Thursday, May 26, 2011

The “Eyes of Cmdr. Bluefin March” are upon you”……….

TO: Fucked up Chicken in the Road”……..Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur et al & The Fucking “Hole in the wall gang”….
TO: Crooked Attorney, Hurricane Katrina Willie M. Zanders (RICO) Rip Off” specialist
TO: Fucked Up, XXX Crooked, Ugly Four eye, Green yellow -n- Lime suit, scank thong,  nappy hair goat breath “ Hurricane Umberto rip off Attorney ” Antoine L. Freeman J.D. Esq.  (“Puss Rat Face”)…….

Welcome to “Motherfucking March” ya bunch of “Shark Nuts”….
1.      Look outside you see the sky….its blue… my Ass is Warm,
2.      Fucking Scrooge got a “Nigger” suing a “Holy Church” (Now I am Hungry, extra stinky, but the Nigger warm)……
3.      I rather be cold dead the hungry….with a clean pair of nut sack’s
4.      So you three “motherfucker” today get the “Cmdr. Bluefin” Fuck you Blue plate special…………….. (Fuck you three dick fucks)…………….Da”
5.      Scrooge got a “Cajun Nigger” suing…. “The State of Texas”…………..
6.      Scrooge got a “Cajun Nigger” suing (The Entire United States of America)…………….
7.      “Now (if)….. I was to slap the shit out of him (Scrooge)…with my “Diamond Back Black Ninja Sword” put his Head in a potato sack… then slam the “Motherfucker” against the “Historic Marine Building L.L.C… (Home of President Sam Houston which is now covering up in shit in 2011)…….58.5 fucking times…. then open said potato sack up…with Scrooge HEAD IN THE “Motherfucker. (Ask) the “Motherfucker Nice…”Hey Scrooge. who the fuck ya Crooked Scum bag Cracker Ass calling a “Fucking derelict Now”
8.      (And) your honor…. I get to go home……(Cuss)… Scrooge sue Christ Church Cathedral…. so therefore they get the “Real Last Supper”…..& The “Lethal injection”….Nigger get to go home hit some “Ditch Weed”,
9.      Now the Court say Scrooge sue the Church I am not involved ….I am just the Fucking Fucked up……”Derelict”…….K
10.  Now Dip Fuck…. Fucked Up, XXX Crooked, Ugly Four eye, Green yellow -n-Lime suit, scank thong,  nappy hair goat breath “ Hurricane Umberto rip off Attorney ” Antoine L. Freeman J.D. Esq.  (“Puss Rat Face”) motherfucker here he is in fucking hiding”…wonder why his eyes the size of Sliver Dollar Pancakes “Reading Scrooge the 2011 version “wonder fuck…I am Next with the Crazy Cajun Nigger Motherfucker”…..What’s my dam ugly green yellow lime suit board game”……
11.  Now the Scrooge Motherfucker done went off in my head and woke the voice in my head louder screaming Zombie, Thomas where ya at, need some back up….So now ya motherfuckers all in trouble “Lt. Colombo”…..ya Bitches can bend the fuck over now….he is call in for extra duty”….. Get ya crooked asses ready for some more legal dying……..
12.  Fucking Scrooge done hand me the Fucking Sherlock Holmes 1000 sick casting and plot’s casting that makes Paramount, MGM, Dream Work Inc., Warner Bro. all fucking look like dizzy tree drunk sap ditch weed coke up drunks…..
13.   To include but not limited to the Fucking Hollywood Rich Boys (Haters)….. Guy Richie, Robert Downey Jr. and Judd Law… all know laughing their “Rich Boys Asses” off’s at….. at The Case of the Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor after “Sherlock Holmes” has done transformed himself from stale pale “English Cracker to now a Fucking Escape Nigger Slave   The Hollywood (3) fuck (Haters) laughing at …. “Sherlock Holmes…… now Motherfucking “Ship Dock”, with fucking sorry Doctor Watson pissy ass drunk now for over motherfucking 7 days on thunderbird, malt duck, “Lone Star Beer” running around stealing scrap metal…..sun burnt on Galveston Island Texas, and the “Motherfucking Submarine Commander told the bastard fine his sorry loser drunk ass another way back home to “England”…. (I swear you fucking Honor ….That Dam Fucking Hollywood Rich Boys (Haters)….. Guy Richie, Robert Downey Jr. and Judd Law there in on it motherfucking conspiracy –n- thangs…with that Got Dam it” (Houston Texas Fucking Attorney…. Scrooge) do the Math” ya United States Supreme Court Honor… “Sherlock Holmes” now out of nowhere taking on a broad side attack when the Hollywood 3 “Sherlock Holmes (hater)  was on the fucking ropes…two tea bags later from a total …TKO…..and out of fucking nowhere… a “live Fucking Scrooge”….?    Now this “Nigger aint crazy nor….sniffing gas, hit the ditch weed.. but it aint shit ….in the Dirty South………now “Sherlock Holmes” lock up with Scrooge Attorney doing the fucking “Monkey cluster fucking “Black Codes” & “Jim Crow Fucked up laws” dance with a knock off “…rip” off”…version of the great classic “Charles Dickens Christmas Carol in 2011.
14.  Mean while fucking “Sherlock Holmes” now running all around off setting up traps on (2) United States Federal Court Houses.
15.  While on the other side of the Great State of Texas ….State Crab Line District”….Fucking Crooked Hurricane Katrina Rip off (RICO) Specialist Attorney “Willie M. Zanders” lost in the fucking bathroom @ the Federal Court House in New Orleans LA playing with his “Little Willie Whacker…Jerking himself off reading fucking on his blackberry phone…..wondering to him fucking crooked self “What’s that fucking crazy Cajun black bastard has design for me at K-Mart……….
16.  And to really make my “Matters worst one of Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney “Harry C. Arthur Law Office et al” and “The Marine Building L.L.C.” (Clients)….whom I found their legal files in the trash behind the Law Office of Harry C. Arthur….on the Ground…..this Client…is a Fucking “Snake Sucker”…yep……fucking nasty bitch having multi criminal charges with having sex with rattle snake whom the “Lizard puss lip whore”…. can only get off on her off duty hours by rubbing her “Clit” and going down on fucking “Rattle Snakes”….then the gross mouth monster whore… after getting the fucking “Live Rattle Snake Off”……this Special Scank……………save the fucking snake  jack off sperm venom”….. for hot apple spice tea………. Now this is some crazy XXX “Motherfucking”…. gutter slut sale….. 24 hr. whore ass …fucking serious getting her puss green bump trailer trash pussy wet ass shit here…….xoxoxo (Bitch XXX Gutter Slut Bump Puss Lip Whore) Here is The Cmdr. Bluefin  P.O. Box 20126 Houston Texas, look me up on my and fucking show my 8 3/8 Cajun Carmel Rattle Snake what ya working with”)….Da”
17.  By the time motherfucking Easter get here…the dam power grid will have over heated, flip a grid, switch anfd thangs…and ya wondering to them motherfucking all over the Entire World”   fucking to them dick breath self how in the fuck this nigger done “Nigger Rig”….   to be now in fucking HD T.V. &….in complete Sanyo Asian fucking surround sound…
18.  Every Crooked Politician in Washington D.C. will be attached to Houston Texas Scrooge Attorney & wondering to them self, how can they scam some “pork –n- ear marks to mail to the ignorant “Motherfucking Derelict Homeless Nigger to shut him the fuck up……
19.  By the time summer get here…. the boss all over the United States, Canada, and fucking England…. be wonder why is everybody so dam busy at their computers for a fucking change …stupid bastard do not know… he is paying  you crooks top fucking dollars to you green teeth, coffee breath fucker….  to read all of this fuck XXX Mad Piss Off Nigger Scank shit…..
20.   As I go complete off the fucking script chain” with locking the entire U.S. Nation fucking eyes in tears, sorry ribs hurting from laughing.-n-thangs… wondering to each American Self (Just where is My fucking got dam it trash..Hope it’s nowhere near this “Sick Piss off… Crazy Ass …Cajun Cool “Nigger”…….
21.  This “Cmdr. Bluefin” …Fucker …obviously high on that “Got Dam it “Ditch Weed”…..xoxoxox   (Again)…..and from the sound of this shit…. he added some liquors too……
Now tomorrow the “Nigger” Cmdr. Bluefin  & “Sherlock Holmes”…has to break some “Good News” and Some “Bad New”  to the defendant (The United States of America et al) in regards to “Santa Clause and his double XXX Fucked up Life……….
   So just before I go …and work on the “legal trash file of Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur et al…and get him and the infamous “Hole in the Wall Gang” prime up big time…. on CNN spot light….for a hostile (Client) lynching of (XXX Hot Tar-n-Feathers-n-Thangs)…..
  To you all out there who click in…… just remember…… my Grandmother the “Holy Nun” said two things… don’t be a fucking “Scrooge” a dam paper shredder cost only $22.oo dollars with a $5.oo rebate coupon……..and
     “ Life for a Homeless “Nigger”…… is Like a Box of Chocolate you found in the fucking Trash……
    “You never know” “What Fucked up”…. “Crazy Nut”…. you just …..“Might Get”……
    And your “Live on the” with Cmdr. Bluefin A/K/a Houston Texas “Derelict” Louis Charles Hamilton II.  (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Writer)…… you tell that Sketchy fucking Ass CEO I want my dam $20.oo quick backs….(for some “Ditch Weed”)..Or… I’ll crawl my Cmdr. Bluefin Nigger Ass in this dark hole… and put something on his crooked Ass……….Da”.

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