Thursday, May 26, 2011

President Obama "Water Head Boy II" XXX Special 2011 (Report)

To: The President of the United States of America (Obama)……..
          Well what have you learn………(President Water Head Boy)……….?.........
“Nothing at all”………
“Weak ass interruption” of some “old lady” morning T.V. SOAP’ to broadcast your special “birth certificate ……….
This is how you should have handled the (Trump) presentation:
Here is the “President of the United States” ………
Please Take your seats:
Today I call these National T.V. conferences to present to you proof as your 2011 President ……….
That my birth day is the 4th day of august 1961 …as you see here…….
And I was 100% “Born American”………….
Now my (1) question is which on you fucking “Klan Cracker members”…………
Working your “Jim Crow” Magic………..
On my fucking birthday 1961 no less……….
“Smack” my “Mom around and Made my (White) mom fucking stand up on the “city bus” holding me “crying”….
Cuss she had a “half Negro” baby………..
In the “Christmas Holiday of 1962………….
Thought I forgot about that shit..!!!!………..
And burn a cross in my fucking front yard………
Tried to “lynch my grandmother” in the summer of 1964……….
NBC sit your ass fucking down where the “Hell”  you think your fucking going…………
You fucker over there know something about this “fucking Killer shit” at NBC………………..
Then hold it in Presidential “real quite”……….
“Eye ball” the fuck out of the “entire” fucking “News Press Conference” group……..
Look into the “T.V. Camera”………..with an “eyebrow raised” super mean “fucking up”………….
1.   Every “Nigger” in the entire USA will say “honey”…. OMG hurry the fuck up and turn that fucking T.V. off……….
2.   That shit…! Aren’t for us……..
3.   “White folks” running to the T.V.   Set turning that “bitch off”……..,
4.   “Un-plugging” it and “pulling curtains shut” ……..
5.   BBC World News will report… the “American financial News” an Holy overnight pouring of over $189 Million US Dollars break the surface  within the morning after the President of the U.S. “News Conferences” in regards to his proof of his “Birth certificate”…..
6.   Also emerging as overnight “Jim Crow” winners were massive National cash funding donation to all area food banks’, and “homeless centers” throughout the U.S. with a 1.8 Billion dollar over night pour…….
7.   Also American press reporting “Girl Scouts of America” request….The “American President” appears as their Spokesman’s”………

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