Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrooge Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq. et al Lost and turn out"

To Defendants (The United States of America)…….”Hot of the press…2011…”New Civil Actions”….xoxoox
To United States Attorney General”….for the United States of America”…………..xoxoox  (Head up Notice)……..xoxox
  To Associate Press……..get real”……..
    To: All of Fucking ….Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law Clients within the Entire State of Fucking Texas…. and the Marine Building L.L.C. (Stupid)…..Client(s)…….”Special Public Notice:
  To: The President of the United States of America Presidential Bro….dude like….(WTF)…”No (Nigger) “Justice” we  especially except no dam Fake Lilly White Peace………….
    “Please be Advise there after our special expedited briefing”….. The Issue has come to the complete group Understanding that” an addition “Civil Action” shall be required to progress simple fact’s…. No (Nigger) Justice….No (Nigger) Peace…… (Simple)……xoxoxox

    District Judge Steven Kirkland 215 District Harris county Court in Houston Texas…….
    Federal Judge Nancy K. Johnson…. Bob Casey Federal Southern District of Texas both enjoys “Absolute immunity” to the vast expense of corruption…..well over the poor”…(Negro)….too
 The U.S. Judges cannot be suing directly… by their imposed illegal civil Laws…..but the United States of America (Can)…xoxoxo
   Any Crooked U.S. Judge who rules to protect a “White Attorney” for his Scrooge crooked money…he has stolen too…over a (Negro)…is fully crooked too…..
We (“Niggers) Should Have civil rights in (2011)…we (Niggers) do not……
    Any U.S. Judge who acts for the Interest of the Rich…over the poor to protect the “Rich” and his crooked reputation ….should also be strip of their Robe….and Thrown in Fucking… (Federal Jail)……..for (10) long years…..
   Physical Evidence is 9/10 possession of the United States of America Law……ya think…….
   If you seem to think a “Nigger” is “Dumb Fucking “Homeless “Derelict Trash” …..Here in Houston Texas…..
 Ya Keep Fucking thinking on………….
Well (we) got something “Cooking for ya “Crooked Asses”…..
   Any (Stupid) Client of (Greedy Scrooge) Attorney…..Harry C. Arthur, or The Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al, and the Marine Building L.L.C….you’re a Dumb (Bitch)….and I told you so… Last time in year in 2009……. (I Have your Legal 2011 Court Files)……from the Fucking Trash…..”Pretty Good shit” on some of you Serious Crookes too…..
   Sorry for the fucking confusion…but I got the (Legal)...shit out of the fucking “Trash…on the (Ground)… behind the Law Office…..and now I am going to “Trassssssh Your Stupid Asses……………….!
   Any “Motherfucker wishes to get extra funky….Fuck with Me some Legal More…..or bring into the “Street” makes no fucking shit to me…where I slap ya simple slooooooooooooow Asses……Plus my Cop’s Friends got my Back……Da”…. ha, ha……(Dumb Bitches)………….ha, ha, ha……..
To The Associate Press…… been Keeping a lid on us “Niggers”  ….no one even fucking here…in Houston Texas hardly knew about the MLK Bombing Attempt”….but a few….(Negro)….I check…over 143 black folks now… with only 22 who heard from the Media …(report) also working seems shifty…against…..(Obama)…..
  .We (Negro American) are trap here in the United States of America   and we deserve “Much Better”……..  
    And you now were working to keep “Niggers” in their place too……is what we have now been made to understand the case to be……
  To The President of the United States of America,
“Sir while you are swarm with “Tons of Fuck Up Worldly Crap…ya think you can figure out a way to “prompt ups the entire United States of America Judicial System….
  To Attempt to try and include (Niggers)…in its Justice system…not just for fine wearing clothing “White Folk’s…..
  .Cus ya Judicial Court System is Sucking so Fast in 2011….and  So very obliviously Crooked with the “Crap…& It really hurts deep inside……
   To Scrooge Houston Texas Attorney Harry C. Arthur Esq.   
       Stupid & (Greedy)…..Fuck up…..(Motherfucker)…The next time I stand next to your “Lilly White Cracker Fucked up Ass”.. And ya still talking shit in 2011  on me ……and well within my face range too…
Like ya did very recent …but did not even know it was me…(Cmdr. Bluefin)
…..I am fucking you up on the exact fucking spot…stupid (Bitch)…….then ya can figure out who ya was calling “extra dumb”… …….and for the (Official) record….Harry C. Arthur  I aint ya “Motherfucking “Derelict”…….Bitch…
   Ya should keep ya pistol on ya good crooked cracker ass …talking that much fucking crap…on me….with them Crooked Judges hinder Justice……to protect ya Crooked Cracker Corrupt Ass…………
   To The Entire United States Of America Citizen …. “if ya Crooked Ass……”aid”, “advance”, “promote”, “foster”, “help”, “be of assistance”, “benefit”, and “rally round” Fucking….. “Harry C. Arthur Attorney at Law, Law office of Harry C. Arthur et al & The Marine Building L.L.C.
 Here in Houston Texas….against me (Cmdr. Bluefin)…Louis Charles Hamilton II……
   Ya first “Dumb” Ass… real trouble with “Heaven”…..Jesus Christ”….got the Legal Matters in this case……..
    So deal with the “Holy Shit”…nothing can make me sad….ya going to “Hell”…..
   Second.. Then I am fucking you up with “Jesus Christ” ….”Full comfort”……so deal with that “legal shit”…… and really wonder “what’s going down…………………

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