Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Louis Charles Hamilton II Vs. United States of America No. CV-00808

In The United States District Court
                       For the Eastern District of Texas
                               Beaumont Division  

Louis Charles Hamilton II
(Negro African American)

And All other African (Negroes)     Civil No:1:2010-CV-00808
Americans in and for
The United States of America

United States of America,


President Andrew Johnson,

TO:   The United States of America, ETL,

                         Plaintiffs, pursuant to Rules 33, 34, 36, and 37 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, hereby propounds the following Interrogatories, Requests for Admissions and Request for Production to Defendant which are to be read and interpreted in accordance with the instructions and definitions set forth below. The answers to these Interrogatories must be signed and verified by the Defendant and a copy of the answers to Interrogatories and Responses to Admissions and Production must be served on the undersigned within thirty-five days after service of these Interrogatories and Requests.

       1.  If any information called for by these Interrogatories or Requests is withheld on the ground that the information is privileged, constitutes attorney work-product or trial preparation materials by or for any other reason is exempt from discover, set forth the grounds or grounds for withholding the information, explain what type of information is being withheld, and furnish such other information as may be required to enable the court to adjudicate the propriety of the refusal to furnish the information.
       2.  These Interrogatories, Requests for Admissions and Requests for Production are intended to be continuing and you are requested to supplement or amend your answers if you obtain additional information responsive to any of the requests.
       3.  The singular includes the plural number, and vice versa.  The masculine includes the feminine and neuter genders. Past tense includes the present tense unless the clear meaning is distorted by change of tense.

       1.  The term “document” shall mean all writings and means of communication of any kind, including the original and non-identical copies (whether different from the originals by reason of notations made on such copies or otherwise) of any written, recorded, or graphic matter of any nature whatsoever, regardless of how recorded, including but not limited to the following:  Letters, correspondence, memoranda, notes, diaries, statistics, telegrams, payments, and certificates for payment, statements/invoices, medical records and police reports, notices, confirmations, telegrams,receipts, pamphlets, magazines, newspapers; notations of any sort of conversation, telephone call, meeting or other communication; bulletins, printed matter, computer printouts, teletypes, invoices, checks (front and back), check stubs, transcripts, diaries, summaries, financial statements, expert opinions, studies and investigations, questionnaires and surveys, and work sheets (and all drafts, preliminary versions, alterations, modifications, revisions, changes, and amendments of any of the foregoing as well as any attachments or appendices thereto); and graphic or oral records or representations of any kind (including, without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, recordings, and motions pictures); and electronic, mechanical and electric records or representations of any kind (including without limitation tapes, cassettes, disks and recordings); and other written, printed, typed, or other graphic or recorded matter of any kind or nature, whoever produced or reproduced, and whether preserved in writing, phone or record, film, tape, disk, or videotape.
       2.  The term “document” includes all documents by whomever prepared withing the care, custody, or control of the Plaintiff as well as documents that they have a legal right to obtain, documents that they have a right to copy or have access to, documents that they have placed in the temporary possession, custody, or control of any third party including any attorney.
3.  The term “identify” when used with respect to documents means: (a) for those documents introduced as deposition exhibits, give the number of the exhibit; (b) for those documents produced by parties to this litigation, a stamp with a document identification number, give that number; (c) for other documents, give sufficient information including date, subject matter, author, addressee or in the alternative produce the document.
4.  The term “identify” when used with respect to a person means to state his or her full name and present and last known business or residential address and phone number.  When referring to a public or private corporation, partnership, association or other organization or to a governmental agency means to state its full name and present and last known pertinent business address and and phone number.
5.  The term “identify” when referring to a statement means to identify who made it, who took or recorded it, and all persons, if any, present during the making thereof; to state when, where and how it was taken or recorded, and identify who has present or last known possession, custody or control thereof.
6.  The terms “and” and “or” shall be construed either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of  these interrogatories any information which might otherwise be construed to be outside their scope.

1.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) was a colony of Great Britain.
      Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) established its “Independances from Great Britain in 1776.
2.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) needed cheap labor to work on isolated farms, plantations, and in small shops.
3.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) used Indentured Servants to alleviate the laborer shortage.
4.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) acquired Indentured Servants through (British) Sea Captains who would kidnap “White British men, women and children off the Streets of London England,
      Throughout Bristol, and other Seaports and were sold to Property Owners in the Defendant (The United States  of America) for a period of 4 to 7 years of labor to pay for passage to the Defendant (The United States of America) via their Colonies and States.
5.  Admit the Defendant (The United States of America) was populated during the Colonial period by (White) Indentured Europeans accounting for 50% or greater of the Immigrants to the Defendant (The United States of America) Colonies and States.
6.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) entered into the record the first (Negro) Africans to arrive in the English Colonies in 1619 as Indentured Servants, having arrived on an English Pirate Ship that had captured the Angolan Slaves from a Portuguese Slave-ship and were traded for ship repairs and supplies.  They were Baptized into the Christian Faith and entered as Indentured Servants in the Records.
7.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) laws regulating servitude did treat (Negro) Black African and (White) European Indentured Servants the same.
8.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) original regulations regarding Indentured Servitude was not race based and all races worked in common bondage together.
9.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) there initially was a growth of Mulattoes (bi-racial off spring) and that the races mixed freely without animosity among the lower classes.
10.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) acquired (Negro) Black African Indentured servants from (White) Sea Captains who kidnapped or bought from African Rulers conquered prisoners as slaves and sold them in the colonies as Indentured Servants and later as Chattel Slaves.
11.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) knew or should have known that the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Blacks African Americans would be in no form or fashion  receptive to being forced into enslavement for the Defendant (The United States of America) and purposefully fore-mention of building their new present world.
12.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) after economic considerations and the growth of the Plantations System, a form of commercialized farming which required labor intensive work and the need of cheap labor, did   effect the  laws that were written introducing Chattel Slavery.
13.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) laws were re-written to establish Chattel Slavery.  Chattel Slavery  and the Slave Codes removed all legal rights from the (Negro) Black-African American and made slavery a permanent condition for the (Negro) Black-African American.
14.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) did make it legal for one person to own another person as property from cradle to coffin based on the color of skin.
15.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America)  rewrote many of the slave codes in response to a slave  and class rebellion which included both (Negro) Black African Americans and (white) Indentured Servants joined together in support of a rebellion known as Bacon's Rebellion in 1676. The laws written hardened the racial divisions and make interracial marriages illegal.

16.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) ruling class as a result of the Bacon's Rebellion changed the interracial laws because the rebellion proved that Poor (Whites) and Indentured (Negro) Black-African Slave could join together and fight for a cause against the ruling (White) Upper Classes.
17.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) changed the laws regarding the status of Mulattoes declaring their status to based on that of the mother.
18.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) introduction of a racial component to slavery provided the advantage that (Negroes) Black Africans Americans would be readily identifiable with no surrounding population that they could escape to and blend into.
19.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) removed what little rights an Indentured Servant (Negro) Black-American had by switching  to Chattel Slavery where virtually all legal rights or protections were removed.
20.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) profited from the Slave Trade Triangle and economics was the driving factor for the establishment of Chattel Slavery. 
21.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) sold cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane to England, who in turn sold manufactured goods to markets in America and Africa and then bought slaves in Africa to sell in to the Defendant (The United States of America) Colonies and later individual States. 
22.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) bought (Negro) Black African Slaves who were transported to America in unhealthy conditions aboard slave ships, where Negro) Black-African males were chained in stowage compartments and (Negro) Black-African women and their children were housed in any space left  available; coupled poor diet and unsanitary conditions resulted in high mortality losses during passage to the Defendant (The United States of America) Colonies or States.
23.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) (Negro) slaves who survived the “Factories” as castles or fortresses were called that held slaves were called in slave trading regions of Africa before facing the perilous trip across the Atlantic.  Many died at sea and some were thrown overboard at the hint of an illness especially children.
24.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) wealth was built on the sweat of forced labor of (Negro) Black African Americans enslaved in Chattel Slavery whose descendants have never been compensated for the labor and violence committed to produce that wealth.
25.  Admit that with the launching of the Desire, a slave ship built in the Defendant's (The United States of America) State of Massachusetts, American slave trade began.
26.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) wrote Slave Codes to develop a “race based system of slavery” and race caste system that put the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African Americans at the bottom of the caste system.
27.  Admit that due to differing labor requirements between the Defendant's (The United States of America) Northern States and Southern States that dependence on Slave Labor was not profitable for the Defendant's (The United States of America) Northern States after the  International Slave Trade was made illegal by the Defendant (The United States of America) and Great Britain.
28.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern States economies depended upon the Forced Labor of (Negro) Black-African Americans primarily because of labor intensive crops such as cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane.
29.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Northern States began abolishing slavery between the years of 1777 through 1804 as follows:  Vermont (1777), Pennsylvania (1780), Massachusetts (1780), New Hampshire  (1783), Connecticut (1784), Rhode Island (1784), New York (1799), and New Jersey (1804).
30.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) from it's very founding had strife concerning the institution of Chattel Slavery and abolition.
31.  Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) Continental Congress changed the original “Declaration of Independence” as written by Thomas Jefferson by removing the last Grievance from the Declaration of Independence which stated:
   (George III) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.  This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian king of Great Britain.  Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought and sold, he has prostituted his negative veto for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain the execrable commerce. 
32.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) began a long series of compromises to appease the Southern Slave Owning States which prolonged, condoned, and encouraged chattel slavery.
33.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) violated the language of the Declaration of Independence which stated “that all men were created equal” by continuing the practice of chattel slavery.
34.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) created the Slave Codes that Identified and Categorized Black African Americans (Negroes) as property and established brutal conditions for (Negroes) Black African Americans.
35.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) by compromise permitted slavery to continue and with it condoned killing (murder), abuse of all kinds, beatings, and rape of (Negroes) Black African Americans.
36.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) protected the Slave Owners from prosecution for committing heinous acts including medical experimentation, rape, murder, and beatings.
37.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) Founding Fathers and the Framers of the Constitution purposely did not refer to (Negroes) Black African Americans as “slaves” but as “Persons”.
38.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) Framers of the Constitution counted Black African Americans as 3/5th of a Person for Taxes and Representation giving Southern States a political edge over the other regions to preserve their vile institution of Chattel Slavery.
39.   Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) by passing the Fugitive Slave Laws of 1793 and 1850 did in the name of compromise endorse the vile practice of Chattel Slavery and all its abuses and made it a Nationally Sanctioned Institution.
40.  Admit that  the Defendant (The United States of America) paid judges more using taxpayer’s funds to return runaway “slaves” to their “owners” with the result of some of the African Americans (Negroes) Freemen being kidnapped and falsely returned to the slavery.
41.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) by enforcing the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 did turn normally law abiding citizens into criminals for the act of helping 200,000 (Negro) Black African Americans flee from the South to destinations in Canada, Mexico, and Europe.
42.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) has never made a meaningful public apology to the (Negro) African American Community.
43.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) has never made compensatory reparation to the (Negro) Black African American Community for forced labor, Inhumane Treatment at the hands of the Defendant's (The United States of America) “White”  Slave Owners and their Overseers which permitted and engaged in rape, medical experimentation, beatings and hangings.
44.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) did conspire with the Southern States to enslave a whole race of people, Black-African Americans, through the compromises made to benefit the Southern Slave States.
45.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America)  did profit from the slave trade triangle and only after slave trade was constitutionally halted did the Northern State Entrepreneurs began to advocate abolition of slavery.
46.  Admit that the Defendant  (The United States of America) in 1860 had a split electorate concerning Chattel Slavery and what to do with Chattel Slavery.
47.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) election of Abraham Lincoln as President  allowed Southern Politicians  to inflame their constituencies to break up the Union taking the country into Civil War.
48.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) “Slaveocracy” power and control of the nation was threatened by the election of President Abraham Lincoln.
49.  Admit that the Defendant (The United  States of  America) considered reimbursing the Slave Holders to free their slaves.
50.  Admit that the Defendant (The United States of  America) never considered reimbursing the victims of  “Chattel  Slavery” for over 200 years of forced labor, beatings, and abuses rendered by the hands of the Defendant's (The United States of America) wealthy white plantation owners.
51.  Admit that the Co-Defendant ( Vice President Andrew Johnson) on or about April 14th, 1865,  the date of the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, conspired for personal gain and joined in a conspiracy to Assassinate and murder the President of the United States.
52.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (Vice President Andrew Johnson)  had more than a passing acquaintance with the Co-Conspirators who killed President Abraham Lincoln.
53.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (Vice President Andrew Johnson) had numerous encounters while serving as the Military Governor of Tennessee with John Wilkes Booth as both kept sisters as mistresses.
54.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (Vice President Andrew Johnson) had been shunned by the President after appearing at the Inauguration inebriated.
55.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (Vice President Andrew Johnson) while serving as Military Governor prior to his Election to the Office of  Vice President met Co-Conspirator “John Wilkes Booth” at the opening of the Wood’s Theater on or about February 1964.
56.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth approximately seven hours before President Abraham Lincoln was shot dropped by the Washington Hotel which was the Co-Defendant’s (Vice President Andrew Johnson’s) residence.
57.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth learning from the Desk Clerk that neither Vice President Andrew Johnson or his private secretary, William A. Browning, were available Booth wrote a note:  “Don’t wish to disturb you, Are you home? J. Wilkes Booth.”
58.  Admit that William A. Browning the Vice President’s Private Secretary testified before the military court that he found the note in his mailing box later that afternoon.
59.  Admit that the note to the Co-Defendant (Vice President Andrew Johnson) was common knowledge and even President Abraham Lincoln’s wife had knowledge of the note.
60.  Admit that Mary Todd Lincoln  wrote to her friend Sally Oren “…. That, that miserable inebriate, (Johnson), had cognizance of my husband’s death --- why was that card Booth’s, found in his box.”
61.  Admit that Mary Todd Lincoln was not the only contemporary who questioned whether Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson had a role in the Lincoln assassination ---- several Congressmen also questioned  the Co-Defendant’s (President Andrew Johnson’s) role.
62.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth was a noted actor, a Confederate sympathizer, an avid white supremacist racist.
63.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth and his Co-Conspirators planned to Kidnap the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln to exchange for Confederate Prisoners of War.
64.  Admit that the Co-Conspirators plans to kidnap the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln on or about March of 1865 when President was scheduled to attend a function at a Washington DC Hospital which did not happen.
65.  Admit that on or about April 11, 1865 the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln said “It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers.”
66.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth resolved to follow through with the murder of the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln upon hearing that the President was considering citizenship and voting privileges in the speech of April 11, 1865.

67.  Admit that on or about April 14th, 1865 that the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary Todd Lincoln attended a performance at the Ford Theater and at 10:00 PM John Wilkes Booth entered the unguarded Presidential Box, as the assigned guard left his post and went for a drink at a nearby bar; and shot President Abraham Lincoln in the back of his head.
68.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth after firing the fatal bullet jumped from the Presidential box while attempting to escape the scene of the crime, caught his foot on some decorative bunting and broke his left leg (the fibula).
69.  Admit that patrons reported that John Wilkes Booth shouts the Virginia motto, “Sic simper tyrannis” (Thus always to tyrants); others thought they heard him shout, “The South Shall Live!”
70.  Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln lingered throughout the night and died early the next morning without regaining consciousness.
71.  Admit that the Co-Conspirators plotted and conspired to kill the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward, and General Ulysses S. Grant.
72.  Admit that the Defendant's Secretary of State William H. Seward was attacked at his home receiving serious knife wounds, of which he recovered and continued in his office under the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson).
73.  Admit that General Ulysses Grant and his wife were scheduled to attend the performance with the Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln and his wife but had a last minute change of plans.
74.  Admit that while the Co-Defendant (Vice-President Andrew Johnson) was on the Co-Conspirator's list of targets there was no attempt made on the Defendant's (The United States of America) Vice-President.
75.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth motive for the assassination of the Defendant's (The United States President) Abraham Lincoln and the removal of leading leaders in the Federal Government would spark a revival of the Confederacy which was on it's last legs.
76.  Admit that John Wilkes Booth escaped to Port Royal where he hid in a barn.  To force him out of the barn it was set afire and he was shot by one of the officials.  He died a few hours later.
77.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) many members of the Defendant's (The United States of America)  Congress questioned the actions of Andrew Johnson.
78.  Admit that the stormy relationship between the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) and the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress resulted in impeachment and although their investigations did not result in legal action in as far as the assassination of The Defendant's (The United States of America) President Abraham Lincoln nor the removal from of Office of Presidency of the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) for 11 Articles of Impeachment Presented to the Senate by the House of Representatives.
79.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) a former slave owner, while accepting the emancipation of slaves, did not accept the idea that the Plaintiff and Plaintiff's (Negro) Black African Americans should have the same rights as “white” people.
80.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) informed  Thomas C. Fletcher, The Defendant's (United States of America) Governor of the State of Missouri that "This is a country for white men, and by God, as long as I am President, it shall be a government for white men."
81.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) wrote in a letter to Benjamin B. French, the commissioner of public buildings: "Everyone would, and must admit, that the white race was superior to the black, and that while we ought to do our best to bring them up to our present level, that, in doing so, we should, at the same time raise our own intellectual status so that the relative position of the two races would be the same."
82.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) while the Defendant's (The United States of America) President promoted “White Supremacy” through correspondence and through the mail.
83.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) was a “White Supremacist” racist.
84.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) did design a Presidential Plan for Reconstruction which favored The Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern “White” Property Owners.
85.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) conspired with the Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern White Property Owners to maintain a cheap labor force with limited rights.
86.  Admit that the Co-Defendant Andrew Johnson was a Slave Holder owning 5 personal slaves.
87.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) was determined to keep the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black-African Americans in an impoverished state and under the control of all the Defendant's (The United States of America) White Landowners.
88.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) used his Office in a official capacity to deny the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black-African Americans Land by vetoing legislation that would grant ex-slaves land and by hindering the work of the Freedmen's Bureau.
89.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) in his rush to Readmit the Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern States did pardon Southern  “White” Landowners and restore their lands to them.
90.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) in his efforts to deny land to the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black-African Americans rescinded Special Field Orders (No. 15) also known as “40 acres and A Mule”.
91.  Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) by revoking Special Field Orders (No.15) did violate a promise and contractual agreement contained in the Order known as 40  Acres and a Mule which promised 40,000 (Negro) Black-African Americans homes and Government Protection.
92.  Admit that the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)(Negro) Black-African Americans were removed from their homes on orders issued by the Defendant's (The United States of America) Army upon orders of the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson in order to return the land to pardoned Ex-Confederates.

Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson by granting General Pardon to Ex-Confederates and Presidential Pardons for the Wealthy “White Landowners” who had their lands restored to them did purposely undermine programs established by the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress that were designed to help (Negro) Black-African Americans become self-sufficient.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) action reduced the amount of land available for the Southern Homestead Act and what was available was of poor quality for farming or required money to develop.

Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern Homestead Acts failed to achieve their stated purposes of settling displaced “Loyal Whites” and Freedmen due to gross mismanagement and corruption of the Defendant's (The United States of America) local authorities.

Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) was an avid racist.

Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) demonstrated his Pro-Slavery and White Supremacist attitudes and patterns of thought when he supported while serving as a mayor a new State Constitution in the Defendant's (The United States of America) State of Tennessee which contained (Anti-Negro) Black-African American provisions.
Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) used “White Supremacy” as a justification for vetoing bills sent to the Office of the President for signature.
Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) chided the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress by saying:  “What in the opinion of Congress is necessary to make the constitution of a state 'loyal and republican? The Original Act answers the question.  It is universal Negro suffrage.”

Admit that the Reconstruction Period that followed the Defendant's (The United States of America) Civil War was a failure with much of the blame belonging to both the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) and the Defendant's (The United States of America) Republican controlled Congress.

Admit that the conflict between the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress and the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) was centered around the fact that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) saw no need to protect or help the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negroes) Black African-Americans to integrate into society as free men.

Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) acted while Congress was in Recess by appointing Pro-slavery Provisional Governors who in turn organized “Lily White” governments.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Provisional State Governments immediately set about writing racist segregationists laws known as the Black Codes between the years of 1865 and 1866.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America ) Southern States by enacting these Black Codes intended to reestablish slavery under a different name.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Black Codes restricted what the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African Americans could do to make a living.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) State of South Caroline forbade (Negroes) Black African-Americans to follow any occupation with the exception of farming and menial services otherwise (Negroes) Black-African Americans had to get a special license to perform other work.
Admit that the vagrancy laws and apprenticeship laws were written to restrict (Negroes) Black-African Americans.
Admit that many of the Defendant's (The United States of America) Provisional State Governments formed under the Co-Defendant's (President Andrew Johnson) administration gave “Masters” the right to whip “servants” under the age of eighteen.
Admit that in many of the Defendant's (The United States of America) Southern States (Negro) Black-African Americans could be punished for insulting gestures, seditious speeches, or walking off of a job.
Admit that throughout the Defendant's (The United States of America) (Negro) Black-African Americans were required to prove that they had jobs before a certain date or they would be declared Vagrant and put in labor camps or assigned to work for their former Plantation Owners
Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) by establishing the Defendant's (The United States of America) Provisional State Governments worked in collusion with said Provisional State Governments to assure cheap labor for the rebuilding of the war damaged plantations and infrastructure.

Admit that the Co-Defendant (President Andrew Johnson) did willfully through his Reconstruction Plan seek to establish second class citizenship for the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black-African Americans.
Admit that the Defendant (The United States of America) Congress by refusing to seat Senators or Representatives elected by the Defendant's (The United States of America) Provisional State Governments effectively not recognizing their legitimacy.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress established their own plan of Reconstruction which included rewriting of the State Constitutions and ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Congress created Military Provisional Districts to protect (Negro) Black-African Americans from the Defendant's (The United States of America) extremist “White Supremacists and other local white officials.
Admit that the Defendant's (The United States of America) Occupational Forces were necessary to maintain peace in the Defendant's (The United States of America) volatile South where race riots did occur.
Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) strip the Plaintiff Herein Louis Charles Hamilton II Civil Rights as being a Married Husband during the exact moment Death of His Wife “Rachel Ann Hamilton” for Mormon Burial Practices...
Because the Plaintiff having not been through the Mormon temple and is a (Negro).

Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) having then place upon the Plaintiff wife her maiden of Rachel Ann Walker then had a Mormon Burial Practices under the bogus assume because of the Plaintiff race of (Negro) is forbidden during Mormon Burial Practices and the Plaintiff legal (Dead) wife is bury in a “grave site” somewhere in (Utah) very unknown to the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II.
Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) made factious vital records in recording the death of the Plaintiff wife listing cause of Death as unknown for Mormon Burial Practices when the facts is Plaintiff wife die from Drug overdose/suicide.

Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) “Salt Lake City Police Department” did not know the correct distinctiveness “identity” of the Plaintiff Wife, Namely (Rachel Ann Hamilton)
 On the day of her “death” and that the “Salt Lake City Police Department” contact the Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) on his cell phone to aid in making a “correct” distinctiveness “identity” as that of (Rachel Ann Hamilton) being a “unknown female” person “found dead” in a motel room.
Admit that the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II was the exact person whom Identified Rachel Ann Hamilton Correctly to the “Salt Lake City Police Department after her Death and she was found by (Salt Lake City Police) being “discovered unknown” in the Defendant (The United States of America) city namely “Salt Lake City” within the State of (Utah).
Admit that the Plaintiff himself herein Louis Charles Hamilton II Inform the Parents and Family members of the Death of their Daughter (Rachel Ann Hamilton) from the “Salt Lake City Police Department in Salt Lake City Utah.

Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) Salt Lake City State District Court rule the Plaintiff “Evil” before a District Court of Law with the “Direct Teaching” of the Mormon Founder “Joseph Smith” because the Plaintiff is (Negro) and consider “Evil” under Latter Day Saint Mormon Church Doctrine And furtherance’s took the Plaintiff herein wife (Rachel Ann Hamilton) first two daughters for declaration of Mormon cause of action before a State Court Action in Law.
Admit that the Defendant’s (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) “Salt Lake City Sherriff Department” Aid/force the Plaintiff and his Wife (Rachel) to flee the Parents Home of Lowell and Helen Walker on Skyline Drive in Salt Lake City Utah there after (Rachel) was giving a Mormon premeditatedly assault to effect a Mormon Crucified Abortion of the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II “Unborn Child”.
Admit that the Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II unborn Child die few days later in the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City (Utah) thereafter from the premeditatedly assault by (Rachel Ann) family to effect a Full Mormon Crucified Abortion of the Plaintiff unborn child because the teaching of Mormonism that the (Negros) is Evil therefore the Plaintiff unborn child was of evil descent base upon the race of (Negro) and the Mormon beliefs.

Admit that the before the Honorable United States Federal Court that under the Administration of the Defendant's (the United States of America) President George W. Bush 
And Furtherance Admit under Vice President “Dick Cheney” that $12.7 Billion in U.S. cash from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, sent to Iraq during Bremer's watch between May 2003 and June 2004, was unaccounted for.
Admit that the before the Honorable United States Federal Court that the Defendant (the United States of America) Government under the Administration of “President George W. Bush” and further Admit under “Vice-President Richard Dick Cheney”
Using "Terror Alerts" to manipulate both  the media and the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) and public at large to maintain their political power.
Admit that the before the Honorable United States Federal Court that the Defendant herein (The United States of America) Vice-President “Dick Cheney” continued announcing WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction) as a means of “mind control” and using the “politics of fear”.
      Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court that under the Administration of the Defendant's (the United States of America) President George W. Bush 
And furtherance Admit under Vice President “Dick Cheney” having Falsely claiming to have foiled “Terrorist Plots” only later to be revealed as fabricated hoaxes.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court that the Defendant (The United States of America) under President George Bush and furtherance Admit under Vice-President Richard Dick Cheney through cronyism did govern in an inept manner,
Harming the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by “complete Purged” of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) of Professional Agents and replaced them with “Yes Men” who would provide only the answers that fit the Administration's Agenda.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court that on or about a day on the heels of the January 8 2011 shooting spree in Tucson, Ariz., which left six dead and 14 wounded; “which critically injured US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
Former Vice – President “Dick Cheney” attempted with inflicting terror among the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) and others by usage of a device (IED) for “Live Bombing in a premeditated scheme of things for purpose
 To inflict a “state of terror” within the United States of America against the current Presidential (Obama) Administration for political, personal and vindictive reasoning.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court (V. P. Dick Cheney) collectively further with hidden confederates all tranquil with full intent on having a “very lethal”, full impact & potential intent to inflict “multiple innocent casualties
 By such (IED) “Live Bomb." to cause such casualties Among the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African American to include but not limited to (among many others) non-race different of (Negro) Black African Americans others.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court the Defendant (The United States of America) current 2011 Presidential (Obama) Administration Attorney General Office
And Furtherance Admit The Defendant (The United States of America) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) an agency of the United States Department of Justice having conducted an “Criminal Investigation” into the “Possible Facts”
That Vice President of The United States of America “Dick Cheney” under the “George W. Bush Administration” full intent on having a “very lethal”, full impact & potential intent to inflict “multiple innocent casualties
By planting and “Masterminding” such an (IED) “Live Bomb” on or about present during the Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, Wash. Within the Defendant (The United States of America) on January 17, 2011."
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court the Defendant (The United States of America) current 2011 Presidential (Obama) Administration Attorney General Office
And Furtherance Admit The Defendant (The United States of America) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) an agency of the United States Department of Justice having conducted an “Criminal Investigation” into the “Possible Facts” Former Vice – President “Dick Cheney”
Collectively further with hidden confederates all tranquil with full intent on having a “very lethal”, full impact & potential intent to inflict “multiple innocent casualties
On or about Dec. 29, 2009 attempted bombing of an international passenger flight from Netherlands to United States,

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Installed “Absolute Immunity Clause” for all of the Defendant (The United States of America) Judges
At the precise exact moment and time frame the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were given Freedom during the aftermath of “Civil War” to protect “White Supremacy”.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) did not allow any (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) to stand acting as a Judge under the coverage of the Defendant (The United States of America) “Absolute Immunity Clause”
 At the precise exact moment and during the time frame the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were given “Civil Freedom” during the aftermath of “Civil War” to protect the Defendant (The United States of America) “White Supremacy”.

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) committed Hanging, and Lynching against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by Defendants herein (The United States of America)
 For the furtherance’s institution of imposed “Chattel Free Labor System” of Slavery against the Rights will, peace and dignity of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) committed Live Fire Squads and Premeditated Arson associated with “Live Bombing
 To commit murder against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by Defendants herein (The United States of America) for the furtherance’s institution of a imposed “Chattel Free Labor System” of “Slavery” against the Rights will, peace and dignity of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) committed Beating, whippings, Battery, Mutilation, Intimidation, Threat, Terrorizing, Robbery of land and Goods,
Against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by Defendants herein (The United States of America) for the furtherance’s institution of a imposed “Chattel Free Labor System” of “Slavery” against the Rights, “Will”, “Peace and Dignity” of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) committed “Voluntary Manslaughter”
Against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by Defendants herein (The United States of America) for the furtherance’s institution of a imposed “Chattel Free Labor System” of “Slavery” against the “Rights”, Will, “Peace” and “Dignity” of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) committed theft of the Plaintiff Votes by usage of Mass Murder by: “Hanging and Lynching”, Fire Squads, Premeditated Arson, Bombing, Force Drowning,

Murder, Battery, Mutilation, Intimidation, Threat, Terrorizing, Robbery, Harassment

Manslaughter associated with -- through death or expulsion -- all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) that the larger goal of the Defendant (The United States of America) was to maintain, at all costs, White supremacy,

and Admit for the Furtherance's for the furtherance’s institution of a imposed “Chattel Free Labor System” of “Slavery” against the “Rights”, Will, “Peace” and “Dignity” of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Ku Klux Klan played an important role in restoring white rule in North Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia (Defendants) states under the control of Co-Defendant herein President Andrew Johnson.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) the main objective of white supremacy organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan under Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson control was to stop Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negroes) black African Americans people from voting.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) State Namely (Utah) Mormon scripture: God curses bad races with black skin 2 Nephi 5:21

1.   Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and (The Mormons) are a absolute inclusive LDS Nation within the Defendant (The United State of America).

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) The frequency of child abuse in Utah is extremely high. ...

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) State Namely (Utah) put the last touches on The Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II furthermore strip Plaintiff last name (Hamilton) as being the rightful (Natural Living) Father to daughter(s) “Natasha Hamilton” and “Chandra Hamilton” for “Mormon religion practiced in “Utah” as designed in Mormon Church Doctrine against Plaintiff and Plaintiffs (Negro).
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) institution of Violence against (Negroes) blacks became more and more frequent with increasing disorder of the Defendant (The United States of America)
Led to the passage of an Enforcement Act severely punishing those who attempted to deprive the black freedmen of their civil rights.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Southern whites accepted the legal end of slavery,
But most of them regarded the very idea of civil equality between the races as absurd and dangerous.

     Furtherance’s Admit the Defendant (The United States of America) had little faith in their ability or willingness of the freed Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) blacks African-Americans to work without coercive legal controls forcing them to do so.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow” was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states, between 1877 and the mid-1960s.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that “Jim Crow” was more than a series of rigid anti-Black laws.
Furtherance’s Admit “Under” The Defendant (The United States of America) “Jim Crow”, African Americans Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were relegated to the status of “second class citizens”.
      Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants Herein The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and (The Mormons) inclusive LDS Nation within the Defendant (The United State of America)

       Having created an (Race) Control Institutional religious system similarly the same as that of the Defendant (The United States of America) enforcement of

       “Jim Crow” and “Black Codes laws” full direct regulations for and against the “Peace, Dignity, Civil Rights” and “Will” of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).

 Admit that the Plaintiff herein “Louis Charles Hamilton II” is declared a “Direct outcast” in the Book of Mormon thus being subject to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and (The Mormons) full inclusive LDS Nation “Governing Religious Judicial Tribunal”
Admitting furtherance’s Plaintiff herein Louis Charles Hamilton II fully strip of all (Among others) “Natural Human Rights in the pursuit of liberty and happiness in Utah” because of race (Negro),
 “Civil Due Process Rights” and “Equal Protection under the U.S. Constitution Rights within the Defendant herein (The United States of America) State namely (Utah).
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that all levels of Government of the Defendant's (The United States of America) State of Utah are unduly influenced by the Mormon Faith doctrine including:
2.State Legislature
3.State and Local Courts
4.Local Municipalities and City Counsels
5.Local and State Police.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) polygamy sects in the Defendant's (The United States of America) Western Region, and in particular Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, where routinely girls as young as 13 are being married and hundreds of boys have been excommunicated from the LDS Church,
Cut off from their parents, cast out of the community and put out on the street in an effort to reduce the “Mormon Elders’ competition for wives.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) LDS Church Mormons”
Having devise a scheme in the Plaintiff here (Hamilton II) in appearance of being “Married” to Rachel Ann Walker”,
 But this now was a deliberate “Illegal Hoax” with the Defendant (The United States of America state Namely (Utah) providing Plaintiff herein having now no “Legal Marriage” in the Defendant (The United States of America) “Utah” Official Public Records
Because of Plaintiff race being that of (Negro) and furtherance’s to continue cultivate Mormon religion practices against the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Civil Rights, Peace Will, and Dignity in said “Utah” involving promote Marriage Hoax” of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) with Rachel Ann Walker.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) having conceal and or alter from Plaintiff (Louis Charles Hamilton II) herein actual living Daughters
Chandra and Natasha Hamilton “Vitals Birth Records”, “School Records”, “Hospitals medical records”, “Death Records”, EMT records and all Government records within (Utah) to conceal their complete where about from the Plaintiff and his family for (15) years and cultivate Mormon practices against the Plaintiff the natural father to the minor children (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton) with Defendant (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)  furtherance’s legal criminal scheme of things with total disregard for the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Civil Rights, Peace Will, and Dignity.
To conceal their complete where about from the Plaintiff and his family for (15) years and cultivate Mormon practices against the Plaintiff the natural father to the minor children (Chandra and Natasha Hamilton)

With Defendant (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) furtherance’s (RICO) illegal criminal scheme of things

having a total disregard for the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) Civil Rights, Peace Will, and Dignity.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)  “inclusive Nation” “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” and (The Mormons)  founder “Joseph Smith” sponsor, promote , prop up, advance, put forward, endorse, campaign for, make-know and market that, 
The (Negro) Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) and all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) within the Defendant (The United States of America) within in  the teaching of The “Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious doctrine
 Being sketch, draft outline, invent, propose, figure, strategy, target with full intention of religious doctrine design of a negative racial standing on “Earth” Placed upon the Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II)
 And All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) within the Defendant (The United States of America) curse for “Black Skin”. As evil, sinful, immoral, vile, unpleasant  and wickedness “creatures”
To the effect of racial discouragement goal aim within the Defendant (The United States of America) between (White) Mormons and the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) )  “inclusive Nation” “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” and (The Mormons)  in 2011 continue to advance from their founder “Joseph Smith” (Racial Religious blueprint) in sponsor, promote , prop up, advance, put forward, endorse, campaign for, make-know and market that, 
The (Negro) Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II) and all (Negro) Plaintiff(s) within the Defendant (The United States of America) within in the teaching of  The “Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious doctrine
 Being sketch, draft outline, invent, propose, figure, strategy, target with full intention of religious doctrine design of a negative racial standing on “Earth” Placed upon the Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II)
 And All (Negro) Plaintiff(s) within the Defendant (The United States of America) curse for “Black Skin”. As evil, sinful, immoral, vile, unpleasant  and wickedness “creatures”
To the effect  full racial discouragement being practice foster and cultivated in (Utah) among other “Inclusive LDS Strong Holds” during the time frame of 2011
Continue projecting being the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) having intend “bias-racial” conflict with  “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious teaching doctrine goal, “continue aim” within the Defendant (The United States of America) between (White) LDS Mormons and the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein.

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Daughter Chandra D. Hamilton dob 12/27/90 having been Murder, abducted and or serious physical injuries, and crimes being committed against the minor child of the Plaintiff while missing/held away within Defendant state Namely (Utah) from her natural father Plaintiff.
If admitted..? State the full particular details and circumstance
Production of Document:
Defendant (The United States of America) Produce Chandra D. Hamilton “Birth certificate”, “Death Certificate”, Obituaries, Church Records, All Police reports, crime scene photographs, medical autopsy’s report,
All school records and photographs from grades 1-12, complete hospitals records, social services records, baptism records, juvenile records.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) Daughter Natasha C. Hamilton dob 12/30/91 having been Murder, abducted and or serious physical injuries, and crimes being committed against the minor child of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) while missing/held away within Defendant state Namely (Utah) from her natural father Plaintiff.
If admitted..? State the full particular details and circumstance
Production of Document:
Defendant (The United States of America) Produce Natasha C. Hamilton “Birth certificate”, “Death Certificate”, Obituaries, Church Records, All Police reports, crime scene photographs, medical autopsy’s report,
All school records and photographs from grades 1-12, complete hospitals records, social services records, baptism records, juvenile records.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)State Namely (Utah)

conspire in the “concealment” and “hiding” of the Plaintiff herein minor children (Chandra D. and Natasha C. Hamilton)

for “Mormon humanizing Religious cultivating Practices" from the (Negro) Plaintiff himself and his entire (Negro) family Heritage

By the Defendant (The United States of America) State namely “Utah”

Illegal practices of “non full pursuit” of “Child Support” from the Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II)

The Natural father to the Minor Girls in support of said daughters

Furtherance’s Admitting In over (15) years Defendant (The United States of America) State namely “Utah”

Conspiring in such practices and non releasing their exact whereabouts by way of non pursuit of "State" child support

in conformity with Plaintiff herein (Louis Charles Hamilton II)

“in-law” “of some sort” “Lowell and Helen Walker” of “Salt Lake City” Utah

And their religious practices “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” and its full religious teaching doctrine goal

And unduly influences over the Defendant herein (The United States of America) State Government,

Namely Utah,............
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)
 State laws, in Utah's Government marriage law had “prohibited marriage” between a “white” and anyone considered....
The racial compositions of a “Negro” (Black) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) within the Defendant State Namely “Utah”.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) Joseph Smith illegal closed down the Nauvoo Expositor newspaper after it honestly and accurately reported that he was a secret polygamist;
Furtherance’s his illegally closing down the paper and destroying the Expositor printing press in the street are the reasons that is why he was arrested in June 1844 and sent to Carthage Jail.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) State Namely (Utah) Mormons are required to go through a secret "Endowment Ceremony" in Mormon Temples in order to become "Gods" in the Afterlife.
This "Endowment" is based upon Masonic rites, portrayed a Christian minister as a hirling of Lucifer, the Devil as a black man, Mormons were washed nude in tubs, and swore “blood oaths” not to reveal Endowment secrets.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
 State Namely (Utah) Brigham Young, successor to Joseph Smith, founder of  “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious teaching doctrine goal, legalized Negro and Indian slavery in Utah in 1850, and a number of Mormons (including Mormon Apostle Charles C. Rich) owned black slaves.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) Brigham Young successor to Joseph Smith, founder of  “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious teaching doctrine goal,
Preached that God's Law demanded that “interracial couples” should be "killed on the spot" along with their “children” by having their “throats cut,” and their “blood spilling” upon the ground.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) Brigham Young and other Church Presidents and Apostles taught from 1848 until 1978 (130 year period) the Curse of Cain Doctrine;
 that "Negroes" Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) are "cursed" and "inferior" and the children of Cain and were "less valiant" in the War in Heaven,
And thus all blacks were "banned" from the Mormon priesthood and Mormon Temples until June 8th, 1978.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The U.S. government threatened to end “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” the Church's tax-exempt status if it continued to "Discrimination” against (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Blacks".
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)  “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” Church own (Numerous) Tax-Exempt Businesses supported by 15% Church LDS Tithing or 1/10 Annual Tithing.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) have “Danites” a Semi-Secret …Band of “Mormon Assassins”….
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” Church modern  day prophet.
Anything that the “LDS Prophet” says in “official capacity” is considered official “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” canon.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) and “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” Church modern day LDS “Prophet(s)” have not in any official church capacity make modern day

 “Spiritualist mystic” Prophet intend to mend, recuperate, heal, get better, fix  pass “bias-racial” conflict with  “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” religious
Curse of Cain “physical blueprint doctrine” it self…

 And its “continue negative aim” against the Civil Rights Peace, will, and dignity of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)

"And “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints”
Having accomplish and gain economic contentions in promote hostility, strife, abrasion for antagonism in non-economic growth for the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) future
“Within the Defendant (The United States of America) State Namely Utah.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African-Americans are less than one-half percent of the Defendant's (United States of America) state of Utah's population 1992,
The Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African-Americans account for 25 percent of those on “Death Row” in 1992 in (Utah).
Furthermore Defendant (The United States of America) herein Admit, the incarceration rate of Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African-American remains approximately 15 times that of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)Negro) Black African-American actual population percentage within Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely Utah.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah)

"And “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints” church doctrine goals
Having accomplish and gain Judicial segregation contentions in its elevate, uphold, and promote  the “High” incarceration rate of Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Black African-American remains approximately 15 or more times that of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)Negro) Black African-American actual population percentage within Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely Utah in 2011.
“Within the Defendant (The United States of America) State Namely Utah.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) and The attitude of “The Church of Jesus Christ” of Latter-day Saints”
Church with reference to the Negroes Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein remains (racial) negative in this time frame of 2011 as it has always stood.
It is not a matter of the declaration of a policy but of direct commandment from the Lord which the (Mormon) see also furtherance’s admitted,
On which is founded the doctrine of the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” from the days of its organization.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) admit Harold B. Lee, President of the church of Jesus Christ of “latter-day Saints , stated in 1972: "For those who don't believe in modern revelation there is no adequate explanation.
Those who do understand revelation stand by and wait until the Lord speaks...It's only a matter of time before the black achieves full status in the Church. We must believe in the justice of God. The black will achieve full status, we’re just waiting for that time."

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) having Rachel Ann (Walker) Hamilton “Death records, Police Records surround her Death.
If so state the exact nature surrounds her death and exact cause….
Production of Documents: Produce Rachel Ann Walker (Hamilton) Birth Records, Death Records, Police Reports, Marriage Records, State of Utah “Social Services Records”

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) Doctor “A. Hammer Reiser III” M.D. having to performed a DNC and removed the “unborn “fetus and placenta from Rachel Ann Walker 
Mother of the Plaintiff  (Hamilton II) unborn child at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City Utah 8th Avenue and C street on or about the 8-15 day of December during the time frame of 1989-88.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) Doctor “A. Hammer Reiser III” M.D. deliver Plaintiff daughter  “Chandra D. Hamilton” at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City Utah 8th Avenue and C street on the 27th  day of December 1990.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) Plaintiff had gainful construction employment during this time frame
Furtherance’s Defendant admitting Plaintiff suffered permanent injury in the loss of (R). Middle finger tip in a construction accident with Plaintiff receiving “Worker Compensation” package as a result of said described injuries from the Defendant (The United State of America) state namely Utah.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely (Utah) all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans with the United States of America
Are fully at risk to be subject to the “religious prosecution”, “prejudgment”, “prejudice”, “ridicule”, “mockery”, “scoff at”, “bigotry”, “hate”, and “Discrimination” by the injustice of
 “The Church of Jesus Christ” of latter day Saints’ bias towards (Negro) teaching and negative Curse of Cain Church Doctrines as promoted by its Founders.

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
 In 1848, Brigham Young begins to "ban" black Mormons from the priesthood and all Mormon Temples, because he considered them to be the "children of Cain" and inheritors of the Curse of Cain: which was a black skin and a denial of the Priesthood in mortality.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Black Codes was a name given to laws passed by southern governments of the Defendant (The United States of America)
Established during the presidency of Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) after the Legal end of Slavery.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
January 1, 1863 - Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was issued. It promised freedom to all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves once the North was victorious in the Civil War.

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)

April 9, 1865 - Lee surrendered his army, thus officially ending the war and freeing all (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves where ever news reached in the Defendant (The United States of America).

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)

June 19, 1865 - Word reached the defendant (The United States of America) state namely Texas that the Confederacy had collapsed and all (Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves in the state were freed.

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)

December 6, 1865 - The Thirteenth Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified officially abolishing slavery. This freed the remaining holdout slaver owners in the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely Kentucky
 Who had resisted abolition until this point. The last of the American (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves were finally free.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The 17th President. Co-Defendant Andrew Johnson's presidency, 1865-1869,

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) American Black Codes against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) was established by the Defendant (The United States of America) 1865-1866
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
On this day in 1865, six Confederate veterans, meeting in Pulaski, Tenn., formed a secret society that they called the Ku Klux Klan.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the Defendant (The United States of America) enacted between 1876 and 1965 against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Peace, Equal Rights ,Civil Laws, Will, and Dignity .
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state namely Mississippi did not ratify an end to slavery not until 1995.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan was founded in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, as a terrorist organization grimness in magnitude of providing massive human destruction and suffering.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
The Defendant (The United States of America) south instituted Klan as an insurgent movement during the Reconstruction era in the Defendant (The United States of America) as a secret vigilante group.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
The Klan targeted (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) freedmen and their allies after Slavery in the Defendant (The United States of America) ended.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
Significant importation of the Defendant (The United States of America) Klan
Sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black(s) and white Republicans.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan (KKK) of the postwar insurgent usage in the seriousness violence related effort to control the dramatically changed social situation by using extrajudicial means to restore white supremacy.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan violence worked to suppress black voting. More than 2,000 persons were killed, wounded and otherwise injured in Louisiana within a few weeks prior to the Presidential election of November 1868 for the Co-Defendant President Andrew Johnson.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan shot into houses and burned them, sometimes with the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) occupants still inside.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan They drove successful (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Black farmers off their land.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan importance was to destroy the Republican party's infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)  black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect over the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Klan in the Defendant (The United States of America) North and South Carolina, in 18 months ending in June 1867, there were 197 murders  against the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)  was committed and 548 cases of aggravated assault also against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) during Co-Defendant President Andrew last year before the next election of 1868.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) institution of “Black Codes laws” put in place by  the Defendant (The United States of America) with the effect of limiting the basic human rights and civil liberties of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) black Americans .
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Black Codes laws was  used at the end of the Civil War to control the labor, migration and other activities of newly-freed (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) state Namely ( Texas), the Eleventh Legislature produced these codes in 1866, right after the  Defendant (The United States of America) Civil War.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) defendant and their blueprint of The black codes enacted immediately after the American Civil War,
Defendant (The United States of America) furtherance’s admitting Though varying from state to state with the Defendant (The United States of America),
All “Black Codes” seemed to secure a steady supply of cheap labor of the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) and all continued to assume the inferiority of the freed (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) institution of the black codes had their roots in the slave codes that had formerly been in effect by the Defendant (The United States of America)..

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Black Codes that restricted All the slave states of the Defendant (The United States of America) passed laws banning the marriage of whites and (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) blacks, so-called anti-miscegenation laws,
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The Black Codes of the Defendant (The United States of America) were in reaction to the abolition of  the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) during slavery and the Defendant (The United States of  America) South's defeat in the Civil War.
Furtherance’s Defendant (The United States of America) admitting Southern legislatures enacted “Black Codes  in the 1860s against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) institution of The Jim Crow laws era began later, nearer to the end of the 19th century after Defendant (The United States of America) Reconstruction.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) equality before the law.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
the right to own property
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
the right to own a business
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
·the ability to enter professions
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
the right to attend schools
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
 the right to learn to read and write
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Black Code established a racially separate court system for all civil and criminal cases that involved the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s).

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The freedmen (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were subjected to the punishments formerly inflicted upon (Negro) slaves. ...under the Defendant (The United States of America) Black codes.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes type of Punishments against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were whipping, branding, and imprisonment were commonly used, but death also was used.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) in that “No (Negro) or freedman shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within the limits of the town under any circumstances.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) No (Negro) or freedman shall reside within the limits of the town . . . who is not in the regular service of some white person or former owner. . .
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) No public meetings or congregations of negroes or freedmen shall be allowed within the limits of the town.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) or freedman shall be permitted to preach, exhort, or otherwise declaim to congregations of colored people without a special permission from the mayor or president of the board of police..
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Negro freedman ... shall be allowed to carry firearms, or any kind of weapons....
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) by blueprint If any white person shall sell, lend, or give to any freedman, free negro, or mulatto any fire-arms, dirk or bowie knife, or ammunition, or any spirituous or intoxicating liquors,
Such person or persons so offending, upon conviction thereof in the county court of his or her county, shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, and may be imprisoned, at the discretion of the court, not exceeding thirty days....
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) as a tool legal blueprint designed by the Defendant (The United States of America) South  States to keep emancipated (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) slaves and Freedman  in the societal position they were in before emancipation.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) and poll taxes were imposed in every state, against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)...
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Slaves Between 1790 and 1863,
had to pay taxes to the Defendant (The United States of America) even if they were never given any money."
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
“In 1863, the Defendant herein (The United States of America) federal government collected income tax.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)  During the winter when Brigham Young commenced preparing for the first of the pioneers to cross the plains, James M. Flake sent his Negro Green with mules and carriage to help the company to their destination.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) (Negro) slave Green was instructed to send the outfit back by some of the brethren who would be returning, and remain himself, in the Defendant (The United States of America) Valley of the Great Salt Lake to build a house for the family to use upon their arrival
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) When (Negro) Green's owner was killed in an accident in California, Mrs. Flake moved to San Bernardino with Charles C. Rich and Amasa M. Lyman. Before leaving Salt Lake,
“She gave her "Negro” slave (Green Flake) to the “Church of Jesus Christ” of “Latter day Saints” as tithing.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) (Negro) (Green Flake) He then worked two years for the President Brigham Young of Utah and Heber C. Kimball, and the “Church of Jesus Christ” of “Latter day Saints” and then got his liberty."

 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) black codes and Jim Crow laws.
After the Civil War, were designed and blueprint by the Defendants herein (The United States of America) illegal  moved quickly to eliminate (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) black people's new found freedom.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The Constitution of 1865, passed only a few months after the Civil War ended, failed to grant African-Americans the right to vote.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America the Constitution of 1865, of the defendants It also retained racial qualifications for the (White) legislature of the defendants (The United States of America) only no Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were allowed.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The term Jim Crow is believed to have originated around 1830 when a white, minstrel show performer, Thomas "Daddy" Rice, blackened his face with charcoal paste or burnt cork and danced a ridiculous jig while singing the lyrics to the song, "Jump Jim Crow."
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) the Jim Crow idea was one of many stereotypical images of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) black inferiority in the popular culture of the day--along with Sambos, Coons, and Zip Dandies.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The word “Jim Crow” became a “racial slur synonymous” with (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) black, colored, or Negro in the vocabulary of many whites;
And by the end of the century acts of “racial discrimination” toward (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) blacks were often referred to as “Jim Crow laws” and practices.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) the Jim Crow era in the defendant (American history) dates from the late 1890s,
 When defendant (The United States of America) southern states began systematically to codify (or strengthen) in law and state constitutional provisions the subordinate position of (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Blacks African Americans in society.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
 Most of these legal steps by the Defendant (The United States of America) under “Jim Crow Laws were aimed at separating the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) races in public spaces (public schools, parks, accommodations, and transportation) from (Whites)
And preventing adult (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) black males from exercising the right to vote.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Segregation and disfranchisement laws imposed by the Defendant (The United States of America) were often supported, moreover, by brutal acts of ceremonial and ritualized mob violence (lynchings) against southern (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) blacks.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) from 1889 to 1930, over 3,700 (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) men and women were reported lynched in the Defendant (The United States of America)…………..

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Numerous race riots erupted in the Jim Crow era,
Usually in the Defendants (The United States of America) towns and cities and almost always in defense by Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) of segregation and white supremacy of the Defendants (The United States of America).
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) After the Defendant (The United States of America) American Civil War
Most states in the South design, blueprint, and passed anti-African American legislation against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Namely South States
Design, blueprint, and established anti-African American legislation against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American herein became known as “Jim Crow” laws.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow” laws
Discriminated against (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African Americans Blacks with concern to attendance in public schools
And the use of facilities such as restaurants, theaters, hotels, cinemas and public baths.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow Laws
Discriminated and Regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) on Trains and buses being also segregated.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow Laws
Discriminated and regulated the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) in many states marriage between whites and (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American people.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
 In the ten years succeeded the Defendant (The United States of America) “Civil War”
 Thousands of (Negroes) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) were murdered for the crime of casting a ballot by the Defendant(s).
As a consequence the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) vote is entirely nullified throughout the entire Defendant (The United States of America) Southern States.

Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow Laws”
Was in fact defendants (The United States of America) government sanctioned oppression and segregation against the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Peaceful civil rights, will, and dignity.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) “Jim Crow Laws
Effected discrimination in Burial in that the officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) persons upon ground set apart or used for the burial of white persons.
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of the Defendants (The United States of America) states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws 
From “Delaware to California”, and from “North Dakota to Texas”, many states (and cities, too) could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) "Jim Crow" laws
Established election poll taxes fees charged to poor Negro Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American Blacks and imposed under (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) Vote privileges within the Defendant (The United States of America).
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) "Jim Crow" laws amputated the Fourteenth Amendment of the constitution of the Defendants (The United States of America) and did not apply to the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) until 1964 thus
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American Blacks having no “Equal Protection of the Law” after the impose legal punishments under Defendants (The United States of America) "Jim Crow" laws
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) "Black Codes laws amputated the Fourteenth Amendment of the constitution of the Defendants (The United States of America) and did not apply to the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s)
All (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American Blacks having no “Equal Protection of the Law” after the impose legal punishments under Defendants (The United States of America) "Black Codes" laws
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) enforce slave codes and slave patrols were established by said Defendant to act as a supplementary force to regulate the (Negro) Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) African American black population.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein filed civil action in Salt Lake City District Court Utah against Detective Carl Voyles Civil No. 8909021181for (Among other things) (Hamilton vs. Voyles) racial
 Interfering in the Plaintiff Home life in (Utah) with his fiancée Rachel Ann Walker and step daughters Shanna Benns and Billie Jean Benns.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) the Plaintiff herein filed Civil Action in Salt Lake City Utah against Doctormen Investment Inc.
 For the “Hostile” (KKK) activities during the (Utah) winter of (89) as described in the Complaint of the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) herein direct at Him and his family his fiancée Rachel Ann Walker and step daughters Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns Civil Action No. 890902118 .
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) in the District Court Civil matter of Richie Benns and Rachel Ann Walker (Benns) minor children Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns Case No. 854904223
Attorney for the “Mormon Grand Parents Family” of Lowell and Helen Walker” Declare the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) “Evil” before the Court of Law in practice with “Mormon religion ritual and on Court transcripts before Judge Moffat as described in the complaint of the Plaintiff
Their after the minor children Shanna  and Billie Jean Benns were award full custody to the “Mormon Grand Parents Family” of Lowell and Helen Walker” 
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Judge Moffat was removed for his reputation of Mormon rule for the bench during several complaints filed against him
 Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America)
The Plaintiff here filed for a divorce from his “Wife” Rachel Ann Walker case No. 934902442 but never was granted or pursued by the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) for a final.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) The Plaintiff here filed for a divorce from his “Wife” Rachel Ann Walker a (second time) case No. 94490002  but never was granted or pursued by the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) for a final.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) that
The Rachel Ann Walker bury dead in (Utah) is legally Rachel Ann Hamilton Plaintiff wife and legally is bury dead somewhere in (Utah) under the name of Rachel Ann Walker as the bogus false vitals (Utah) Death records state.
Admit that before the Honorable United States Federal Court Defendants herein (The United States of America) Louis Charles Hamilton II and Rachel Ann Hamilton are legally married.
Motion for Production of Documents:
(1). Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein moves before the Honorable United States Federal Justice herein for the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah)
In the “full Production” of Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II) “Dead Wife” (MIA) 17 years since 1994 (Rachel Ann Hamilton) being produce from (Utah) unknown grave whom the Plaintiff (Hamilton II) was deny the full legal right(s) to bury his “own dead wife” as described fully in the Complaint for Mormon ritual.
Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II “Wife” (Rachel Ann Hamilton) is to be bury in Plaintiff home State of Texas at Plaintiff own family closed funeral.
(2). Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein respectfully moves before the Honorable United States Federal Justice herein a court order in the full direction that the Plaintiff “Wife” Rachel Ann Hamilton (Body) is “fully exhumed” from (Utah) and delivery to a (Texas) medical examiner’s office for a complete autopsy report far from the Jurisdiction of the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah)
 To the State of Texas for a correct death of record vital report other that (Unknown) and copy filed with the “Honorable Court” and copy forward to the Plaintiff herein (Hamilton II)
 Which old one is a “dam lie” by the Defendant (The United States of America) state namely (Utah) as described by the Plaintiff Louis Charles Hamilton II herein the complaint.
(3). Defendant herein (The United States of America) and the state namely (Utah) all pays full cost(s) until final judgment is entry into this Acton.

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