XXX Crooked Hurricane “Katrina Attorney Mind” going to go “OMG”……fucking…craps”…his “Secret weapon”…..”I know that …..Fucking person”….. He is actually doing on my “Client’s dumb crooked FEMA Asses”…coming with an open court room drama special trick after my dumb ass…………..

…Fucking…. “Holy hell”……… it’s fucking…hell Nooooooooo…...It’s that fucking “legal Bitch”…from the movies…...fucking…...“Maggie”…rats…….I is so “very cooked”……….xoxoxox!!!

    Then you’re going to be wondering “deep in your lost “Attorney crooked mind”… I hold up “5 special….fingers”….. and countdown (5) simple questions…”one by one”…..with a few special exhibit(s)…..

  “OMG”…. Dam is This “Cajun fucker”…… Wearing….. “Victoria Secrete fucking panties:” underneath that “nice suit”…………
Because he sure is acting like that “Fucking Piss Ass Cunt”……
 In “Class Action”…………….xoxox!!!
       The story is about a lawsuit concerning injuries caused by a defective automobile. The suit takes on a personal dimension because the injured plaintiff's attorney, Jedediah Tucker Ward (Gene Hackman) is the father of the automobile manufacturer's attorney Maggie Ward (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio), his estranged daughter. The central premise of the film is roughly analogous to the controversy surrounding the Ford Pinto.
Jedediah Ward is a liberal civil rights lawyer who has based his career on helping people avoid being taken for a ride by the rich and powerful; he's pursued principle at the expense of profit, though he has a bad habit of not following up on his clients after their cases are settled.
Jed's daughter, Maggie has had a bad relationship with her father ever since she discovered that he was cheating on her mother, Estelle (Joanna Merlin), and while she also has made a career in law, she has taken a very different professional route by working for a high-powered corporate law firm and has adopted a conservative political agenda.
Jed is hired to help field a lawsuit against a major auto manufacturer whose station wagons have a dangerous propensity to explode on impact while making a left turn, but while his research indicates he has an all but airtight case against them, the case becomes more complicated for him when he discovers that Maggie is representing the firm he's suing.
The auto manufacturer in the film also utilizes a "bean-counting" approach to risk management, whereby the projections of actuaries for probable deaths and injured car-owners is weighed against the cost of re-tooling and re-manufacturing the car without the defect (exploding gas tanks) with the resulting decision to keep the car as-is to positively benefit short term profitability.

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