Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin Special Public Notice: 2011”

To: The President of the United States of America
To: Gov. “Rick Perry”
To: Charlie Sheen & Family
To: 112 Congress
To: Sarah Palin

First to the “Bitch” the Flag is at full staff (Today), the nation has mourn, and I will be smoking (Cajun Red hot) …up your dizzy extra silly “Bitch” who like to start shit fucking Semi-Attractive in a 3:00 AM drunk dark bar Ass,…..Sarah Palin..xoxo
1.   You were well fucking covered in my Civil Action suit just days later …..what the Defendants (The United States of America) get’s ….lot’s of per-target murder… and it was well plan to the “Fucking (“John-Boot”) by a “Retarded Extra thick Water Head boy” waiting on a jolly pop-n-lethal injection cocktail.
2.   You have the (Media) looking like “Creeping Whores” fucking waiting for your throw in the “Red Extra thick Neck Towel” into the ring for …President of the Oval office ….
3.   Hurry the fuck up… so I can fire up a special smoke…and laugh...”Dumb Bitch…..
4.   Earth to “Sarah Palin” “Just what do you think I am going to do when I drag the Defendants (The United States of America) Ass to Federal Court”
5.    “Bitch”….get the real short mini skirt, pink panties, The (8) color circus “Fucking Make up on” have a bowl of oat meal and have a fucking seat at the Cmdr. Bluefin “Special Video Deposition”…and if ya refuse the Federal Invitation…..”
6.   Well That Mean Old (U.S.D. A.) “Honorable Texas “Hang em High” Federal Judge…will instructed my Secrete special, special, friends ….The Fighting Boys from (USMS) “United States Marshall Services” to send one of them “Jet’s …(Cmdr. Bluefin) may in a dark crazy fucked up dream possibly in a manner of sleep walking of “some crazy nigger MI3 sorts” forfeiture for possibly them (DEA) Freak’s.
7.   And Drag your Ass by the Hair….for a real “Nigger Deposition Interrogation” into just what the fucking possible (among other things) have substances for advancement of the (Negro) species…” in this life time”.
8.   You might caution your silly good starting dumb shit self before (USMS) Con-Air flight and want to use a pre- laxative in light of a well needed “Extreme Nigger Interrogation” smell good too……K

Next………112 Congress (You Butt Holes) if you do not work with the President of the United States (ASAP), when I send you a Federal summons to the “Nigger Deposition” you might want to really consider jumping  out of the (12) floor fucking window (ASAP) and on your way down slap ya mom with a 22 oz. framing hammer ..Then rather have me Respectfully request that “Mean Old Hang em High Texas Federal Honorable Judge to slap your Scank Ass in a seat next to the (“Bitch”) on “Con Air” and come see the “Commander Bluefin” for a real “Nigger Interrogation” and you can bet your red neck hush puppy ass... I em going to hand pick the biggest prick in the 112 Congress place and “Fuck em up real nigger good too….then post ya Weak Greedy Fucked up Ass on (YouTube)…..
Next…….Charlie Sheen & Family, Dude how it is going, (Bro)… (You Guys have done a lot for the poor of all colors, especially ya dad (Martin)…xoxoxooxx
Think (Cmdr. Bluefin) was just going to leave ya fucking stinking and just like hanging”  (Smooooooch)… Love the “4 Star Soup Kitchen” @ Santa Monica Beach CA….way back then I fix the small leak on the roof and had some free 4 star chow, Your Crazy (Charlie Sheen) Ass came through the back alley way to your Dad’s Soup Kitchen Place back door to do you required (court order) community services…(Washing them dam dishes)…..ha, ha, though I forgot ya hun…..xoxoxoox  (Took a picture with ya and kept it on the work ship one day and a crooked sea weed bitch bastard rip it off”)  when I threw a real party at the (Reconstruction Nigger Party in DC) you and the whole family got my extended let’s party till ya drop and hurry the fuck up and puke invite…….xoxoox  P.S. and another Photo Op. please… (Da)…
Next: Gov. “Rick Perry” (Ya Good Suit Wearing “Motherfucker”)…xoxoox
Love the “inaugural taunt” to the Defendants (The United States of America) & you bet ya” you…“good suit wearing Republican Ass” the “Lone Star State namely (Texas) will lead the Fuck up Nation out of fucking turmoil …cuss…. I (Cmdr. Bluefin) fixing to extra boot the silly shit out of them straight the fuck up to see the “Mean Old Hang em High Texas U.S.D.A. Federal Honorable Judge for a real cripple crooked red neck hanging…
P.S. Gov Rick Perry while ya cutting poor nigger funds, just remember one very, very important got dam thing….ya better not fuck with the “Christ Church Cathedral” (Beacon) soup kitchen in Houston Texas (Funds)…then your good suit wearing ass… will end up looking like (Houston Scrooge Attorney…. Harry C. Arthur et al) and then ya can really forget the Fucking run for the Republican shot at “Oval Office” in DC………Da”    ha, ha,  xoxox”
And finally to the “President of the United States of America”
1.   Sorry for the mess in Federal court (Not)…..ha, ha,
2.   Very Extra Special Sweet Good Holy Job...on the Mess in Arizona”
3.   Man Bro…I can hear the “First Lady” cussing you the “fuck out” all the way down here in the “Gulf Coast….
You’re the President of the “Got Dam United States of America), and you think you going to go and play “Basketball again and get your neck broke the next time instead of you’re busted up lip….
Not on my (First Lady Wife) watch, you got that Crazy 112 Congress, Sarah Fucked up Bitch Ass to deal with, bla….bla…..Big Oil…….bla bla…….Fucking National Health and Human Services fucked up mess…….bla bla bla………..”National Budget”…….bla bla……..”Dam War”…blab la…Inadequate Mental Health Services”……bla bla….and that crazy black Cajun if ya fucking forgot filed a Dam “Nigger Civil Action” too…Crazy black fucker wants (18 Trillion Dollars)…
So ya better play some “One Hand Dam Scrabble” on “Air Force One” for fun eat a tuna sandwich…and get to “Fucking Work”….ya lazy, no good shooting 3 point any way “Presidential bloke”…..
“Well Mr. President Bro”…... you just tell the Little “First Lady” (Commander Bluefin) Got ya Back….you just tell her… I said…. fuck some dam “one hand scrabble” for fucking “real fun and relaxing”….and she knows what she really got to do…J…..if not”….. “Cmdr. Bluefin” is sending in the expert ….“Monica Lewinski”   “Oppppps Snapple”…..”What that mom got to go to “Sam Club” for ya and pick you up a crate of “Kotex” they having a buy one crate and get one crate free sale… got a dam fucking coupon…..(Double Fucking Kotex Crate Rats)…. well time for some dial tones…..Cmdr. Bluefin going off line….xoxoxo

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