Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Exhibit (A) and (B) "Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) 1961 Jim Crow Babies.....

(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert respectfully before the “Honorable Justice” historically the Defendant (The United State of America) “Black Codes and “Jim Crow laws” were in many ways a model adoption for the Nuremberg Laws, German legislation against Jews, which the Congress of the Nazi Party met to pass in 1935.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert respectfully before the “Honorable Justice” furtherance’s the Defendant (The United State of America) 1865 “Black Codes and later “Jim Crow laws” instituted against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein was used as a main drafting outline for  
These Nuremberg Laws, German legislation policies of 1933-1940 “targeted peoples”, in particular Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and handicapped people, who were labeled as "inferior" in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk (or "master race") of the Volksgemeinschaft (or "national community") at the top, and ranked Slavs, Romani, persons of color and Jews at the bottom.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein furtherance’s assert respectfully before the “Honorable Justice” the Defendant (The United State of America) 1865 “Infamous black codes” forced inherited laws and 1867 “Jim Crow” continue defamatory laws era of said described defendant being
Instituted against all of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein existed well into 1964 during the passage of the Defendant (The United States of America) Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964)
*See Plaintiff exhibit (A) Birth Certificate of the (Negro) Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Navy Veteran born November 8th 1961 in Los Angeles CA
*See Plaintiff exhibit (B) the (Negro) Plaintiff(s) (Barack Hussein Obama II) the 44th President of the Defendant (The United States of America) whom was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu Oahu.
(Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein assert respectfully before the “Honorable Justice” in history as times gone by the Defendant (The United State of America) “
Having premeditated a future positioned, emplaced, very factual herein 2011 a true defamatory state, unnerve, ongoing, placement of an “outstanding”, “unresolved”, “open-end”, arguable “second class citizenship” remain still upon all of the “Jim Crow Born Babies” born under 1964 as described herein by the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans exhibit(s) (A) and (B)
To include but not limited to the “religious curse of Cain prosecution doctrine” and all of its ill trimmings and teachings by the Defendant (The United States of America) state  primarily “Utah” and the “Church of Jesus Christ” of “Latter Day Saints” well and beyond 1978
 Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans Being actively religious sought out separate and prosecuted against,
While legally (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans held racial substandard humans also in suit in common civil law and criminal law
 Being wrongfully civil/criminal/religious directed against the entire (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black African Americans herein this undersigned date within the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely Utah as described in paragraph (32) throughout paragraph (42) above
And as furtherance’s described in paragraph (126) throughout paragraph (144).

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