Thursday, May 26, 2011

Motion for sanctions against Crooked Hurricane Katrina Attorney Willie M. Zanders

In The United States District Court
                             For the Eastern District of Louisiana
                             New Orleans Division
                             Civil No. 1:09-CV-7029 L (4)
Louis Charles Hamilton II
Walter A. Dennis                                                                                  Plaintiff Second     Motion for
Rosemary Dennis                                         Sanctions
          Comes Now the Plaintiff, Louis Charles Hamilton II, hereby Move the Honorable U.S. District Court for an entry into the records of this preceding that the Defendant(s) through their Attorney of record “Willie Matthew Zanders as described above being in legal representation of (Walter A. Dennis and Rosemary Dennis) defendant(s) collectively
Both Defendant(s) herein being (Dennis et al) and their “Legal Counsel” of record (Zanders) are required to be both held for monetary sanctions as the Honorable U.S. District Court Orders and outlines;
And for cause the Plaintiff show the following:
          The Plaintiff appearing Pro Se, Respectfully assert this sanction motion matter having been previously brought before the Honorable court in a timely fashion and all Parties behavior is still in a state of total defiance’s of a Honorable Court orders; and the Plaintiff legal civil rights
Thus causing Plaintiff further undue stress, anguish, and work, dealing with these matters, with the Plaintiff now being an actual physical state of legal back log by such combine behavior well into approaching 4 years now.
This combine conduct was deliberate, wanton, and total disregard for even the Honorable Court; let alone the Plaintiff as described in the Plaintiff motion for contempt of court with all supporting exhibits;
Wherefore the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II respectfully moves the Honorable Court for monetary sanctions in favor of the Plaintiff in this regards against the Defendants (Dennis et al) and their Attorney of (Zanders);
Wherefore the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamiltonn II request monetary sanctions being levy against both (Dennis et al) and (Zanders) in an amount the Honorable Court deems just and proper for the Plaintiff behalf in lost time and for punitive/exemplary reasoning made of the Honorable Court;
To include any and all further reliefs the Honorable Court Deems specifically Just, right, and entirely proper for the Behalf of the Pro Se Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II in this Above Stated Cause Civil No. 1:09-CV-7029 L (4)

Respectfully Submitted and

Dated this ______ Day of _________________, 2010

          By, ____________________________
                   Louis Charles Hamilton II
                   Pro Se Plaintiff
                   P.O. Box 20126
                   Houston Texas 77225

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