Thursday, May 26, 2011

Washington DC, “The White House”:

Chief of staff: Knock, Knock……(Runs In)……(Out of Breath)…….(Nerves)……”Excuse me Sir”…”Mr. President” We have an Emergency situation Sir…!
Mr. President: “Holy craps” what is it….
Chief of Staff: Sir”……(gosh)…Sir….well…Ya... See….sir…..
Mr. President: Come on…. “Spit it out”.
Chief of Staff: Sir (Cmdr. Bluefin) has gone off today and files an (18) Trillion Dollar Class Action suit “Sir….wants…um…. (Clear his throat)….um……um….…”Nigger”…”Money Sir”…….with “full interest incurred since (1865)….Sir”….
Mr. President:  “What the Fuck”….”your serious” …”what do you mean” his “Nigger Money”………with “full interest”…….anyway……..
Chief of Staff: (Cmdr. Bluefin) stated on the “Wire” “No Ground Zero Mosque”…”Sir”…he then wants his fucking “(40) Acres” and “One Broke Dick Mule” from the “Sherman’s Order’s of (1865)”……..
He is filing a quite serious class action suit “Sir”…cause of action for (among other things) “Breach of Nigger Contract” “Sir….um……seems he is…well……”Sir……”Negro African American”…….
Mr. President: (OMG)…(OMG)…”Kiss my Black Presidential Ass”…..…to the “Bat-Cave”…(Situation room)…”Scramble the Navy Stealth bombers Squadron ”, get the dam “Army” on “full alert”,…send in the National Guards”….get me “NORAD”…fucking (ASAP)..With extra “Quickness”………where is the fucking  (CIA) when you need a “Killer”……. Raise the defense level to code red: move it………..and surround where ever he is at with a full battalion of “Marines”…..and move in IRUS “sat-com”…. I want to see the snaky “Black-bastard”…..
Chief of Staff: “Sir (Cmdr. Bluefin) is only “one man”…”Sir”… and he was only a “Lonely Old Mess Cook” in the Navy “Sir”…..
Mr. President: “Lonely Old Mess Cooks” my fucking “Black Ass” I saw “Under Siege” (“1 and 2”) “you stupid fucker”…….I want lot’s of body bags…..”Ready”…… “(ASAP)”….what you think that “negro bastard” just going to go real “sweet –n- easy”….he want his GOT DAM “BROKE DICK”…..fucking…. Dam “Mule” Man….. “plus (40)  Acres”…..”Read the writing on the  “wall” of Wall Street”…….”Were Broke”…….

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