Thursday, May 26, 2011

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is.........?

To: The President of the United States of America (Obama)……..
To: Commander in Chief of the United States of America (Obama)………….
To: The Defendant The United States of America……….
To: Donald Trump………………..
To: “Guy Richie,” “Robert Downey Jr.”., and “Judd Law” The Hollywood (3) Haters……………xoxooxox
To: Crooked Mormon……………
To: Doctor Green-n-yellow code blue up-grade special dripping XXX “Dick & Pussy” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D…………………………….
To: My sister (Johanna) A/k/a “Lady Ann”…..xoxooxox
First “Donald Trump”….
Where is your “Motherfucking” Birth Certificate”……(Bitch)…….
………………..Isn’t you the “Cracker”….
Who own a big XXX (Rich) building for white folks only”……
And the “Rich White Nice Folks” had full legal rights to stay…….
You “Rich Dick Cracker” wanted to throw them out……
Bigger Trump Plans…………………….
 And lost “civil battle” too in an Honorable Court of Law…….
What you do next……“Rich Dick Cracker”…..
Your “Motherfucking Ass”…Go get you some “Nigger”….
From a “Slum Lord Building” you Donald Trump “Rich Dick Crazy Cracker” own….
And refuse to fix the slum lord building for the “Niggers”…………..
But move them “Niggers” in for dirt cheap rent in the “Big (Rich) nice building with them “Rich White Nice Folks”…….
To run off the Rich White Nice Folks”….cuss them Niggers now done took “Over”……….Da”
Niggers Cussing rich white folks, and babies crying, black jack and spades,   (Smoking big trees, and living large on the east side of town with them Nice Rich White Folks-n-Thangs)
And the Motherfucking “Crazy Cracker Dick Shit”…..
 D. Trump scheme of thing fucking work too……..
Now my 18 trillion Niggers dollars question is Mr. President Trump……….
Well Where is your god dam it “Birth Certificate”………
”Motherfucking” “Crazy Dip Crooked Ass Cracker Ho”…….
Heard on the Wire it goes’ “Klan” stenciled all on the “Motherfucker”……………
And I heard on the Wire……. Niggers fixing to Holy Hell Fucking Scream and Boycott-n-thangs………
Calling you NBC Monster………..(WOW)……………..
News Flash I heard you also going to be the “Man”…..
Mr. President…………….
So what’s next then Mr. President Trump 2012…………….
“Every poor Trash Ass Niggers”…will be evicted out of the nigger slums……..
(Except them good porch selling us out niggers)………….
For 2012 President of the United States of America run nigger off D. Trump Plaza Project Property Development(s) Acts………..
…..”All Niggers Exile”……..
To the middle of the fucking “Nevada Desert”………
On a “Nigger Reservation”……………..
No Government tent………
 No Government Cheese……..
 And especially Fucking No XXX D. Trump President water………………..
Well dick fuck join the list with Sarah Palin ………..
& the Crooked hate “Niggers” club with the rest……….
……You will be real XXX fucking mad so soon…….too…..Da”
I am “Commander Bluefin”…….got a resident evil way of fucking you up…..
 “Special So Live & So Sweet from the “”……
Been getting other Cracker(s) Hot –n- Bother enough to plot with UPS to hijack a “Niggers” 2 Babies Home Video……..
Isn’t the Right Sarah Palin…………..
What did you not know that I did not know…………
The Crooked Extra Conservatives Mormon support(s) the XXX Poison Tea Party……..(GOTCHA)……………
XXX Smooooch” (We Talk Later)……………
Well in conclusion Crooked Crazy Cracker D. Trump President of the United States of America…………
“Your Fucking Fired” ………………………
To: “Crooked Mormon”……………
You bastards been working on them “Curse of Cain” and all of other secret racial hate “Niggers Church Doctrines –n-thangs……..going to be a test    real fucking soon….ya better hurry the fuck up….!!!........
Jesus Christ # 1 Nigger Got something XXX hot off the Navy Ninja Plate for your Mormon Sloooooooow Fucking asses
if ya don’t……..
To: My sister (Johanna) A/k/a “Lady Ann”  (Bitch)……..
Did you hear your ex-husband Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. been leaking from his “dick and pussy”……..
What fucking crazy ass shit is this……….
Who in the fuck done come up with some crazy ass fucking sick shit like this ………
Nasty Green ass extra floating fucked up smelly sick puss pussy and dripping green and yellow dick…….
Heard on the “Wire Watson” vomit………..
Bet his ass caught hell with a case of the runny shits”…… know which way to wip…!!!!....and every things fucking OMG leaking some sort of nasty ass colorful stinky ass shit……well got to run working on my Nigger suit”….P.S.
You see this fucking shit they are actually trying to make my beautiful daughter(s) and their (Video) disappear of “Earth”……..
Tell ya mean Big Ass Brother too……
Mom & Step Dad, and Dad and Step Mom and a bunch of others already knows…….pretty piss too….
Holy Grandmother Nun from “Heaven” shit fixing to rain down…..
Some All the way from “Pearl Harbor” Hawaii…Too
To: Doctor Green-n-yellow paging “code blue up-grade special” dripping XXX “Dick & Pussy” Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D……
What the fuck is this shit………
In my Sherlock Holmes Mystery Case of: The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor……
Have you read and examine the medical records at the Federal Court House…………
You’re having a Leaking Pussy foaming with Green-n-yellow stinky discharge and an Infected burning Dripping Green-n-yellow Dick…..
“Nasty Bastard”……………..
No wonder you was hiding this quite colorful extreme painful XXX nasty shit…………..”
To: “Guy Richie,” “Robert Downey Jr.”., and “Judd Law” The Hollywood (3) Haters……………xoxooxox Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci wanted to know is your working on a code to Hex me……..
“Question and Answer” quiz soon in my next two chapters of Sherlock Holmes Case of:
The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor
“To Commander Mark Kelly….sorry in forcing a launch delay”…..need to say good mission luck first……
And your now Clear For Green for Go….
enjoy your flight”….and heavy on the XXX gas in that 45 degree turn”……..copy over

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