Thursday, May 26, 2011

2011 President "XXX Water Head Boy"..................

To: The President of the United States of America (Obama)……..
To: Commander in Chief of the United States of America (Obama)………….
To: The Defendant the United States of America……….
Did you know that the 2011 President by release of his “Birth Certifacte”…this is now exhibit (B) evideance in my Federal Civil action……..for “Niggers”………..yep”……..
See He was born August 4th 1961 ……..
one of them smart  extra water head negro mixed boys every time his mother put him on the dam couch he fall off………
Too much dam baby knowledge…….
“Water Head” always tipping and flipping over…….
Bruised up……..
 Until his body caught up to size to hold it up……..
(Anyway) the little water head boy and I was born in the same year…….Yep……..
Only I was born November 8 1961……….
If ya remember the Lord created the earth in 6 days…….
And the 7 he took rest……
For he knew some day…..long away……………….on the 8th day he had to created another “Water-head retarded Boy’………..
Now what makes the year 1961 so very important to me and you is simple “Mr. President of The United States Of America” XXX Special Water Head Boy……………….
is the fact that you were born under 1965 with me in (1961)….when “Jim crow”…laws officially were ended off the books by the United States of America……………..Da”
Jim Crow Laws went from 1876-1965……a period of (89)………years…”Niggers were under control”……….K   Mr. President XXX Special Water Head Boy”…….let that soak in for a moment…….in the old tomb up stairs…….
And get ready for the fire grill……… more for ya…..”
But just so you and that I heard on the “News Wire” from that “Crazy Cracker Trump”……about your having both a “Harvard and Yale” Law Degree of sorts …..
know that in my “Water Head Boy”…..suit especially from the years of 1868-1965  a total of more than (97) years of “USDA American Niggers” taxes were paying the Klan for their own “Live Lynching…………….Da”
Of course the typical (Among others) bombing, shooting, home fires, running ashy ankles niggers and family off their land, cattle stolen, free service in force labor camps, slap around, whipping ,
And especially hiding from Klan hang me nigger scared from my free American Votes and XXX in the flesh funded by the United States of America with “Nigger Taxes” paid COD to (KKK) Special Live  killing…and sorts”
With the United States of America having taking tons of stolen Slave Free Labor to build this new world
 Then put a ban on any nigger compensation no real reconstruction it was a fake and rob……..yet while they (United States of America) having slavery still on the legal books till 1995………while a ban for niggers compensation is enforced…Yet with slavery being legal…..?
(USDA XXX Fucking Crooked)……….

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