Monday, May 16, 2011

Bonjour ...United States of America.....(Hello)....."Cmdr. Bluefin".......xoxoxo!!!

Well to the World.....Louis Charles Hamilton II   Cmdr. Bluefin (Here)

To the United States of America

.....Now that i though i had my on Internet space....@ .

everything in their is fucking blocked  out" rule"    (Always fucking )

       ha, ha, everything in here is block"........thats important anyway is XXX blocked out" really is super fucking block,,,,,,,dont come back.........Nigger"    ha, ha,

 and the KKK and anybody who hate in General have their own Internet sight

 free to preach their racism

but i am Block out of the Internet".....................K

,,,they are stealing all of my little girls video evideance"....if it even matter.....cuss they will block   (Utah)

 everythting  must be kept under the ocean".....for the Mormons.........

...Negro   have been abused, slavery, Black codes, and Jim Crow....and now we can not even be allowed to think"........or go to "Federal Court"......with out the (White) Judge dealing off the "Bottom of the fucking deck".......Only White folks'
 get Honest Federal Court of Law now.........................

      so what if any of the White man" is crooked and very wrong.....we protect"

....and my civil suit represent All negro in the United Statees of America but they have to be "Blocked OUT.......too

  what you thought i was just going to play with you fuckers.......over this..Civil Action for all of the Negro African American within the United States of America"

....told ya (United States of America)     we "Niggers" have rights"   too in 2011

...................for Now"........we dont   have nothing"   but loser trash , walk around the (USA) land looking fucking crazy........

......fuck your dreams and your family"

(Even with a Negro President)  saving America sorry Ass...........

...we still .............looking weak ass sorry and broke going   no where"

all you USA bastards have to do is "Say ya Sorry.........

..but you USA Fucker's too Sorry for even that"......

..stole from the past....clear through 1965.....and to dam sorry to even say Here Niggers....

..some pocket change for your troubles   we (USA) are Truely Sorry...........

.and let's all have a 4th of July that includes you Niggers too..............:)

......and put this to rest for Real'

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