Thursday, May 26, 2011

“Cmdr. Bluefin” Halloween Special “It’s “Bloody Soaking Awesome”……..

 “Cmdr. Bluefin” Halloween Special “It’s “Bloody Soaking Awesome”……..
“Knights of the Round table” Houston back pagers” ask “Exclusive” & “Instant detail expert” questions in a “Live” Houston “Back page” Interview with “off his Fucking Prescription”  “Cmdr. Bluefin”...Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Pro Se Plaintiff”)
Pooh Bear: “Hi…Cmdr”. …..And just what are you planning on wearing this “Halloween” in line of a costume “Cmdr. Bluefin;
J: Ha, a USDA “Navy Ninja” as Always…xoxoox……..
Quaterman: Fuck the dumb question(s), I Like to know who is you’re smoking “Hot” Sexiest Women…and why..?….
J: Cool question; Well it would have to surly be “Anna Kournikova”, she so smoking sexy & I am very sure she knows “my balls” wanting to really come out and play “Tennis” on the “Court”…….and then put “Vanessa Williams” “creamy caramel sweet licking self” in the washer, with “Lucy Liu” short “sushi sweet smiling sexy meat”, about the mix, add extra water, with “Eva Mendes” loving long look’s and “total hottie yummy package” and then “Jesus” you can put the “Washer on “spin-n-soak”, open her up and baby”…..what ever step’s out ”lickey, lickey, lickey, all “Night Fest” look what  we have mixed up here…….Extra “Sexy, “Sweet-n-“Yummy”……..
Reflect: What kind of education did you have coming up in your Home Town of Port Arthur TX.
J: Funny you ask, my Uncle (J.R.) was the President of the State of Texas Teacher union for a few years when I was in my “not trying to learn phases”, and also a “school teacher” whom being very know in our small town, plus, a boys scout master leader, Science Teacher, “Hunter, Mechanic, and Home Builder, whom I watch a lot and learn with out him knowing, (He thought I was “bad to the bone” and did not pay attention to him, but he was wrong), plus my “Aunt” is a retired RN with her Medical fields and ton of book’s between the both …Add my Father a “Retired Merchant Seaman “Second Mate” “World Travel”, and my mother a “Retired Plant Production Operator”…. So brains kind of run really wild around the place…….the whole entire town of P.A. know me by (Peabody) … “no joking” since I was around 8 years old that was my “nickname” among all of the town folk’s and “schoolmates”…….I knew too much for my own good then....Da”.
Mouse_rr: So how did you first in fact started into the “Law & Court” “Room Drama stuff”.
J: Getting into “Dumb Shit” at first, silly piles of goofy Black Dennis the Menace trouble, then as I got older in life, trouble, problems, and just living everyday seem to be more real”,  so as I went through a little more of life serious legal matters… like in my criminal past at first… I watch the “Court dump truck” appointed Attorney(s) attempt to screw me over so fast…. that I learn fast “Fuck the Middle man”, “Hell I can save the State” where is it ever the hell I am at…and it “justice system” a whole hell of a lot of money by simply plea “No Contest” any way…(guilty or not)...”Smile super pretty at the Judge” and next (you guess it) “bend the fuck over dip” and take it in the “asshole”… All the crying the fuck long shity way back to my cell…. “Fuck I am a big boy”…”yep” did it all on my “legally Smart Ass” on too….. with out the need of any “Dump Truck” (Attorney) pissing me the fuck off” back to my cell… so I can spit on his loser Ass…….Plus (OJT) “On Job Training Criminal Law Degree’s “do not come cheap”…(Dumb Asses)…….who is next with the question and boy what’s with the “ugly fucked up face”…….
Cambodia: Tell me you’re Favored Honorable Court Judges you appear before and why…?
J: (1) The Honorable United States Magistrate Judge “Karen K. Klein” Be my “first” she and I never met for over a few year’s time frame while I was in the civil legal process….. But being the “Magistrate Judge” in Fargo ND….. Most every single civil suit I file had to pass her desk”…..And Lord have “Mercy on my legal soul”…I get a “Report and Recommendation” letter in the mail from her “Honorable Court”…and before I open the envelope… poof…smoking flames”….A-1 Jet fuel, (Rat’s back to the old drawing board)…..We went at it legally for almost the whole time I live in the State of North Dakota……(7 years worth I think)…...and trust me nobody was safe neither….Hamilton vs. Cass County Courthouse….”Flames”…….Hamilton vs. State of North Dakota @ 2 counts “Flames, “Flames”……Hamilton vs. NAACP…..O.K. (You guys work that “black crap” out between your selves)…”Cool”…(I’ll fix these bitches)…..Hamilton…vs.……Fargo Forum……”Semi-Flames”…(Semi-Rats)…a few other U.S. Court Cases… ”Flames… ”Flames…. Flames… &….”Super Flames…..(Rat’s, Rat’s, Rat’s and fucking Super Rat’s).. By the time I actually enter the “Official Court room” in North Dakota…. I actually thought We… the “Honorable Court and my self had become long oversea pen-pals and distant acquaintances “Happy to actually meet for the first time……before…Her Honorable order… here some more …..”Flames… up close and personal…&…”Mr. Hamilton you have a “nice day” on your “Cool Way Out”; ………
This “Honorable Court” Groom my “legal style” really super fast, “Go smart”…&….”Go simple”….. “Go for their fucking throats out the gate, have the “bloody place dripping wet” in “legal blood”…then sit back and “Smile”…………… Respectfully………..
(2) The Honorable District Judge “Mills Lane” Reno NV……Washoe County….(Pro Boxer Refereed Judge) scared the “Bloody Crap Shit” out of me “extra special style”….. and I was winning the case from “start to finish”…”Yet his Honorable Judge is a “very, very sick-n- scary Dude”…(Nobody every came close)…...His Honor told the stupid Ass Assistant State Attorney “Mr. Gunney” or what ever the “dumb fuck shit” name was…”Stand up please”…..Honorable Reno NV District Court Judge “Mills Lane” took up in his hand and wave a “thick legal document” about in the air like a flapping broken chicken neck…which was said dumb Ass Assistant State District Attorney (Thick) Motion and torn it the fuck up “Bruce Lee” style, so, so “quick-n-fast” my head “snap back”…(I said in the thoughts of my deep mind) ….”Ooooooo Snap’s” “holy shit”)…&..(I was Officially shity scared then in a court room for the first time in my life… by a Honorable Judge)…….he then said “Next” in the most scary voice I had the scary chain up duty to witness……”This Motion is completely incorrect” and I want a “new one” on my desk by 5:00 pm…(No explaining neither, nothing, “zilch” &“nada” from his lips as to why)…..Just a stern “do you hear me”…….”I said do you hear me again”… “Even extra louder”……(for the full bounce of the court wall effect)…..I glance my “chain up scared soon to be going to prison ass” up at the court clock it was, it was 4:10 pm…(OMG)……. Is all I could think while my freaking knees kept knocking together like a “Broke Whore Chain up Bitch”…. in “Chapel”… thing he told my “Stupid Ass Court Lawyer” one  “Mr. Thomas Mitchell” ….will you Please stand up”…..I felt my “Ass hole” parts starting to get weensy wet now…… My heart beating in my Neck…&….. Balls real loud and clear with a soon “death tone march”…. and I am wanting to really fart, cream, “something out of my Ass”…… and he was not even “fucking calling out my dam name neither”…..The Honorable Judge “Mills Lane” then once again took up in his hand ….”Mr. Thomas Mitchell” motion and wave it even longer for the full effect like a bidder at horse auction….and halve it up “Ninja style” in a “super flash”….He stated so fast again to this “Dumb Ass Attorney…with a pointing mean finger… that if “he” do not have a brand new smoking correct one on his desk…(ASAP) with the “other clown” standing next to him…at the stroke of 5:00 pm….do he (the Judge) even have to say what’s going to even happen next to the both of them”…(OMG)… …“My heart is gone”…(Yep No explaining neither, nothing, “zilch” &“nada” as to why) ….”Once again”…(OMG)…(OMG)…..was all my brain was humming out…....and I knew I was “next”…….I looks up at the clock now…it’s…..”4:15”pm……”Mr. Hamilton”…. “will you Please stand up”…(Fucking cage Rat’s)…..”still shity & shaky scared” ”…&….(Glump) was all I heard in my throat”…and I am shaky like a “Naked Christmas Turkey in chains” headed straight to the 475 degree preheated oven of one Honorable Judge “Mr. Mills Lane”…….”Mr. Hamilton”… (in a new voice soft too) ……(odd)…”was my first quick notice”……next thing……”The Honorable Judge Mills Lane” stated in a surprise ring tone to my ear…“I will tell Judge “Steven R. Kosach” you stood up before my “Courtroom like a “Honorable Man” explain the “real problem” as to why you file your motion to recues Judge Steven R. Kosach” (with a motion of his head at now “two scared” and “extra crispy fried out” Attorneys now) and the Court except your “new motion” to now “with draw” your old motion to recues the Honorable “Steven R. Kosach from your Trial”……”you may have a nice day”……..Honorable Judge “Mills Lane” of Reno NV….then smile at me so nice and pretty…he look at the “clock” for a few and smile some more at it…..”Like a mean “Wolf plotting next”….waited a whole full (1) minute to go by too….. while this place was “absolute quite” frozen still and then he said “all right as he look at the (2) Attorneys “real hard”…“Court is dismiss”……I look up at the “Court Clock” it was now, “4:23 pm”…(Their goose is cooked @ 5:00pm “Cool”)…I look up at the Honorable Judge “Mills Lane” then quick back at the “clock on the wall”….and he was “smiling” looking down at me…..and we both share a “smile together” before the “sheriff bailiff” led me away………. I waited for about two whole days to see if I can get my thoughts & body parts to work correct again…from being officially scared with the “fully shity scared straight package”…and I was a “Free Man” after that……..
(3) The Honorable District Judge “Steven R. Kosach Reno NV” Washoe County……is one dark room of a court… I will never forget”…..And the “Honorable Judge” can be no more Classy then an “Oscar”. He even had the “Honorable” nerves and “snuck up” completely on me in another State namely (Utah) “one sunny day”…..And pinch me on the arm, to scare me shity again, and so to say in my “History” twice his Honorable District Judge “Steven R. Kosach had the pleasure of the I will scare “Holy Shit Crap out of his “Black ass”… &…I was just walking down the street minding my own business too…xoxooxox
Right now “as we speak” Her “Lady Judge” the Honorable Magistrate “Karen Wells Roby” in “New Orleans” is beating me down like a loss “mangy dog” snuck up on her porch and stole the “tuna sandwich” at the Tea Party and ran from the guest…… she even took out the old “Holy Sister ruler” like I was “Jake Blues” of the “Blues Brothers” and my wrist still filling the sting”…on a couple of “Hell No” “Those Motion Denied”…………..

Popciti: What was your Navy Life Cmdr. Bluefin”
J: First the fucking got dam Navy breaches my contract and told my (“Black Ass”) that enlisted men can not sue them (Yep)...O.K.    We shall soon see who will be in control of this “Navy AssHole”……
Them “Navy bastard” even tried to “back petal” out of my agreement with my “Navy recruiter” that I can be one of the special “A-1 Double Knott Secrete Agent” just like “Jethro Bodine” on the “Beverly Hillbillies”, and if that goofy “Cracker can do the job…fuck  I know I can do better”,
        Second the “Mothrfucker’s over at the Government Accounting Office of the “Pentagon” agency charged with ordering “military weapons” refuse my “request chit” to spent a little 1.6 billion ... in my “Chinchillas Flight Program” (CFP)……..
Jupitormag: (CFP) program…..
J “Yep” the Navy first official drone pilot program design was actually mines…clear back in 1981…. I put to test a (CHP) strap to a remote mini-kite, meaning I attached the “Chinchillas” with a Navy Gray Cape, spray painted in Zebra Florence “orange & yellow’s”, “fully strap in a C-4 kill vest” on a “remote switch”, and as soon as the expect target see the impound flight of the “Chinchillas”, while they are wonder if they are believing their fucking eye’s are right….The remote Kite release the “Chinchilla” on the target who catches the crazy looking “Chinchilla” and (“Big Boom”)…..(CHP) program, ….”fucking Animals rights” (Bitches) and a few of them “Heavy Brass Fucks” at the Pentagon” kind of frown on the “Brother” (CHP) program…and it was back on a chain (ASAP) with the pretty dam quickness to the Admiral Flag pole in “Pearl Harbor” I go”……..Navy bastard kept point out a fucking legal clause in my enlistment contract against enlisted men being “Independent” involvement in “Entrepreneurship in Pentagon Weapon Defense Contracts”…………

Pooh Bear: Did you ever get a suit in against the “Department of Navy”……
J: “Fuck no” them “Navy Ass hole” knew my DNA down to my toe nails to fucking well…… and some body at the “Man from Uncle Dept.” did his “special fucking home work”, seem the fucker even went far back to my part time summer school jobs in the summer of 76 and 77… when I would take the “Vietnamese Shrimp Boat People” (VSBP) out in the “Gulf of Mexico” for a shooting “match” against the “Ku Klux Klan” (KKK)…and for my low price of $300.00 a day, (25) Jumbo pounds of shrimp a day, and (3) 25 pounder Red snappers a day…and….. (God Bless America)..I am the “Fucking Shrimp Boat Captain” of this here vessel with my .30-06 for sniping. Ah what a great rifle”..... plus I happen to bring along a 20 gauge automatic shotgun,  and (2) .357 Magnum for “Shit, Kick’s –n- Giggles as you hurry the fuck and turn that wheelhouse 45 degrees to the emergency get me the fuck out of here direction”……
Quaterman: Dude just where in the “Hell did the Navy send you Cmdr. Bluefin to “Boot camp” for training “Leavenworth” prison…….
J “No Ass Hole”…..I was normal at first, I went to San Diego CA, got the hair cut shit, ate the 5 in the dam am hour breakfast, did the fuck me why did I do this Navy bit…and looking at the Marching, running and cussing me the fuck out shit”…..and then the shit turn real sour after that 7 and a half weeks tour… when they say hey you, yep you the  “four eyes fucker” “yep you… “Dick breath” gets over here”….. After your little candy ass “boot camp” graduation formation, your special ass get to take them (80) stupid fucker’s over their waiting on your special “Four Eye Ass Dick Candy Ass Breath over by that Navy grey bus…them loser’s belong to you…. and your barracks is No. DELTA- B-4….your assignment is waiting on your desk….and have a fine real nice “Navy Day”……”Four Eyes”…………….
Reflect: Where did they the Navy has you “Cmdr. Bluefin” go next from San Diego CA.
J: To “Heaven” I Thought…“Pearl Harbor Hawaii”……And then the “Navy” expert bastards met me at the airport, took me over to the CINPAC-“FLEETCOMMAND” DESRON-25 Division and explain my “Four Eyes” “extra smart dumb ass you will regret till you die assignment, you will be a 1200 psi boiler plant operator, Oil Lab expert, First Aid Team, Security Alert Special Team, Aft Steering, Seaman, Fireman, fighter-fighter, (SS) (Sharpshooter team), Stand bridge watch, deck hand… plus your also and keep it in file in your Ass…a (NN) “Navy Ninja”….and all I heard next was “Lucifer” cussing in my fucking “ear hole” at this point “what the fuck” are you “Pentagon” guys fucking going real crazy, turning him lose with a Guided Missiles Destroyer fully loaded with (2) 55” inch Guns, and an (8) BOX ASROC missile carrying system on an acoustic homing torpedo  on a  Nuclear Depth Bomb (NDB) onto an unguided ballistic trajectory toward the target, carry a 10 kiloton W44 nuclear warhead,  with a full Harpoon anti-ship missile lunch system..”To play with to “boot”…plus the bastard is into that “Bruce Lee shit “Day-n-Night”, now just how in the “fucking hell” you expect my “Evilness” to get any got dam it… (Yep) I said it (“GOTDAM”) “evil rest” with this Indian, Cajun, African,  sick freak being let lose on the “Whole Entire World”….you “Navy” people really “suck” “I am the “Hell” out of here”…….

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