Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scrooge et al 16.2 Million Merry Christmas Motion in Opposition to Dismiss Civil No. H-10-2709

To: the Crooked Good Stealing Defendants herein collectively a/k/a “Houston Scrooge Attorney”……………
 “Harry C. Arthur et al”, ……..
“Law office of Harry C. Arthur et al” ………………
And The (Nasty) Marine Building L.L.C……………….
Merry Christmas Jerks ……………xoxoxoxoox
 Here is your fucking kicking you in your greedy, good church stealing monies, fucked up Grinch Grubbing Scrooge Dog Ass, Plaintiff motion………
“Good Fucking Luck” in seeing the USDA Bonedafide Hanging Federal Mean Ass Judge”………….
 Read and weep” …..Bitches……..
And Like ….”Scrooge dude” do you ever like having some plan to remove the “human shit stains” publish and posted since holy 2007 on the “dam building” or “paint over it” or cover the “Trailer Trash retro Look” up with something”, …………
Like OMG what’s the deal are you guys really that high on your self”………………….
Well your dead line on the 16.2 Million Dollar settlement offer expire in 2 days…………………….
My Birthday is Monday”……….(Party Time)
Bitches better get them fighter Jet’s scrambling, lock and loaded…………………………
Your 16.2 Million Dollars full Interest incurred is due and in fuck full to hoe ass bitches…. On November 23 2010 exactly one year to the day when you’re fucked up ass flip a crooked scam script…….
Whore Ass Bitches Better start working the Legal Briefs Motherfucking Harder and be getting my monies bitches………………………
FYI: if Texas President Sam Houston was alive right now, he too would kick your Fucking Bitch Face Cup of Weak Noodle Soup Sorry Ass…….
And Happy 2011 to ya Ass Hole” and all of you’re fucked up others….
Maybe your dog greedy ass might try and find them Illegal Immigrants who left fuck up Senator John McCain State of Arizona
And find some this time who really know how to do some dam real carpentry work”  Ya (Cheap Bastard)……….

“Cmdr. Bluefin going off line from “Space Shuttle Dezron II “
“Houston Texas” we have a “Shuttle Main Engine Orbit Blast” coming up in “T-minus 8 seconds”….and counting down on my “Mark……………………..xoxoxox”
Louis Charles Hamilton II   “Cmdr Bluefin”…………
Here is your Fucking fuck you in your fucking Ass Motion Scrooge”………………
 “Greedy Church Stealing Bitch……xoxoxoxox!

                                 United States District Court
                                      Southern District of Texas
                                       Houston Division
 Plaintiff Motion in Opposition to Dismiss, with “Support Brief and Exhibit(s)” Civil action No.H-10-2709
Law office of Harry C. Arthur et al
                             Co- Defendant(s)
Marine Building, L.L.C. et al
          Comes now the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II; files his motion, with attached brief and exhibit(s) in support of Plaintiff Motion in Opposition to “not-dismissing “number cause H-10-2709 in the Civil Matter of Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Harry C. Arthur et al, now being entertain before the Honorable Court;
          And for cause the Plaintiff will show the following:
1.   Defendant(s) collectively moves for a “joint dismissal” from this action applying  their weird senile reasoning on several factors which the Plaintiff shall address each;
First defendant(s) collectively, Arguments and Authority issue “because of lack of standing “is incorrect
          The Defendant(s) collectively while having several “legal degrees” @ Law Office of Harry C. Arthur et al to “boot”,
Quite failing once again to print the “Whole Truth” in a simple honest legal Attorney form”.
“Taxpayers in the State of Texas” “have standing to enjoin the illegal expenditure of public funds”, and “need not demonstrate a particularized injury”.  Which the defendant(s) wishes to mislead the Honorable Court in the Plaintiff current legal standing before the court:
 See id.; Calvert v. Hull, 475 S.W.2d 907, 908 (Tex.1972); Osborne v. Keith, 142 Tex. 262, 177 S.W.2d 198, 200 (1944).
 Implicit in this rule are two requirements: (1) that the plaintiff is a taxpayer; and (2) that public funds are expended on the allegedly illegal activity. See Bland, 34 S.W.3d at 556; Calvert, 475 S.W.2d at 908; Osborne, 177 S.W.2d at 200.
Yet the Defendant(s) collectively wishes to continue committing to further “pattern and practices” of “Illegal Misrepresentation of all “material facts in the capacity of Attorneys of Law.
(An Attorney whom representing him self has a fool for a client surly applies here)
 The Plaintiff further respectfully asserts that:
Williams v. Lara, 52 S.W.3d 171, 178-79 (Tex) do not even apply in this matter:
“Taxpayers in Texas have standing to enjoin the illegal expenditure of public funds, and “need not” demonstrate a particularized injury”.
“Moreover” the Plaintiff is a Veteran of the “Armed Force Services” namely the “United States Navy” *See Attachment exhibit (A); (Plaintiff Veteran ID)
Which such “Legal Services” the (Beacon) provided is a “gift of appreciation” for any “Veteran” returning to a “normal start” in life within Houston Texas”
 With the full support by all of the taxpayer “Nation Wide” in association with the United States Federal Government providing a funding to a legal operation to provide not just for the Plaintiff behalf in dire situations needs of being poor,
 To include but not limited to the said “Armed Force Services” namely the Navy for argument sake “if being a possible “direct cause” of the Plaintiff being at a state of “Disable American Veteran”
 To which said (Beacon) services is still such a services of a gift of appreciation on the Plaintiff behalf and a direct legal needed aid in returning to a normal new start in life with a “Disability” moreover,
Still leaving the (Beacon) and its “legal services”  a gift of appreciation for a (DAV) Disable American Veteran being provided that is supported by all of the taxpayers “Nation Wide”,
To include but not limited to the services being provided by the (Beacon) namely Christ Church Cathedral is an act of “Devine Holiness” by its Congregation, Founders, Providers, and inspire by the teaching of Jesus Christ in association with “God” for over 170 years at the present location for not only the need of the Plaintiff but also God’s Children
*See Plaintiff attached exhibit (B)…… (Beacon et al).
The Plaintiff is a “past and currently present” Client of the Beacon in association with “Christ Church Cathedral” especially at the time frame of all of the acts, actions, and incidents against the Plaintiff rights will, and dignity made for the basics of this action as described by the Plaintiff in the Amend Complaint.
 *See Attachment exhibit (C); (Plaintiff Client letter in association with the Beacon)
Plaintiff further state Defendant(s) collectively fail to provide before the Honorable Court to the effect “Proof of any written agreements being made between (Arthur et al) and the mystery Confederates in agreement with the (Beacon et al) that the reasoning the “Non-suit filing” was made to support (Arthur et al) false pretense in now the need to cover up the “Defendants collectively criminal mail and wire fraud scheme of things and all other expose “legal Interest” now being described by the Plaintiff;
 Plaintiff clearly stated all post cover up “acts and actions” involving alleged “working together” is a front for the Defendant(s) collective “Mail and Wire” fraud scheme of things their after the exposure of (Arthur et al) bogus intents
Through the Professional deposition being conducted against (Arthur et al) in among other things his discrepancies in numerous false finances statements made during his hostile actions against (Christ) in a complaint and filed before a Harris County court of law;
Such collective “bogus illegal and quite fraudulent intent of the Defendant(s) being brought to light first and foremost by the “exclusive experience work product” and direct examination deposition of (Andy Vickery) and (Kinney IV) Respectful honest Attorneys for (Christ et al) to defeat (Arthur et al) “under oath”.
*See Plaintiff exhibits attached to Plaintiff Motion for a (TRO) in regards to Arthur et al reply to Plaintiff motions for production of the deposition as (Arthur et al) supply information in regards to protecting property financing information’s contain in among other things in the deposition conducted “against” (Arthur et al) by (Christ) et al Professional Honest Attorneys of record Andy Vickery and Kinney IV
Now which Defendants herein collectively attempt this same rouge ploy in said discovery request to with hold from the Plaintiff during civil actions in Harris County Court files.
Plaintiff further respectfully asserts (Vickery) made statements to the effect a deposition of (Arthur) being under oath should clear up his judgment in public news media reports.
The Defendant(s) in (Arthur et al) collectively wishes to maintain in the delusions of the Plaintiff was not a party to the “cause of actions” being brought in said suit against (Christ et al) or any damaged being caused by any actions of the defendants as a result of their law suit.

 And Plaintiff has no justifiable interest in his allegations made against collectively against all of the Defendants in his complaint.
Plaintiff first respectfully asserts before the Honorable Court and address the non-fictional facts that the Defendant(s) (Arthur et al) collectively did not file suit against “Christ Church Cathedral” for:
 (1).a sexual misconduct nature of any Defendant(s) herein “genitals” being in violations of some sorts or sodomizing acts being past or present occurred and committed against any of the Defendants rights, will & Dignity; by (Christ et al)
(2). nor did the Defendant(s) collectively seek concrete civil refugee in a suit against (Christ) with concrete claims in a nature that a “Brick” happening to “heavenly dislodge it self” from the “Cathedral high castle structure” and simply pick –n-fall upon any of their collectively heads;
Plaintiff strongly assert before the Honorable Court that These Greedy Nasty Defendant(s) collectively herein made real criminal intent in a “Mail and Wire fraud scheme of things for profit and all bogus claims filed further on the “Honorable Harris County Court Wire” which is then “broadcast” “Nation wide” no less” that the Plaintiff being a client of the beacon *See exhibit (B) Plaintiff letter being a client” J
Is in now fact a “nasty dog of a person who can not hold his crap from his rectum or urine therefore and likes pissing all over the Defendant property Marine Building L.L.C. and all over the city of Houston Texas,
To include Plaintiff is a real panhandler derelict of sorts with “not a simple single purpose in life of any sorts”
“But bum smokes and like dancing in the streets”
Among other crude statements being made in said complaint against (Christ et al)
And the Defendant(s) herein collectively is entitled to a special grand “Hefty” $250,000.00 Dollars and the “Holy soup kitchen with all of its super support local.
To include but not limited to the Federal Government legal support of the (Beacon) for the Plaintiff behalf is “Hereby fully and forever close to boot” cause the Defendants lost some rentals and defendants “main property value” is now in the “Super Trash Can” and the reasoning is Plaintiff is nasty and lose on the City of Houston Texas. Their for the City of Houston now is official “Derelict Town USA”.
And Plaintiff wishes to remind the Honorable Court all of this is base upon the actions of the Defendants et al in a hostile civil suit against (Christ et al) for the relief of direct monetary compensation in value of said whopper of a sum in excess of $250,000.00
But the Plaintiff is not a party…? Nor was the Plaintiff damage in any form….?
First the Plaintiff Respectfully assert to the Honorable Court..! (I really like to slid Arthur Esq. stupid face smooth across the court room ninja style”, until it hit the Jury Box then bounce off and fall asleep on the floor needing a deluxe package ride to the local E.R. and you can have my “Honest Oath” on that one)
 And then I will respectfully state before the Honorable Court:
1.   Defendant(s) collectively having placing them self on “Legal Death Row” by involving  the Plaintiff in this nasty, disgusting, filthy, highly rude, acts for monies in a Federal criminal “mail and wire fraud scheme. (I am not stupid)
2.   Notwithstanding total disgrace the Plaintiff before the eyes of god seeking hostile actions against a Holy Church in vain of and against the Plaintiff name, dignity, and will
3.   And in doing this, said collective Defendant(s) herein further sought to attempting  in stealing from a “Holy Church” $250,000.00 Dollars, with a permanent enforce closure on the “legal homeless soup kitchen operations” and take the Plaintiff name in vain no less among others with this actions also,
4.    Not with standing facts that the Plaintiff being a person whom already is in the need of no more “current legal problems in his name before a “Honorable Court”
5.   And all these Defendants collectively wondering why..? The organizer /leader “Commander in Chief “Harry C. Arthur Esq.” in this collective “Mail and Wire Fraud scheme of thing complaint made against the Plaintiff rights, will and dignity being that (Arthur Esq.) personal face is not crumble, bleeding, and good –n- broken up..? I will tell you why for the following special reasons:
6.   The Law that’s why…J
7.   My Doctor is the next reasoning whom having to supply Plaintiff medications in regards to this disrespectful display for greed
8.   *See Plaintiff Original Complaint with Original Medical Records on file at the Harris County Court House in Houston Texas in the Matter of: Louis Charles Hamilton II vs. Harry C. Arthur The Marine Building, L.L.C. et al 2009-80663
Plaintiff will respectfully strongly assert before the Honorable Court that the VAMC Mental Doctor is quit cable in telling the Honorable Court to his/her face information in regards to Plaintiff medical records and (Arthur et al) disposition standing with the Pro Se Plaintiff” at the past and current time frame.
Plaintiff  further refer the Honorable court *See Plaintiff exhibits attached in Plaintiff motion to secure commercial business records among other things that facts showing (Arthur et al) each and every reply of Defendants collectively herein conjure wrongfully against Plaintiff rights for said Deposition.
To include Defendant(s) (Arthur et al) stating Plaintiff has direct emotional Issues in their reply to hide the discovery deposition.
The Plaintiff can show the Honorable Court that there is Justice the Plaintiff move to Houston Texas which the Plaintiff supply the Defendant(s) all theses factories and Plaintiff reasoning for sought refugee in Christ Church Cathedral namely the (Beacon) while Plaintiff render legal services to several Defendants in order to escape from harm and pursue civil actions
As described in Plaintiff exhibit (D) *Clerk’s Entry of Default.
On a Murder for Hire Scheme to Kill the Plaintiff namely Louis Charles Hamilton II in this Action also
With attached copy of said Civil Complaint No. 1:10-CV-55 *Plaintiff exhibit (E) in which those crooked Defendants therein having any further criminal intent to even dream of entertaining any guest appearance before the Honorable United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Beaumont Division (Honorable Hang Judge) for all of the Illegal RICO Crooked committed to The Elderly, Senior Handicap, IRS, FEMA, Private Insurances Companies, to include but not limited to the Plaintiff pain, suffering and direct losses
Which the Plaintiff Respectfully Assert the Defendants collectively herein (Arthur et al) having been provided all of the same exhibits during litigation in Harris County records which Defendants collectively continue to execute a criminal scheme to still wrongfully described the Plaintiff in a nasty state with their strong condemning Proof of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II being a “Derelict as described in their complaint and Plaintiff pursuit of any Federals actions means Plaintiff is a true Derelict as described in (Arthur Esq.) reply to Plaintiff discovery request.
Yet these crooks forgot they are attempting to rip off (Christ et al) in the Vain of the Plaintiff name
 Plaintiff further assert that Plaintiff then further supply Defendant(s) in (Arthur et al) The Plaintiff legal attempts at further escape from further harm, loss wages  and pursue of further civil justice as described in Plaintiff exhibit (F) Civil complaint made against (Trail et al) Federal Civil action No. 1:09-cv-496 attached herein
While the Plaintiff is in further pursuit of lost income as described in plaintiff exhibits (G) New Orleans civil action Cause No. 1:09-cv-289 with the Honorable Court report and recommendations of Dennis et al filed herein the exhibits herein
Plaintiff having in the past supplied same to Defendants in (Arthur et al) to attempt to salvage Plaintiff lost reputation at the Hands of each and every one of the Collective Defendants herein
To include but not limited to the Plaintiff engaging in the cruel corruption already filed civil actions of the criminal involvements of “Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus Lawson M.D.”  Against the rights, will, and dignity of the Plaintiff stupid sister Johanna Ann Magnus-Lawson (Hamilton)
 *See “Sherlock Holmes” mystery story: case of “The Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor” by: Louis Charles Hamilton II (Cmdr. Bluefin).
But the Defendant(s) herein having defame and continual to do the same as stated to the point Plaintiff is in fact now a proven “Derelict” now for even being involved in any said numerous civil actions as described above in Plaintiff exhibit E, F and G Defendants reply to the Plaintiff in a legal set of interrogatories *See Plaintiff exhibit attached to Plaintiff motion to secure records. Arthur reply to Plaintiff interrogatories, request for admission and Production of Documents.
Which Plaintiff respectfully assert before the Honorable Court said evidence was provided to Defendants collectively to consider in making their choice of continual rash, rude, harsh treatments of the Plaintiff respect, rights for life, being now at the hand of the defendants collective ridicule civil action.

In fact the Plaintiff honest position both “past and present” is (Arthur et al) is full of “Fraudulent false fictitious massive “shifty bogus lying legal crap”.
The Defendant(s) (Arthur et al) complaint against (Christ et al) was in the nature of seeking monetary relief for the so call property damages, and property value loss in lieu of Plaintiff alleged acts,
Yet the Defendants collectively continue to disregard their own “actual property value” by the Defendants on mismanagements mistake in Commercial Property up keeps by way of the following:
a.   The continual human waste already complain of still being published and posted for over a 2 year period of time*See Plaintiff exhibit (P-1), photo in 2009
b.   The continual mismanagements in the past drunken failed exterior painting project of the commercial property and any future up keep in this area being provided for over a period of 2 years. *See Plaintiff exhibit (P-2) photo in 2009
c.    The continual mismanagements in the safety in the fire escape extreme and needed up keep *See Plaintiff exhibit (P-3), photo in 2009
d.   The continual mismanagements in nasty restaurant trash simply left about on the ground for lots of rodents’ for over a period of 2 years *See Plaintiff exhibit (P-4) photo in 2009
e.   The continual mismanagements in the finances needed to provide for all of the extreme and well over due needs as described in paragraph a, b, c, and d above The continual human waste already complain of still being published and posted for over a 2 year period of time*See Plaintiff exhibit (P-1), photo in 2009
f.      The continual mismanagements in the past drunken failed exterior painting project of the commercial property and any future up keep in this area being provided for over a period of 2 years. *See Plaintiff exhibit the new 2010 series of pictures…. J
g.    The pictures showing continual mismanagements in the safety in the fire escape extreme and needed up keep *See Plaintiff exhibit 2010 up dated
h.   The continual mismanagements in restaurant trash simply left about on the ground for rodents’ for over a period of 2 years *See Plaintiff exhibit 2010 up date
i.      The continual mismanagements in the finances needed to provide for all of the extreme and well over due needs as described in paragraph a, b, c, and d above with 2010 photograph up detail up date. 
j.      With the Illegal Immigrants attempt at futile repairs
Plaintiff was in fact both a direct and indirect party of all wrongful involvements as described by the Defendant(s) own wording in the complaint against (Christ et al)
And serious damages did in fact occurred by all of the collectively hostile, extreme and outrageous acts and actions of the Defendants as described in the Plaintiff original Complaint, Amend Complaint, all motions and exhibits currently before the Honorable Court. With all Plaintiff mental medical records on file at the Harris County in support of the Defendant causing Plaintiff intentional emotional harm, complete sever mental anguish 
Defendant(s) collectively sought Ultra Vires Acts in their cruel presentations made against (Christ et al) with claims of a profound impact that the “Nasty Plaintiff” impose on the Public interest, health, and safety as described in (Arthur et al) complaint against (Christ et al)
In addition the Defendants herein collectively sought to impose a “less value of worth” towards the public impression of the Plaintiff base upon the complaint, while inciting racial hate, ridicule of a scheme for monetary funds against (Christ et al) thinking (Christ et al) is weak unprotected & meanwhile the scum Derelicts & panhandlers pose no threat and
Are too stupid to under stand the Defendants herein collectively Criminal RICO “Mail and Wire” Fraud Scheme of things for greed, and the Plaintiff too legal weak and unprotected cause he is street trash.
Plaintiff Amend Complaint states a long list of cause of actions requiring the Defendant(s) collectively herein to be held fully “responsible and most accountable” for all of these criminal and civil acts and actions described against the Plaintiff peaceful rights, will, and dignity as described therein,
 Defendant collectively having cause enough “emotional trauma” and National disrespect to the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II and rightfully so causing undue disrespectful behavior of the same criminal RICO “Mail and Wire nature to others similarly the same.
Not with standing giving the (Beacon) namely “Christ Church Cathedral et al” a notable wrongful “black eye” in vain of the Plaintiff name
Notwithstanding current exhibits with detail real facts of all photograph evidence thus far being submitted, depicted and showing Defendant(s) such collectively nasty, disgusting trailer trash nature in being professional Attorneys and Business operating out of Marine Building L.L.C.. Nasty, poor un-kept, run down property waste conditions’
While these real dogs of a well organized syndicate style crooks label the Plaintiff among other things “nasty”.
“A reputable lawyer will advise you to keep out of law, make the best of a foolish bargain, and not get caught again”.
                                                                   Mark Twain;
Letter to Charles H. Webb, 8 Apr. 1875”

Wherefore the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II, moves now in this number above matter,
Moves respectfully that the Honorable Court hereby do in fact deny Defendant(s) herein the matter of defendants (Arthur et al) collective motions to dismiss the Complaint of the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in its entirety with full extra special prejudice, (With a added Sugar on Top)
And for any and all other relief Pro Se Plaintiff herein seeks being awarded fairly in Justice before the Honorable Court.

By; _____________________________
      Louis Charles Hamilton II
       Pro Se Plaintiff
       P.O. Box 20126

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