Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin Special Katrina “Dead Man Tell No Lie’s (XXX Report)

To: Hurricane (RICO) Crooked “Dead Dick Beater” Attorney Willie M. Zanders Esq………
Something Kept Puzzling me about the “Hurricane Katrina Contractor Hispanic “Jovel” the Dead Man” who was to testify in 2011 on April 12 9:30 am that I was a trash fucking carpenter ect… much nice work he done…..ect…..
 I call his Cell phone number being “Investigator” for my own Pro Se Attorney Trial………Da”……..he never fucking answer……(Dead)…..
So I got mad and thought just how in the fuck you’re going to have (Your)…..witness appear in trial in 2011….with a phone number that not connected……….(He is Dead)…..but I did not “Know….
,your XXX extra crooked (RICO) Hurricane Katrina Crooked to the bone Attorney hiding fucking everything including …..“Jove The Dead Carpenter”
 Up your fucking (RICO) Dick beaters “Ace” of the crooked sleeves………….
So there after “Maggie” kill your ass……And “Ben Matlock” smoked that “Bitch on the $10,000.00 lie about the “Home Lien” on her property for $8.22 cents and your “Attorney crooked ass just simply did not go over to “Liberty Lumber Company and get the records   and do your “Home Work”….but supply fucking lies….I knew Fast you were going to be “Lunch Meat”……I had them records too here in Houston Texas……Just need the COD records……and have fun with Liberty Lumber….(They Like Me))…not you……Ass Hole……………when i……told them your client had said about their reputation………….they gave me all of the Liberty Lumber Records….records……(Brought me a soda while I waited)….and I quote:
…Call me a “Dirty Rotten Fucking……Scoundrel   for having the dam nerves of cheating them out of $8.22 cent in the (5) years…..I been   gone from New Orleans L.A……$ that….the Next time I come to the Lumber store….make fucking sure I………bring them……$7000.00 cash …….again …. open up another “cash credit account”…..and cheat them for another (5)…..years…later……..for …….$8.22    cent………………(Stupid Crooked Dumb Bitch)………….xoxoox
And I love that “Little surprised had waiting on your stupid sloooooooow  ass  in Federal Court with the witness Mrs. Davis looking so (Crazy)…….on the “Live witness  stand……….Da”……Plus her “Heart Drop out too from her ass”……that I actually had the fucking in 2011 “security code to the storage unit she own in 2007…..that” I stole the furniture in 2007 from in front of her home that never happen
 And I took, the fucking nasty rotten dirty bed, stove, frig….ect……..which never made it to said storage unit which it too got lost…….
when I went off driving in the “Fucking Sun Set” with 46 inch big screen T.V…(She Lie to Private Insurance and Robed)…...Hell I had that documents on my way from Texas to smoke your dumb Ass…in New Orleans……Federal Court…….Da”……ha, ha,
      But when I turn “T.V. Land Great”…original…”Perry Mason”  lose off on your “Mrs. Dennis Crooked Ass next…for the last final “killer legal round and let “Maggie”……(Smoooooch) ……xoxooxox…”rest and smile”…………
…I wanted to know about …XXX Special Carpenter …”Mystery”…….worker……”Jovel”… guys…….kept talking about… special…..but he is not in “Federal Court”….Yet He keep saying shit….and saying this….and said this………Da”..(He Dead Man)..again ….”Jovel The Carpenter he said That…same ………”Dead Man”……..but your …….“Client looking Like she saw a Fucking White Dead Ghost……as she described …..yep…..(Dead Jovel)……….. The Hurricane Second up to bat Katrina carpenter….well no fucking wonder….”Jovel”…..The Hispanic Carpenter……is Actually Fucking Dead…….
.”Got Kill working on the Home at 3826 General Taylor Street in New Orleans L.A.   working after Hurricane Katrina…on the home…..that I rebuild…….And me got cheated on……”Jovel” was an illegal alien working and hire for cheap……their after he was Kill….by hanging the “Front Door”…….on that House…which was under a Breach Contract….”Jovel” got paid some cash”…………was followed…….by them New Orleans Special don’t work Ass Killer Nigger(s)………….whom tried to ..Kill…… ….(5)……Times………
…….and I wonder on this mystery all the way back to Texas…..”this last little bit of “Sherlock Holmes Mystery on my Pork Chops Sandwitches (Help Clear my thoughts the other white meat……..Pork….get it ha, ha,    any all the way home to God Bless Texas”……….why …… guys were so fucking scared in Federal Court………Like you saw the dead…….(YOU CROOKS   Really DID)
…..for this reasoning also……I Though on long as I rest from Live in the Hot Zone U.S. Federal Court Trial….(among many others)……(Thoughts)……xoxooxoxx!!! 
   FYI:……”My Baby Killer dog “Rambo”…………got “$5.00 cash a week too……….(I choke the dog shit out of his ass early on in his life fucking life….if I caught him sleeping at night…(Little scary ….bastard)….. like me learn very quick…….sleep…….while my boss   “Cmdr.  Bluefin”….is working during the day….I got Rambo guard duty…at night….(Smoooooooch)   to ya…..”Rambo”……xoxooxx
          He was paid just like the “whole construction crew”  you guys cheated…and ran fucking off……………..(He get to tear his $5.00 Bill up each week into small pieces and fuck it…. it is his money….and he can drink (1)…...can of beer each pay day…(too)………..Da”    (My Baby)…….xoxooox
…..At night… ..I turn ……..Him………..”Lose………..he slept…………”with me”……………very ………XXX …...on the loose…………(I could put a gun in front of the door…….leave it there and dare you to even attempt to go for it…… while I turn my back……and take a shower in the other end of Mr. James Singleton Home where I live….….See what “Rambo”     do to your Crooked Attorney (RICO) …..Grave robbing ass……..and that Gun…………..Da”…ha,ha,
so them ……..Hurricane Katrina XXX New Orleans Special crooks whom like looting, stealing and Killing………….Had my baby dog “Rambo”…at 6 months old (only)…I train to kill
As I told “Honest before “the U.S. Federal Honorable Judge Magistrate Judge Karen Wells Roby….
I had my dog Rambo on Guard Duty…each and every night on the lose… (Ready to Kill)...…second……for them dumb Killer ass bitches had to be ready to deal with…..
But fucking first they already had XXX problem in dealing with me…………after “Rambo”….Second……….”Cmdr. Bluefin”…………..”Dumb Bitch”
“Jovel”…. (Rest in Peace)……..
The Hispanic Hurricane Katrina Carpenter was XXX Killed  
 While being “watch”…by them “New Orleans Human Dogs…to be Kill & robe later… he finished hang his Official final Front Door…on my job…….as they tried to kill me too………………..

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