Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cooking with Carl......@......Juliano's Restaurant Billings Montana

Welcome To the “Houston “Wine Fest” (“Cmdr. Bluefin”) Style………
1.           Today it seem to just bring “peace about”, and through out the “City” too…….nothing but the pleasant people about mingling about tasting “Wine”……..Made me miss my dear Friend Carl” Owner of

Read 7 reviews for Juliano's Restaurant in Billings, Montana, including information on other restaurants in Billings Montana and nearby,Billings,Montana.html - Cached - Similar
Juliano's Restaurant is located at 2912 7th Ave N Billings, MT. Phone: 406-248-6400. Wine & Spirits, Dine In Casual Elegance, Contemporary American Cuisine › TopMTBillings59101 - Cached
Juliano's Restaurant, Billings, MT - Great fresh baked bread, interesting appetizers. In an old home, ambience is nice and it is one of the few QUIET places - Cached
This guy called me his “City Negro” and what “sweet cool days”……..Carl is half “Japanese and Hawaiian”, and His wife is all white, with their Kid,…when I was their in the 90’s he drove this little “mini-truck” with the two seat’s attachment …and the crazy holy hell seats in the Back of the Truck…(I knew Hawaii better then him some times) ……I was the City of Billings MT…Known Black Brains “Independent Contractor”….plus (Cmdr. Bluefin Dark ops)…anyway…...Next door to the restaurant is a “Real Castel” built in 1902 …..which I personally tuck pointed and fixed up and got fucking “Electrocuted (Boy was I pissed that day)……anyway …”Carl was watching my Crazy Ass” doing the “tight rope dance” on the “Castel way up high with the (God Country) affairs of making a tuck point job with out dyeing from one “Hell of a Fall”….and he just sneaking around like he was busy in repairs on his own “Property”,… when he really wanted was some real work done on his restaurant, …..Plus when he found out that I was the “Man” for “Jack and Wally Streeter” or better know as “The Streeter Brothers” ….whom actually own Billings MT. …
He (Carl) he would kid me a lot you (Louis) Own Billing MT……and you know what….. then “I did too”…..did what I wanted in a sweet peace of mind with soft weather in the springs…every outstanding Citizen new I was the “Crazy Cool City Negro”…..I go to the ..”Wine” Fest”  their…..  Like the one today here Houston Texas….
And I had an entire 3 story “Fully leaf cover building” “I could call my “Home Sweet Home”…..Jack Streeter gave to me (Sweet)……….Carl host a cooking T.V. show called “Cooking with Carl” ….and I like teasing the “fuck out of him a lot”…..And  I crash the back door to his place a lot and pay, bargain, or beg, you better feed me or else….(Food to Die For)…. except (Gumbo) me the “Master” explain later……..Anyway so we cut a Business Deal…he wanted something special done with the deck above the entry way to the Restraint,….. So I look at it for second and dust of my...Budweiser bottle ….thinking of a solution to the Problem…..and said “Fuck the Shit”…here is what I’ll do for Ya’ Bro…….I will turn this deck above your “Famous Restaurant”  into a “Cigar Smoke Deck” since you love the expensive Cigars”…in Honor of You…..and I will build the new Deck into a stinky brand New Herringbone design out of “Redwood”……and Kiss my “Black Ass” …..I build it and the people will come… buy all “Materials and I trade my labor for “Free Food”, (Had Mucho Work-n-cash) so food was the Deal of the Year with Hot Dam……Juliano’s……
Kid you not when you first walk in the door to this place just look to the “Right and see Carl with Ex-Presidents….and the Works”…..”my Man”……So the deck was a Hit”, …..Carl would fucking bother me and said you better hurry up and get your Black Ass up” your Grist’s and eggs are ready for Breakfast….dam”, Rats……..I Up “Shut up Fuck Carl….(Man)….I am Up”…………….Boy I Love Kicking it”……To get a table for “Valentines Day”….. your Ass had better call the month of last year ahead for the month of the “New year” or you can eat you a (KFC) special…….Ladies & Women threw out the City of Billings MT….would Kick Your Ass if she was not at Juliano’s for Valentines Day……..
So I had the “cool crew of Friends, and I was the only Black Bro and we were known as the “Rat Pack” with a large group of girls whom called them self the “Snatch Pack”…they chase us from club’s to Ski Lodges,……and if any connection on any cool shit was going down at Big Sky Mt…..they all wanted to know what the Fuck the Bro”…is doing this Year”……and …I would mostly be cooking a “Pot of “Gumbo” with “Ryan, Charlie, Jumbo….and a smashing party of girls….”Big Ski Mountain Hot tub” was the theme…stirring “Gumbo” with a actual boat ore ..…..girls rolling naked in the snow….the race for the Hot Tub……
 ..So fucking Ryan like a “Dumb bitch” forgot his Girlfriend  reservation for Valentines Day at “Juliano’s and we were  near His dad Ski Cabin on Red Lodge MT…….On the (Do not enter Extreme Fool’s side of the Mountain)…..kicking it like Crazy when Ryan broke the news……we knew his “Motherfucking Ass was in deep shit…….which of “Course my friend turn to me and beg like a “Bitch”…and He Knew I could pull it off” and nobody else in the whole of Billings MT…could not”…..but it going to “Cost Ya Bitch”…….So I set up my best friend” that second in months in advance……I call Carl…. secure the seats…… which after I said on the phone I needed the seats within a second of my request that was no Problem….Bro….then I plotted the Trap….Months in Advance….Nobody…Knew….not even Carl …expected what Just what I had for “Ryan and His Date” payment return plan they both will have to pay”…….well the “Big Day”……As always I came threw the back door……early “bull crap around and had my custom beer, but Today I Brought real nice flowers…(Had a Flower girl sweet)…Carl thinking it was for Ryan date later)….Cool Bro ….put them in the “Walk in Cooler……Ryan Knew I had a Date at the Fireman Ball with full tux and the whole Affair……but what “Ryan” did not know was I was going to “Crash “his dinner date”.. In full Tux…(With a extra surprise)……..(You been Punk Bitch)… 7:45 pm…be done ..”meet my sweet date and go to the Fireman Ball @ 7:59 pm, just as it starts…….everything so close……Well “Prime Time Show Time”….I “Crash threw the Back door of “Juliano’s …..The staff in total shock (Holy Hell Louis Super Clean)….Carl what the Fuck… whistles and laughs….“City Negro…dude what’s the deal..…me (Laughing on the inside… time to fuck Ryan”… know body knows)…..hey “Carl”……can I have the Beautiful arrangement of Flowers now…….Cool Bro…….where is “Ryan table”… to the Super Rich just like you request….”Cool”…….I’ll Be right Back…(Carl)…...”O.K. Bro”……..I walk in and find Ryan and His Date …..She is looking at the Flowers and started to reach for them……(me being a dog with a straight face)……I just walk around the Table as the entire room watch…to “Ryan” side…….And said as I look her straight in the “Face……”you stole my “Dam Boy Friend”,…. I gave “Ryan the Flowers”…….(He is looking so pale now)…..Yet”…I am Holding it in ….(No smile yet”)….she now went pale now….. and I said….(extra loud) ….I want Him back right now you here me” ….(real loud on the you hear me)…..”every one frozen”…. all the “Super Rich in real shock…(OMG)…(Tux Negro crash in with real fucked up news)….(I hold it in)……. till “Ryan” turn …….Extra Green…(for white boy)…..that’s when I said you need to just stop playing these games…”Man”….”fell out laughing like “Crazy fuck”……”The Super Rich”…..just went crazy with laughter…….I walk around to “Ryans” pretty date side of the table…& Kiss her on the Cheek……..and gave her the “Flowers….and  Ryan the “middle finger”…..and walk out”……Carl was hearing it loud from the kitchen…..boy bro he said …you got his Ass real good too…….Well if you see “Carl……. Tell Him “City Negro”… said Hi….and when is the “Wine Fest” date for “Next Year”…… Cool Ass”…… Billings MT……… tell Carl …you want a Louise special, he knows…its “Noodles with Shrimp, Chicken, and Beef Asian style I personally name it and had to teach him a few tricks……..Louis Charles Hamilton II. (Cmdr. Bluefin) “Happy Houston Wine Fest”

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