Monday, May 16, 2011

Motion for Production of Plaintiff Dead Wife Rachel Ann Hamilton

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein filed civil action in Salt Lake City District Court Utah against Detective Carl Voyles Civil No. 8909021181for (Among other things) (Hamilton vs. Voyles) racial
 Interfering in the Plaintiff Home life in (Utah) with his fiancée Rachel Ann Walker and step daughters Shanna Benns and Billie Jean Benns.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) the Plaintiff herein filed Civil Action in Salt Lake City Utah against Doctormen Investment Inc.
 For the “Hostile” (KKK) activities during the (Utah) winter of (89) as described in the Complaint of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein direct at Him and his family his fiancée Rachel Ann Walker and step daughters Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns Civil Action No. 890902118 .
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) in the District Court Civil matter of Richie Benns and Rachel Ann Walker (Benns) minor children Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns Case No. 854904223
Attorney for the “Mormon Grand Parents Family” of Lowell and Helen Walker” Declare the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) “Evil” before the Court of Law in practice with “Mormon religion ritual and on Court transcripts before Judge Moffat as described in the complaint of the Plaintiff
Their after the minor children Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns were award full custody to the “Mormon Grand Parents Family” of Lowell and Helen Walker” 
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Judge Moffat was removed for his reputation of Mormon rule for the bench during several complaints filed against him
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
The Plaintiff here filed for a divorce from his “Wife” Rachel Ann Walker case No. 934902442 but never was granted or pursued by the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) for a final.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The Plaintiff here filed for a divorce from his “Wife” Rachel Ann Walker a (second time) case No. 94490002  but never was granted or pursued by the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) for a final.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that
The Rachel Ann Walker bury dead in (Utah) is legally Rachel Ann Hamilton Plaintiff wife and legally is bury dead somewhere in (Utah) under the name of Rachel Ann Walker as the bogus false vitals (Utah) Death records state.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Louis Charles Hamilton II and Rachel Ann Hamilton are legally married.
Motion for Production of Documents:
(1). Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein moves before the Honorable United States Federal Justice herein for the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah)
In the “full Production” of Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) “Dead Wife” (MIA) 17 years since 1994 (Rachel Ann Hamilton) being produce from (Utah) unknown grave whom the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) was deny the full legal right(s) to bury his “own dead wife” as described fully in the Complaint for Mormon ritual.
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Wife” (Rachel Ann Hamilton) is to be bury in Plaintiff home State of Texas at Plaintiff own family closed funeral.
(2). Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein respectfully moves before the Honorable United States Federal Justice herein a court order in the full direction that the Plaintiff “Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton (Body) is “fully exhumed” from (Utah) and delivery to a (Texas) medical examiner’s office for a complete autopsy report far from the Jurisdiction of the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah)
 To the State of Texas for a correct death of record vital report other that (Unknown) and copy filed with the “Honorable Court” and copy forward to the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II)
 Which old one is a “dam lie” by the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) as described by the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein the complaint.
(3). Defendant herein (The United States of America) and the state namely (Utah) all pays full cost(s) until final judgment is entry into this Acton.

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