Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hurricane Katrina Trial vs. Willie M. Zanders Esq. et al

In The United States District Court
                        For the Eastern District of Louisiana
                        New Orleans Division
                        Civil No. 1:09-CV-7029 L (4)
Louis Charles Hamilton II
Walter A. Dennis                                 Plaintiff Motion for
Rosemary Dennis                                Contempt of Court
        Comes Now the Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby Move the Honorable U.S. District Court for an entry into the records of this preceding that the Defendant(s) collectively as described above being (Walter A. Dennis and Rosemary Dennis) is further held in contempt of an Honorable U.S. District Court Order;
        The Plaintiff appearing Pro Se, Respectfully assert and moves the Honorable Court to issues the following on behalf of his over due interest incurred in all legal claims and matters
To include the Plaintiff great concerns of passing the already fast approaching (5) year mark, into another (2) more years of dealing with the Defendant(s) “FEMA Corruption” and their crafty black magical legal practicing Rouge Attorney
Thus soon making this a (7) year sentence of legal pain and financial suffering the Plaintiff past has under gone by way of all of the numerous Fraudulent activities of the Defendant(s) and their current past/present rouge Attorney acting on their behalf;
To include but not limited to said fraud upon (2) U.S. District Courts by Defendants appearing Pro Se with the guise of actually being lead by said past/present rouge Attorney counsel of record during a legal federal proceeding, up to the point the defendant(s) presented evidence of their displeasure in an Attorney whom filing a Motion of some sort to move this action from the Federal Jurisdiction of this Court to a State court in New Orleans, LA
Defendant(s) now file their collectively and by all means “legal Notice” stating their total refusal to provide all “banking records” as required for them to do so
(To the effect of Defendant sighting some secrete banking documentation(s) for “their eyes only”; and it’s too sensitive to divulge to the Plaintiff
 Add with the further effect of, the Plaintiff need not apply during the current litigation and the Honorable Court well you too need not apply a Court Order neither, in the current U.S. District Court for said discovery of among other things the Banking records of (Collectively The Dennises”),
 And the Honorable Court, and the Plaintiff both can take a back seat and wait on the back woods underhand style fashion of the current Attorney new filing to proceed and occurred,
And his magic snaking oil legal Voodoo documentations of some sorts being filed in some back wood swamp “Court house” clerk office near the old cemetery’ where you take the left, by the old “hang them high oak tree”;
Regardless of the fore mention Honorable Court previously orders for said Defendant(s) Dennis et al to produce said all described Banking records in said timely fashion as set by the Honorable Court;
Among other things Defendants Dennis et al is in denial to produce and in refusal to comply with said Honorable U.S. District Court orders,
To include but not limited to facts surrounding this action is in fact filed, and currently being manage correctly before an Honorable U.S. District Court within the guidelines of the United States Civil federal Court Laws”.
Defendant(s) collectively further foolishly making appearance of some sort of legal maneuver to fashion a pre-judgment back-wood underhand style fashion attached to such a bold statement of moving this present action from the U.S. District Court already declared jurisdiction to render judgment over now
 To some unknown snaking oil, back wood alligator swamp court house, near the old cemetery’ where you take the left, by the old “hang them high”; oak tree”;
While Defendant(s) furthering in providing more delays in this already over due process in which they now filed some receipt of sort of some “Magical Attorney billing” @ $225.00 per hour for a retainer ($2,500) whom said Magical Attorney is now going to reach out And produce a “magic wand” to preformed such a never (I) never before heard of feast of a Judicial biblical proportion
 And overturn a ruling by a “out ranking” no less; U.S. District court already declared Diversity ruling in favor of the Plaintiff now in favor of the Defendant(s);
To include but not limited to facts that the Plaintiff is now or will he ever, ever be under any obligation of the sort to appear in a Voodoo cemetery swamp style kangaroo Court house proceeding to argue over Defendant(s) collectively “FEMA FRAUD” among other Hoist of Fraudulent acts and further “ungodly” fraudulent “scheme of things” involving Volunteers ;
 To include facts any process sever so foolish enough to cross the “Texas State Line” with such Voodoo Documentations, I, the Plaintiff; hereby state; Louis Charles Hamilton II, would personally sick (4) hunger hound dogs on his no good gutter slim process serving hide” all the way back to the snaking oil back wood alligator swamp voodoo Kangaroo Court House judicial district where he crawl out of the cemetery from.

*Judicial Note:
 The Plaintiff hereby respectfully requests with “Pure Hawaii sugar on top of the Honorable Court that during this Hearing of a Judicial biblical proportion the Defendant(s) intend to execute while refusing a U.S. District Magistrate Judge Honorable Court order(s) may the Plaintiff:
a.  Bring some food: Like a Pork Chop Sandwich with deluxe craft cheese/tomatoes light mustard and hot Cajun sauce and some chili cheese nachos to the big game..! With a cold colt 45 40oz Old School Beer to wash it all down with And sit in the Jury Box section and watch the Coolest Legal Joisting match ever”; Plaintiff promise he will try not to vomit from the obvious “legal bloodshed”.
b. May the Plaintiff also please, “pretty please”, wager all of his current money & holdings with interest incurred that the defendant(s) Dennis et al already owe to the Plaintiff and being able to place a large bet with the Nevada Gaming Commission Sport Booking system on The U.S. District Court to place first and win match over the snaking oil back wood alligator swamp court house Voodoo Jurisdiction legal future filing.
c. Would the Plaintiff be exempt from any possible criminal charges derived by the (SEC) Security Exchange Commission for “insider trading information” for the Plaintiff already have normal commonlegal sense” to bet on the U.S District Court.
d. Will this Attorney of some sort have standing if he file this Motion before this Honorable U.S. Court and is he allowed even in the door to have the Court U.S. District move the Jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court Jurisdiction in to a lower state court of some sort or will the lower court shall overturn the U.S. District Honorable Court….? Plaintiff very curious
The Plaintiff further respectfully state to the Honorable Court that the Defendant(s) refuse to provide any documentation(s) which would support and provide the exact location to the Third party Insurances company provider of said funds during the ordeal other than a P.O. Box address and or provide the local New Orleans Insurances company mail address and business day time phone number, with local agent(s) names
To include the Defendant(s) marked up the entire few photo’s submitted as they are foolishly making their legal arguments in a Production of Document compel phase and filing the same with the Courts and left out a large portion of all photos of the 24 exposures of two different construction film footage.
To include the photos are limited only to what the defendants wanting to present in the present filed arguments by way of showing only two rooms in the home and not all of the full contents of all of the entire finish construction its material and that what was being preformed by way of all of the materials, and showing lighting/cabinets/toilets/ ect…
With computation of cost in support of each picture and other required home fixing materials as required by the large Funds that’s was disbursed by private insurances companies and Federal FEMA Disaster Relief Funding programming
To include the Defendant(s) refuse to provide all of the building materials documentations as requested which Plaintiff assert he purchase even the “Sheet rock Materials” the “Honest church Volunteers from “New Hampshire” installed Court;
To include Plaintiff submit facts that there was indeed a additional new roof installed in which also defendant(s) continue failing to provide discovery documents supporting these factors;
And additional construction applications being performed on said property with additional Insurance funds being forward to defendant(s) herein for said “New Roof”.
To include but not limited to the Plaintiff Respectfully and Strongly Assert before the Honorable Court just for “Kick”-n- Giggles” that the Plaintiff is in some way at fault as described by the Defendant(s):
        a. Why are “Church volunteers” all the way from the state of “New Hampshire” no less hanging, floating and texturing sheet rock the Plaintiff purchased in the defendant(s) collective home;
 When said defendant(s) foolishly having already submitted to the above entitled Honorable Court such evidences by way of check issued 11/14/05 in the amount of $46,185.50, check issued 12/29/05 in the amount of $17,200.00, check issued in the amount of $8543.00 and check issued in the amount of $10,500.00 dollars for a total amount of in excess of $82,428.50..?
        b. What happen to the disaster disbursement funding difference in total funding said defendant(s) having already received in comparison to the breach of contract amount being argue and claimed for before the Honorable Court..?
The Plaintiff hereby moves her’ “Honorable Court” for the Following reliefs:
1.  Entry into the records for a Contempt of Court being levy and charged against the Defendant(s).

2.  Defendant(s) Dennis et al being sanctions against and levy against for their combine hostile non-compliance action directed at the Plaintiff and his delayed discovery phase for Defendant(s) to comply with a legal court order by the above entitled Honorable Court
3.  And Plaintiff further being awarded computation monetary compensation in the amount of no less 58.00 per hours; per hourly rate per day in Contractor construction @ (6) days lost time dealing with this matter and the Defendants non-compliances during a legal federal court proceeding
The Honorable Court Issue an Immediate Order to the (USMS) United States Marshall Services for the following reliefs to be executed on behalf of the Plaintiff without any interference from said Defendant(s).
A. (USMS) Seizure all of the Defendant(s) entire banking records at all banking companies as required by the Plaintiff and the Honorable Court, with a Itemized banking monthly statement being seizure and provided for each month all transactions during out the dates as indicated for all, credit cards records, debit cards records, checking records, savings records, from the dates of august 28th, 2005 to August 28 2009 * Note U.S. Marshall Services to obtain records from each and all banking Institutions Defendant(s) having Possession of; Custody of; and control of;
B. (USMS) Seizure complete copies of all Defendant(s) Home repair construction photos both past and present that was half submitted to the Plaintiff and the Court; with all 24 exposure being obtain from the Defendants for previous photographs marked as Plaintiff exhibit (A) and exhibit (B) photos required in full Production by the said (USMS)
 To include (USMS) Seizure from the Defendant(s) a complete copies of all documents, notes, all construction pictures, contractor bills, invoices,  relating to Defendant(s) home repairs as a result of Hurricane Katrina August 29th 2005 with each said Document being catalog and identified.
C. (USMS) themselves to obtain physically all complete photographs of the “entire Home” of the Defendant(s) collectively the Dennises” located at 3826 General Taylor street in New Orleans LA  showing all fixtures, walls, floors, rooms, ac/heater units, lighting fixtures, Crown molding, roofing shingles, all walls, inside and out, all windows inside and out, attic space, bathrooms, bath rooms and shower/tubs, all flooring tile, all doors, stairs steps to include all (4) views of the main home both front and back and both sides of the home to include full film footage of inside and outside with zoom in and out pictures as needed and required to “depict and show the full effect” of required “film footage” of the defendant(s) Dennis et al “New home” being totally repair from top to bottom inside and out regardless of whom preformed said construction and without any interference from said Defendant(s).
D. (USMS) Seizure from the Defendant(s) a complete and correct copy(s) of all Insurance Documents containing the each correct address of all the Local Insurance Company and all other insurance documentations being provided during the time frame for during the Katrina Hurricane Claims process for damages submitted for by said Defendant(s);
E. (USMS) Seizure from the Defendant(s) a complete and correct copy(s) of all building materials receipts for Windows, Sheetrock and all other materials used in repairing said home defendant(s) refuse to comply with;
F. (USMS) Seizure from the Defendant(s) a complete and correct copy(s) of all documents and applications church documents and records from Defendant(s) showing/dealing with Request and provision of All Construction Working Non-Profit Volunteers whom provided free services on the defendant(s) entire home after Katrina Damages to include Seizure all photos showing all phase involving all Volunteers performing construction involvement type work on said Defendant(s) Home.
G. (USMS) Obtain/Seizure from the Defendant(s) their Home owner Insurance Company Local Listed Company correct mail address, day time telephone number, and all documents relating there in said defendant(s) custody, possession and control in regards to Katrina Claims for damages of the home located at 3826 General Taylor Street In New Orleans LA 701125 a complete and correct copy(s) of all documents, applications, Notes, Photographs, diagrams, contractor invoices/ billing, all material receipts and any and all other document(s) relating to 08/29/2005 Hurricane Katrina damages in connection to the defendant(s) home located at 3826 General Taylor Street In New Orleans LA 701125 to include but not limited to the (USMS) on behalf of the Plaintiff obtain all records documents, applications, Notes, Photographs, diagrams, contractor invoices/ billing, material receipts and any other documents relating to Katrina damages and to include (USMS) on behalf of the Plaintiff execute all of the same as described in paragraph (G) above from Fidelity National Insurance Company P.O. Box 33005 St. Petersburg, FL 33733-8005 Policy Number 17251020862900   claim Number. 105-0066431.
H. (USMS) Obtain/Seizure from the United States Inspector General Office, and or FEMA Disaster Relief Disbursement/Funding Department to include but not limited to the (USMS) having to “boldly go” where no man has gone before within the United States Federal Government FEMA Services and obtain such required records involving all records of the Defendant(s) Dennis et al; total expensive received during their collectively needed and required evacuation from New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina approach to making land fall in said defendant(s) home town area, up to their collectively temporary housing funds being provide for by Federal Funding programs, to include but not limited to food, and all other documentations showing All Federal Funding Assistant programs being especially provided to the Defendant(s) During the moment Hurricane Katrina made land fall throughout up to the finish restore repairs of the Defendants home.
The Plaintiff further move the Honorable Court for an Additional order that require the (USMS) Obtain/Seizure from the Defendant(s) Collectively Know as the (Dennises”) all documents, notes, records, letters, invoices, bills paid to, retainer fee documentations, the correct physical address, day time telephone number, and full Identification, credentials, discovery, and correct ID of the Attorney and or Attorney(s) whom having been providing and executing on the behalf of said defendant(s) Collectively Know as the (Dennises”) all legal advice, and court filing documentations as described in Plaintiff attached motion for Contempt of a Honorable Court @ (2) counts and Joining Motions for sanctions collectively.
*See Plaintiff attachment exhibit(s) @ Plaintiff Motion for Contempt of Court” attached and join herein in support.
The Plaintiff further moves the Honorable Court that the Defendant(s) herein Collectively Know as the (Dennises”) being levy against and made to pay for all said services thereof and order by Her’ Honorable Court for execution of and on the behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff to this action; said The United States Marshall Services” with (USMS) collectively obtain their Personal Fee’s… (J) “as per Court Further Orders”.
To include but not limited to the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, Respectfully moves the Honorable Court in being justly content in being compensated for the defendant(s) collectively additional Fraudulent activities as described in the attached Motion for Contempt of Court & Joining Motion for sanctions
To include any and all further reliefs the Honorable Court Deems specifically Just, right, and entirely proper for the Behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff in this Above Stated Cause. Civil No. 1:09-CV-7029 L (4)

Respectfully Submitted and

Dated this ______ Day of _________________, 2010

        By, ____________________________
                Louis Charles Hamilton II
                Pro Se Plaintiff

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