Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senator John Mccain............................(Arizona)

Chief of Staff: “Mr. President”…um….um…. (Cmdr. Bluefinngling) …”Sir physically pisses “pee pee” on the “W.I.R.E” Sir”……
“Well hot got dam”……. I have been waiting on this Motherfucking Day, “Yep” …..”Senator John Mc Cain” “Senile Extra (ARIZONA) Dumb Ass”…………went off the “Broken Red Neck Record” a tad bit…(Again)….”Ya think”.
First Sherlock Holmes Clue”….. “You Dip Ass ho’ haters” ……Who voted for him (McCain) to actually be in the “OVAL office” as “Commander and Chief” too…. “As we speak no less”,,,, can now “Lick the Extra Dripping Shit of your good “Ass Butt Holy Hole”, “Licking Butt Kissing” (do do) “Brown McCain Stinky Carmel Lip’s…..(Dumb Bitches)………
My Grandmother always said…. “Senile is as Senile dose”………….(Extra Rusty Old Hater Dumb Bitches)……..
I even had to just “look the other way” at the News on MSNBC (McCain) miss informed about (DADT) policy…..
    Then I had to add the other Fucked up Future Factors of you Ignorant Asses wanting to go back to (Bush) Policies with (McCain) still bombing (IRAQ) hitting everything from a “actual target” to “Blind Sand Field Mice” hosting a “Barbeque”. (Bomb, Bomb, and Bomb them some more) remember this all ya (B.I.T.C.H.E.S)……”Well among others”… North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya , al-Qaeda, and Hezbollah,  would be just Happy as Ho’s Hefers if Senile (McCain)….was in the “OVAL OFFICE” spot right now……
“Stupid Senile Bastard” would even be still sitting at the U.N. speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on “Thursday” after he said some in the World have speculated that Americans were actually behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks, staged in an attempt to assure Israel's survival……
President (McCain) still trying to clap in respect before he go fucking bomb off on (IRAQ) some more ……
(Stupid Senile Bastard)……. (Grown some real “Red Neck Cracker Nut’s”…… “Bitch”) And “McCain” your Senile Ass up on the UN Stage, stumble a little bit….. And said excuse President “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad”; (cough) some… um….um…. “then with a Big Bitch Back Hand Slap”, Oooooooops “My Bad”……..”Freak Bitch”…… Then (Secrete Services) of course quickly runs up on stage and Move In ….and as “American Duty” require …..Cover up the Red Neck Senile (But Now Extra Cool) President “McCain” up……. by putting the (USDA) Big Brother Boot’s to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad already fucked up “Grill”, “Ass” and Buzzard Face….” Get on “Air Force One” Fire up a Fatty (USDA Joint smoke) and say “Hell” I always wanted to do that……
BBC World News Report, and in the World global News To-Day United Nations  “RIOT”  was hosted by the “Crazy Americans” “again” today this time with a “Pimp Bitch Slap” of Iran President “Mahmoud Ahmadinejad” details at 10:00……….
“Fucking Cool in the Hood”
But no senile (McCain) do not even Know he is fixing to lose (18) Trillion American Dollars….”Dumb Bitch”……..Hey “Senator McCain”  ……Stupid extra slow fuck…… (Cmdr. Bluefin”)…… “Extra Special Top Story News Flash”………”President Abe Lincoln”…. “Has just got shot”…Fucking…….Oooooooops…..and “Dam” …..”My Bad”...…Bro”……I thought …. I am a “Cool Slave Nigger” and tell you the fucked up news………
Do not worry MSNBC will up date your slow ass later tonight……..
 P.S. and it was one of your “Red Neck Kin” done  went off his “Civil War Script” wanting to keep the slave in the field……Ooooooops …….”My Bad Again”………. “Red Neck Kin” Shot a “Fucking Huge Hole” in the current 2010 “President of the United States “Abe Lincoln”…….K…”……..My Bad”….”CNN” ………will be hosting a News flash up date (ASAP)……(Stupid Bitch)………Presidential Grand Funeral is in 3 days…….”Wear Black”…………..
And now to all of you “Shit Face Fucks” hating on the OVAL “Presidential Brother”…..would surly say now …..“Lord Christ”….have “Mercy”….. Why did I not Vote for my fucking “Life and Country”, rather then my Prejudice…….
 Well (McCain) here is more “extra quick up date” “News Flash” while you are running the “Hispanic out of Arizona” ……Your “Red Neck Slow Ass” better be getting that Contractor and his very extra large crew building that Fucking “Mosque” and getting some of them Exodus Hispanic on the Job too “Senile bitch”…..
Your way behind fucking scheduling …..
“The Ground Zero Mosque” vs. “40 Acres and a Mule” (18) Trillion American Dollars “With Full Interest Incurred” since (1865)……(”Cmdr. Bluefin”) “Extra Cajun Crisp Style” “Nigger Breach of Contract” U.S. Federal Civil Suit is waiting on Ya…….You Big (McCain) Dummy………..

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