Thursday, May 26, 2011

Calling Voodoo Doctor Brother (Dortrupt) in England Hellooooo, is this “Long Distance Wire thingy on” Hellooooooo

    I thought I just give you (Dortrupt) a quick “heads up tip” on the “Mad News” here in the United States; on your  Brother “Doctor” Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D. a/k/a/ (Prince Voodoo Witch Doctor “Ass-Hole”)
Seem there is an “Arrest Hit Contract” put out on your “Prince
Those crazy “American’s what will they fucking think of next…..
Well you do not believe a “Brother” you can go and check the dam “wire” for ya self man”…….
Hellooooo is this thingy really working and on…..
The Good Samaritan Award you wanted to redeem your brother reputation with seem to have turn into a reward for an all out, no holds, knock down a few teeth, first man/women winner take all  “Man Hunt Arrest Warrant Award”……….. ….………Opppppppppppps…….My Bad”………
{Nothing Personal} but You do under stand I really do not care if they roll his ass naked (Twice) in flour, plug his “Ghastly Shade of Green Oozing Puss Leaky Dick”; with a Q-Tip,
 And plug his other “Female hole Attachment mentions” with a “thick gas soak rag”….
While “chunky pineapples” & “Crisco Oil mixture” being pump up his Ass……
 With the customary of course after dinner  “Hawaiian breezy  scent enema”  being administrated   during any and all future formal interrogations in the O.R. at (Guantanamo bay prison) during the pre “Cmdr. Bluefin” order “Colonoscopy Endoscopic Examination with out any anesthesia of course”……..
My bad….. Sorry …..A “Brother should have filled you in on “the rest of the story”… likes (Paul Harvey)….. (Guantanamo bay prison) back up and running, seems
 I took up a Street Can Collection to run the place for 72 hrs. For nothing but good old “Those Crazy American” “Water-Board”, Butt-Naked ….and “got dam it” (stop)…. I will tell you all “Ass fun”…….

Sorry I have to run now, but a “Brother” has to take care of a little business first…. your do understand…. (Nothing Personal)…..
Me must go off the “Extra Deep end” Today and Officially post Harry C. Arthur Esq. (Fucking Scrooge Attorney here in Houston Texas) and his “Law Office Of Harry C. Arthur et al” and his building the “bastard owns” “The Marine Building L.L.C. et al” with all of their “Crooked ass tenant” include in the huge combine ($16,200, 000.00) “Sixteen Million Two hundred American Dollar” Settlement Offer posted on this dam Houston Back Page “Wire thingy” later on here today…….
Did not want to be accused of being a “Derelict” again and leave “Scrooge” and “The Hole in the wall gang” without any of my special on the (Crazy Train Ride) attention……………..
Helloooo is this thing really on………
That ought to get that Old “American” rip off version of “Scrooge/Grinch & the entire “Hole in the wall gang” in house “fight party” started later….ha-ha,
Boy you should read this rough draft shit too, man I am even impress…
 I am glad I gave some consideration and serious thoughts of the good usage of the “wire thingy” seem to work for something”…….
So I get with ya soon and give ya a full progress report from “America” on the latest developments, hang & Peace (Dip)”.
P.S. dam your brother is infamous Lot’s of Old School “flat foot’s coming out of the wood’s near/far and heading for the starting gate…
Hug’s –n Kisses give my best to a Plate of some fish-n-English chip there old chap’ for a “brother”…..
And double P.S. almost forgot the really extra special good news….seems their will be another Brand New “Sherlock Holmes” novel in the works by Cmdr. Bluefin called case of “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”……do not worry… I have a special big villain part in it for you (Dortrupt) real extra nasty villain too
 And the bonus is your “homeland (England) and (Africa) both location(s)” plus here in the US… it will get a well rounded of an Adventure tale.
It will be a real page turner ………..bye for now”.

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