Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Distinguish Gentlemen Speaker of the House John Boehner, Cmdr. Bluefin 2011 (Report Card Time).XXX

To: The President of the United States of America
To: 2011 Commander in Chief of the USA……..
To: The Defendant (The United States of America)…….

To: The Distinguish Gentlemen Speaker of the House John Boehner, Cmdr. Bluefin 2011 XXX
(Special Report Card Time)……..ha, ha, thought I forgot ya……(Not”)………..Duh”…………………Smooooooooooooooooch”

First: The Distinguish Gentlemen “Speaker of the House” John Boehner,……xoxoxooxox

 Did ya know that I been so legally busy, getting my ass booted off ……that I had to make the “dam extra time” to send you….”Sir”… Your (Special 2011 Report Card)……”Lucky You”……..
   What this “crazy crap” I heard on the “Wire” no less….you done went off telling “big slick tricky greedy ass oil”
To lick the extra fluffy “light white” crevice crack’s of your Distinguish Gentlemen “Nut Sacks”…….after  a full “18” holds round  of golf” and no dam shower….ha, ha”
          You gave them a quick pimp slap with the old bigger meaner gavel cuss em out too…..I told ya to get tough”…..”cool”   ya learning thangs”……xoxooxox
 In the back of your head you’re so extra smart”… remember I told ya…. I be “really watching you”………and you most certainly doing a looking over your should fine extra Job”…..xoxoox
     Fuck “Big Oil”…………bitches better have my “nigger refund monies” too   crooked “Motherfucker’s”
    You thought Distinguish Gentlemen John Boehner,…I better cuss Big Oil “Motherfucking Ass out on behalf of the “Poor”…..and especially “Cmdr. Bluefin his Cajun ass is watching from I-10……….

Well for all you do…. “Distinguish Gentlemen” John Boehner,
This Special Honoree “United States Navy Cross” is for you”……….Congratulations…..xoxooxx  “Cuss somebody else greedy crooked yuck mouth ass smooth the extra distinguish style dog rat ass the “fuck out”….and you
Tell Big Oil that (I) Louis Charles Hamilton II (Sherlock Holmes Mystry writer) left them my A/k/a “Cmdr. Bluefin Middle Fucking Finger on the Internet for them to take a long fucking look at………………..they can smell it too …..I scratch my Black Ass……da”……..
P.S.   you tell Senator “John McCain” to tell (Text)…(E-Mail)….(Fax)….(Puffing Smoke Sign)…..everyone in 112 Congress  that (I) Cmdr. Bluefin (USN) …..said anybody vote on one dame “American USDA Tax Nickel” to send to “Funky ass Pakistani dirt”……..and you can read about your nasty vile “Motherfucking dumb 112 Congress Asses”  as I get booted off the “Flipping Slow Ass Internet”……(Again)………Bitches”….
Peace the slow fuck out”……….
To: The President of the United States of America   (Please Bring me back a Snow-Glow……J I been good I just got booted off the “Slow Internet”…….ha, ha,
To: 2011 Commander in Chief of the USA…….. (And a case of “Irish beer”……………..won’t hurt my feeling too bad”……..
To: The Defendant (The United States of America)…….boy when I get your asses in that USDA Federal Courthouse I am goanna go snap extra city screaming all kind of shit…..
Wish it was on a Easter Sunday Morning too……I Preach some Special “Jesus Christ at ya Sorry Asses too………….
…and then next “legally Brief slap” the mangy monkey dripping poodle dog extra creamy brown slow shit out of you fucking “USDA Crooks”………..bye for now Defendant (The United States of America)…….must be off and get to my Federal Home work  the “Hang em High”…. Mean Old Federal Judge”…….“And  you can read about your good censor me the fuck out …….special self soon in the Federal Clerk of Court office……………..”weeping”……………Duh”…..ha  ha….see ya soon in Federal Court ……….“United States of America”…………….

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