Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To: Assistant United States Attorney Andrea L. Parker

To: Assistant United States Attorney
Andrea L. Parker
To: “Crooked Mormon”

“Jesus Christ” has been waiting for this very “Special Day”……to say (Hello)…….
He did not want to crash your “Easter”
I do not know why he wanted me”…..(Crazy) ……and he has been getting really XXX bad on working on “my dam nerves” with this Mission too……but his orders is orders……..
Here is his………………….. “Hello”……
“Now I got that out of the way”………

Question (1).
To: Assistant United States Attorney “Andrea L. Parker”
I read your motion to dismiss very clever somewhat….
But you forgot a few problems…I send them all soon
Along with replies to the other United States Attorneys documents you work with …..From “Washington” D. C. …….
Since you (United States of America) put a ban on being liable for “Slavery”……..(As You Think)…….your working around our Freedom now……..we are official 2nd Class Niggers”.
And many other tried”….Well Not me….” And you (United States of America) still hurting “Niggers” in 2011………….Da”
Question (1)
Why United States of America committed (among other things) (RICO) criminal slavery activates in 2011 like example (A) bombing attempt of the MLK Parade in 2011….this is old KKK from the slavery past…..?
And especially enforcement now of “Black Codes” throughout the United States of America …in 2011
With The First (Nice) Obama Family of the United States of America being (Negro)…….and in the “White House”.
News Flash……. “2011 “Da Vinci Black Codes” have been deciphered, disentangle and solved”.
1.”You do not know anything about the special “robber” of UPS on “Easter Good Friday”…”theft of my daughters Video (Only) at (UPS) custody….
Seems everyone out there making sure they go…Poof”…up in the Air”…(MIA)…(They also apart of this civil action too…..)…..you forgot…to reply on that issue…any way…..just have to put that question out their…especially since 100% high tech criminal activates being committed in 2011 involving the old “Slavery issue”….with me at the Helm…….and everyone making sure the “Nigger” under the I-10 is crucified and his evidence of his daughters is eliminated…for this Civil Action…..…
2. Did you know there are tons of pictures of my daughter …one is on the “internet” as you read this”…..so I guess somebody going to need a really “big bad ass internet crowbar.” To rob the “Internet”….Da”

Plus all of the other photos with them and their (Negro) Family”   that was just my 2 Babies movie….
3. Did you know (Backpage.com World)……My mom, father, big brother, little brother, sister, and a whole lot of other family in Port Arthur Texas actually know my daughters being alive and hold them in their arms too,
With a lot of friends all over the USA and even a Few “Government Police” know my daughters being with me the dad
…..So whoever is trying to “Kill”…them off”……well that is Evil…..as it has been in the past 15 years….and you got a lot of others to work evil on……..Da”
4. Did you know “Jesus Christ” just had about enough of the issue of 2011 “Slavery”……against his people…..
Did you know the “Jesus Christ” had about just enough of the issue of the “Curse of Cain” in 2011 with the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint” against his people…….and you (United States of America) do nothing…..
Did you Know “Mormon Kill” in the past Many White Folks too……….not just “Niggers”…
Anybody who comes close to their World….
Now .in 2011 we do not matter again as the past…….which 100% fucking does not include “Niggers”……
Kill our Children let their blood spill on the ground…..
We are the Official Devil...In their eyes…from the past…into the future…..while you (United States of America)….. Continue to play…..fucking blind that we are not…yep…classy…take ya Lazy Ass to Utah…or actually read your own FBI report of the Mormon State of Utah….
5. Did you know them Hungry “Niggers” place on the bottom of everything outside your Government window are not blind…especially any more….?
 Niggers Bastards Getting very tired too……..
6. Did you know the American Prison is full of “Niggers”…...in 2011 like there is no tomorrow but “Prison or Death”…just eliminated them…and never pay for Slavery………? Thanks for all of the hard free work”…..
7. Did you know the “Niggers” taxes do not represent their interest at all in 2011 only in “Poverty” and “Prison” for over 98% of American (Negros)…
Since some sort of Freedom in the past at that moment taxes were being taking
no actual benefits from enforcement of slavery it too the benefits was rob from the “Niggers”…and then you put a ban on paying for slavery……but (United States of America) benefit 10 folds…..
8. You have been abusing “Niggers” well in 2011…..”Well throughout” from the pass…….From the very first “illegal boat load” to this “New World Country”.
9. Did you not also notice The Civil action speaks for the past, present, and our “Niggers Future”…which you were very clever in not replying to these Issues.”….
10. I just watch in 2011 your United States Federal and State Judges commit criminal acts here in Houston Texas within a Claimed “Honorable Court of Law”…and told me to run along “Nigger Boy”……
.I Knew at that exact moment is still under “Black Codes”…(This is really impossible)……
I filed a Mountain of Gods perfect Evidences to the exact Hair off a camel back…..100% official being legal and  proper under the Laws of your crooked country….(The United States of America)….against a Crooked White Man who tried to rob a Church
Better run along “Nigger Boy”…….in 2011……
Well it’s not even one bit being over….!
 See ya soon in U.S. Court”….and all the way to The United Supreme Court of this not for “Niggers Land”…..
To: “The Crooked Mormon”………Not just my children are being destroyed without know Christianity through their natural father, “many others”….the United States Federal Records speaks Loud……….too many Women died in Utah for no simple reason…..but wanting to Live…free…
.If your “Mormon Church” speaks for all gods people including (Negro) ……
Why not your official Church Doctrines in 2011….and why other religions may be resting in Peace and safe in your Utah….
I live there for years with no single day of human (Negro) Peace and my family was killed there and I Know everything…………….

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