Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sherlock Holmes Case of The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor Chapter 14-32..Cmdr. Bluefin"

(Chapter 14)

July 7th 1918 06:23 Hrs.

The Early Morning hour had arrived with quite a humors alarming sound “all soon due in course”
with a imploding directional of several scared crew members in fast disbursement to include but not limited to
Sadly as I may report to the “Captains Log”

        Ridiculous Mad ruckus of scared wits encroachment screaming “all-highest” of mix foul languages of assortments
        And heading all none the less in my direction on this “Hostage vessel” at the moment for a quite forbidding surmise surprise being “Holmes” the maintaining Culprit...

After having all “NATO” Task deformation secured from the “Looting of Crooked Island”

 XO “Cmdr. Bluefin” making a easy heading for “Windward Passage” safely also having achieved “non-hostile” enemy advancement throughout our passage beyond the “Yucatan Basin”......well into 72 hrs of peace of mind as I was upon my rack enjoying a non- Important medical reprint.

When the “Incident I must now put in my embarrassment state to the reader as thus:

The average sustained winds in July can be 22 knots with gust into the 40s.

        The Gulf of Mexico is a Mediterranean-type sea located at the southeastern corner of North America. The Gulf is bordered by the United States to the north (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas), five Mexican states to the west (Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatan), and the island of Cuba to the southeast.
        The Gulf measures approximately 1,600 kilometers from east to west, 900 kilometers from north to south, and has a surface area of 1.5 million square kilometers. The marine shoreline from Cape Sable, Florida to the tip of the Yucatan peninsula extends ~5,700 kilometers, with another 380 kilometers of shore on the northwest tip of Cuba.
         If bays and other inland waters are included, the total shoreline increases to over 27,000 kilometers in the U.S. Alone
        The Gulf of Mexico basin resembles a large pit with a broad shallow rim. Approximately 38% of the Gulf is comprised by shallow and intertidal areas (< 20 m deep). The area of the continental shelf (<180 m) and continental slope (180 - 3,000 m) represent 22% and 20% respectively, and abyssal areas deeper than 3,000 m comprise the final 20%

        The Sigsbee Deep, located in the southwestern quadrant, is the deepest region of the Gulf of Mexico. Its exact maximum depth is controversial, and reports by different authors state maximum depths ranging from 3,750 m to 4,384 m. Mean (average) water depth of the Gulf is ~1,615 m (Turner, 1999) and the basin contains a volume of 2,434,000 cubic kilometers of water (6.43 * 1017 or 643 quadrillion gallons).

        The Gulf of Mexico basin is a relatively simple, roughly circular structural basin approximately 1,500 km in diameter, filled in its deeper part with 10 to 15 km of sedimentary rocks that range in age from Late Triassic to Holocene (approximately 230 m.y. to present).

        Little is known about the geologic history of the Gulf of Mexico Basin before Late Triassic time.

         Since Pre-Triassic rocks are known from only a few widely separated outcrop areas and wells, much of the geologic history of the basin during Paleozoic time needs to be inferred from the study of neighboring areas.
         Most evidence seems to indicate that Paleozoic rocks do not underlie most of the Gulf of Mexico basin and that the area was, at the end of Paleozoic time, part of the large supercontinent of Pangea,

         The result of the collision of several continental plates. The present Gulf of Mexico basin, in any case, is believed to have had its origin in Late Triassic time as the result of rifting within the North American Plate at the time it began to crack and drift away from the African and South American plates.

        Rifting probably continued through Early and Middle Jurassic time with the formation of "stretched" or "transitional" continental crust throughout the central part of the basin. Intermittent advance of the sea into the continental area from the west during late Middle Jurassic time resulted in the formation of the extensive salt deposits known today in the Gulf of Mexico basin.

         It appears that the main drifting episode, during which the Yucatan block moved southward and separated from the North American Plate and true oceanic crust formed in the central part of the basin, took place during the early Late Jurassic, after the formation of the salt deposits.

        Since Late Jurassic time, the basin has been a stable geologic province characterized by the persistent subsidence of its central part, probably due at first to thermal cooling and later to sediment loading as the basin filled with thick prograding clastic wedges along its northwestern and northern margins, particularly during the Cenozoic.

        To the east, the stable Florida platform was not covered by the sea until the latest Jurassic or the beginning of Cretaceous time. The Yucatan platform was emergent until the mid-Cretaceous. After both platforms were submerged, the formation of carbonates and evaporites has characterized the geologic history of these two stable areas.

        Most of the basin was rimmed during the Early Cretaceous by carbonate platforms, and its western flank was involved during the latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary in a compressive deformation episode, the Laramide Orogeny, which created the Sierra Madre Oriental of eastern Mexico.
        The Gulf of Mexico basin is a relatively simple, roughly circular structural basin approximately 1,500 km in diameter, filled in its deeper part with 10 to 15 km of sedimentary rocks that range in age from Late Triassic to Holocene (approximately 230 m.y. to present). Little is known about the geologic history of the Gulf of Mexico Basin before Late Triassic time.

Since Late Jurassic time, the basin has been a stable geologic province characterized by the persistent subsidence of its central part, probably due at first to thermal cooling and later to sediment loading as the basin filled with thick prograding clastic wedges along its northwestern and northern margins, particularly during the Cenozoic.

 To the east, the stable Florida platform was not covered by the sea until the latest Jurassic or the beginning of Cretaceous time.

 The Yucatan platform was emergent until the mid-Cretaceous. After both platforms were submerged, the formation of carbonates and evaporites has characterized the geologic history of these two stable areas.

 Most of the basin was rimmed during the Early Cretaceous by carbonate platforms, and its western flank was involved during the latest Cretaceous and early Tertiary in a compressive deformation episode, the Laramide Orogeny, which created the Sierra Madre Oriental of eastern Mexico.
         Although it might be considered a minimalistic version of a sailboat
        Nevertheless, “Holmes” was actually windsurfing in some comfortable contraptions of sorts in a sport which, once mastered, can be enjoyed, even at an advanced level, well into even “Holmes” retirement as to my amazement “Holmes”  performing jumps, inverted loops, spinning maneuvers, and other "freestyle" moves that cannot be matched by any youngster within range of “Holmes age.
        And to make matter worst this attachment rig sailing and Hydroplaning in heavy winds (up to 50 knots) directly hook up to our “War Submarines” in the Gulf of Mexico” for what appearance at the prearranges moment for “Sherlock Holmes” enjoyments during the mist of a “War”.,
        It was not until the advent of tow in-surfing that waves of the size accessible to “Holmes” was better now than on a more traditional surfboards
        and was most comprise with the speed of the submarine and the fasting of the “Kite” attachment lifting “Holmes” off into the air up to 40 ft.
         Pushing the limits both physically and creatively with moves that look as impossible as “Holmes” silly thinking them up in the first place.
        When the “XO Commander Bluefin” request with looks of dismay that I deal with my Travel Companion in order that we may proceeding to get submerge and well under way.
        After I under took a few more views of exceptional movements of “Holmes Craftsmanship” and not to be a spoil, rude, inconveniently inconsiderate messenger in the delivery to “Holmes” the “bad news”.
        I just simply reach over onto the adjustment bulk head and retrieve a “flare gun” with a single directional first shot into “Holmes Make shift Kite, and put the crashing enjoyments to a comfortable and comical ending,
        As I made my way back to my rack to finish the mundane medical journal I was interrupted in reading and left the crew to fish the sailing culprit to warmth and a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

        To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

                                        (Chapter 15)   
        July 9th 1918 21:15 Hrs.
        XO Cmdr. Bluefin “While having “OOD” duty on the bridge. Made announcements for “Sherlock Holmes:” and myself were present in requirement at the present moment to make way to the bridge.
        “Commander Bluefin” Detailing a briefing encrypted (NATO) report, first a “phantom apparition” of sorts in appearance of possible being a (American) “Submarine” on a direct compliance heading for the “English Coast Line” on a Direct Heading for the “English Channel” while engaging in the manner in sunken of 3 German U-Boat, and 2 “German Attack” Submarines…
        NATO is monitoring the uncertain current developments and keeping an up-date briefing posted.
        “After XO Cmdr. Bluefin Made this first announcement, he quickly gathers about the compartment the easements’ of “amuse smiles to entertain an engaging grin of his own.

        Second there is of a “German Attack Sub” having already in several days in advancement made sneaky way of the “Agamemnon” ocean sea vessel, thinking my present guest are aboard.
        While having in placement of a “keen deepwater” plotting maneuver for underlayment in the blind quick “Ambush-Attack” in attempts to sink the “Agamemnon”
        Very well devise planning in design, and with the custom “motif surprise” signature of “Professor James Majority”, hopeful “Bonus gains in the final dismay of “Sherlock Holmes” and “Sadly me” in this dastardly of callous causality of “War” efforts.
        “I must report the Submarine ships logs as follows”:
        The Gulf of Mexico’s deepest point 5,203 m (17,000 ft.) on the direct passage heading for the “Agamemnon” and regardless of the large “NATO” convoy escort for the Texas-Louisiana shelf, to Galveston peninsula,
        Simply leaves quite large speculative hopes of uncertain and very indecisive room for “Destructive err”.
        Holmes” being himself in “ambiguous rudeness” a definite appearances, just simply smocking about the “Bridge” and quite unsettled in his normal nature after hearing the grim(s) XO reporting,
        Thus leaving me in bewilderment to believe “Holmes” was under some sort of “Devilish of an attacking fever” after his fatal quick brisk “Ocean swim…
        “Conjecture”, “assumption”, and “speculation” deduce a simple surmise “Doctor Watson” conclude simply (we) “piggy back” the “Agamemnon” right down through the wire, into the fire, and wait on a “vicious flea”…
        “Sherlock Holmes” Having now quickly made such a straight forward all or nothing outlandish broadcast on the bridge while dealing a more magnificent splendor of confusion to the special ops report,
         XO Cmdr. Bluefin having waited more patients enough for a more mathematical resolution having come forth from my companion and by the references of the harsh XO Cmdr. Bluefin “eye brows” direct at my direction
        I also assume by the glazing glance with the harsh eye brows XO Cmdr. Bluefin praying in hopes for a more military of some sort’s of a clarifications of “Holmes” supposition in the present matter.
        “Holmes” simply picks up his “coffee cup” drain it of its final “caffeine contents”, holding it up in the “Air’ with a salesmen’s working manner working the crowd,
        receive a single pencil from the console, and with a quick single hand snap “Holmes” broken the pencil into two portions, then with ease, took the smaller portion, and simulated the “Cup is the “Agamemnon”
        And the smaller portion of the snap pencil “tuck tightly close under neath the “Cup” “Sherlock Holmes” boldly stated is you XO Cmdr. Bluefin…
        XO Cmdr. Bluefin…Quickly turn to me with the most graves of quick pale looks, approach my ear softly with a whaps whisper of wording, and sadly softly stated:
         “Watson” that “Smart Ass” owes His “Royal Majesty Navy” for a new pencil…
         And left the “con in control of “Sherlock Holmes” XO Cmdr. Bluefin bolted out a quick formal loud announcement “Captain Holmes” has the bridge…
        I will be in my personal Quarters;
        I have a quite unique, very fast approaching, “Piggy back” acquired “Head Ack”.
        To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

                                                                                 Chapter (16)
       July 11th 1918 03:00 Hrs.
       I have found myself loss in self-destruction confrontation with nearly all of the crew members, “very grim” sudden disposition(s) which I must log into the XO Cmdr. Bluefin “Vessel” being that as the new acting “Ships Doctor (Watson)
 I am compelled to keep such disclosure on a fiduciary quite under seal nature…”However
    I was lost and unaware of the actual impending dangers “Sherlock Holmes” relax nature was inevitable doomed to go for a “piggy back ride”…that upon confession of “Lt Moore” lasting will of estate and affairs, I was compel to inquire into the matter much closer…
        “Lt Moore” being a “world Naval traveler” at last simply said: “the sky above is blue” “Watson” the “Agamemnon” passenger will be safe …anticipated for if a torpedo shall pass, the Hull of our ship shall guaranteed the “Agamemnon” safe passage, which is proposed by (Captain Holmes)…”Watson”.
        Where the practical experience of being a Professional Doctor; my temper quickly interjected into
        “He bloody preordained my destined dam doom”
        Was my lasting interpretation with “Lt Moore”….As I made my way to find “Captain Holmes” for serious further clarification into “Holmes” Mad worn out observation definitely in my wildest dreams of “Sudden Death” in this mad world…?
     “Sherlock Holmes’ imperturbable unruffled nature required my serene casement as I enter into the “forward torpedo room, finding Holmes” exceptionally very verdict in a fast sentence conclusion:
         “Watson” composed you at ease; “lend me a hand” with this “blasted torpedo” squander your rubbish feeling toward “Mortality transience” into another subjected to come across”.
        For I cannot change what is erroneous wrong and make it rights, But “Watson” all I ask of you at this fast moment is your aid in “wicked, inappropriate and not right retrofitting of this “Torpedo”.
        Temperament of our “enemy character” “Watson” is their future outlook upon a surprise defeat “Triggered by the placement of a single Torpedo from the deep depths of the “Gulf of Mexico”…
         I having taking into accounts a quite compromise position under the belly of the “Doom Victim” to lie in wait for an announcement to detect the exact location of the “German Submarine” “Watson”…upon such notification, our perceive retort is to rejoin the “German Submarine” reply with the burdensome harsh and quite extra heavy “Torpedo”.
                And then insignificant as I may sound “Watson” you’re your assistance I lightly may retire with the XO Cmdr. Bluefin for a sporting game of Chess.      
To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

        (Chapter 17)
July 11th 1918 18:32 Hrs.
       One of the great advantages provided by submarines in that allowing but knows only to underneath the oceans “biological species” of every kind of organisms….
        In their natural habitats, color, shape, and behavior, hither to the huge creature self contained underwater breathing apparatus that awaits us when we are finally able to contact them with our own (ears)…
       “Simply indiscriminate collecting a Trophy (Us.)….
       The “Captain Bridge” is loaded to full capacity… “(GQ) has been set” on our easement ride to the “Agamemnon”…
        XO Cmdr. Bluefin Has the “Con”…To my (Doom) amazement in “jesting accommodations” with (Sherlock Holmes) “unsympathetic humor of sorts”…Well beyond any of our present “Crew members” consideration and comprehension”….
        “Lt. Moore”, has the “accepting position” over seeing “Sonar”…….
“Radio Control” encrypted message having provide final route, speed and docking information to the “Agamemnon” and “NATO” entire escorting “fleet”….
XO Cmdr. Bluefin “Orders”…“Dive Master”       ” take the “Submarine” to depth of “Steady” 3200 ft. with direct heading 060 to Port”….
“All torpedo rooms” Load and flood all torpedoes tubes… with the “extreme exception” of forward (2) Starboard tubes” with “Captain Holmes” marking “Sea Casket”….
   XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Orders”… “Watson” standby at the “torpedo console”…. “Fire upon my... “Marks and complete “Commands”….
“Dive Master”: increase rise “depth of steady 3000 ft…
 “Engine room” reduces all engine turbines speed... 2/3 “power”…..
All Hands Hear this: .This is XO Cmdr. “Bluefin…. the smoking lamp is fully lit… All Hands brace for “Impact”….
 “Sonar”:”Standby for Definite in bound “signature (Fish) report”….
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”…I have the (“Agamemnon”) bearing 065 degrees SE, “Ahead” range 8,000 yards speed 16 knots and we are closing in “fast”;……

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… I have (2) Indentified bogy twin screws topside first bearing 085 degrees SE. “Ahead” range 14,600 yards, speed 22 knots “NATO” Lead escort” Destroyers “Sir”……
Second…….bearing 045 degrees SE. “Ahead” range 13,500 yards speed holding at a steady 20 knots “Sir”…

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… I have (2) Indentified L-Class “NATO” Submarines in the water first bearing……080 degrees SE. “Ahead” in pattern “Sir with the first “Twin Screw”……..
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… …Second L-Class “NATO” Submarine bearing 040 degrees SE “Ahead” in pattern “Sir” with the second “Twin Screw”…… 

“XO Cmdr. Bluefin “Orders”: “Dive Master”: increase “rise depth” of a steady 2600 ft…
 “Engine room” reduces all engine turbines speed…..To 1/3 “power”…..

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… the (“Agamemnon”) bearing still steady “Sir”…065 degrees SE, “Ahead” range “Now” …..4000 yards… speed steady at “16 knots” and we are closing in “steady” “Sir”;

XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Holmes” my guess is that the “German Submarine” will increase their “sonar instruments” within our10, 000 yards passage of “Farnella Canyon”….
“Sherlock Holmes”: “Cmdr. Bluefin” my comprehension “Walker Ridge” with a precise timing on my “Mark” shall we say $10,000…. (American Dollars)….XO Cmdr. Bluefin……..

XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Mr. Holmes” “Your never-endingly arranged on scheduled taking place upon your exact “Mark”… the to be a wager….?

“Sherlock Holmes”:  Meticulous, clear-cut and scrupulous to my exact wording with “Watson” standing as our “innocent witness”……and shall we increase to say…… $20,000…. (American Dollars)….XO Cmdr. Bluefin……

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… the (“Agamemnon”) bearing still steady “Sir”…065 degrees SE, “Ahead” range “Now” …..800 yards… speed steady at “16 knots” and we are now upon her top-side wake …..“Sir”;…..

XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Mr. Holmes”:…..inflexible as it may seems your bet is on….we have clear 5,203m (17,050 ft) careful zone now, “Walker Ridge” next  I assume you (Holmes) to having a fix on our target before we close in end……

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”… the (“Agamemnon”) is “directly above” “Sir”…065 degrees SE, speeds steady at “16 knots” “Sir”;………

XO Cmdr. Bluefin:” Helms men” holding steady on 065 degrees SE……”all engine speed” matching at 16 knots……

 “Dive Master” Bring us slowly up to XO Cmdr. Bluefin: 2000 ft…….”holding steady”……

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”…….”Live” disturbance in the “water”……movement……weak….bearing…….059 degrees “dead ahead”……….

Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”……..movement seem fastidious in particular in changing course “Sir for a new bearing of 062 degrees SE….unable to detect a engine signature “Sir”……

“Sherlock Holmes”:” XO Cmdr. Bluefin” lock in on fixed target…. that’s the “German Submarine….inflexible is the “engine signature”...vague it may be  ...but accurate……

XO Cmdr. Bluefin: “Dive Master” stands by to “Dive” on “Captain Sherlock Holmes” “Mark”……..

XO Cmdr. Bluefin: Increase all engine speed by 1/16 power………

      (Chapter 18)
July 11th 1918 21:10 Hrs.
       On my first “Patriotic acts to the awaited (America) I was puzzle out into making my reasoning to “remark “Sherlock Holmes” “Mass extension into three “questionable provisions;
       “Execution with Immature”, Humor with Sophistication” and …. Adversity seeing to faking a “Bloody Disaster”…
       My seeming “Final Log” into the XO Cmdr. Bluefin Ships Log after safely having past approximately two hours in a blizzard debacle of a organize “timing mess”…
    “”Fatal Misfortune” was my sincere reaction as my entire life quickly passing before my eyes from youth, Schooling, to my Studies in Medicine to off aboard “Military Duty Placement”….
       “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” having turn over the “Con” to “Captain Holmes” for the drafting alterations as “Quarterback” to the success of being on the “Mark”….
     Hydratation had intense in my “throat” with my palms feeling “particularly sweaty” to the point I feel the need to relive my very worried mind by rubbing my “Sport Jacket” lapel ….
        I could feel a “whiteout sensation” taking my extreme mental focus on “Holmes”….”Approval objection” of “Fire”….when my “Heart” was giving a “quite daunting supplementary Announcement”…accomplishing in sending bloodcurdling intimidation now to my surly “shaking knees”…..  
   Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”…….”Live Fishes”…in the “water”……I have (Two) Indentified Torpedoes  “Dead Ahead” range 4,500 yards speed holding at a “steady fast” 18 knots “Sir”
… Second L-Class “NATO” Submarine bearing 040 degrees SE. has moved in for a “Firing sequences’”……..
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”…….”……”More Live Fishes”… the “water”……..I have (Three) Indentified Torpedoes “especially trimming” for the (“Agamemnon”)….. 4,200 yards ….
“Luxury speed” holding at a “steady fast” 18 knots “Sir”…”Both Battle Destroyers” firing brassy pounding shell’s….. “Lead escort” Destroyers XO Cmdr. Bluefin “Sir”…… rig with “Depth Charges”………
       Audacious was “Captain Holmes” first “Battle Command”……
“Sherlock Holmes”: “Dive Master”: presuming that the (Fishes) are on a 45% modest “bold climb”……”Dive Now”…….
       “Engine room” Increase all “engine turbines” speed…..To “full power”…..
       (“Watson”)….”continuous hold steady”……
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”…….” second and third fishes fix itself on the” (“Agamemnon”)….. Now at 3,900 yards ….
      (“Watson”) fire tubes (“3”) and (“4”)….”Now”……….”Dive Master” increase depth speed…(“Watson”) fire tubes (“1”)…Now………”Helms men”…….comes to right 15 degree rudder………(“Watson” ) fire…..(“2”)…..”Now”………….
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin”……(Fishes exploding) in the water”…..
“Sherlock Holmes”: XO Cmdr. Bluefin “You May have the “Irregular Con” as agitated may find yourself being ruffled into your “finished Duties”… exertion here is completed…..
   With this “overpowering acute statement” of (Sherlock Holmes)…..
XO Cmdr. Bluefin was stung smart as the seconds unfold…..
“Sherlock Holmes rips a Turn with a “Harsh Varnish Glaze” stare upon my person and asks…. “Watson” “what time do you have”……?
       Upon my basic instinct to reach for my “Gold Time” piece from my “troop patrolled unit detachment”….
All I became to find was the “clasp holding and gold chain……
       “And as I relished I became a victim of “Holmes” “scholiast bandit tricks”…..”Holmes” made the achieves expect invite”…..”Mark”……..
Sonar: “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” “Sir”…….(I have a huge unyielding implosion)…….

To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 19)
July 11th 1918 22:30 Hrs.
       A “submarine torpedo tube” is a more complex mechanism than a “torpedo tube” on a surface ship, because the tube has to accomplish the function of moving the torpedo from the normal atmospheric pressure within the submarine into the sea at the ambient pressure of the water around the submarine.
       “ Thus” a submarine torpedo tube operates on the principle of an airlock……
       A “torpedo tube” has a considerable number of interlocks for safety reasons. For example, an interlock prevents the breech door and muzzle door from opening at the same time. Also, the breech door cannot be opened when the tube is filled with water.
The submarine torpedo launch sequence is, in simplified form:
1.  Open the breech door in the torpedo room. Load the torpedo into the tube.
2.  Hook up the wire-guide connection and the torpedo power cable.
3.  Shut and lock the breech door.
4.  Turn on power to the torpedo. A minimum amount of time is required for torpedo warm-up. Fire Control programs are uploaded to the torpedo.
5.  Flood the torpedo tube. This may be done manually or automatically, from sea or from tanks, depending on the class of submarine. The tube must be vented during this process to allow for complete filling and eliminate air pockets which could escape to the surface or cause damage when firing.
6.  Open the equalizing valve to equalize pressure in the tube with ambient sea pressure.
7.  Open the muzzle door. If the tube is set up for Impulse Mode the slide valve will open with the muzzle door. If Swim out Mode is selected, the slide valve remains closed. The slide valve allows water from the Ejection Pump to enter the tube.
8.  When the launch command is given and all interlocks are satisfied, the water ram operates, thrusting a large volume of water into the tube at high pressure, which ejects the torpedo from the tube with considerable force.
9.  Modern torpedoes have a safety mechanism that prevents activation of the torpedo unless the torpedo senses the required amount of G-force.
10.             The power cable is severed at launch however if a guidance wire is used, it remains connected through a drum of wire in the tube. Torpedo propulsion systems vary but electric torpedoes swim out of the tube on their own and are of a smaller diameter. 21" weapons with fuel-burning engines usually start outside of the tube.
11.             Once outside the tube the torpedo begins its run toward the target as programmed by the fire control system. Attack functions are programmed but with wire guided weapons, certain functions can be controlled from the ship.
12.             For wire-guided torpedoes, the muzzle door must remain open because the guidance wire is still connected to the inside of the breech door to receive commands from the submarine’s fire-control system. A wire cutter on the inside of the breech door is activated to release the wire and its protective cable. These are drawn clear of the ship prior to shutting the muzzle door.
13.             The drain cycle is a reverse of the flood cycle. Water is returned to the ships tanks and can be moved as necessary. The tube must be vented to completely drain the tube since it is usually by gravity.
14.             Open the breech door and remove the remnants of the torpedo power cable and the guidance wire basket. The tube must be wiped dry to prevent a buildup of slime.
15.             This process is called "diving the tube" and tradition dictates that 'ye who shoots, dives'.
16.             Shut and lock the breech door.
       “Sherlock Holmes” “Masterfully vindicates” the workings of a “English submarine torpedo launch” to elucidate his reasoning for the “sneaky theft” of my “Swiss Watch”… with an quick presentation recital
       Into accounts that in 1601 - The Swiss city of Geneva became the unofficial world capital of horology (watch making) when the first watchmakers guild was established there in 1601. By that time, Swiss watches were famous for their quality, efficiency and accuracy. The industry continued, furthermore in
1726 - of the famous collection of watches owned by Willis Walker. Sharon, has been sold, he still retains two choice time-pieces.
        One was made in London in 1726 and the other is a Swiss watch, which not only tells time, but also indicates day of week.
        “You can easily have time, but cannot easily own Vacheron Constantin”, this is the classical slogan of Vacheron Constantin, one of the Richemont's watch brands in Swiss, and was founded in 1755 in Geneva, having a history of over 250 years
1791 - In 1791, by the time he was nineteen, Jean-Francois Bautte had learnt a lot trades, obtained the education which his modest background had denied him, and begun creating his initially watches.
 Esquire Swiss watches and luminox classic field watches with precise, accurate, and very specific precision parts that “Watson” I need to modify and attached to the high pressure guidance’s system…
       Having accurate account to rationalize reasons for the “small warhead” couldn't cause enough damage to consistently put the “German Submarine” target out of action, with my glance study of the “topography” of the ocean, also known as bathymetry
With the “Bloody World War I”  “Watson”, I have come to experience into accounts that the old most effective way to destroy a ship was to "break her back"—that is, to set off the torpedo's warhead under the centerline of the vessel, breaking the keel….
       Having taking all of this into accounts “Watson”, with addition commemorative knowledge  that the Japanese, always ready to “one-up their potential enemies, developed the 24-inch Type 93 "Long Lance" oxygen torpedo, with a 1,720-pound warhead, that has generally been recognized as probably the most effective anti-shipping torpedo ever fielded.
        This was a destroyer torpedo, but Japanese submarines were equipped with the 21-inch Type 95 oxygen torpedo, with an 893-pound warhead (increased to 1,213 pounds in the Model 2 version.
 Rather than attempting to work out a way to insure detonation under the keel,
       The Japanese simply opted for a warhead large enough to insure a “definite kill”.    
       “Watson”…. I simply manually set the gyro angles from the older setting, straight-running torpedoes, which it had been necessary to aim the submarine at the target—or, really, at where the target would be by the time the torpedo reached it.
        And by my “manually setting” the “gyro angle”, the torpedo would turn onto the “proper track” after it was fired…..
       Instead of the usual waiting on a “Bloody proper shooting sequence” of the old “direct aim” of the submarine.
       “Watson” by my placement of a larger warhead, and incorporation of a magnetic proximity exploder… I further thus allow detonation of the “New warhead” beneath the “German Attack Submarine target”, instead of against its “silly fixed side”…..
       Obvious of course rely on (NATO) selection precise in the Swiss famous for their quality, efficiency and accuracy in especially “Swiss Timing”……….
“Watson” but what my deepest concern at present while engaging under all of this Seafaring Nautical Affairs…. Me having taking into tally with very rigid accounts with my “in next to no time” Contact with “Lady Ann”……
The “Precise” location at 29°31'18" North, 98°30'60" West (29.521762, -98.516601) on July 14th 1918 3: pm. Being very scrupulous precise….And
By the protecting inflexible seal order of Prime Minister “David Lloyd George” and “King George V.” endorsement no less “Doctor Watson”….
…”Into the “Dealing Affairs of “Prince Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D”….and His ”Hooligan Voodoo” occult abroad….. Within his homeland of “Lagos Nigeria” Africa, thug profiteering abductions of “Slaves”….and his apparent obvious Rogue Ruffian display we shall sound out soon in (America)…. 

To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 20)
July 11th 1918 22:55 Hrs.
My continuation rigid “observations and annotations” have now been produced into a new “Captains Log” in my now “amusing passage” excursion to the America….”
‘Suddenly our mode of “Atlantic ocean crossing”…. Has taking an “abrupt change” into some very cold “salty wet” departure to my now laughable “dictation regarding my “funny set of circumstances”….
“Sherlock Holmes” and I (Watson)….there after being place “under arrest” of some sorts by several “very hostile “English Crew-members” “gun-point(s) placement”…..
 To a now “very quickly” opening “Submarine hatch”… following a “splendor of a “side-splitting”… “Dog-vicious” all for nothing out fight” between;
 The “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” him very self,….at the exact detailing moment (Holmes) finish his complete narration……with  “Sherlock Holmes”, being the “prime target” to be included on the attack for “Holmes Throat” by “The Helms men”, “Lt. Moore”, “the Navigation officer”, “the Dive Master”
 And me myself (Watson)….., I was still holding very “dear ill” feeling for the “sneaky abduction” of my “Swiss Army Gold Time piece”……from my unconscious wary possession…..
 Seems also as the XO Cmdr. Transfix himself involuntary into being place in no doubt “sure demise” at the hands of (Holmes) unquestionable unreliable making of “Naval Warfare”…..on a simple “Mark”…..
Yet as Solid as “Holmes” production into the “conclusive final lasting wishes” of the “Enemy Attacking German Submarine” sample as it may be… the “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” irrevocable found ending  all misunderstanding, discrepancies, and innuendos upon voilence.. ”
Base upon provisional drafts of “Sherlcok Holmes” perice outlandish “Finish Mark” with a debth paying conditional….of $20,000 American……
“Tragic”….. I must also report that the “entire “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” (NATO) submarine”…during this course of misunderstanding, discrepancies, and innuendos…  our physical were about, direction with cause” and our official “War Time”… heading was left completely un-check, and “Derelict” in being unman for approximately 4-8 minutes during this “menacing droll”…
At a “LAST CHECK” in final log records of our “command speed” orders holding at all engines ahead full speed by “Captain Holmes”… during this ongoing “feisty cuff” of an “ordeal”….
 “Sherlock Holmes” and myself….was quickly and quite rudely abandon” by XO Cmdr. Bluefin…
On his “Direct pistol pointing orders” to get that “Cheating Dam English Scoundrel” ….& his “M.D. lackey” off his “Dam Submarine” at this very instant ……
In which I shall also state ‘devils’ the “XO Cmdr. Bluefin” having the nastiness to place an extra “$20,000” weight in “retrieved pirate gold pieces” each in our “pants pocket” for “added weight”  when we were place on “top side” of a “Quickly departing submerging Submarine” beneath our swimming feet’s…….
To be finally “fished out the “Gulf of Mexico” by the (American) “NATO” cruiser “USS-ARIZONA BB-39” with its (915) member crew being hilarious amusement at our expense….as I now dry myself cursing at a sailing smooth 21 knots,
With the United States American USS Pennsylvania BB-38, flagship, of the Atlantic Fleet, providing “lead escort” unto the intercostals water ways channel…. with a final “directly heading” to  docking, at “Galveston Island”, Texas……
(Chapter 21)
July 12th 1918 12:45 Hrs.
       “Watson”……at this very spot we stand was The Beach Hotel which was a seasonal resort in Galveston, Texas.
        “It was built in 1882 by architect Nicholas J. Clayton, at a price of US$260,000 to cater to vacationers.
Owned by William H. Sinclair, the hotel opened on July 4, 1883 and was destroyed by a mysterious fire in 1898…..
A vision of “Victorian elegance” rising from the
Texas sand and surf, now…”Watson”…. our “New Home base of “American Lodging” I present to you the “Hotel Galvez” or as was known as the "Queen of the Gulf" on the day she opened in 1911…….

Their After Named after “Bernardo de Galvez”, who first chartered the coast of the Texas Gulf,
       The front lawn of the old beach hotel "provided a site for summer entertainment-fireworks, high-wire walkers, and bands…….
each of the “Hotel Galvez” 224 guest rooms offers ocean or island views and is accented with verdant greens, sepia and rich golds draperies, wall coverings, crown molding, carpet and a cherry-wood armoire.
The seventh and eighth floors showcase seven new “grand suites” with sitting rooms and marble baths we have aquired Ocean view on the Eight Floor.

To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 22)
July 13th 1918 7:45 pm (Central American Time)
        I have been taking advantage of the “fine seaside dining establishments with nice fresh seafood and a brief sightseeing tour during a “trolley ride” “throughout” the Galveston Island Texas “Strand District”……
        “Sherlock Holmes”, been absent long before our last night supper… upon our arrival in “America”… “and thanks it has been somewhat a very refreshing escape’…..
        Upon my arrival to our “New adjoining establishments” with a few “shopping trinkets” during my “escapade collection” for my future amusement at home…
                I found “Sherlock Holmes” taking up his narration tone prompt from within the separate fine washing facility” in his quarters ….with such “blabbing into”, that I having a Gift upon the dining table….
        “Watson”… seems that the “Hotel Galvez” Head House Private Dick has taking upon himself
        “To also become in a state of “Police Arrest”….and from the particulars of looting his guest for over 3 ½ months “Watson”… The “Max Cooler” was well in over doing his company….
        We have “increase admiration” in our “positive reception”…and for such “quick comprehension” and “sound judgment”…. “Watson”…..”The Hotel Galvez” has adjourned us “exceptional in house fine dining”,
        With all included complimentary lodging throughout our durations as indebtedness appreciation …“Watson”…….
        During this “liberated gratis”… of …“free charge” news ……”Sherlock Holmes”….most ‘appealing conversation’ came vague to my “fast absentminded remembrance”…..
        I lasting found myself “regaling my concisions”…. “Safely having being propped up on the “sofa on the balcony for fresh “Air”” which “Holmes quit shock lying disappeared
        Leaving me slow engaging….” Into my reflection…. I must have “flipping passed completely out”…. “On the floor”…..there after “Holmes” let slip his expose new smokescreen disguised….
        Nothing more soothing than a very strong drinks now at my trembling hands shaky ”
While me attempting to up lifting my desperate concerns and composure
        Into all of the vast very accounts of my “certain definite” masquerade of every “veil concoctions possible”…. “Sherlock Holmes” ……having the brass balls” and stable solid nerves to every covered up, disguise and “cloaking and support in a well camouflage costume……
        And as the list I been “wobbly” quivering over for examination from my confirm credentials of “Sherlock Holmes” sound as an Accountant, Out-Of-Work:
Ambassador, Spanish: Andorian, Blue-skinned Arab, Old:
Archaeologist, Old: Art Expert, French: Artisan: Artist, Elderly: Astrologer: Bahrashri Pilgrim: Bahrashri Tribesman: Bandleader, German:
Banker: Bargee, Unemployed: Bearded Man
Beggar: Beggar, Blind: Beggar, Decrepit: Beggar, Legless Veteran: Beggar, One-armed:
Beggar with a Brooklyn Accent:, Beggar with a Twisted Lip:
Belgian Gen Broker: Bhotia Trader:
Billycock hat, mutton-chop whiskers and a big, thick moustache:
Blind Irish Fiddler:, Blind Man:
Bookseller, Itinerant: Bookseller, Old Buddhist Ascetic:
Bureaucrat, Tired:
Busker: Cab Driver::Cabman, Bewhiskered:
Cabman, Elderly: Captain, Ship's:
Carol Singer:, Carpenter: Chimney Sweep:
Chinaman: Chinaman, Old: Chinese Scoundrel:
Church Deacon: Clergyman: Clergyman, Nonconformist:
 Clergyman, Simple-Minded: Cleric, Elderly:
Clerk: Clown: Coachman: Coalman:
Coalminer: Colourman, Itinerant : Comic-Paper Gambler:
Commissionaire: Common Loafer:
Constable: Convict: Costermonger, :Countryman, Bluff:
Curate, Unemployed: Cypriot Olive Oil Merchant:
Daily Mail Correspondent: Charles Darwin: "
Dean,. Rural: Deliveryman: Derelict:
Dock Worker: Dosser, Old: Doxy Drainpipe Driver:
Drunk: East End Rough: Elderly Man: Elderly Woman
Escapologist: Farmer:
Fiacre Driver: Father Finley: Fisherman, Drunken: Flatland Woman
Flower-Seller:" Footman: Footman, Out-of-Work: Frog Footman, Fu Manchu, Furniture Remover: Gardener: Gas Company Supervisor: Gas Inspector's Assistant: Gendarme, Tall Moustachioed: Ghost of Oscar Leyland: Golden Dawn Initiate: " Groom, Disreputable Young: Groom, Drunken: Groom, Out-Of-Work: Guinea Sack: Gypsy: Gypsy Woman: Hansom Driver: Harden, Colonel John Vincent: Hasidic Jew, Hebrew Scholar: Highlander:
Horse Dealer: Hobo: Hospital Porter: Hostler: Humphries, MarkImam: Indian, Deaf & Dumb:
Insurance Broker: Italian, Aged: Italian Tout: Journalist: Kashmiri Brahman Labourer : Labourer, Dockland: Labourer, Irish: Ladakhi: Lama, Tibetan:
Lascar: Laundryman's Slow Son:
Lean and hungry looking bloke: Loafer: "
LoungerMagician, Indian: Magma Tender:
Major of Rifles: Man of Commerce: Master Mariner, Old Asthmatic: Match Worker: Matchseller, Old:, Matchwoman, Old: Medium: Merchant: Merchant Seaman: Military Officer, German: Moran, Colonel: Mountain Climber, French: Municipal Surveyor: Musician, American: Mycroft Holmes: Naval Officer: Naval Officer, Disengaged:
Navy, Out-of-work: Newsboy, Elderly: Nun: Old Crone: Old Man: Old Salt: Old Tom: Old Woman: Old, Wrinkled Brown-Faced Fellow: Opium Addict Ouvrier, French Painter & Decorator: Parson, Nonconformist: Parson, Poor: Pavement Artist:
Peasant: Peasant Violinist, Norwegian:
Peddler: Peddler, Irish: Persian Silk Merchant:
Peter the Painter: Petty Thief: Phillips, David Graham: Pirate: Plumber: Police Inspector:
Policeman: Postman:
Prelate, Elderly: Priest: Priest, Italian: Priest, Old: Priest, Reformed Anglican: Prison Guard:
Professor of Philosophy :, Prostitute: Prussian Officer: Rabbi, Aged: Ragamuffin: "
Rat catcher:
Religious Fanatic: Roustabout: Ruffian: Sailor: Sailor, French: Sailor, Old: Sailor, One-Eyed: Salesman, Young: Salvation Army Officer: Scholar, Elderly:, Scene-Shifter: Sea Captain:
Sea Captain, Asthmatic: Sea Dog, OldSeaman..Secretary, Young: Servant, Italian: Sewer Scavenger: Shepherd: Singer Midget: Space Veteran, Grizzled Old:
Spanish Peasant: Sporting Man, Old: Stable Boy: Royston Steel: Street Loafer: " Street Musician:,..Street Musician, Elderly, Bespectacled: Street Pedlar: Street Ruffian:
Street Sweeper: Sunburned Old Colonial Gentleman: Tatterdemalion: Tibetan Monk: Ticket Seller:, Tramp: Transport Driver: Trinket Salesman: Turk: Vagabond: ,Vagrant: Vicious Criminal: Violinist: Wagoner, Itinerant: Waiter: War Veteran: Washerwoman: Watson, Mrs.: Welsh Villager: Woman:,,” ,Working Man:…Workman: Workman, French: Workman, Irish: Workman, Moustachioed: and  "the butler - Yeats":
But nothing has my “true confession” than the more our “American progression” of “Sherlock Holmes”… “Speedily Pilferage contempt imagination” is questionable…. God…has just “Witness surly himself “…..”Sherlock Holmes”… to having direct ….“Satan Hands”… to accomplish such direct sound features to now become an “African NEGRO capture Slave”…….
And Leaving me most certainly an “expeditions maroon”….. Galveston Islander”… “Habitual M.D. Drunker”…….
To Be Continues by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 23)
July 14th 1918 6:45 am (Central American Time)
       The “American Gulf Breezy Coast Morning” arrived without any “unique mental disturbance” which would require that I hastily with out delay momentarily medicate myself for “Sherlock Holmes” newest foundation in engagement affairs as an “Escape Negro Slave”.
       And to be quite “flabbergasted in amazement” to even render me sentence in a chilling scary state of speechless”,
       I was disproportionate in thought to the extreme in curious how “Holmes” be responsible for perpetrated such a “snake oil of smoking mirrors, to hoaxer Negro derivation.
       “Breakfast was uncommon” to the point my definition would be distinct from the “English Toast” Muffins, Egg’s and spreads I was accustom too, but nothing was unpleasant at all…
 Dreamy several of assorted “American biscuits”, “jams”, with some sort of breakfast “light warm fry potatoes” with “spicy cheese sauce”, mixed in even more “spicy sausages eggs” combination, very discrete uncommon from her “Majesty Kitchens”…
       As I grander through the distinctive thought of the unique American Land poles apart from my “England”, it had came to my “retain information” to “hark back” to “Holmes” statement in regards to a gift…
       Having taking this reminisce into accounts, I dredge up a hunt to locate a “small box and letter” From the United States American “Vice Admiral” Albert Gleaves, Commander of Convoy Operations in the Atlantic
          which ran as thus: Doctor “ Watson”
       The Spanish Influenza Epidemic taxed the resources of the naval transport medical departments to the utmost.
         Although every effort is made to eliminate sick troops at the gangway, it is inevitable that large numbers of incipient cases having taken on board, and naturally the crowded berthing spaces favored contagion.
         I have Order” Strict regulations” in regard to spraying “noses and throats” twice daily and the continual wearing of gauze coverings over the mouth and nose, except when eating, were rigidly enforced.
          The soldiers are kept in the open air as much as possible, while boxing bouts, band concerts and other amusements on deck were conducted to keep up morale.
 The result most gratifying and the epidemic hopefully
         Soon under control. Admissions to the sick list were on a rapidly decreasing scale and although there were 131 cases of the troops looking forward to ashore cheering and in fighting trim.
         Accompanying your special duties here with “Sherlock Holmes” in my homeland, please keep in your “Medical Expert Mind” many naval seamen buried from ships early in the war and many more to accompanying death in troopships in the convoy from this “Killer” “Spanish Influenza Epidemic”
          With our “NATO” grandest of request of your professional M.D. if you’re having Knowledge from your homeland aboard to aid in helping to find an adviser both directly and indirectly to end this killer institution, it be most dearest welcome.
         Please find enclose a new “Gold Swiss Army Watch”….            Your last one seems to taken on unwelcome German chastisement,
         I had a stronger latch attachment supply….in hopes to at best keep you from “Sherlock Holmes” extremely quick “Dick Beaters”…..Respectfully Yours  Albert Gleaves,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vice Admiral” USN.

 (Chapter 24)
July 14th 1918 1:20 pm (Central American Time)     
        ”The Hotel Galvez” opened its doors in June 1911 at a cost of $1 million on the 32 miles long and two and a half miles wide Galveston Island.
            The Island has seen its share of calamities, from the 1900 and 1915 “Galveston Hurricanes”, the former which killed 8,000 to 12,000 people,
                To The world’s “oldest profession calamities ”, which prosper on Galveston Island, despite minor interference by the “local authorities.”
            At current on July 14th 1918, a national law has been passed to ban “prostitution” within “five miles” of all military installations in the American Homeland.
             The Galveston Island prostitution district officially closed, although the “boarders” were allowed to remain in residence.  And once again, it was business as usual at 2528 Post office Street. 
            I (Watson) was not on the alert that I was having Lunch in the prostitution district, nor was I being aware that I had to physically within my arrival into the United States of America “beat my “Negro Slave”…And add to the calamities on “Galveston Island” Texas,
            The morning affairs having been quite surprise on the purpose in the “unexpected delivery” of a “New Swiss Army Watch”, assiduous had  Albert Gleaves,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Vice Admiral” USN in supplying a “new safety attachment”, paying special close attention to “Sherlock Holmes” devoted light fingers,
         It was soon upon my traumatized discovery from the 2528 Post office Street “ “establishment bells men”, during the course of a never shall I forget “lunching engagements” with a “Lady of the evening” that I had chance to meet upon the Ocean Board walk being arrival here for lunch.
          To be informed that my “disobedient nigger manservant” was being “not well-behaved”;
         And “absolutely wholly disrespectful” at the “Establishment horse stables” for a “Nigger” even if he from “England”,
         To this “reverberation clatter” which extremely caught me very off guards… as to my “Nigger” “What”…. is doing ….”What”..!
         I had quickly “foot race” with the “establishment bells men” to the rear entry of 2528 Post office Street
            To which  later that I discovered to be a “Whore House” to find “Sherlock Holmes” water tight in sturdy rigorous exchanges in wording with the “White” Stable Master in regards to “Holmes “  “Master” & “ His Horse Teams”…. and their special required treatments…
            Shocking enough as it may be…… I now advance to make eyes upon a colored (Negro) “Holmes” disconcerted with trouble tense wording of “off color speech” of sorts
             As to His “master” being upset”…”Which”…upon “Sherlock Holmes” being quickly acquainted with attaching importance to my arrival…
             “Holmes”…drop to my knees and affix himself upon me with familiar terms of off wording (Negro)  jibbers
            Thus address me “John Watson M.D.” as his “Master”…with the intimidating creepy ominous feeling that… “I was to take apart”…. in the amusement “unpromising ugly game”,
            Before I could reject hold hardly enough, “Sherlock Holmes” begun” to compromise a situation in which he seem to being expression of grief, to the point “dirge weeping” in fear of me…..
             Overwrought with this behavior and being caught “off guarded” by “Sherlock Holmes” ……”Scholiast pranks once again….
             I request that he stop this prank” immediately”, which he turn quickly, having once again pilfering with the “grandest of larceny”…having make off with my “New Swiss Army Watch”…. Never the less quickly and without my observe notice ….
            I had begun to take my walking cane to “Sherlock Holmes” back area lightly beating him enough accompany  in angry shout for the retrieval of my “dam watch” as he drop to the ground
             “shouting” please do not beat me “Master”…several times loud enough to this “theatric effect”….. I be a good nigger “Master”…..Please don’t beat me…!
            While laughing softly well out of the sound of the others at the 2528 Post office Street “ smiling approval at the “Whore House”….
            Causing my “American Mid-Summer day” to be surly fulfilled creepy enough and without notification.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 25)
July 14th 1918 7:10 pm (Central American Time)
       Having learn quite a deal from the early events with “Sherlock Holmes”, being now a Proffessional (Negro) “Carpetbagger” of sorts looking for economic development to veil from view “Holmes” most certain sophisticated academic culture,
        And now my reputation now as a bonafide stiff hand “Slave Owner” after the display “Holmes” conjured at the horse stables.
       I (Doctor Wastson M.D.) am now the “proud owner” of a (Negro) Freeman Slave, as “Sherlock Holmes” pointed out to go underground,
       With the purchase of an “entire farming set up” in Richmond Texas, 28 arces of land, cattel, horse team, farming stock, and some “fellow hand slaves” whom actually are “Negro Union Army Soilders”,
       Screen as (Negro) “slave hands” working the soil while gathering ‘intelligence” on Doctor Benjamin Magnus Lawson M. D. and his
       Kaiser Wilhelm Secret Society, which having been  established through “DNA” transfer preformed by “Doctor Benjamin Magnus Lawson M. D.”into the  “unborn slave child” whom belive to quickly develop the organs and systems  superior to that of any natural specimen at large .
        This “Wilhelm Secret Society” intent on spreading throughout the South as an “”Mulatto insurgent movement” during the Reconstruction era in the United States  to advocated the “extremist white supremacy, white nationalism, through terrorism against the current Negro Black Americans Development with Germany “diehards activist” eyeing on the “Southern confederacy” to maintain “Chaos”.
         After being brief by “Holmes” mischeif during our return ride to our “Galveston Quarters” for a night at as I can only imagine fine “American supper” I (Watson) assume the “elaborate and well extravagant precaution having a desire technique effect for “Sherlock Holmes” precise visualization to mislead & hoodwink” a trap knack dupe by my (Negro) Slave desire.

To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 26)
July 14th 1918 3:39 am (Central American Time)

        Experience a state of being in the attendances with the strict authority presences in the “Angel of Death “precisely was “Sherlock Holmes recruitment to facilitate with daunting charisma in the mid 3:39 am early morning chilling waking hour that I received.
        I (John Watson M.D.) having already distinguished once again Holmes in the pretense contraband façade as a (Negro) Freeman working under my control on my Farming Plantation “under a subordinate theatrical mask of sorts when I render myself to my ocean breeze quarters for a well deserved slumber
        Then out of my dreamy abrupt waking moments the “Angel of Death “desperation fought valiantly my imagination through the long thin White pale “boney Skelton fingers shaking me violent with the aim to enlist my notice.
        As I gather my sleepy composure to find the Angel of Death “is no other then creepy Sherlock Holmes in exchange for a flipside English Chap in trade of the early (Negro) Freeman,
        Quite pushing the limits of my weird telegraphed mind to focus on not completely going under any further terrifying disturbances therapy in Holmes sudden appearances
        Or should I sustain greater losses for my retreating memory functions to keep suffering heavy causticity labor in keeping up with these grotesque plantation shenanigans.
        Sherlock Holmes having management to devised a solution he could not escape travel during the dark night hours behind the mask of a fleeing (Negro) Slave, thus shifting the problem to a current cultural progression in the full rehearsal invitation to a Lynching.
        We began our early morning end ward-land travel to the predestinated meeting with Lady Ann “in the accompany of a Familiar images of the  Royal Mail coach,  this late 18th century crude wagons supplied by “Wells Fargo” completely commandeering the monopoly over all current long-distance travel within the American homeland.
         As the going got rougher within an hour passage time upon the trail, in the “Dawn morning hour”, Holmes and me (Watson M.D.)  having notice quite a blaze off to the distances underlying tree area, eyewitness us to take upon notice  of a large cross burning inferno, with a large group of “white hooded rope” men’s showing immingling about in the intensity of the radiate cross burning combustion
         At that precise “comprehensible moment” it was very unmistakable clear to our early weary journey that we having
         Seem to overtaking upon a Secret vigilante and insurgent group in the process of afflicting several assaults and killings to insure keeping power and to discourage a “Dead hung freedmen from proper voting.
         “Vindicate” was all “Sherlock Holmes” announce his express disapproval of as he somber off into a dozy unclear thought too lucid to hide his filmy condemn reprimand.
         The prospect of getting in the crop business gave me more promising as time went on in our travel to focus away from the malicious despicable standards of the Americans during this day and age.
         As I examine the farming plantation booking records “Sherlock Holmes” purchase for the land I am having ownership over… the last year progress retain upwards of thirty thousand bushels of rice, forty thousand bushels of corn, eighty thousand bushels of wheat, with the necessary tools, fertilizer, animals, and feed to include with a small army of 75 “Union Army” (Negros) sentence to participating in the farm management position, and harvesting momentarily.
         During the “American Civil War, as our (Negro) Union Col. “Jonathans Attucks” guide suggestion, that some black soldiers in the “Union army” and some contrabands learned to read in facilities furnished by the army, which also open schools for blacks in occupied areas of the south.        
         Freedpoeple yearned for literacy-some simply to read the bible, some to possess the key to independence, political power, and upward mobility.  As the “Civil War had ended, blacks held classes for other blacks in abandoned warehouse, billiards rooms, former slave markets, deserted hotels, and even on the waysides.
         Children taught parents; labors taught each other. Elected black representatives in the past Reconstruction area legislatures enrolled in law schools as soon as they were permitted. Black churches, Union Leagues, and other groups built schoolhouses.
          Despite continues antagonism and repression here in the “Dirty South” in 1918 to continue kill Freeman black’s enthusiasm as you “Doctor Watson” and “Mr. Sherlock Holmes” having just beheld riding as spectators to see the sun burning during the “dark hours”.

To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 27)
July 14th 1918 10:40 am (Central American Time)

                “Jonathans Attucks” having continue detailing facts After the Civil War, Houston businessmen initiated efforts to widen the city's extensive system of bayous so the city could accept more commerce between downtown and the nearby port of Galveston. By 1890, Houston was the railroad center of Texas.
                In 1900, after Galveston was struck by a devastating hurricane, efforts to make Houston into a viable deepwater port were accelerated
                President Woodrow Wilson opened the deepwater Port of Houston in 1914, seven years after digging began.

                In 1822, a group of Austin's colonists went up the Brazos River, stopping near present day Richmond where they built a fort called Fort Bend. Named after Richmond, England,

            Yet you see “Mr. Holmes and Doctor Watson”….Due to the vastly varied cultures which comprise Texas, practically every type of food is available in the Lone Star State.
 And, those various types of food are inevitably celebrated with a variety of festivals each year,Terlingua International Chili Championship, Floresville Peanut Festival,
 Poteet Strawberry Festival, Houston Hot Sauce Festivall,
Czhilispiel,Luling Watermelon Thump, Texas Mushroom Festival,
Texas Rice Festival,  Conroe Cajun Catfish Festival, Pasadena Strawberry Festival, and the  Austin Ice Cream Festival.
                Then U.S. Congress laid the groundwork for the establishment of Texas A&M in 1862 with the adoption of the Morrill Act.
                Classes began on October 4, 1876, with 40 students and 6 faculty members. Admission was limited to white males, and all students were required to participate in the Corps of Cadets and receive military training.
            This fine plantation and sugar refinery you see here “Mr. Holmes and Doctor watson”, is a combination of five plantations, namely: Kyle and Terry, Thatcher, Brebard and Borden twelve thousand five hundred acres, six thousand five hundred of which are in cultivation, cane and corn principally, but also sorghum, alfalfa, and truck gardens. Williams, Brown and Belknap, part of the Allcorn and part of the William Stafford, are the original grants on which this plantation is located. John M. Williams owned the place in 1828, having the league located then.
             In 1840 S. M. Swinson brought several schooner loads of cane up the Brazos River to plant on his farm, but concluding not to do so; sold the cane to Williams, which he planted on this place, and made sugar with a. horse mill, shipping it down the Brazos and finding a market for it at Galveston. Kyle and Terry bought the property in 1553, and put up a sugar house. Kyle died in 1862, and Colonel Frank Terry was killed in the civil war in 1861.
            The property was then divided between the Kyle and Terry heirs, and soon after James Freemtan bought 1,600 acres from the heirs of Colonel Terry.
            The entire property then remaining was purchased from the heirs by Colonel Cunning ham, who had everything, remodeled and added a great amount of machinery, the expenses, altogether amounting to about one million and a half dollars. Included in this was a sugar refinery and paper mill, the former being the finest in the South.

Colonel Cunningham is a native of Arkansas, and came to Bexar County, Texas, in 1856, and went into the stock business on Martinas Creek, and was very successful, but the civil war nearly broke him up. When the clash came between the North and South in 1861, Colonel Cunningham organized and commanded a famous company of western men called "Mustang Greys," who were incorporated with Hood's 4th Texas Brigade.

            The Colonel passed through all of General Hood's big battles and, was wounded fourteen times, slightly, the most severe one being in the foot, which put him off duty nearly a month. When Hood was made a Major General, Captain Cunningham was appointed Chief of Staff and Inspector General, and commanded the regiment during the campaign of 1862. At the great battle of Gaines' hill 400 of the regiment were engaged, and out of this number 252 were killed and wounded.
            The regiment penetrated the Federal lines and General Lee said that it was one of the most brilliant charges of the war, and the most important turned McClellan's right flank and saved Richmond. While the men were advancing, and within fifty yards of the enemy, Hood said, "Fix bayonets" that was the word that saved, the day; bayonets were fixed and the line penetrated. Here Thomas, the only brother of Colonel Cunningham, was killed, just before they got to the works.
            The regiment pushed half a mile inside the Federal lines, and here the Colonel rallied eighty-two men, and they were charged by cavalry with the intention of crushing the remnant of the regiment. The 7th Mississippi and 18th Georgia came to their assistance, and the Federal cavalry was nearly annihilated, no horse passing through a lane there with a rider. The men had bayonets fixed, and as the cavalry passed Pat Penn fired and emptied one saddle, and then lifted another man out of his saddle with his bayonet. Haywood Brahan also fired and shot his man, but being of lighter build than Penn, when he transfixed: another trooper with his bayonet was unable to withdraw it, and had to let go his, gun, and it went with the man until he fell to the ground.
            Besides his plantation of "Sugarland" Colonel Cunningham 700 acres leased, of the Cartwright place, seven miles below. The Colonel also built a little over fourteen miles of railroad, called the "Sugarland Road," connecting with the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe at Dike, and the International at Arcola, running down Oyster Creek through all the main sugar lands. At his plantation the Colonel has a store, postoffice, etc. It is situated in Fort Bend County on the Southern Pacific Railroad, eight miles east of Richmond, and "Sugarland" is one of the stations.
            Colonel Cunningham married Miss Narcissa Braham, daughter of R. W. Brahan of Mississippi. Their children are Edward Brahan, Eva Lock, Susie Dismukes, Thomas Brahan, and Narcissa, Haywood, all living, two married. Thomas married in San Antonio, Miss Maxwell, now dead. Edward Brahan married Miss McEachin of Richmond, Texas.

            "Aunt Sarah Chase," an old Negro woman who belonged to Colonel Terry, still lives on the plantation, and has many interesting things to tell about the old times before and during the war. She was brought from Virginia to Galveston when a child, with her mother and other children, by her master, Colonel Martin, who then came in a boat up to Harrisburg in the year about 1847. Colonel Frank Terry had bought the plantation now known as Sugarland from John T. Williams, and was at Harrisburg when Colonel Martin arrived there, and bought this family of Negroes from them, and conveyed them to his farm in an ox wagon. On the way they met Williams and his family moving dawn towards Houston.
            “Just before Colonel Terry started to the war he head all of the Negroes marched out of the field singing the old cornfield songs. He then had them formed in line and gave them a talk, telling them he was going away, and that they must be good and obey the overseer and driver. Not long after he went to the war he was killed in battle and his body sent back home. Before the train arrived which conveyed the body the negroes were all brought from the field and lined up at the depot, and then informed that Colonel Terry had been killed, and that they were brought there to see the remains come in and attend the funeral. When the train came Aunt Sarah says that men wearing white gloves took the coffin out and they and all the Negroes went out to where a vault had been prepared for the reception of the body, and it was deposited there with ceremonies
            . I suppose these men with white gloves were Masons. Mrs. Terry was afterwards buried in the same vault. There was great lamenting in the Terry family and among the Negroes also when the body of the famous ranger arrived. The slaves all liked their muster, he treated them well and, gave them plenty to eat. The Terry home was out in the prairie, where the body was carried from the train.
            The old woman told the writer that she and her family were freed in the back yard behind their cabin, when asked how that was, she said that. Judge Buckner came there where a lot of them were and told them that they were free.

To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 28)
July 15th 1918 7:20 pm (Central American Time)

       “Sherlock Holmes” having retrieved from “Lady Ann” quite extremely large assortments of provides authenticate “Medical Screening” request forms for among other things
       Treatment for an illness that has a significant sexually transmitted infection
            Like Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis. From the medical office of B. Samuel Magnus-Lawson, M. D to be examine by Christus St. Joseph Hospital Lab department on the 4th day of October 1916.
            Upon my (Doctor Watson M.D.)  train medical “ear drums’ taking in such a description for Pirate “Rex Okusaga” A/k/a Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. Doctoral orders for the orders being provided for himself in a blind to treatment of symptoms vary, but the most common are soreness, unusual lumps or sores, itching, pain when urinating, and/or an unusual green and yellow discharge from the genitals “Which Sherlock Holmes”
                Noted the Prince Witch Voodoo  Doctor  as being referred by “Holmes” jockeying “did annoyed was force to admitted under oath of a Deposition of an Esq. name “Carl Parker”…..Former Senator  Born and reared in Port Arthur, Texas, Senator Carl A. Parker has been licensed since 1888 and practices Law from both of his Port Arthur and Austin offices.
            “Sherlock Holmes” noted  He is a former State Senator with 32 years legislative experience, he is an active trial lawyer who has won multi-verdicts in an excess of a million dollars, he has handled virtually every type of case from minor cases to capital murder and federal crimes; representation of foreign countries, and business litigation.
And is presently accepting civil, criminal, commercial, and domestic law cases.
            An expert in jury selection, an authority on legislative and trial topics, and is a staunch defender of the right to trial by jury
    A courtroom veteran in deed if ever after “Holmes”….uncontroable pleased laughing out of control to the point we stop for a off road side snack and venture into the trove of “Diseases and  Sexual Disorders .
But what is quite troubling “Doctor Watson” is the precise detect in the presence of the Pirate “Rex Okusaga” A/k/a Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. human immunodeficiency virus in his blood, or urine having been scandalous delinquent with immoral unjust disguise shell wrapping.
                I having taking very serious study in to this condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive.
                Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells.
                 But “Watson” The four major routes of transmission are unsafe sex, contaminated needles, breast milk, and transmission from an infected mother to her baby at birth (perinatal transmission).
                You see “Doctor Watson” individuals mostly die from opportunistic infections or malignancies associated with the progressive failure of the immune system
                The serious infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations. Sexual transmission can occur when infected sexual secretions of one partner come into contact with the genital, oral, or rectal mucous membranes of another.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 28)
July 15th 1918 10:05 pm (Central American Time)
       Through out “Holmes” and myself “Doctor Watson” late night journey back to “Galveston Island Texas” to our main headquarters….
       “Sherlock Holmes” having derive during our travel that the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” opportunity of occasion in prospect for “Pain Killers, Sedatives, “Female Hormones”, physiatrist medications”, “Male enhancement medications”, “pap smear specimen”, “prescription medications”, “laboratory records”, “”Mutable fictitious birth dates, “mutable social security numbers,” House maid over dose, Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor Elder Son arrest in a “Home born Drug Trade operation, 
       And the “grandee admission” to complete unbendable “under oath” “Doctor Watson” The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor force purposeful “Nigerian Tribal Cult against “Lady Ann”…….
        If you do indeed Doctor Watson” remember the recent case of 21 Nigerian tribesmen who had been let into England by lax immigration controls have been arrested and charged with the ritualistic killing and cannibalistic eating of a young boy,
 Who's remains were found in the Thames River.
      The 21 were involved in a "people trafficking" scam where they helped
illegal African immigrants enter England. In particular, they were
in children to participate in sex cult activities or so phony parents could
claim them for welfare benefits.

      The boys, between the age of 4 and 7, had been forced to eat magic powders
consisting of “ground bones” before being “killed and eaten”.

Animal skulls wrapped in strange substances were found in the area where the murder.
      Cannibalism, sex crime, and all around cruelty are common place in Africa,
where the poorly developed Negro and Bantu peoples, many of whom suffer
from a deficiency of normal moral sense, constantly perpetrate cruelties against
themselves and any other living beings who come under their control.

 In all of Africa’s constant tribal wars, the eating of members of the opposing
tribe, as well as the most horrid acts of mutilation and violence, are common

       The evolution of religion cannot be precisely determined “Watson” owing to the lack of clearly distinguishable stages, but anthropological and historical studies of isolated cultures in various periods of development have suggested a typology but not a chronology. One type is found among some Australian aborigines who practice magic in religion and superstition, the practice of manipulating and controlling the course of nature by preternatural means. Magic is based upon the belief that the universe is populated by unseen forces or spirits that permeate all things.

and  fetish , inanimate object believed to possess some magical power. The fetish may be a natural thing, such as a stone, a feather, a shell, or the claw of an animal, or it may be artificial, such as carvings in wood.
But “Doctor Watson” consider the powers therein to be not supernatural but an aspect of the natural world.
        Inability or refusal to divide real from preternatural and acceptance of the idea that inanimate objects may work human good or evil are sometimes said to mark a prereligious phase of thought. This is sometimes labeled naturism or animatism. It is characterized by a belief in a life force that itself has no definite characterization
 You See “Doctor Watson” animism, belief in personalized, supernatural beings (or souls) that often inhabit ordinary animals and objects, governing their existence. British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor argued in Primitive Cultur
      A second type of religion, represented by many Oceanic and African tribal beliefs, includes momentary deities (a tree suddenly falling on or in front of a person is malignant, although it was not considered "possessed" before or after the incident) and special deities (a particular tree is inhabited by a malignant spirit, or the spirits of dead villagers inhabit a certain grove or particular animals).
 In this category one must distinguish between natural and supernatural forces.
       This development is related to the emergence of objects of devotion, to rituals of propitiation, to priests and shaman , religious practitioner in various, generally small-scale societies who is believed to be able to diagnose, cure, and sometimes cause illness because of a special relationship with, or control over, spirits.
and to an individual sense of group participation in which the individual or the group is protected by, or against, supernatural beings and is expected to act singly or collectively in specific ways when in the presence of these forces  ancestor worship, ritualized propitiation and invocation of dead kin. Ancestor worship is based on the belief that the spirits of the dead continue to dwell in the natural world and have the power to influence the fortune and fate of the living.

       totem , an object, usually an animal or plant (or all animals or plants of that species), that is revered by members of a particular social group because of a mystical or ritual relationship that exists with that group.

Now spiritism or spiritualism, belief that the human personality continues to exist after death and can communicate with the living through the agency of a medium or psychic.
       In a third class of religion—usually heavily interlaced with fetishism—magic, momentary and special deities, nature gods, and deities personifying natural functions (such as the Egyptian solar god Ra, the Babylonian goddess of fertility Ishtar, the Greek sea-god Poseidon, and the Hindu goddess of death and destruction Kali) emerge and are incorporated into a system of  mythology [Greek,=the telling of stories], the entire body of myths in a given tradition, and the study of myths. Students of anthropology, folklore, and religion study myths in different ways, distinguishing them from various other forms of popular, often orally and ritual.
        Sometimes they take on distinctively human characteristics “Doctor Watson”  anthropomorphism [Gr.,=having human form], in religion, conception of divinity as being in human form or having human characteristics. Anthropomorphism also applies to the ascription of human forms or characteristics to the divine spirits of things such as the winds
       Beyond these more elementary forms of religious expression there are what are commonly called the "higher religions." Theologians and philosophers of religion agree that these religions embody a principle of transcendence, i.e., a concept, sometimes a godhead, that involves humans in an experience beyond their immediate personal and social needs, an experience known as "the sacred" or "the holy."
In the comparative study of these religions certain classifications are used.
 The most frequent “Watson” are polytheism , belief in a plurality of gods in which each deity is distinguished by special functions. The gods are particularly synonymous with function in the Vedic religion (see Vedas) of India: Indra is the storm god, Agni the fire god, Vayu the wind god, Yama the
 (as in popular Hinduism and ancient Greek religion), in which there are many gods;
       dualism, any philosophical system that seeks to explain all phenomena in terms of two distinct and irreducible principles. It is opposed to monism and pluralism. In Plato's philosophy there is an ultimate dualism of being and becoming, of ideas and matter.

(as in Zoroastrianism and certain Gnostic sects), which conceives of equally powerful deities of good and of evil;
                monotheism [Gr.,=belief in one God], in religion, a belief in one personal god. In practice, monotheistic religion tends to stress the existence of one personal god that unifies the universe.
 (as in Christianity, religion founded in Palestine by the followers of Jesus. One of the world's major religions, it predominates in Europe and the Americas, where it has been a powerful historical force and cultural influence, but it also claims adherents in virtually

    Judaism , the religious beliefs and practices and the way of life of the Jews. The term itself was first used by Hellenized Jews to describe their religious practice, but it is of predominantly modern usage; it is not used in the Bible or in Rabbinic literature and Islam ,
 [Arab.,=submission to God], world religion founded by the Prophet Muhammad. Founded in the 7th cent., Islam is the youngest of the three monotheistic world religions (with Judaism and Christianity). An adherent to Islam is a Muslim [Arab.,=one who submits]. in which there is a single god;
        Supratheism (as in Hindu Vedanta and certain Buddhist sects), in which the devotee participates in the religion through a mystical union with the godhead;
       and pantheism [Gr. pan=all, theos=God], name used to denote any system of belief or speculation that includes the teaching "God is all, and all is God." Pantheism, in other words, identifies the universe with God or God with the universe. in which the universe is identified with God.
       Another frequently used classification “Watson” is based on the origins of the body of knowledge held by a certain religion: some religions are revealed, as in Judaism (where God revealed the Commandments to Moses), Christianity (where Christ, the Son of God, revealed the Word of the Father), and Islam (where the angel Gabriel revealed God's will to Muhammad).
       Some religions are non revealed, or "natural," the result of human inquiry alone. Included among these and sometimes called philosophies of eternity are Buddhist sects (where Buddha is recognized not as a god but as an enlightened leader), Brahmanism, and Taoism and other Chinese metaphysical doctrines.
       So what have you surmise from all of these “Anecdote filled Narratives “Doctor Watson”…….
       The very last thing I remember after going into a daze from the “Head School Master Holmes” furnances blast chastisement scoop…..
        Was my swimming in the “Gulf of Mexico” up to my neck with pocket firm line with gold,
       Thus ending with “deep-seated queer ownership” of a “Negro Slave”, to account now for passionate  “Sexual hormonal &  Sexual transmitted disease” ending with a toast in the formidable “effective ritualistic killing” and “cannibalistic eating of a young boy”, Who's remains were found in the “Thames River”.
      To now “Sherlock Holmes”  very “brawny brilliant” consideration into obtain “Peripheral Densitometry heel ultra sound” or a “X-ray Absorptiometry” testing to discover if in fact that the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor “Himself is In the possession of having “Low Bone Mass” as “Doctor Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.
       A/k/a Pirate “Rex Okusaga” is factually “Persevering Princess Witch Voodoo Doctor” of”Lagos Nigeria Africa”
      And now suffering from “Tribal intense fairy tales” of a “compelling “female gender” special “disorder disease” of “Osteoporosis”.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 29)
July 16th 1918 7:55 am (Central American Time)
       The early morning “Galveston Island” Texas Gulf Coast breeze, felt like an undertow of refreshes during my shave, as I fought off the moment to focus on getting myself together for a “Southern American Hospitality” breakfast wondering what surprise the outstanding Cajun chief having in store for “Sherlock Holmes” and myself (“Doctor Watson”)…….
       As I am Standing here by myself staring at the ocean glittering reflection from the bathroom mirror, listening to “Holmes” “Systematically Instinct” in setting forth an opportunity in telling the “full facts” being concluded in his brief latest examination of our present case in the  Professional misconducts of “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor…..
       I quash over the accountability in all of the medical records in connection with the Pirate “Rex Okusaga” A/k/a Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.
       I became finding myself aloof in a drifting mode with the ocean tide feeling my thoughts of succession as to the strange “Voodoo Timeline”.
       The thought having occurred to me in the medical (STD) screening testing being committed by a complete rouge accomplices in that the “St. Joseph Medical Center” in Houston Texas having a scandalous villain role in the Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor own “urine sample, blood sample, and penis discharge sample,
        With the noticeable evident “pap smear” sample being also admitted under a bogus obscure female name for “Lady Ann” A/k/a “Sade Okusaga”.
       “Sherlock Holmes” concurred in the facts that the “Hospital lab department” and “medical billing department” having conceal the “Lady Ann” records with full “compliances knowledge” this is to be hidden forever under a “fictitious” Patent name “Sade Okusaga” (DOB) 8/12/1789
        Which delinquent safety protection measures activities wellbeing outrageous apply against “St Joseph Medical Hospital” policy and “Public health” concerns taking a iniquitous wicked unethical “back seat”
       In accordance with “applicable medical standards of care” dealing with “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” that the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” Lawson M.D. having foolishly contracted while “Whore casting” erroneous about in “The French Quarters” of “New Orleans”, L.A.
       Remarkable naughty “Sherlock Holmes” quick deduction of the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor M.D.” immorally, dreadful, and regretful putrid acts leaving me to question how “Holmes” befall to extend to the Americans “French Quarters” in New Orleans L.A.
       Elementary “Watson” be as tall as showing your own face in the “shopping district” on the boardwalks of this “Galveston Island” your normal traits dictate your clandestine covert actions,
       Seeing that you have been saving a puzzling weird amount of “spending sliver” the moment I spoke of our travel to “America” to commence it was not a moment too soon before you explode into a force of lawbreaker sweeping spending free…
       The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor M.D. having amicable circumspect for concoctions of potions mixtures supplies, being one and the same identical to make equate enough,
        Absent Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. easy access near his homeland of “Lagos Nigeria” Africa, for concoctions of potions, leaving the American homeland “New Orleans” French Quarters as a desperado equivalent rival to counterpart any pick-me-upshot in the arm voodoo stimulants.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

       (Chapter 29)
July 16th 1918 7:58 am (Central American Time)
       Within moments of “Sherlock Holmes” mind bungle botch of making a mess into “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor M.D.” and accounts of “”Voodoo mismanagements” in the “French Quarters” of New Orleans Louisiana
        “Holmes” having derived that Marie Laveau a Louisiana Creole practitioner of “Voudou” being renowned in New Orleans, believed to have been born free in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, about 1794,
         The daughter of a “white planter” and a free Creole woman of color. On August 4, 1819, she married Jacques (or Santiago, in other records) Paris, a free person of color who had emigrated from Haiti,
         The marriage mass was performed by Father Antonio de Sedella, the Capuchin priest known as Pere Antoine.
             Jacques Paris died in 1820 under unexplained circumstances. (Most likely posion)
         He was part of a large Haitian immigration to New Orleans in 1809 after the Haitian Revolution of 1804.
         New immigrants consisted of French-speaking white planters and thousands of slaves as well as “free people of color”.
         Those with African ancestry “Watson” helped revive “Voodoo” and other African-based cultural practices in the “New Orleans” community, and the Creole of color community increased markedly.
         “Watson” After Paris's death Marie Laveau became a hairdresser who catered to wealthy white families.
          She took a lover, Christophe (Louis Christophe Dumesnil de) Glapion, with whom she lived in a “common-law marriage” until his death in 1835.
         They were reported to have had 15 children including Marie Laveau II, born c. 1827, who sometimes used the surname "Paris" after her mother's first husband.
         Very little is known with any certainty about the life of Marie Laveau.
         Her surviving daughter had the same name and is called Marie Laveau II by some historians.
         Scholars believe that the mother was more powerful while the daughter arranged more elaborate public events (including inviting attendees to St. John's Eve rituals on Bayou St. John).
         They received varying amounts of financial support.
         It is not known which (if not both) had done more to establish the voodoo queen reputation.
Of Laveau's magical career there is little that can be substantiated.
         “Doctor Watson” She was said to have had a snake she named “Zombi” after an African god.
         After having bearing continue witness to “Sherlock Holmes” legend account, I happen to glance at the reflection of “Holmes” quick brute passing about in our “joining quarters” to discover “Sherlock Holmes” having “mischievous voodoo sprite” himself into conversion an evil alter modification  amendment back into a (Negro) slave again,
          And I (Doctor Watson) finding myself “distressed quickly” suffering from a slight “squirting bleeding accounts” about the “Adams apple” area of my very own neck from my (Negro) slave “Holmes”
         Very quick agitate and quite annoy disturbances in my morning shaving adjustment, which I screamed “Dam it” for god sake “Sherlock Holmes” please “Holmes” do  care to make some advance “advertisement notification warning”  in this deep seeded “Negro changes” of yours
          Before I completely slit my very own “Throat”….
         Which “Sherlock Holmes” as usual finding “extreme menacing amusement laughter” in daunting me to “death”.
          I begun to apply some soft tissue to clot the terrifying scared bloodcurdling events as I continue understanding Sherlock Holmes further accounts Laveau's magical career.
          Which “Holmes” Narratives Oral traditions suggested that the occult part of her magic mixed Roman Catholic beliefs,
         Including Saints, with African spirits and religious concepts.
         Some scholars believe that her feared magical powers of divination were actually based on her network of informants which she developed while working as a hairdresser in households of the prominent.
         As she visited her clients (mostly white) she listened closely to their gossip.
         Some assert that she ran her own “brothel” which I deduced “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. having visited her daughter “brothel” over numerous times…
          She appeared to excel at obtaining inside information on her wealthy patrons by instilling fear in their servants whom she either paid or "cured" of mysterious ailments.
“Watson” On June 16, 1881 the New Orleans newspapers announced that “Marie Laveau” had been beheaded in the top tower of her own home.
         This is noteworthy if only because people claimed to have seen her in town after her supposed demise.
         Again, some claimed that one of her daughters also named Marie (many of the daughters had Marie within their names due to Catholic naming practices) assumed her name and carried on her magical practice, taking over as the queen soon before or after the first Marie's death.
According to official New Orleans vital records, a certain Marie Glapion Lavau died on June 15, 1881, aged 98.
             The different spelling of the last name as well as the age at death may result from the casual 19th Century approach to spelling as well as conflicting accounts of Laveau's birth.
Marie Laveau was reportedly buried in Saint Louis Cemetery #1 in New Orleans in the Glapion family crypt.
                The tomb continues to attract visitors who draw three "x"s (XXX) on its side, in the hopes that Laveau's spirit will grant them a wish. Some self-styled researchers claim that Laveau is buried in other tombs,
        But I fear “Watson” they may be confusing the resting places of other “voodoo priestesses” of New Orleans.
Although some references to Marie Laveau in popular culture refer to her as a "witch" she is properly described as a 'Voodoo priestess'.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 30)
July 16th 1918 8:34 am (Central American Time)
       Upon direct instruction of “Sherlock Holmes” to be joining me (Doctor Watson) moments later down stairs as “Holmes” regulates a fine –tune” focus to fiddle his playful mischievous desire, while completing his “ill-behaved”  amendments as a (Negro) self…
        To join me for “Breakfast” with-in the Historic Galveston “ Hotel  Galvez” luxurious “Four Star Magnificent Ocean Front “Victorian guest dining Area”…
       I regain the sighting filled “Hotel” with such “Sweeping archway” and “stylish décor” lending my “American experiences” to briefly undergo being subjected to a fine translation state of enjoyment encounters within the “Galveston Texas” present “quality tone” moments in my own timely setting of a “milieu ambiance” for “ These providential feast for  a desire “Breakfast”….
       Within 4 ¼ moments as I was pleasant engaging myself in the “Cajun Chief” well prepared “Raspberry walnut Muffins, “Lobster eggs Florentine delightful recipe”,
      Complemented with Sprinkle “beacon bits” on light golden brown “fried breakfast potatoes” with the other side floating in an “American & English” combination of “sharp cheddar cheese”…
      With a spicy cheesy tangy spice sauce floating about my “Breakfast plate.
      “Sherlock Holmes” grandest of entrance to my knowledge date startled my “inner nerves” within moment of fast flashing seconds after “my public disapproval glancing of his “Negro” sighting… with what appeared “Holmes” having suffered serious facial injuries to his “left eye” with well “colorful bruising”, to match with a slight swallow lip, with discoloration of definite “blood”.
      Equivalent in corresponding “Sherlock Holmes” pursuit in his “childish camouflage disguise” and  provoking my “competition” in a daring clashing contest during my “fine American breakfast”… gave my tummy a very soon telling sorry signed that I would retain forever having differing opinions on the “Slave” variance….
       I shall dare say for the “complete record” my consent and acquiesce to being in such full simpleminded agreements, was furtherance’s kept off guarded as “Holmes” made no concealing relation being infected with the prevailing racism of the time.
      Masterful of “Sherlock Holmes” quick posture when other “Hotel Galvez” negro staff” appear within hearing range” Holmes” let slip” to be “submissive” and quite obedient “well-behaved” in whimpering…..
      Added the quick applied “theater makeup” showing my “Freeman Slave” having current suffering from a “civil beating nature”…
      Sadly suggesting my (Doctor Watson M.D.) innocent placement in having the “accomplished supported” very perverse “casting role” in applying complete abnormal control over my “deformed Negro”.
      “Warped” having declared dancing its way across the “breakfast table”….took a seat and was “very eager” in dining in the delightful chief substances….
      When “Holmes” quick “misshapen awry” conversation “bitter” my wholesome breakfast desire to see if my “strong constitution” having moments to settled as “Sherlock Holmes”
       Bent on cruel reviewing the symptoms of common STDs, like chlamydia, “genital herpes”, “gonorrhea”, and “syphilis” the Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor “Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. possibly be buckled and deformed in hiding his cures.
       “You” See “Watson” Chlamydia is a bacterial infection of your “genital tract”….pass me “What is this my “English nostril detect” “Raspberry walnut Muffins,….”my, my, Please pass them over “Watson”……
      “Sherlock Holmes” being very tune in straight clinical facts….as I watch my “tummy turn vicious” ….in the prepared butter application “Holmes”……was engaging in faithfully throughout his recital in this infamous “Chlamydia”
       And its facts in being difficult to detect because “early-stage infections” often cause few or no “signs and symptoms” leaving off with addressing me as “Master Watson”…as the “Hotel Galvez” staff returned…
       “Sherlock Holmes” telling me the “signs conditions” Do occur, and usually start “one to three weeks” after you've been exposed to Chlamydia….. 
       I (Doctor Watson) having at this point felt my skin growing with discomforting sweating… and I may be feeling acute “mild dizzy sensation” being present…..
       ”Watson”   this “Lobster eggs Florentine” is very promising would you be a “dear chap”…and pass the “Mustard”…….
      ’Mrs. Hudson” could stand some “American improvements”….”Would you not say this may be the case…..”Watson”…
      At this point in time, “my deep thoughts” was just simply management “a slight stir” in my coffee, to keep the appearance of being “able to endure” as “Sherlock Holmes” begun into “deeper breaths” and strong wording pronouncement condemnations
..You see “Watson” very extreme “Painful urination” and “Lower abdominal pains” in men…… “However yet”…”Vaginal discharge” in women…with “Discharge” from the penis in men” do in fact incurred…
         But at the same time possessing extremely Painful during “sexual intercourse” in women while leaving”strong Testicular pain” in men quite living to be as ancient as time in unbearable state…..
       “Sherlock Holmes” “must we entertain” this present topic at this precise time “having cross my mind” to interject but “Sherlock Holmes”….
       ”Medical crooked” as it may be his conversation would not change direction with the announcement of “Gonorrhea” and its  “bacterial infection” of your male “genital tract”.
….(Required that I “Watson” push my wasted gourmet plate quickly from my direct line of sight at best)…….while “Holmes” amuse himself with his own newly discovered “American appetite”….
       While I further engage in hearing such curvature start afresh “first Watson”….”gonorrhea symptoms” generally appears within two to 10 days after exposure.
       However, The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. may be having been infected for months on in before “signs or symptoms” occur with a Thick, cloudy or bloody discharge from the penis
       As the “vagina color” and “discharge” being present in women complemented with “Pain or burning sensation” when urinating thus “Frequent urination”  
       And Like “Chlamydia”…..  “Doctor Watson” extreme Pain during “sexual intercourse”….
       Persistent in keep going on “Sherlock Holmes”…. Pronouncement and revelation into “Trichomoniasis” is a common “sexually transmitted disease” caused by a microscopic, one-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.
       “Watson” the Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”, Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. contraction of Trichomoniasis during out of marriage “sexual intercourse” with someone who already has the infection stands as a possibly during a lasting visited in New Orleans L.A. French Quarters” ….”Voodoo Cathouse”.
        The organism usually infects the “urinary tract” in men, “Watson”…but often causes no symptoms in men.
       “Trichomoniasis” typically infects the “vagina in women” and may cause these “signs and symptoms” of “Greenish yellow, possibly frothy vaginal discharge”,
 And a “very Strong vaginal odor”,
       “Vaginal itching or irritation”, “Pain during sexual intercourse “Watson”, and “Painful urination with “Light vaginal bleeding”…
       Giving the “other factors” “Doctor Watson” in the recent obtained medical evidence from “Lady Ann” being received in our devilish “hands for future publication”.
        “I must say upon my “Professional consolation in this present matter “Doctor Watson” supporting by my combine assertion that the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”, Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. “having already possession suitable strong (STD) Sexual Transmitting diseases being supply in contractions and affirmation….
      “Complemented” with the compelling “tale signs” of a “female gender disorder” disease of “Osteoporosis”  “Doctor Watson”
 Leaving my well-founded justifiable “instinctive deductions” being very rational in discovery, “the plausible strong and coherent logical” reasoning,
“Doctor Watson” I am afraid to proclaim “The official Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor A/k/a “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D”
 Is very “understandable a legitimate” legally binding authenticate “Hermaphrodite”.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 31)
July 16th 1918 8:39 am (Central American Time)
        The Victorian heritage verdant greens and rich golds accent the “Hotel Galvez” on Galveston Island Texas to its rightful place as a timeless as my “New masterpiece” Swiss Army Watch I “Watson” adore…...
       My present estate of “Quick Affairs”…required that I retire to the “Marble bathroom” with bathrobes and designer toiletries. ...For an “English Gentlemen”… Heave and Vomit”….
       “Sherlock Holmes” grand production into a surmise of the most abnormal “conjecture to suppose progression in “Hypothesize theorize with a very strong hint of “unwholesome imagine”……
        “That the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. is postulation in supposition a “Hermaphrodite”.
       While contagiously enough “Sherlock Holmes” to future construe his imagine deduction “the patient” is suffering a “Thick”, “cloudy” and very “bloody discharge” from the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” …….”Penis” and having the same “vagina” problems under the same presumption involving
       The “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”….. “Painful ‘greenish yellow” discharge and “under very best I can say “unholy painful burning” “crying out sensation” when the “Hermaphrodite” is urinating…. Out of the “Vagina” and “Penis”……….
       My “Well cooked Cajun Raspberry walnut Muffins, and “Lobster eggs” designer “Florentine American Breakfast” seeming rightful in taking on “moving upsetting notion” towards my own Doctoral Watson M.D. conclusions with “extreme strong suspicion” that….
        The “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. is in furtherance conclusion of “devilish possession” of contraction hostile “Greenish yellow, frothy vaginal discharge”
       And a “Strong vaginal odor” accompanying the “Vaginal itching” with “Sherlock Holmes” guesswork “some excitements with “very serious inspiring” and  “impressive irritation” for “both ends” of the “suspect matter(s)”………
       While “Sherlock Holmes” construe the male reproductive exciting “work out” being safe in assuming Doctor Lawson M.D. having “Discharge from the “penis” also notable extraordinary
       With a “Thick”, “cloudy” and having the same “Vaginal problems” with the “bloody discharge”…“Accompanying” “Doctor Watson” impressive imposing on “Prince Doctor” Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D.” Tribal Nigerian African Heritage in having “Extreme Testicular pains”………
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

(Chapter 32)
July 16th 1918 8:46 am (Central American Time)
       Despite a most promising start of my “mid-morning” events, I had little plans to be “broad side” by the making of “Sherlock Holmes” inspired enthusiastic devotion of establishing a “case at hand”….And grief with intrigue
       To consumed my “tummy” into reproach frenzy in a “well established” and quite refine Hotel Galvez “Men Lavatory” to register myself (Watson M.D.) for as I amuse myself in the “mirror” in reaching “lonely conversations” of cursing “Sherlock Holmes” deliberate outlandish discharge in duty to accomplish an upsetting “pleasant morning”…
       “Maneuvering my thoughts for more of “Holmes” medical plotting “scheme of more machinations” at the highest-disregard for my “sadly dis-comforts state”……
        Minutes of Brief break thinking about the future “task at hand” an its “inevitability events”…I took to the bartender’s whom were friendly and it was nice pleasant to have a tropical pool with a swim-up bar Nearby to watch local attraction early in the day “majestically” rising from the beachfront to hold court looking over the Gulf of Mexico.
       While I look for something to “liberation assistances” in aiding my “sound judgment” And needed reinforcement to discuss more of “Sherlock Holmes” amusing “medical supported” evidence now of “mutable infected genitals”
       Having serious “leakage of sorts” while containing very “numerous contaminated” and quite “colorful discharges” of sorts from the Infamous “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”.
       My state of affairs now wide awake after a quick consumption and armed with a second “orange juice” combination “vodka solution reprieve”…
       I headed on for any other influencing vocation efforts “Sherlock Holmes” could muster in toil of a masterpiece to come off in drive to coerce further goad in my determination to with stand viewing the well refine lavatory with such a plunge…
       Little left of my “passion pride” along the way I was compel to gear for anything  to sink when upon further discoveries “Sherlock Holmes” having instinct to push another trail to crusade in a fundraiser “native bone to pick” sort of way with Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D.
       In appearances of desire and greed of lust in “Holmes” came into knowledge with the aid also of the lush 10 gold piece paid COD to the “Negro”  Hotel Galvez staff during my brief department,
       I was striking now in amazing account by “Sherlock Holmes” purchase tales of  Marie Delphine LaLaurie” more commonly known as Madame LaLaurie, a Louisiana-born socialite, known for her ... known for her involvement in the torture of (Negro) black slaves.
          She maintained a prominent position in the social circles of New Orleans until April 10, 1834, when rescuers responding to a fire at her Royal Street mansion discovered bound slaves within the house who showed evidence of torture over a long period.
         Tales of LaLaurie's cruelty that were current among New Orleans residents in about 1836. She claimed that, subsequent to the visit of the local lawyer, one of LaLaurie's neighbours saw a young negro girl fall to her death from the roof of the Royal Street mansion while trying to avoid punishment from a whip-wielding Delphine LaLaurie.
          The body of the girl was subsequently buried on the mansion grounds. According to Martineau, this incident led to an investigation of the LaLauries, in which they were found guilty of illegal cruelty and forced to forfeit nine slaves.
         These nine slaves were then bought back by the LaLauries through the intermediary of one of their relatives, and returned to the Royal Street residences.  Similarly, reported stories that Marie Delphine LaLaurie kept her (Negro) cook chained to the kitchen stove, and beat her daughters when they attempted to feed the slaves….
         For you see Doctor Watson”…..”Marie Delphine LaLaurie's” house was subsequently sacked by an outraged mob of New Orleans citizens, after bystanders responding to the fire attempted to enter the slave quarters to ensure that everyone had been evacuated.
         Upon being refused the keys by the LaLauries, the bystanders broke down the doors to the “Negro” slave quarters” and found "seven slaves, more or less horribly mutilated ... suspended by the neck, with their “limbs apparently stretched” and “torn from one extremity” to the “other", who claimed to have been imprisoned there for some months and it is thought that she fled to Paris, where she died.
         Our interest in the “factual existences” of a daughter whom fled with her mother Delphine Lalaurie,to  Paris “Watson” having now return after her mother death here local in Galveston Island Texas and in possible possession of The Battle of Anghiari (1505) “Watson”……
         Its a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci at times referred “
         To as "The Lost Leonardo", which some believe to be still hidden beneath later frescoes in the Hall of Five Hundred (Salone dei Cinquecento) in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.
 Shocking belief as my quick thoughts race of its central Da Vinci scene painting depicted three men riding raging war-horses engaged in a battle for possession of a standard.
         Many preparatory studies by Leonardo still exist “Doctor Watson”.
          The composition of the central section is best known through a drawing by Peter Paul Rubens in the Louvre, Paris.
         This work, dating from 1603 and known as The Battle of the Standard, was based on an engraving of 1553 by Lorenzo Zacchia, which was taken from the painting itself or possibly derived from a cartoon by Leonardo.
          Rubens succeeded in portraying the fury, the intense emotions and the sense of power that were presumably present in the original painting with the Da Vinci trajectory route trail leading to The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor acquiring The Battle of Anghiari (1505) footpath.
To be continuing By: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin)

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