Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin Special Cajun Public Notice: 2011..xoxoxo!!!

I did not know the government police namely (HPD) works for Houston Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur et al, as I question the office calling me yesterday..!
1.    If your super sloooooooooooooow, (Arthur Attorney at Law) is not the boss of me, and as he rig the scales of Justice tipping illegally in his favor, I am the bit least intimidated, I explain to your office (Arthur Attorney at Law) is involved in federal action @ now (2) counts now….xoxoxo
2.    All under Criminal (RICO) activities, and I do not care, whom he bribes with his $$$$, fucking cry too and control in the “Hall of Justice”…
3.    As I also explain to the HPD Police offer that I not sound rude…I represent myself, any question involving these “Federal Actions” …or (Arthur et al)..I will be doing the asking of “Questions”….The White Man with the “White Hair” run to the White Police for understanding,
4.     He should hire a really good “Honest Attorney”
5.    On November 23 2009 (Arthur Attorney at Law) had (HPD) run us “homeless niggers” mental ill, poor folks, cripple & hungry, around like mangy dogs, tons of (HPD) all parked all in front of the “White man” with the “White hair” office……treating the poor like fucking dog meat trash for over 3 ½ weeks people went to jail, massive tickets were issued…during holidays too…...Today not even a cop car hunting ya like fucking crazy over (Arthur Attorney at Law)…Hell…in the last year of 2010…(HPD) has not even handed out over 1 ticket in that block alone
6.    All over his criminal actions he held in secrete….get a clue..!
7.    (The Facts are in the State & Federal files), and posted on….with lots of photograph of 2 years of (Arthur Attorney at Law ) dumping Legal Trash & Commercial restaurant nasty Trash on the fucking ground also posted on account photos…so if your sloooooooooooooow then been there on the “Internet” for some years now……….xoxoxo!
8.    If (HPD) works for Harry. C. Arthur et al) and having personal relationship with one of the female (Attorney)….and wish to be a Defendant with the United States of America et al, and The State of Texas et al……
9.    I have no problem adding the City of Houston Texas et al and Houston Police Department….ASAP…. to these Federal Civil Action(s)…….!

All Hands Stand down from GQ……….”Liberty Call”…xoxoox

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