Thursday, May 26, 2011

Happy Birthday “Commander Bluefin” Louis Charles Hamilton II…..oxoxoxx! ya crazy retard”…ha,ha

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" ... The sun was already shining brightly god created the earth in 6 days, The day of rest is the Sabat which is Sat but who listens to god anyway, so the God surly knew for in the year 1961 A.D. on the 8th day the Heaven would over millions of years, having a cause in the creation of me”. Louis Charles Hamilton II. Cmdr. Bluefin……xoxoox”

Well you can expect the party, and I already cut the ditch weed……..
Already working on getting some real rest from the let’s just say last night open the party door with extra naughty sex”…….
And to all my fans, and especially the founder @
You’re really in trouble……..xoxoxooxooxoox
I am going to openly smoke me some ass on the “legal wire”
And all thanks to:
1.   Harry C. Arthur et al if it was not for his “good greedy Grinch dog scrooge attempting to steal from a church sorry motherfucking stealing ass,
2.   and piss not only me off
3.   But my grandmother retired nun soul clear up in heaven resting at the spot she call the four star hotel. (God bless ya Aunt Billie too) Smooooch (Mrs. Willie Mae Smith RN of Port Arthur Texas ya son red love ya too) J
4.   Well any way back to cussing,
5.   The dumb fucker Harry C. Arthur Esq. and the Hole in the wall Gang collectively was told hey like dude chill…..
6.   But no …….god did not affect his fat KFC Looking semi-slow senile brains at all………
7.   My grandmother the Nun said red you wake your sorry ass up and she clearly stated that she wanted him so fucked (with out the cuss)………J
8.    Mail me his ass all the way to Heaven until he learn a real holy truly understanding, on a global level…….
9.   Do not fuck with Gods People namely the (Poor) ya dumb bitch.
10.                     Dude did you go to any body holy Sunday school………what the fuck” creep……….it has been written in B.C. time on the beginning of Earth….fuck with the poor ya ass in trouble with crashing rocks on your fucking ass”
11.                     I have been accused off Rape @ 3 ½ counts………won all except for on one… I got to never, never, ever never, ever, ever evening fucking Holy Fucking meet my Fucking Fuck hole of an Attorney @ Wold Johnson Law Firm which I sue the bitch it is on
12.                     Met him only until the day I got of prison when that bastard saw me a ran mad down the fucking hall for his life for the Sherriff……(Gotcha)  see ya in the 18 Trillion Dollar Nigger Suit……..
13.                     then the other fucking sorry ass Lawyer who is on too…..the shit hole namely “Joe A. Johnson Esq.”) this stupid fucking Mr. Potato Head ass of a bastard first grab a live power line and blew his fucking arms to pieces then the dumb bastard take it to the next level and go and get fucking drunk, drive through some farmer house which is a ½ a fucking mile from the fucking road……some (serious liquor)……..then Judge Mark O. McGuire then got the “fucking slow nerves to be talking shit to me in an open Honorable Court of Law with the news camera all on my case for a “rape case, (Great)and the Attorney (Drunk Lobster paw) every body including the Court is in on the Crazy fucking stupid sugar beet bitch aid,
14.                     in stead of being His Hitting the Farm House Drunk Ass in Court I have to investigate his fucking sorry ass from maximum security holding in the Cass County Jail to find the bastard in surgery having his left foot replace with a steel plate and several screws, and the Whole fucking Court House too was under my evil eye from that moment on too…….to see who is so not crooked on the Bench and who is just aint fucking going to even do right……..
15.                     Well the “Cass County Court House” got some Federal Civil Actions smoked up their Ass real rough too, News team swarmed the Court House fast and John T. Goff get to look extra pale and attempt to explain why Cmdr. Bluefin is on the “War path” with the fucking all white, off their dumb ass medication script, fucking with me about an Attorney Killing him self………..and fuck their judge absolute immunity too ….. I smoke that bull shit real fast with hear read this …………fucking idiot………see ya on the “News….ha, ha,
16.                     She Charge me with “Murder and Rape”…….@ 1 count (Crazy Bitch got so sue too) with her fucking slut Married lying ass its also on
17.                     And a whole list of real assaults…on my rap sheet….all been dismissed too and I fucked each and every one up too……..they all deserved it…… (Men Only) sorry ladies do not hurt women, some sick stupid bitches been fucking lying,
18.                     Spank a sexy girl once, very lightly “but she is a “naughty freak” and only can get off that way…..Odd….
19.                     And a very, very pretty red head Canadian sexy Nurse “Rape me once right in the fucking E.R. @ a St. Paul Hospital in Minnesota, boy the falling snow sure looked pretty good when I walk out side very happy dizzy and smiling”……xoxooooox”(Smooch) to Canada.
20.                     and once my pretty wife Hog slap the Holy hell of a dog shit out of me once pimp style too (Crazy Bitch) and dead in front of a cop….(She went to Jail), ha, ha…..later in life she killed her self ..Along with three other attempts at May I attempt my self at suicide with the extra dizzy ass white pretty girls friends stupid shit later…..
21.                     Mostly Every thing been dismissed and I fucked each and every one up too…(Men)…..they deserved it……
22.                     (1) commercial Burglary theft (Which I did)  tripping lie “Spider Man” scale a building clear it out and Los Angles LAPD whip the Holy fucking shit out of my ass too…check the “booking photos” blood every where……
23.                     Hell right now I have two open NCIC outstanding warrants in two fucking State right now, one I know what for they wanting of “Commander Bluefin”……xoxoxoox!
24.                     But the other charges I plumb fucking forgot the case, and the dumb “I did not do it your honor” crime ……and the minor charge…………other wise (USMC) United States Marshall will send “Con Air” for the Commander again with the biggest meanest sons of bitches ya ever do not want to say shit too…….(One guy got fucking TKO straight to sleep in hand cuff and chains right in Flight some where over Florida Air Space because he was so scared to fly…………The U.S. Marshall turn to the rest of us and clearly stated any body else scared to fly………
25.                     No not me…just fucking take them chains off, I fly the bitch Sir” before I get any famous (USMS) TKO…….
26.                     I been a bad, bad boy, (Bull Shit) not fucking at all, just my rap sheet is now at a current 22 pages long……..and it say I am feeling like a real criminal…(Cool Sexy song…Da”)…….but I won 98%. Of This entire Crazy Long list of Shit”.............(Yea)………..
27.                     And to sum where I am going with this for ya Sorry good Church criminal stealing lying Ass Scrooge,
28.                     No body on got dam fucking Earth goes and robs a “Holy Church”…….
29.                     You can break in on the “Crown Jewels” in England and be on every news paper on the planet.
30.                     Going to Jail for Rape, Murder, or fucking with Childers and the Old”…ya might die (ASAP)…..if the Guards do not save your sorry ass, & ya can not fight your way out to prove the Truth both in the prison yard and in the Court system…..
31.                     But Fucking going to Jail for robbing a “Holy Church”……ya going to need more then Death in your life” your so dumb and very much of a worthless rich bitch,
32.                     And my Doctor is very scared right now…… you better go and get done a deposition on him and learn why……..
33.                     I read your recent discovery request and your request is fucking denied with “Military Prejudice” Commander Bluefin rules stupid bitch…..
34.                     ya better fucking go and talk to “Ronnie” real quick he left me with the strictest of crazy orders on a “sick to do list” and I mean way the fuck out their too fucking Honorable orders and I only answer to the Man…and he is in his “Presidential Grave”….so your Ass is in Fucking serious trouble too…………
35.                     my dumb ass big brother think he so tough, the Bastard is a bully, with a major kiss ass marshal arts degree, put together tomahawks, and scuds toys on a “sub tender” put the bitch with me and I bet he shit his pants, fucker do not even know his on brother and I been trying to tell
36.                     Fucking them Jason Bourne and Ethan Hunt types get big monies and look good on T.V. and the movies….FYI: The United States of America is so broke, and if I can get to go “Independent happen to be lost on the other side of hell fucking your U.S.A. enemy(s) off with a pair of jumper cables, two sea batteries, and slit your enemy(s)  throat’s with a frozen tortilla before breakfast bell, every body is in on a win, win…Tax payer get safety and at cheap well executed cost savings………
37.                     FYI: Scrooge do not even get any where near me in Federal Court or start talking real shit….I do snap” and very extra fast too….you better go and ask, (1) The Honorable Steven Kosach…all I hear was nothing when the Verdict was read….Just Kill The Fucking Sorry District Attorney Ass, he better be glad Judge Kosach was a Captain in the Arm who ran mostly “Black Platoon”  and know how to use safe wording to save his ass…cause the Sherriff department was getting toss like green salad, and the DA was still in my clutches while I drag his cheating motherfucking ass in that court room while I was surrounded by 8 sheriff
38.                     FYI:…..when you want a Deposition done on me ya better have HPD on guard or I am not going… cause I will kick your fucking ass so quick as you even mouth off half a lippy smart shit with me motherfucker” I just left the Honorable Earl Hines Federal Honorable Court room, on October 19th 2010 in Beaumont Texas….seem his Honor must have did more then his normal research on me….
39.                     He had 8 U.S. Marshall locked and loaded with one in a chair within a very up close and extra fresh breath distances of me in a chair with a Bazooka under his suit jacket…on another sorry group of fuckers silly in wanting to Kill the “Commander” personally sent one on my Famous deluxe package ride to his E.R. of chose.
40.                     So get ready to see if your really feeling lucky punk
41.                     And ya can quote Jesus Christ on that one (He wants me to pimp slap ya anyway) but the mean old Federal Judge got Jesus Back……..”dumb bitch”
42.                      O.K. Now let’s see who else is on my fucking naughty Santa Claus I am going to fuck off list………
43.                     Let do the Killer Attorney Antoine L. Freeman J.D. Esq. (Happy Birthday & Fuck you)…..your so in trouble too would have not made it”, killing you is so wonderful” in an Honorable Court too, Jude Bob Wortham is going to be tripping win he is “Sworn in”, Holy Hell Batman……..get him off me please Christ is all hi is going to be think when I come with the real question in regards to you”, think I am playing you should have saw his face when I was try to legally  crucified him” cause I surly thought he was helping you kill me”……………..told him you was lying bastard on the record too”.
44.                     So he had Proof”……fucking dumb bitch, see ya at the Gasoline party…………………puff., puff up in smoke and I hope your Killer Big time Texas Attorney Fucked yellow suit wearing Ass lie under oath too,
45.                     get ready to meet the “Hanging Judge” in route to meet “Federal in the Sweet Ass “Prison Bitch”…….(Stupid four eye bitch”)   ya going to think I was the DMV Zone just relocated in front of your fucking face real, real, soon as you hold your crooked sorry litigation fucking hand up and say I swear to tell the “Truth your Honor……..
46.                     The Three Stooges civil action, your going down in a busted fighter pilot flames action so fast it will be so scary if the “Commander is given “green for go”…….
47.                     New Orleans L.A……Mr. and Mrs. Dennis et al and you’re “Crooked Ass Attorney of law their … can refer to (Got ya) “Dark Santa Claus” got lot’s of Sick Legal Presents cooking on the front grill”……(ASAP)…and before Christmas too Happy Holidays”……xoxooxooox.
48.                     Houston Voodoo Witch Doctor “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. et al “the fat bitch sing when I say so”…dick fuck”………your getting the full “stealth attack” (See ya in chapter 14 in Sherlock Holmes Case of the Price Witch Voodoo Doctor) it’s a seller……lot’s of fun fill surprise smart surprise……..xoooxxox  (Movie Rights, book deals, hell I even plan on my own Pirate of the Caribbean  type guy flick with real “Sherlock Extra High Sea Holmes” Adventure) ya “Witch”……
49.                     And for the finally “United States of America”, your going to be very, very, much change for ever, because your so much going in a “shopping carry basket” to See the “Mean Old U.S. Federal Judge” and I want every nickel of that whopper of a suit @ 18 Trillion Dollars…………………with full interest incurred since 1865
50.                     I got a shit storm to cram down your throats and now I know why I was put on Earth to suffer…………….xoxoxox!!!

See ya all on the ever so extra sneaky in real Commander Bluefin “high lights with lot’s of extra drama for your wooden ass, naked crack smoking, kick stand neck, crab leg stealing funky breath momma”.

Peace out I am out of here…. my Happy Birthday fresh cut ditch weed is growing fucking lime yellow green moss…………Da”…..

Louis Charles Hamilton II.  Cmdr. Bluefin (USN)..”Till the Death Bitches………………..xoxoooxooox!!!

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