Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin Special Cajun Oldies But Goodies.......... 2011..xoxoxo!!!

“Houston we have a Problem”Cmdr. Bluefin” off Med’s…….
I expect to find me a “mad crazy piss morning, yet I feel so relax”……….xoxoox …
(Slept Great in the old “Rock Pile”)………
Nothing like a little all out right… “Fuck the shit” ….and let the stanky underwear “air out” with the …..“Legal Mayhem straight out their total “hostile threat-multi Cmdr. Bluefin style”…..
To get my “morning coffee” flavor just fucking out standing and sugary tasty just right too….
Thanks With a Little “In-House” @ Harry C. Arthur Esq. et al…..”Scrap to the Death match” “looming about”…….
 And the “In-House” fuck you too… you dumb looking Colonels Sanders (KFC) No Good Cooking Chicken Asshole “Bitch”… that “Psycho Nigger” “Isn’t playing “Bitch”…..
 And Fuck you too again “Dick Head”…holler-n-cuss fest”….
Seems a lot of cussing been going around this town lately wonder who in the fuck is out there starting all this “Messy Shit”…….

Well Just about Every body in this City of “Houston Texas” has been fully “Cmdr. Bluefin” style “Cuss the fuck out” and all assignments are in, Awards been handed out, “Teams on Alert” and the results are in….”boy O boy” what a multi-race too…..
Boy I give a Naked Camel Hairless Nut Sack……
To be in the “Marine Building L.L.C. et al “House” right about now………”Smoking Red Hot”….some body out their send them all (Attorneys) some donuts, cold stinky coffee, cracker’s and lot’s of big blocks of Wisconsin “USDA” cheddar cheese………
 And tell them a “Brother Hit it up for them”…..
They have all got’s lots of discussions and endless legal meeting’s for a long while……
Those entire (Crooked) Bastards better be looking for a “Good Consulting Law Firm” for each and every one of them to get them through the legal flaming bag of hot shit……….
Helloooooooooo is this dam thing on…. I keep asking you (Mother…F’ers)…….,
 Crap’s…. Why I do not hear any “sound feed back” ……
What the “Government listing in again…..(Crap’s……..)…..
You (Bastards) sleep again at the switch @ Houston Back page …Gutter Snake Dirt Rat’s…… Hellooooooooo Yo is a “Brother like dude being really heard in the “hisssshouse…”…….hoooooo Wey…! What the fuck,
“Public Broadcast Notice”………Well if you are out their and you are “reading this” and your “extra stupid ass” is planning on some type of “Holiday Coup’ for the up coming “Thanksgiving Season Kick off”……. Please forward me your “business resume’,….. “Wife’s Social Security Number”…….
 “Children’s education saving account number(s)”…….
 “All Investment portfolios”…… and “UPS” me your “Lame Ass Golf Club’s” & “Property and House Deed’s”……”Stupid Coup Bastard(s)”…………..
“Please stand by for this commercial break”……….
“My Maria”, “My Maria”, please “UPS” me back my “AssHole”…. Mamma me’ “My Maria”, them El Pastor Taco’s is flaming fucking Hot”…….”Got Milk”……….
Commercial Break over”
 Well am I just wasting my time ….here on this wire thingy……and is it just a start in the piss off feeling all over again… you go and make the call again…..”Wire”… I sue your dark ass too………..
Hellooooo some body better tell that motherfucker “Wire Thingy” “I aint the brother to be play with right about now”…..
I am flying “Naked with my Nut’s on the neck of a Flaming Voodoo Witch Doctor fuselage” …….
And go ahead “make my day”…and feel if this here “Bro” aint for “real” dip…….
And when I drop the “sledge hammer” on your toe via your “slow ass head”……
Then you say to your self….dam Life sure “Suck” in the street…………….

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