Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin 2011 “Special report on Egypt”

The unrest in Egypt, where protesters continue to demand the immediate resignation of President Hosni Mubarak.  (Understandable)…..“Yet” Egypt rich and secretive Egyptian military holds the key to governing  (Not so Understandable)…...
    As Egypt struggles to reinvent itself,
 It boils down to this: Most Egyptians want to live in a democracy, just like the one the Defendants (The United States of America) fought for in 1776….Understanable) then do it…!

Egypt should (seek) to learn from Turkey, the valuable lessons in combining Islam, democracy andhosting  a vibrant economy.
lawmakers have called for the United States to cut or suspend its foreign aid to Egypt (Fucking Do it Now)………..xoxoxoox
U.S. military aid to Egypt totals over $1.3 billion annually……..
$50 Billion Dollars having already been spent in a Country where they have their own rich and secretive Egyptian military
Cmdr. Bluefin Lesson for The Defendant(s) (The United States of America) save the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Blacks African Americans $1.3 billion annually,
 And “Fucking for once use it own the actual {Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Blacks African Americans debt the Defendant (The United States of America) rack up and refuse to “Fucking pay”  since they instituted (Slavery) to build this broke “New World”……
 While ya worrying about fucking Egypt…….They want Democracy”….Earn It”…do not look to the West for continue Hand out when you “Fuckers (The United States of America) are “flat fucking broke too”  and refuse to honor  your“Breach of Contract with the (Negro) Blacks African Americans here in the U.S. since the very start of….  for you only…(Whites Only).. (New World)…..
There are 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt as of 2008. ... they (Rich Rulers) hide their extreme Wealth in the fucking ground instead giving it to their People…..
Egypt  future is a shovel of dirt for a loaft of bread…..”Get to digging” ya “Good Grave Robbers Ass “Motherfucker”……And Spend ya Monies on your People ya Crookes”……

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