Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dirt Nut's Gadhafi.......................................

Soldiers of Fortune”……….”Kill the bastard”………….xoxoxox…. I got 8 bags of alumni cans in on the fucking deal……..xoxoxox, bring back a brother”……..a   “Gadhafi Snow Glow”…..xoxooxx!
 Dam getting closer ……Wow…”multi-cultural from around the world NATO and Arab League …..Very fucking loud exploding shit……!...fucking shit…. where is my fuck homeless bag of pop-corn when you need one……………
   to the Defendants, (The United States of America) FYI:…..if I find a USDA Submarine in the Houston harbor, …I am taking a can opener to the “Motherfucker …and ..Old School Navy …me some Fucking Ass…..over ride all …Launch…….panels….and its ….on and fucking…..XXX “popping”    dead on target with all …..ICBM  (intercontinental ballistic missile)………………..(Sweeeeeeeeeet)….

To: Shit Skid Mark #3 “Crooked Hurricane Katrina (RICO) theft Specialist Willie Dick Beater Zanders Attorney at Law………..
Crooked theft Specialist Dick beater Dude did you know the “United States Federal Government” in a short fucking moment  is fixing to try and fucking figure out how in the fuck is Hurricane God Dam It”…..Katrina Keeping fucking making dam land fall against  (The United States of America)  and causing so much fucking dam $$$ damages………..

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