Thursday, May 26, 2011

State of Texas et al;Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services"

State of Texas et al;    
Texas Department of Aging and
        Disability Services

December, 29th 2009

                                Commissioner Adelaide Horn
Shirley Turner
Program Manager
And copy on file
For Governor et al

Dear Ms. /Mrs. Turner this formal letter is in regards to Complaint Identification Number 21883 made by Louis Charles Hamilton II,  in regards to the conditions as described early by me.

        Please understand that just because you formally told Joyce M. Guy to stop her illegal activities on during the month of December 2009; as requested by me
 That she G & G Services would actually listen to the State of Texas and as if you” (Texas);
 Can make her G & G Services et al understand the err of her twisted & crooked ways.

        Upon information and belief’s the actions I have described in ID # 21883 and at which the State of Texas (DADS) department has executed upon as described in detail’s there in, and as further which the State of Texas (DADS) was in complete phone contact with me (Hamilton) up till the time the investigator drove direct to owner of G & G Services home/location and pay a formal (Texas) visit via (Hamilton) information being provided in regards to the original complaint; I (Hamilton) filed for the State of Texas (DADS) behalf to investigate for a full, final, and complete investigation.

        To: The State of Texas et al:

Sherlock Holmes movie just came out this Christmas Day and before I go and see it”
 I want everyone including (DADS) to respectfully answer this mental question for me in their official mental mind:

        1. How can you prove to me that a patient has not wrongfully and unjustly already die in the wrongful care of “G & G services” operated by a crook (whom just happen to having a bullet lodge in her brains and (they) ‘’ G & G services call for an ambulance and had his or her “wrongful victim” rush to the local e.r. in the past along with her employees in on this scheme of things.
        2. How can you prove to me (beside “me” proving to myself) that she G & G Services is still sneaking around doing what her dumb ass has been doing all in the past as described by me since 1997 and gaining all of this wrongful revenue at the hands of the elderly citizens in Jefferson county, TX and still thinking that the State of Texas is a piece of crap to put money in my pocket..!
        3. And what about all of this information in regards of accounts receivable in this third bank account in her mother name listed for this company “G & G Services at Capitol One Bank in Port Arthur, Texas.
        4. And what other fraud acts having all ready been perpetrated upon these patient(s) without their knowledge…!
 At the hands of “G and G” Services et al.

                        “Have a happy New Year in 2010”

        Respectfully Yours,

        Louis Charles Hamilton II

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