Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sherlock Holmes Award To: C.P. “Abbey” Abbondandolo & “Pawn Shop” (Thanks)….

Chief; May I please order the “Larvae Bull Balls”….. Smothered in Muskrat Meat” and Green Onions on “Mealworm Fried Rice”, with a “Dozen Order” of them “Puss Cream Cookies… looking nice –n- very yummy over there to go…..
“Now why could I have not been “Physically” in “Houston Jail” the “fucking day” when you brought this “Good Strangling Motherfucker  in”…(“Mayor You Truly Suck)…...Fucking wasting my Good Ass beating on Tuesday 21st 2010 …..On some stupid Ass Drunk Dumb Bitch”……., when “Hell” “I” Could Have been “Strangling” this Motherfucking “Emerson “Junior” Handy ……good “Crack Smoking” Ass”….”Bitch”… way to the extra criminal left side wrong fucking Ass…
I would have slid your “Micro wave Selling Ass” right out from underneath that got dam “camera” just as this fuck up (Guilt) photo was taken” (Snap)…… clear over to the “Ink Print” Machine…… which just happen to fall on his fucking “Head”……Oooooooops, dam……my bad”
Then (HPD) Jailers would have gotten a real “Halloween Treat”…(Hostage situation)….”hot dam call 911……(Cmdr. Bluefin)….A/k/a “Houston Derelict” Louis Charles Hamilton II…….has Just “Strangle the Strangler”…..We can not get in the cell to H.E.L.P” ……he barricaded it, …….Fucking  crazy “black bastard now is getting naked & is (OMG) he is fucking the Dead Man in his eye socket”……(OMG)…(OMG)….He is shitting in his Dead Mouth………Eeeew”.
   Do you folk’s out their Know how Piss I am………Now I could have save the State of Texas, a whole Hell of a Lot of execution monies, work off a lot of built up “Kill Little Price Witch Voodoo Doctor Samuel Benjamin Magnus-Lawson M.D. Anger Issues”……..and every body fucking Happy”…..The Mad World just got strange…..But……Really (“Cmdr. Bluefin) style “Extra Happy”…….
So to “The Police Chief” of (HPD)………. and “All Cool Homicide Detectives”…..we all need to get the “Batman” signal thingy working out here a little bit better”……..I have only two more minor “Tickets pending”….You guy just put a larger can of “Pork-n-Beans” out their on the step of the City Hall”,….. the Next time somebody strangle a helpless handicap senior lady or something so fucked up you want to kill the bastard but fear of being fired,….. Do not worry I shall see the (Bat) signal A/k/a can of “Vandecamp”  (Pork-n-beans)
And I will just walk on over to the library with (me, myself and I) and get the biggest fucking crazy man fight going off to scare the entire crowd,……(HPD) arrived, and the loser of that fucking fight,…. you take his stupid sorry no good fighting “Black Ass” to Jail to meet the “Strangler”…..then just  “Hey”……he slip on his spam sandwich (jailer)…and it was the fall in the toilet head first….. jailer that got him”…….I swears”………&.just Look at his “ugly gutter whore bitch”  “Crack leaking out of her eyes looking at the world in her snap shot too….well you dog’s are in very, very, and extra serious trouble”.
This “Sherlock Holmes Award” is back by popular demand”, and just in time too,….. to The (HPD) officer C.P. “Abbey” Abbondandolo & “Pawn Shop Owner” whom both made my day (Thanks)………you guys get my (“Cmdr. Bluefin”) “blue plate special”
 I wish I could go to “Jail today and strangle that “Dog Bitch”…………and then I ask his ass as he “lean to the end of the edge” of his last “Breath” did you see the…….. “Sun”…….. This morning “Bitch”, …….And have a good smoke of “Crack”……(gurgle)………(gurgle)…….(gurgle)……..

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