Thursday, May 26, 2011

To: The (3) Rich Boys “XXX Hollywood Hater(s)” “Guy Richie”, “Robert Downey Jr.” and “Judd Law”………xoxoox!

What you 3 “Hollywood Haters” planning on now to sabotage my “Sherlock Holmes Mystery Case of the: “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”….I  got my evil eyes on you (3) fuckers XXX now…………….and that crap you got on the table you are working on for your “New Sherlock Holmes Movie”…it suck’s. already .ha, ha….thought a Brother should tell ya and you thought I did  not have connection in Hollywood”. a Crazy……Da…try harder…………….xoxoxo
To: Houston Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor,….. Doctor “dripping green-n-yellow dick” Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M. D. @ St Joseph Medical Center Houston Texas……
Boy Doctor Drip Dick Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor Dude…..the next three Chapter fixing to get XXX fucking nasty with the V.D. Clinical stuff……you might want to check you prescription for fucking valiums, and pain killers…(Your Head is fixing to super hurt and really fast too)_….plus Green dripping dick Witch Voodoo Doctor Ex-Brother in-law stock up on the XXX strong liquor, and whatever else you scam in the Hood……cuss   you going to need it to get ya threw the funky Sherlock Holmes ordeal…………(Smoooch)……….&….yea…….ha, ha,

     To: My Sister (Johanna)………..!
Still piss at ya, …..but (girl)…..this Green –n-yellow Dripping Dick Doctor Dude is in so much trouble coming up………………..ha,ha,
And you know me XXX real well…(watch what I do next)… try and not laugh too fucking hard neither…you always pee on yourself………………
If the fucker give you any more of a ½ of a thought of dam trouble… you know how to get a hold of me,.. He can read the rest of my fucking “Sherlock Holmes Case of the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor from the inside of his fucking hurting ass closed “eyes lids……………xxoxoox!

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