Thursday, May 26, 2011

To: Speaker of the House John Boehner (Report Card)…..xoxox

Here is U.S. House of Representatives Roll Call Votes of the
112th Congress - 1st Session (2011) which caught my notice
To extend expiring provisions of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 and Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 relating to access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011…………….A+

To designate the United States courthouse under construction at 98 West First Street, Yuma, Arizona, as the John M. Roll United States Courthouse…A+

Reducing the amount authorized for salaries and expenses of Member, committee, and leadership offices in 2011 and 2012………..XXX A+

You guy’s get’s some weak Ass Motherfucking cuss words this time………and was that very hard…112th  Congress… guys been behaving ya self  ….  nobody trying to get somebody else shot………..Fucking Holly Hell even Sen. John McCain voted thumbs Up on Smoking “Moammar Gadhafi” fucked up ass and got it right this time too….Now  who in 112th Congress gave his Red Neck Slow Ass some XXX Ditch weed….
.And 112th Congress – and Gov. Rick Perry (Good Suit wearing Motherfucker) and the State of Texas…..xoxoxoxo

 (XXX Thanks) for the 2011 Budget for the “Homeless “poor people” & “Niggers” funding project(s) @ Christ Church Cathedral in Houston Texas…..I peeked in the Window”…and check in on them stole a plate of food too…...and they were having good vittles-n-thangs with all four food groups on the trays….……Drinks-n- thangs…plus sugar for the coffee…lot’s of Ice cool Tea…..xoxoxo saw
Some of them homeless trash…..even tried to wash the extra dirt of their smelly asses……………..xoxoxox!

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