Thursday, May 26, 2011

Motion for Recusal of Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby Civil Action No: 09-CV-07029

The United States of America District Court
 For The Eastern District of Louisiana

Louis Charles Hamilton II
                   Plaintiff                   Motion for Recusal of
                                                   Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby
                   Vs.                             Civil Action No: 09-CV-07029
Walter and Rosemary Dennis et al                   
          Comes Now the Pro Se Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby files a motion for recusal with the above Court and for Just Cause”
          The Pro Se (Louis Charles Hamilton II) Plaintiff will show the Court all facts, circumstances and details as being entertain in Justice as follows that “Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby” committed the following:
Abuse of Judicial Absolute Immunity, Injury to Personal Reputation of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein, Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff
Obstruction of Justice, Obstruction of Criminal (RICO) Investigation, Conspiracies to pursue the same Criminal Objective of the Defendants (Dennis et al) and Attorney of Record
Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law and Violation of Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Equal Protection under the Law in connection with:
Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization, Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud), section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), Defamation, Fraud, Civil Conspiracies, Injury to Reputation,
Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice), Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal (RICO) investigations), section 1956 (relating to the laundering of monetary instruments), Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) 18 U.S.C. § 1030 in connection with all criminal (RICO) acts and actions, as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO).
 Multiple Judicial Court procedures of Schemes and Patterns to commit among other things: Mail and Wire Fraud as described herein, and conspiracies to violate (RICO). Aiding and abetting to commit A Criminal Enterprise in Racketeering against the rights, dignity and will of the Plaintiff to include:  
Falsification of Judicial Material facts to aid in civil federal case fixing, Civil case with criminal (RICO) acts to aid in dismissal of the current case filing before the court and furtherance’s aid in the dismissal of all (RICO) claims filed under the caption:
 United States District Court Eastern District of Texas Beaumont Division
Louis Charles Hamilton II
Plaintiff Complaint
Jury Demand
Vs. Civil No. 1:2011 CV- 00005

Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law
Defendant Walter A. Dennis and Rosemary Dennis
(Zanders) Attorney at Law and (Dennis et al)
Individually and collectively as described herein said complaint being committed all acts and actions described fully herein in Violations under Chapter 96 of Title 18, United State Code: (RICO) Racketeering Influences Corruption Organization in connection with Section 1341 (relating to mail fraud)
And charging (Zanders) Attorney at Law and Defendant herein (Dennis et al) in furtherance’s violation of (RICO) section 1343 (relating to wire fraud), (RICO) “Money laundry of Financial transactions to conceal the “Identity, source, and legitimate origin”,

Obstruction of Justice, Civil Conspiracy, Destruction, alter and or direct destruction of “material Civil Evidences”, Fraud upon the Honorable Court and Defamation of the Plaintiff Construction reputation in this (RICO) Criminal activities ag.
Violation of the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) civil rights protected by (The United States of America) Constitution
 In Plaintiff  herein (Hamilton II) asking for relief before a United States Federal District Court  for civil unfair treatment committed by (Dennis et al) before a “Civil Court of Law.   “Complaint and Jury Demand”.
Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein states a direct conflict of civil interest moves/require that this action being  change to a “New Jurisdiction” as described in the supported motion and exhibits filed attachment herein for recusal of Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby days before a Breach of contract and defamation suit civil trial commencement filed in the above court
With Attorney (Zanders) criminal (RICO) “Mail and Wire Fraud” of multiple scheme and patterns also been tainted before the Honorable Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. and Magistrate Judge Sally Shushan  at the Federal Court House in New Orleans L.A. Eastern District
Furtherance’s all Judges and Magistrate described above being criminally link in a Judicial (RICO) criminal “Mail and Wire” “systematic criminal (RICO) scheme of actions” being committed continual as of this undersign date and exercise continual being wrongful conduct of “pattern(s) and practices” in (among other things) against the Plaintiff rightful “Equal Protection of the Constitutional of the United States Laws” in among other thing Civil Action in Common Law
And all implicated and done in connection with one  Attorney “Willie M. Zanders) in several (RICO) Case fixing before The Eastern District of Louisiana United States Federal Court “compliances with systematic criminal (RICO) actions and acts” being continual as of this undersign date .

The Plaintiff herein the above title caused “Louis Charles Hamilton II asserts and state with declaration before the “Court” against penalty of perjury the following factual facts committed by the undersigned magistrate to wit:
1.The Pro Se Plaintiff having numerous “Hostile” contact with the court to the point that the Plaintiff having no “Trust”, Faith”, and especially Fairness to the point the undersigned court have rule over many erroneously occasions in favor of “Pro Se” Defendants herein one (Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis) A/k/a one (Mrs. Rosemary Dennis) A/k/a (Mr. Willie M. Zanders)  also to be the actual A/k/a (Willie M. Zanders) now the Attorney of record of Cause No.09-7029 .
2. The entire court file in Plaintiff exhibit (a), (b) and (c) * civil docket for #:2:07-cv-01510-GTP-SS,
3. Civil docket for #:2:09-CV-07029-KWR
4. Civil Docket for #1:09-CV-00289-TH-ESH
5. Are all filed Pro Se and ruled by Three different federal courts (2) in this above court and (1) in the State of Texas Federal Court regarding the same Hurricane Katrina Claim.
6.Sanders and Dennis et al reach an “Illegal agreement where Sander acting very, very, rouge would assume Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis actual physical Identity clear back in 5/12/07 for the sum of $2,500.00 *see plaintiff exhibit (D)
7.Ever single record in the entire flipping file each document being presented into evidence during any civil Trial all document(s) and all exhibit file Pro Se by Dennis et al have to be authenticated by them being the original Author which Mrs. Rosemary and Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis can only admire their signature only.
8. The entire case file “except” after the Pre-trial conference held on 3/25/2011 is fully Sanders Rouge work.
9.if your sloooooow stay slow….The Honorable (Very XXX Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines ask the Plaintiff one simple question “Quote”: Mr. Hamilton” who is Mr. Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rosemary Dennis Attorney of record whom file these legal documents before this Texas Federal Court from Louisiana…..?
10. Plaintiff reply (Being Very Surprise that The Honorable Judge Earl S. Hines caught that major problem that very fast in the opening of the hearing) you’re Honor” They Hire an Attorney and put their signature on all of that legal work throughout the files….
11. The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines then furtherance’s stated on transcript “That’s how they do things in New Orleans Louisiana …..And look at his staff the U.S. Marshalls and myself and we all “laugh”…….xoxoxox!
12. The undersigned Magistrate herein is very XXX Hostile to the point she omitted The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines report and recommendations that the Plaintiff is before a Trial for “Breach of Contract” and Defamation cause of action….*See Plaintiff Exhibit (e) Report and recommendation of The Honorable (Very Smart) Magistrate Judge Earl S. Hines Plaintiff exhibit and *See Plaintiff (f) orders of Magistrate denying Plaintiff witnesses for trial…
13. The undersigned Magistrate herein also “very extreme bogus” and quite extreme hostile in ruling that Mr. Sam Z. Scandaliato.  Building engineer was not on the Plaintiff witness list for a Trial set for 4/11/11
14. *see Plaintiff exhibit (g) Plaintiff witness list when in fact his in entry # 13 S.Z.S Consultants, Inc. (Building Engineers) which the Plaintiff request in a leave to issue Trial Subpoena and on list for Trial
15. *see Plaintiff exhibit (h) Plaintiff motion for subpoena of witness and * see Plaintiff exhibit (I) S.Z.S Consultants (Sam Z. Scandaliato,) PE
16.* see Plaintiff exhibit (I) S.Z.S Consultants (Sam Z. Scandaliato,) PE report for a Hurricane Katrina Home which (Dennis et al) could not had repaired without said report from Hurricane Katrina Damages which (Sanders Attorney at Law) and his other a/k/a person being Walter Alvin Dennis and Mrs. Rose Mary Dennis hid this along with other important documents in aid along with the actual defendant in this cause (Dennis et al)
17. The Undersigned Magistrate refusal to comply with Plaintiff motion for Production and Compel and sanctions against (Sanders) for Production of all documents thus Plaintiff having no merit with this court to wit: (Sanders) turn over Volunteers Exhibits a week before Trial and file this in Louisiana Court in advance but never mail to Plaintiff in (Texas) until Court order him to do within days before Trial certified mail next day services which this also was ignore and came 4 days later and very bogus on both the Court and (Sanders) when Plaintiff did in fact request for this years ago…
          18. (Sanders) now acting as an official Attorney of record files before the Court his witness list and statements which he now supply furtherance’s perjury documents attacking the Plaintiff Construction Reputation (among other things) through his witness to wit: Floyd and Delores Davis with stating I stole their TV, furniture, frig, bed…… ect…..never paid monies to Liberty lumber for construction work…..ect….and Liberty Lumber put a Lien on their home for building materials and the Plaintiff ran off with all of the monies to this effect.
          19.  However *See Plaintiff exhibit (J) dated April 6th 2011 from Liberty Lumber: To whom this may concern: On May 10, 2007 Mr. Louis Hamilton opened an account with Liberty Lumber. He paid $7000.00 in cash. We began delivering material down the street to 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. to his customer, a Mr. Floyd Davis. Mr. Hamilton had a dispute with Mr. Davis and we closed the account on October 10, 2007 and we wrote off $8.22 (cents) Obviously for a debt of $8.22 we never placed a material lien on the subject property at 4891 Tchoupitoulas St. Mr. Davis is in correct in telling the court Liberty Lumber lien was placed on his property.  Sincerely (Thomas Huntsinger) Owner.
          20. *See also Plaintiff exhibit (K-1) through (K-8) Liberty Lumber accounts receivable and (COD) cash on delivery invoices for $7000.00 dollars worth of (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis Aggravated Perjury being submitted by)  Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law and Attorney of record for the above cause action 09-cv-7029
          21. *See Plaintiff exhibit (L) “State of Louisiana” Department of Justice Consumer Protection division which the Plaintiff will show an Honorable Court detail fact(s) Plaintiff never ran any where… include but not limited to (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis wiliness to provide Aggravated Perjury for this Trial to wit: in that they stole the Plaintiff Trailer with their “Own 65 inch T.V. in front of their “Own Home” at 4891 Tchoupitoulas
(NOPD) Police Reports will reflect my Personal Construction Trailer was in front of their home at the time of the theft with a 65 inch T.V and Plaintiff never stole nothing or went driving off in the sunset with a 65 inch big screen T.V.
and Plaintiff having to come racing to their home their after they (Davis et al) informed the Plaintiff of the missing Trailer and their T.V. when they were stand guard watching the 65 inch T.V. having the Plaintiff
To call the (NOPD) police once again dealing with (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) whom they both then called their Insurance company there after they told me (Plaintiff) my construction trailer was stolen in front of their home at … which (NOPD) took a report of a stolen Trailer and 65 inch T.V., and (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) somehow like magic the next day later found the Plaintiff Construction Trailer without (NOPD) assistances
 But the T.V. being missing (Only) and then (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) called (NOPD) again and stated they found my Trailer and most likely the 65 inch T.V is in the home right now also as I type this recusal,
They (Davis et al) & (Hurricane Crooked Attorney Willie M. Zanders) Need to be getting that 65 inch T.V. out of that home they lie about with all of that furniture too…while my “Zombie Team” wait to take pictures…..Da”
 Furtherance’s the said sofa, refrigerator, stove, freezer, and bed with mattress was place in a storage unit 4 blocks away from their home on “security camera, and Now in 2011 said sofa, refrigerator, stove, freezer, and bed with mattress is in the “Home” as I type this recusal,
(Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) even refuse to go to the impound yard and retrieve several boxes of junk… the Plaintiff can retrieve his “Construction Trailer” and the Plaintiff Trailer was lost due to this incident
Then (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) attempt to stole Mr. Singleton Schoffling which he purchase for my Plaintiff Construction company usage at the Home of (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) 4891 Tchoupitoulas *see Plaintiff exhibit (M) photograph of Home of Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis  with the Schoffling they attempt to steal which (NOPD) having to come and deal with them instead of the Plaintiff, to include Attorney General Office came to their home “Agent Slade” spoke direct with the and told them I never stole nothing (also) “Agent Slade of the Attorney General Office of Louisiana
and Attorney General office will be watching over this construction contract….which one Mr. Floyd Davis then arrange several (Negro) men’s to attempt to cause the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) body injury after (NOPD) left their home
to continue to scare off the Plaintiff from said contract with Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis where they had went (XXX) bogus in doing so and reach an agreement with the Plaintiff entire (2) “Hispanic” crew members to dump the Plaintiff from the contract after the home was destroyed by the Plaintiff and 2 different construction crew in “one day” and they (Davis et al) breach the contract for a (2) story home under $49,500.00 to be build and having a (1) story home for $12,000 (Cash) was built with the “Hispanic Crew framing …and it was done without the Plaintiff and not under any “physical contract”…….
‘Conclusion’ on one (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) they are extreme (XXX Crazy) and when the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) return to Texas they will be having Federal civil action being presented to them by The United States Marshall services for Defamation, theft of Plaintiff $5000.00 Trailer and Breach of $49,000 Contract, conspire in (RICO) criminal actions involved in connection with Mr. Willie M. Zanders and (Dennis et al),
False police reports, and fraud of a Private Insurances company in connection with the Plaintiff which they (Mr. & Mrs. Floyd and Delores Davis) now owe the Plaintiff $39,000.00 with interest incurred since 2007
And their construction contract is on file also with the Attorney General office with the State of Louisiana. And I hope & pray one “Mr. Willie M. Zanders Esq. will be there acting Attorney of Record during this new civil action……xoxoox!   (Smoooch)….!
22. Plaintiff will show the court that Mr. Willie M. Zanders Attorney at Law having now furtherance’s provide additional Perjury information in regard to volunteers working on the Home in 2008 for $19,000 dollars worth of construction repairs to wit: Plaintiff was actually living in his home office at the Home of Mr. James Singleton at 3816 General Taylor Street one home over from Dennis et al home, where Mr. James Singleton Instructed Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) to run electrical power to the Dennis et al (home in 2007) so said volunteers can work on the home in (2007) in addition to the claims made in regards to free work by volunteers 2008 yet 2007 work being omitted.
23. Plaintiff will show the court Mr. James Singleton was “very upset” with the Plaintiff for undergoing that contract with Dennis et al) when he knew they were without enough funds and Mr. & Mrs. Singleton were fight over Plaintiff contract which was wrong on part of Dennis et al) which they both Mr. & Mrs. Singleton treated the Plaintiff very nice, like a (son) and supply the Plaintiff in his construction start in having their home for an office during aftermath of “Hurricane Katrina” as well as Plaintiff rebuilt their home and Mr. James Singleton open the door to the entire city of New Orleans L.A. through all of Mr. James Singleton contacts…..for the Plaintiff construction company to advance which (Dennis et al) destroyed and Plaintiff went home to Texas.
24. The undersigned Court very bogus in omitted Mr. James Singleton from being able to testified in this matter as well as the court eliminated Plaintiff direct cause of action for defamation as provide by the Eastern District Honorable Court to be entertain here in New Orleans U.S. Federal Court in connection with (Dennis et al) as described in all three court case filing which Mr. James Singleton is in fact involved in this defamation issue too along with the Plaintiff.
25. Mr. James Singleton also is fully aware of the massive damages to (Dennis et al) home which Hurricane did not cause” and is label in the engineer report which (Dennis) supply to Plaintiff after obtain Plaintiff signature on a contract then the big surprise
          “Which the “Colonel James Singleton having scold Plaintiff numerous times because of (Dennis) harassment of him to cheat the Plaintiff and (Singleton) wanting me to (XXX) and hurry up and get that contract over with (Dennis et al) which Mr. James Singleton supply concrete under the Plaintiff own contract for the (Dennis et al) home after their own refusal to cover the building material concrete cost which the Court having eliminated “any and all witnesses” Plaintiff wishes to pursue during a civil trial in all of the Problems raise by (Zanders), his Clients (Dennis et al), and all other witness,
While (Zanders) continue to flood the United States Judicial Federal Court system with the biggest crooked (RICO) filing court case in the history of the Judicial system within the United States of America.
26. The undersigned Court chastise the Plaintiff in regards to (Zanders) reputation on and all of the posting the Plaintiff wrote under “Cmdr. Bluefin” in regards to this “civil action” and (She is very snotty) and quite “bogus and almost got herself cuss  smooth out and hung up on and when having phone conferences while she the Court fully aid (Zanders) against the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) with the court extreme Judicial bias towards the Plaintiff civil filing in the undersigned court, Plaintiff told this court it has been manipulated to the fullest and we exchange “Hostile” wording in this regards…..too
27. *See Plaintiff exhibit (N) Plaintiff motion for Production of documents filed 12/07/09 (2) years ago “which the requested” exhibits in regards for production among other things knowledge of all free labor work being committed by any nonprofit organizations working on Dennis et al home being completely ignored by the Court and especially by (Zanders) in producing until March 26th 2011 (2) weeks before a Trial when it was request years in advance..
Wherefore the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II moves for the Recusal of the Undersigned Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby in her bias full capacity, providing protection of (Zanders) and conspire in his criminal (RICO) scam in connection with this entire civil file and his aid in his crooked client (Dennis et al) cover up and case fixing
With “Willie M. Zanders” A/k/a  Mr. Walter Alvin Dennis also A/k/a “Mrs. Rosemary Dennis” and also A/k/a “Mr. Willie M. Zanders” Attorney of record of this civil case, and being fully crooked to the bone…………….
          And for all “Deem just and being Honorable before this United States Federal Court during a lawful proceeding on the behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II.
Respectfully Submitted By:

               Louis Charles Hamilton II
                   Pro Se Plaintiff
                P.O. Box 20126
                Houston Texas 77225

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