Thursday, May 26, 2011

To: Crooked Grave Robber Katrina Attorney “Willie Dead Dick Beater Zanders Esq.”

Hey Grave Robber “Dead Dick Beater”………I Heard you are looking for

An “XXX Expert Witness”… Testify at your Big $400,000,000. Million $$$ “Class Action” Suit for all of the New Orleans L.A…….Special Ed-“School Teachers”…..
 Who got the fucking Shit Can…..”……..xoxoxox
“Marie Laveau”………is in the “Voodoo House”
she ain’t doing fucking nothing…….!!!!!

Drum RoooooooooooLL………….xoxoxoxoox

all my fan’s at …..Hit my Love @….xoxoxoxox

“Sherlock Holmes” Will   Nigger Fucking Rig the “Holy Special shit” out of …………“Marie Laveau”…”House Of Voodoo”…… in Commander Bluefin (Louis Charles Hamilton II)………“Sherlock Holmes” Case of: “The Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney”……
……..(Willie M. Zanders Esq.)…XXX Staring “Lead Attorney”…….xoxoxo To the Full effect of a “Sherlock Holmes” Grand Mystery Classic……xoxox
…..Congratulations……….It’s going to “Cmdr. Bluefin posting for an all “out” Special “Sherlock Holmes” “Halloween Extra Dark Special……..xoxoxox  (Yea)…….xooxox

Well Zander Esq…..your special “Marie Laveau” was working your (Federal Trial)…..
 the Whole dark scary time”……I went by my “Grandmother …Grave the “Holy Nun”….Thank her for making the hidden Building Engineer Contractor Report fall out of your crooked client Hands as she tried hiding them  in “Open Court”…(Smoooch)…..

I Got God Special Voodoo……(Dumb Bitch)…..ha, ha,

Boy so many Dam fucking lies……
 Attorney Crook need (Three) full time “bean counters” ….Hun…..”Maggie”……..ha, ha,….

Then “Marie Laveau” was working your fucking “Witness List” and “Dead Lie Testimony” Statements…(Too)…for “Jovel the Dead Carpenter”….
Real XXX Special Fucking Voodoo Magic”…..
Well……..”The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor… (Him Extra Dripping Green-n-yellow Dick self)…...Will be making a Special “French Quarters” “House Calls”…………..During “Halloween”……. (Surprise)………..Ha, Ha………

Where You at “Hollywood”…..

You (3) Rich Boys “Haters”…”Guy Richie”….”Robert Downey Jr.” and “Judd Law”……..(“Haters”)……got ya  “Stale Sherlock Holmes” Asses……..ha, ha,  (Again)……ha, ha,

 Check this shit out “Sherlock Holmes” A/k/a “Nigger Sherlock Holmes House of XXX Voodoo “Cmdr. Bluefin”….. “Halloween” “Dead Man Special” staring

“Marie Laveau”………Meet The Infamous “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor, and Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney mix  with “Jovel”  The Dead Hispanic Carpenter…………………

  When I run my one story special (Now)   “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” soon thereafter into a

(OMG) “Watson” what’s the bloody scary bloke is this a “Hurricane”….

“Sherlock Holmes” and “Doctor Watson” Will be in fact stranded In “New Orleans”’   “1918 French Quarters”………..  
 “Hollywood 3 Rich Boys Haters”…(Smoooooooooch)……xoxoxooxx

See ya all soon…………….Live With “Cmdr. Bluefin”

  Louis Charles Hamilton II (Sherlock Holmes Mystery Writer)….xoxoox

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