Thursday, May 26, 2011

19th President of the United States, Rutherford Birchard Hayes….(Nasty Bastard)…xoxoox

      To The Defendant (The United States of America)….You can dig this motherfucker up, ….hook his as to the Washing DC  power grid and jump start his “Fucked up Heart”…, give the fucker a firehose shower, …..18 pain pill’s, …….slap his ass with a shovel, &… the fuck out of his Crooked “Motherfucker” Ass….for … 18 hrs. and tell him I see his “Dead Motherfucking Ass in  Federal Court”….for The Betrayal Of The Negro origins and institutionalized segregation  in the 1876 election of “Motherfucker….. “President Rutherford B. Hayes, who ……to include but not limited to

     Ordered the withdrawal of federal troops from the South, effectively ending the Reconstruction period. …….
      Tell the bitch he got some “Fucking X-planing to Do …….his Presidential GPS Tracking has been activated……

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