Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cmdr. Bluefin 2011 “Vicious Valentine’s” Day Special Fucking Report:

To: (Former) Rep. Chris Lee, R-N.Y.,
To: The Federal Reserve Chairman……
To: Mom (“Happy Valentine’s Day & Happy Birthday”….xoxoxo)
    First (Former) Rep. “Chris Lee”…....Dude what Kind of fucked up “Dead Chicken Wing”…..
 “Daffy Duck Pose” is that “fucking shit” supposes to be…….
    “Work with a “Nigger”….on this one….is that’s a muscle…of “Fine Force” & “Republican Power”…..?
    Or….. Is that just your plan “old extra greasy limply fatty tissue” of reprocess “yogurt” & :”vomit” & “thangs”…looking “Extra Crazy” for some serious fucking (OMG)….. 15 minutes of “Fame”……?
Getting the “Fucking Sexy Chick’s panties extra full of squirts with wet’s -n- “Hots & Thangs”…..
        (Smoooooooch)…. My, My, Very impressive “DNA”…..
     “Motherfucker”,….. if your “Cluck up” Ass… not hurry the “fuck up” and cover up that fucked up….. “Broken Daffy Duck Chicken Wing”…. stupid ass shit…. and put on a “got dam shirt”……….
  “You So Very Stupid Bitch”…..
    Fucking up my “Sherlock Holmes”, story Case of the “Prince Witch Voodoo Doctor”….trying to “torpedo a fucking “German Attack Submarine” (Right fucking God Dam it Now),,,
    But all I can see in my fucked up mind is a “Hell of an Internet help my poor eye burner”….of a fucked up “broken cluck up chicken wing” ordeal…..
  Rep. Fuck up “Daffy Duck”…. running around with a broken “Stale Red Neck”… “Chicken wing Pose”…and for the girls……………..Please…..
  Once again………you stupid…. “Bitch”
          “Larry Flint” “Hustler Mag”….where you at…..”wakes” the fuck up… ya good “skin peddler”……Got a Extra Live French Fry one for ya…..
      See if we cannot slap another “Center Fold Lay Out”….. With the Old “American Flag” on this “Shit Butt Hole” “Broken Daffy Duck Chicken Wing” with (4) naked extra 480 lbs each, sexy fat funky zit puss (Bitches)…doing the spread “Eagle”……..
He is so Fucking Broke Now…. “Crooked Daffy Duck Broken Chicken Wing Bastard”……(Need a Job)………xoxoox
To: The Federal Reserve Chairman: I am going to make it real simple for your extra slooooooooooooooow Ass”.
    Fuck “Gold, land, sliver, stock, and Bonds –n- Thangs….
 “Nigger” never going to see the “Shit”…….
I got some serious info on you…(Sweet)….. so this is what we call “Nigger Black Mail”………………between you & Me….xoxoxo
     So “Listen” ya (Fucker)……..Aluminum “Fucking Can’s needs to take a “Hell of a Fucking dramatic climb”……
 And by fucking 6:45 am on “Valentines Day” 2011…it going to be some serious fucking shit…………(It’s)……My Mom’s “Birthday & Valentine’s Day”….
  Last time I saw her piss off when I was “Little one”….”Big extra goofy Jock Football player tuff big brother”….. Talking …“Big Brother Cajun Trash” to (Mom)…….”dude it was not so nice …..She simply walk into the “Fucking Kitchen”….open up the fucking frig,….
 And got a cold can of “Lone Star Beer”……walk past the “Bed Room Door “really supersonic “Mark-4 fast…..
which said “Bed Room”…was full of “Her” other (3) innocent children… “especially Me”…..
  And (Mom)…said “What did you say “Motherfucker”….& ….Launch a “RPG”….(Lone Star Can Beer)…on her supersonic very fast piss off way…. to her fucking bed room…..& very much dead on target …to his (Ground Zero) “Extra Tuff Jock Football” ……“Fucking skull”…..(Shit Dude)…. fucking “beer suds” was god dam it ….fucking like every were…..
    I did a “mad scramble” underneath the “baby bed”….. and I know for sure I was under some sort of….. “(MOM) ….supersonic  “RPG” (Lone Star Can Beer) shell shock” and (Thangs)….
& …I Slept their all “fucking night”… balled all up, very scared for fucking……“Supper”……
   So (F.R. “Chairman”) Aluminum “Fucking Can’s shit… better climb up the fucking “Skid’s)….and extra fucking fast…….
   Mom she ain’t taking no “crap”, no ‘shorts’…and especially no “fucking shit”…….

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