Thursday, May 26, 2011

Special Settlement offer Report 2011: Preserving a “Human Heritage” of (Race) against time……

The Continues Deterioration of the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) as actual victims in “2011” to be allowed to “decay completely” means accepting that the responsible driving authenticity” to undo some of the “notorious enforcement” of “Slavery” deformity wrought by time in a state of slipshod, informal, slack, forgetful, remiss nonchalant and very negligent;
            The Defendant(s) herein (The United States of America) grappling failure to “intervene and try saves” the “brutal and morally” unjustified disturbances in a turbulence disorder of “total Control “Niggers not breath unless permission is provided”.
         Current 2011 Official Political conditions is still compromise around “Slavery” only philosophy “candy coated”, to the sleeper(s).
       The Current (Executive) branch of the Defendant (The United States of America) seeks (among others official duty) “Meticulous preservation work” in among other things “Human Dignity” which the Work’s of a “Congresswomen” among many others breath to create a waging stability to save what they can before it’s too late, triggered the “Premeditated Massacred shooting in “Arizona”.
     “Health Care” means the Poor, especially……(Minorities) with the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) (Negro) Blacks about 12% percent of the breakdown of the U.S. population being a underlying factor in the “Highest (Race) in the U.S. in unemployment, poor health, homeless, uneducated, in prison, probation, parole, on Medicaid, food-stamps and many other type government assistances hand-out programs (Public housing, ect), to include serving in the “Military”.
       Instability, trouble, conflict, strife and “Civil Disorder”  open up options to insured restriction be put in place…..
        MLK Day Parade “Live Bombing” “Attempt” against the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) insures, Instability, trouble, conflict, strife and “Civil Disorder” for the Current (Executive) branch of the Defendant (The United States of America) which such an “Attempt” is decades old vandalism preservation toil of a highly trained “Mastermind” to still “compromise control” around “Slavery” all who die still bein vain from past strife to remain the same,
      Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) herein “Officially” ask at this very moment in time 2011 of the Defendant (The United States of America) for:
      inquire about, “request to look for” a clear-cut, crystal-clear, significant, noteworthy assured balance for the “notorious enforcement” of “Slavery” being justly established “Nationwide” before the Defendants herein (The United States of America) “2011” Declaration of  their own freedom in 1776” Celebration is made…
     Transparency, simplicity, clearness, precision and intelligibility is achievable  with a foundation of fairness, inclusion, insertion Offically for the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) in “2011” 1776 Celebration in their own (Negro) bliss, source of pleasure, joy in freedom, to be charm together with the Defendant (The United States of America) as written by “Thomas Jefferson”. 
       To the Highest Representative of the Defendant herein (The United States of America):
      To The President of the United States of America,
     Elation for the Plaintiff and Plaintiff(s) in the 2011 1776 Celebration remains primary in qualified very “Capable hands”.
     Tailoring a “wonderment supplement” into the United States of America “Declaration of Independence” as writtne By: Thomas Jefferson in “2011” bring about a grand gesture, a display of real change & flourish growth for a lost Negro (race)
     Prosper for ye all shall, “do very well”, show large profit, be in the black, & makes the Defendant herein (The United States of America) “New World Dreams” come true.     
             And I shall give ye all a Grand Gesture of Peace…..
             Louis Charles Hamilton II

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